97 research outputs found

    Estrategias de marketing mix y las ventas en lucky star apart hotel – Chiclayo 2015.

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    La presente investigación se elaboró en el establecimiento hotelero Lucky Star-Chiclayo a consecuencia de la caída de sus ventas durante el 2014 y 2015. Se identificó como objetivo general establecer estrategias de marketing mix basadas en el producto, precio, plaza y promoción para el incremento de las ventas de Lucky Star Apart Hotel; se formuló la hipótesis de investigación de la siguiente manera, si un plan de estrategias de marketing mix basado en el producto, precio, plaza y promoción es elaborado en base a la teoría de la comunicación entonces las ventas en Lucky Star Apart Hotel-Chiclayo serán incrementadas. Como técnica tuvo la encuesta y el instrumento que se utilizó para la recolección de datos fue un cuestionario de 10 ítems basado en el modelo de likert, aplicado a 57 clientes del hotel durante el periodo de 3 semanas. En conclusión se pudo evidenciar que el 83% de los encuestados manifestaron que si perciben estrategias de marketing en el hotel, mientras que el 17% argumentaron estar en desacuerdo, esto se basa en que las estrategias de marketing mix basadas en el producto, precio, plaza y promoción no son las adecuadas. Se recomienda implementar la propuesta diseñada para el hotel y realizar cada uno de los programas planteados respetando las fechas y actividades a realizar para lograr con éxito los objetivos estratégicos trazados para lograr el aumento continuo y estandarizado de las ventas en Lucky Star Apart Hotel.Tesi

    Tratamientos de hidratación-deshidratación en la germinación de semillas de especies de ecosistemas semiáridos

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    En algunas investigaciones se ha reportado que someter a las semillas a ciclos de HD provoca una modificación en el porcentaje de germinación y/o tiempo medio de germinación (t50), probablemente también una pérdida de viabilidad en las semillas. Diversos autores han comprobado la presencia de una “memoria de hidratación” en algunas especies de diferentes ecosistemas, observando cierta variabilidad en los resultados. En la presente investigación, el objetivo fue determinar la respuesta de diferentes especies que provenían del desierto Chihuahuense en México (catorce especies) y las Sierras de Córdoba en Argentina (siete especies) al estar bajo tratamientos de HD, a través de la expresión de una “memoria de hidratación”

    Efecto de los ciclos de hidratación y deshidratación en la germinación de nueve especies del Desierto Chihuahuense

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    "Plants from drylands have developed strategies to germinate even in places where available humidity is sporadic with large periods of drought. Previous works determined germination of cacti species as a response to discontinuous humidity events (“seed hydration memory”). This study is aimed at assessing whether species of the Chihuahuan Desert show a seed hydration memory. Our hypothesis is that seeds of desert species can tolerate periods of dehydration after single or multiple hydration events and subsequently germinate more and faster. We evaluated nine species: Sartwellia mexicana, Echinocactus platyacanthus, Cucurbita foetidissima, Lepidium virginicum, Lesquerella berlandieri, Yucca filifera, Atriplex canescens, Nassella tenuissima, and Ferocactus pilosus, using four treatments: T1 = 24 hours hydration/5 days dehydration (HD), T2 = Three consecutive cycles of 24 hours hydration/5 days dehydration, T3 = 72 hours hydration /5 d dehydration, and T4 = Control. Echinocactus platyacanthus, Nassella tenuissima, Ferocactus pilosus, and Lepidium virginicum showed higher germination with HD treatments than the control. Ferocactus pilosus and Lepidium virginicum had the highest germination in T2, Nassella tenuissima in T3, Echinocactus platyacanthus in any HD treatment while Yucca filifera in the control and T2. Yucca filifera and F. pilosus had the lowest germination rate (t50) in T2; E. platyacanthus in T1 and T2. The remaining species didn’t show differences in t50 between treatments. These results indicate that at least some desert species germinate more and faster after single or multiple hydration- dehydration events evincing the ability of those seeds to retain, during dehydration, the physiological changes produced from seed hydration.""Las especies de zonas áridas han desarrollado estrategias para germinar con poca humedad disponible y prolongadas sequías. Se ha reportado que algunas cactáceas responden a eventos de humedad discontinuos (“memoria de hidratación”). Aquí se evaluó si semillas de especies del Desierto Chihuahuense presentan “memoria de hidratación”. Nuestra hipótesis es que las semillas de especies del desierto pueden tolerar periodos de deshidratación después de eventos de hidratación simples o múltiples y germinar más y más rápido. Se evaluaron nueve especies: Atriplex canescens, Cucurbita foetidissima, Echinocactus platyacanthus, Ferocactus pilosus, Lepidium virginicum, Lesquerella berlandieri, Nassella tenuissima, Sartwellia mexicana, y Yucca flifera, con los siguientes tratamientos: T1 = 24 horas hidratación/5 días deshidratación (HD), T2 = Tres ciclos consecutivos de 24 horas hidratación/5 días deshidratación, T3 = 72 h hidratación/5 días deshidratación y T4 = Testigo. Echinocactus platyacanthus, N. tenuissima, F. pilosus y L. virginicum presentaron mayor germinación con HD que con el testigo. Ferocactus pilosus y L. virginicum tuvieron la mayor germinación con T2, N. tenuissima con T3, E. platyacanthus con cualquiera de los tratamientos de HD y Y. flifera con el testigo y T2. Yucca flifera y F. pilosus mostraron la menor tasa de germinación (t50) en T2 y E. platyacanthus con T1 y T2. El resto de las especies no presentaron diferencias. Estos resultados indican que al menos algunas especies del desierto germinan más y más rápido después de eventos simples o múltiples de hidratación-deshidratación evidenciando su habilidad para mantener, durante la deshidratación, los cambios fsiológicos producidos por la hidratación.

    Implementación de manual de funciones para el oficial de cumplimiento para la prevención y erradicación del delito de lavado de activos y financiamiento de delitos para el control de ingresos económicos por la venta de bienes e inmuebles de la empresa Furoiani obras y proyectos s.a. cantón Guayaquil, provincia del Guayas.

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    El lavado de activos representa un problema complejo a nivel de las compañías constructoras, dado que afecta a la economía ecuatoriana, y representaría una grave amenaza a la empresa Furoiani Obras y Proyectos que se dedica a la venta de bienes inmuebles, por desconocimiento total del origen o dudosa procedencia de los ingresos económicos, que podrían ocasionar pérdidas económicas futuras. Este proyecto es de suma importancia, porque mediante resolución UAF-DG-2012-035 de Marzo 30 del 2012, se estableció por la UAF la obligación de realizar y presentar los reportes que menciona dicha Ley. Con el propósito de desarrollar un Manual de políticas definidas para el cumplimiento, y prevención de actividades ilícitas. Para el efecto se contratará un Oficial de cumplimiento el mismo que debe ser notificado a la Unidad de Análisis Financiero, y el responsable de la elaboración y el envío de los reportes de Operaciones realizadas en un periodo determinado a la Unidad de Análisis Financiero en los plazos establecido por la ley

    Dyslexia: ways to identify and address it

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    Dyslexia is a reading and write-related learning disorder that affects many children, who are mostly untreated and treated to reduce the problems this represents and not become a barrier to those who have it because they are not aged Did it on time. The analysis through the bibliographic review of various authors, is the method used to make a study of the incidence of dyslexia, through this it is considered to review the styles and rhythms of learning since different problems arise from this such as aspect analyzed, it is also known what causes children to present these characteristics, what the consequences are and how the teacher can detect in order to use different measures. Several conclusions are obtained by being the most relevant that teachers have to have knowledge and preparation to be able to care for children with this difficulty

    Permanent application of diagnostic assessment on learning teaching process

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    This article is an analysis of the application of diagnostic assessment in teaching processes – learning by teachers at the School of Basic Education "May 24" in the canton of Portoviejo, for this purpose, exploratory research was used, to do so, to use exploratory research, to determine quantitative and qualitative criteria and achieve learning directed to the development of the evaluated body, as well as the application of the survey as a technique for collecting relevant data from the object of the study, this study shows that evaluation as a diagnostic process will allow the identification of previous learnings that will mark the starting point and decision-making for new learning, where the teachers apply it only at the beginning of the school year, limiting an educational practice of quality and warmth through modifications that respond to needs regarding the level of student performance, however different authors determine that this type of evaluation it should be used at the beginning of a topic or an academic period, becoming a permanent practice and accompanied by feedback processes

    Can Children Have Ordinary Expectable Caregiving Environments in Unconventional Contexts? Quality of Care Organization in Three Mexican Same-Sex Planned Families

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    The aim of this research was to explore the elements that configure the quality of care among three Mexican same-sex planned families: two female-parented families (through donor insemination) and a male-parented one (through adoption). The first family consisted of two mothers and a 3-year-old daughter; the second one had two mothers and a 1.5-year-old set of boy twins and the third family consisted of two fathers and a 2-year-old girl. It was assumed that Ainsworth’s notions of quality of care organization are useful in order to understand caregiver–child attachment relationships, regardless of the parents’ sexual orientation. A collective case study was selected due to the fact that these families shared their “unconventionality” (i.e., parents were not heterosexual) and the fact that they were planned, but each one constituted a particular case with a unique configuration. Four trained independent observers used the q-sort methodology (Maternal Behavior Q-Sort and Attachment Q-Sort) to describe parents’ and children’s behavior, respectively. The findings showed that parents were highly sensitive and all children used them as a secure base. To provide an in-depth examination of which elements configure the quality of care, a semi-structured interview with each parent was carried out. Through a thematic analysis, an over-arching theme named Affections and Emotions was identified, together with six subthemes: (1) Creating an affective environment; (2) Being available; (3) Acknowledging and expressing emotions; (4) Perceiving, interpreting and responding adequately to the child’s real self; (5) Taking the child’s perspective into account; and (6) Agreeing on roles and dividing the tasks. In order to showcase the particular configuration of gay parenting, the male-headed family narrative is reported in detail, because gay parents have been perceived as violating traditional gender roles as well as the hegemonic model of masculinity. The findings were consistent with the notion of quality of care as proposed by Ainsworth and her collaborators. The implications of the methodological device and research regarding same-sex planned families are discussed so as to understand the organization of the caregiving environment

    MicroRNAs in colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common type of cancer worldwide, currently representing the most common gastrointestinal cancer with 13% of all malignant tumors. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that repress the translation of target genes. Since their discovery, they have been shown to play an important role in the development of cancer, since they can act as tumor suppressors or oncogenes. A literature review was performed in different databases such as Medline, PubMed, Cochrane, nature, Wolters Kluwer, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library. Studies were included from 2003 to 2018. Colorectal cancer presents genetic heterogeneity, because it can develop in different ways, the pathway through which cancer occurs depends on the gene initially altered. The aberrant expression of microRNAs is implicated in the development of colorectal cancer and its progression. Three existing steps in the maturation of the microRNAs have been identified: 1) transcription of the pri-miRNA, 2) cleavage in the nucleus to form the pre-miRNA and 3) a final excision in the cytoplasm to form the mature microRNA. It has been discovered that miRNAs have an impact on cell proliferation, apoptosis, stress response, maintenance of stem cell potency and metabolism, all important factors in the etiology of cancer. The data analyzed in this article highlights the importance of the study of microRNAs in colorectal cancer, however, for the carcinogenic process, progression, therapeutic management and prognosis, more multicenter randomized clinical trials are needed with a detailed analysis

    Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in Different Hispanic Countries: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach

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    Parental burnout is a unique and context-specific syndrome resulting from a chronic imbalance of risks over resources in the parenting domain. The current research aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) across Spanish-speaking countries with two consecutive studies. In Study 1, we analyzed the data through a bifactor model within an Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) on the pooled sample of participants (N = 1,979) obtaining good fit indices. We then attained measurement invariance across both gender and countries in a set of nested models with gradually increasing parameter constraints. Latent means comparisons across countries showed that among the participants' countries, Chile had the highest parental burnout score, likewise, comparisons across gender evidenced that mothers displayed higher scores than fathers, as shown in previous studies. Reliability coefficients were high. In Study 2 (N = 1,171), we tested the relations between parental burnout and three specific consequences, i.e., escape and suicidal ideations, parental neglect, and parental violence toward one's children. The medium to large associations found provided support for the PBA's predictive validity. Overall, we concluded that the Spanish version of the PBA has good psychometric properties. The results support its relevance for the assessment of parental burnout among Spanish-speaking parents, offering new opportunities for cross-cultural research in the parenting domain