76 research outputs found

    Lithics in a Mesolithic Shell Midden: New Data from Poças de São Bento (Portugal).

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    The development, since 2010, of a research project on the Mesolithic of the Sado valley has provided new insights into the study of the lithic technology of the last hunter-gatherer societies. The new excavations carried out at Poças de São Bento shell midden, one of the largest and richest sites identified in the Sado valley, include a protocol for the systematic recovery and recording of archaeological remains, including the water sieving of all the excavated sediments. Therefore, as the new lithic materials do not suffer from any excavation or previous selection bias, it is possible to characterize raw material resources, lithic reduction strategies, tool production and functional areas in a more reliable approach. Selecting a specific excavation area and two different stratigraphic units for analyses allowed us to evaluate site integrity and to test some conventional interpretations concerning tool production and discard. Besides the common lithic blanks (flakes and bladelets) and tools (geometric armatures) already known from previous archaeological works, the analysed sample showed an unsuspected amount of non-characteristic debris, which was underrepresented in the collections of the 1950s, 1960s and even the 1980s. This fact is not exclusively related to the applied recovery methods; it also relates to the existence of intra-site variability (different functional areas) as recent investigations at the shell midden seem to indicate.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    At the edge of the marshes: new approaches to the Sado Valley Mesolithic (Southern Portugal)

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    Among the major European concentrations of Mesolithic settlements, the lower Sado valley is one of the least known. Despite the development of large systematic excavations in the mid twentieth century and recent attempts to re-examine some sites, only very partial information is available. Yet there are valuable unpublished archaeological collections in the National Museum of Archaeology in Lisbon, and the preservation of most of the sites is quite satisfactory. Moreover, the Sado shell middens are located in a very particular geographical setting, which opens up very interesting questions on the role of coastal and inland resources and landscapes among late hunter-gatherers. Since 2010, a Luso-Spanish interdisciplinary team has been systematically re-appraising this area within the framework of a research project on the transition to the Neolithic in coastal areas of SW Atlantic Europe. The project design and the preliminary results of the first fieldwork seasons are presented in this paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os mortos na Gruta do Escoural (Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal): interações nas primeiras sociedades camponesas do sudoeste da Península Ibérica

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    The arrival of farmers to the south-western Iberian Peninsula was followed by a period of complex human interaction after 5500 BCE. This marked the arrival of new technologies and subsistence practices such as pottery, husbandry and domestication of plants, but also the co-existence of diverse social structures and world-views in a territory populated by hunter-gatherers. Biological and sociocultural interactions between local and migrant groups at the onset and establishment of the Neolithic in Atlantic Europe are poorly understood. The Neolithic funerary context in the Escoural cave, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal, offers a research opportunity to examine these processes because it is uniquely well preserved and its use intersects key periods to understand multilayered human interaction. In this paper we present a synthesis of what is known about the Neolithic use of the cave complemented by new observations in the scope of a multidisciplinary project centred on the Escoural Cave started in 2018.A entrada dos primeiros agricultores no SO da Penísula Ibérica, c. 5500 BCE, foi acompanhada pela introdução de novas tecnologias e formas de subsistência. As interacções que se estabeleceram entre grupos locais e migrantes nesta etapa do processo histórico, que marca o advento e a consolidação do Neolítico na Europa Atlântica, são mal conhecidas. O contexto funerário da Gruta do Escoural (Montemor-o-Novo) constitui uma oportunidade para investigar estes processos, não só devido ao seu grau de preservação, mas porque a sua utilização intercepta períodos-chave para a compreensão de múltiplos aspectos dessa interacção humana. Os materiais arqueológicos escavados na década de 1960 incluem restos humanos, artefactos em pedra e osso, cerâmicas e adornos. Apesar de a cultura material sugerir uma afiliação ao Neolítico Médio (c. 4500-3500 BCE), a datação de restos humanos sugere um intervalo de tempo mais tardio (c. 3500-3000 BCE), marcado pela construção de monumentos megalíticos na região. O cruzamento de culturas de cronologia neolítica no Escoural é igualmente apoiado por cerâmicas cardiais e impressas, sugerindo uma utilização da cavidade no Neolítico Antigo (c. 5500-4700 BCE). Neste artigo apresentamos uma síntese dos dados conhecidos sobre a ocupação Neolítica da Gruta do Escoural, a par de novas observações realizadas no âmbito de um projeto iniciado em 2018 e centrado nesta cavidade. O objectivo deste projecto é implementar uma perspectiva interdisciplinar ao estudo da Arqueologia da Morte, investigando paralelamente as interacções humanas criadas com a introdução e consolidação de novas formas de vida na região (c. 5400-3000 BCE).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Looking for the traces of the last hunter-gatherers : Geophysical survey in the Mesolithic shell middens of the Sado valley (southern Portugal)

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    This paper presents the results of an application of geophysical surveying methods to Mesolithic sites in Portugal. Magnetic gradiometry maps have been produced at the sites of Vale de Romeiras and Poças de São Bento. At the latter, three excavation seasons have provided information to test the results of the survey. It is concluded that these techniques can be considered efficient tools for the delimitation of the sites and for the identification of Mesolithic and Neolithic structures. Looking for the traces of the last hunter–gatherers: Geophysical survey in the Mesolithic shell middens of the Sado valley (southern Portugal).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Profile of American tegumentary leishmaniasis in transmission areas in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2007 to 2017.

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    BACKGROUND: American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) is a widespread anthropozoonosis caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and is considered a serious public health problem. The aim of this study was to provide a descriptive analysis of confirmed ATL cases and evaluate the spatial distribution of ATL in high-risk transmission areas from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: An ecological, analytical, and retrospective study of the confirmed cases of ATL in Minas Gerais from 2007 to 2017 was conducted. To characterize these cases, multiple correspondence analysis and georeferencing of the ATL prevalence rates in the municipalities were conducted based on variables obtained at Sistema Nacional de Agravos de Notificação and Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística databases. RESULTS: There were 13,025 confirmed cases of ATL from 74.4% (635) municipalities of Minas Gerais, corresponding to a prevalence rate of 66.5 cases for every 100,000 inhabitants. Males aged 20 to 59 years and individuals who attended elementary school were most affected with ATL. Multiple correspondence analysis presented an accumulated qui-squared value of 44.74%, proving that there was a relationship between the variables, including ethnicity, age, pregnancy status, zone of infection, and number of cases. CONCLUSION: We confirmed that ATL is endemic to Minas Gerais, and there is high risk of infection within the municipalities due to a high rate of parasite transmission. The occurrence of infection in children, pregnant women, and the indigenous population demonstrates the need for the government to expand social policies aimed at vulnerable groups


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    Objetivo: Avaliar a mobilidade torácica através da cirtometria e do teste de sentar e alcançar (TSA) em crianças e adolescentes com fibrose cística (FC) antes e após 3 meses da aplicação de uma cartilha institucional de exercícios domiciliares. Material e métodos: Estudo tipo experimental, descritivo e analítico com crianças e adolescentes com FC colonizados por Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Foi realizada a mensuração da mobilidade torácica através da cirtometria e do TSA antes e após três meses da realização de exercícios domiciliares orientados através de cartilha, sendo comparadas as medidas entre si. Utilizou-se o método de Spearman para correlacionar as variáveis de interesse e comparação de médias para verificar a diferença entre os testes antes e após a realização dos exercícios. Resultados: Foram avaliados 10 pacientes na primeira fase do estudo, 80% do sexo feminino, com idade média de 14,9 anos. A medida alcançada no TSA foi de 44,1±10,17cm, enquanto a diferença de medidas da cirtometria entre a inspiração e expiração foi 3,3±1,06cm na região axilar, 3,5±1,3cm na região xifóide e 3,7±1,1cm na região umbilical. Houve correlação forte entre os valores obtidos nos testes e os valores da prova de função pulmonar. Após a aplicação dos exercícios domiciliares, tanto a cirtometria quanto o TSA melhoraram significativamente (p<0,001). Conclusão: Os exercícios domiciliares foram eficazes na melhora da mobilidade torácica, refletindo a importância das orientações e do estímulo à adesão ao tratamento nas crianças e adolescentes com FC

    The Role of Climate, Marine Influence and Sedimentation Rates in Late-Holocene Estuarine Evolution (SW Portugal)

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    This is the Accepted Manuscript of the published document. This version of the article has been updated to include the author's revisions after peer review, prior to typesetting for the journal. The Final Published PDF is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683618824768[Abstract] Estuaries are sensitive to changes in global to regional sea level, to climate-driven variation in rainfall and to fluvial discharge. In this study, we use source and environmentally sensitive proxies together with radiocarbon dating to examine a 7-m-thick sedimentary record from the Sado estuary accumulated throughout the last 3.6 kyr. The lithofacies, geochemistry and diatom assemblages in the sediments accumulated between 3570 and 3240 cal. BP indicate a mixture between terrestrial and marine sources. The relative contribution of each source varied through time as sedimentation progressed in a low intertidal to high subtidal and low-energy accreting tidal flat. The sedimentation proceeded under a general pattern of drier and higher aridity conditions, punctuated by century-long changes of the rainfall regime that mirror an increase in storminess that affected SW Portugal and Europe. The sediment sequence contains evidence of two periods characterized by downstream displacement of the estuarine/freshwater transitional boundary, dated to 3570–3400 cal. BP and 3300–3240 cal. BP. These are intercalated by one episode where marine influence shifted upstream. All sedimentation episodes developed under high terrestrial sediment delivery to this transitional region, leading to exceptionally high sedimentation rates, independently of the relative expression of terrestrial/marine influences in sediment facies. Our data show that these disturbances are mainly climate-driven and related to variations in rainfall and only secondarily with regional sea-level oscillations. From 3240 cal. BP onwards, an abrupt change in sediment facies is noted, in which the silting estuarine bottom reaches mean sea level and continued accreting until present under prevailing freshwater conditions, the tidal flat changing to an alluvial plain. The environmental modification is accompanied by a pronounced change in sedimentation rate that decreased by two orders of magnitude, reflecting the loss of accommodation space rather than the influence of climate or regional sea-level drivers.This work was developed in the scope of a BD grant funded by FCT (SFRH/BD/110270/2015) and under projects CoChange (HAR2014-51830-P) and COASTTRAN (HAR2011-29907-C03-00) financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and project Back to Sado (PTDC/HIS-ARQ/121592/2010) funded by FCT. The authors would also like to acknowledge the support of the Instituto Dom Luiz–IDL (UID/GEO/50019/2013)Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; SFRH/BD/110270/2015Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; PTDC/HIS-ARQ/121592/2010Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UID/GEO/50019/201

    Equilibrium of Global Amphibian Species Distributions with Climate

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    A common assumption in bioclimatic envelope modeling is that species distributions are in equilibrium with contemporary climate. A number of studies have measured departures from equilibrium in species distributions in particular regions, but such investigations were never carried out for a complete lineage across its entire distribution. We measure departures of equilibrium with contemporary climate for the distributions of the world amphibian species. Specifically, we fitted bioclimatic envelopes for 5544 species using three presence-only models. We then measured the proportion of the modeled envelope that is currently occupied by the species, as a metric of equilibrium of species distributions with climate. The assumption was that the greater the difference between modeled bioclimatic envelope and the occupied distribution, the greater the likelihood that species distribution would not be at equilibrium with contemporary climate. On average, amphibians occupied 30% to 57% of their potential distributions. Although patterns differed across regions, there were no significant differences among lineages. Species in the Neotropic, Afrotropics, Indo-Malay, and Palaearctic occupied a smaller proportion of their potential distributions than species in the Nearctic, Madagascar, and Australasia. We acknowledge that our models underestimate non equilibrium, and discuss potential reasons for the observed patterns. From a modeling perspective our results support the view that at global scale bioclimatic envelope models might perform similarly across lineages but differently across regions

    A assistência psíquica no Sistema Único de Saúde: um relato de experiência

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    The aim was to describe an experience report about the assistance offered by the Unified Health System to psychiatric patients and how this support network can be fundamental in their lives. This is a qualitative, descriptive research, which will report the experience lived in Primary Care correlated with the theoretical aspects of the course, in the context of Mental Health. Some evidenced literatures were selected. Thus, they were used to search for articles on the Google Scholar and Scientific Electronic Library Online search platforms. For the discussion, the two categories were listed: Primary Care in mental health care and multi- and interdisciplinarity in psychiatric and mental health care, which were later analyzed and claimed. It is concluded that the psychic assistance provided to patients with mental problems is essential for them to achieve: autonomy, freedom, exercise their citizenship, equity and access to quality health services.O objetivo principal foi descrever um relato de experiência acerca da assistência ofertada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde aos pacientes psiquiátricos e como essa rede de apoio pode ser fundamental em suas vidas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritiva, que relatará a experiência vivenciada na Atenção Primária correlacionadas com as vertentes teóricas do curso, no âmbito da Saúde Mental. Foram selecionadas algumas literaturas evidenciadas. Desse modo, foram utilizadas para busca de artigos nas plataformas de pesquisa Google Acadêmico e Scientific Electronic Library Online. Para a discussão, foram elencadas as duas categorias: A Atenção Primária na assistência à saúde mental e a multi e interdisciplinaridade no cuidado psiquiátrico e de saúde mental, sendo que, posteriormente, os mesmos foram analisados e pleiteados. Conclui-se que a assistência psíquica prestada aos pacientes com problemas mentais é fundamental para que eles consigam: autonomia, liberdade, exercer sua cidadania, equidade e acesso à serviços de saúde de qualidade

    A assistência psíquica no Sistema Único de Saúde: um relato de experiência

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    The aim was to describe an experience report about the assistance offered by the Unified Health System to psychiatric patients and how this support network can be fundamental in their lives. This is a qualitative, descriptive research, which will report the experience lived in Primary Care correlated with the theoretical aspects of the course, in the context of Mental Health. Some evidenced literatures were selected. Thus, they were used to search for articles on the Google Scholar and Scientific Electronic Library Online search platforms. For the discussion, the two categories were listed: Primary Care in mental health care and multi- and interdisciplinarity in psychiatric and mental health care, which were later analyzed and claimed. It is concluded that the psychic assistance provided to patients with mental problems is essential for them to achieve: autonomy, freedom, exercise their citizenship, equity and access to quality health services.O objetivo principal foi descrever um relato de experiência acerca da assistência ofertada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde aos pacientes psiquiátricos e como essa rede de apoio pode ser fundamental em suas vidas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritiva, que relatará a experiência vivenciada na Atenção Primária correlacionadas com as vertentes teóricas do curso, no âmbito da Saúde Mental. Foram selecionadas algumas literaturas evidenciadas. Desse modo, foram utilizadas para busca de artigos nas plataformas de pesquisa Google Acadêmico e Scientific Electronic Library Online. Para a discussão, foram elencadas as duas categorias: A Atenção Primária na assistência à saúde mental e a multi e interdisciplinaridade no cuidado psiquiátrico e de saúde mental, sendo que, posteriormente, os mesmos foram analisados e pleiteados. Conclui-se que a assistência psíquica prestada aos pacientes com problemas mentais é fundamental para que eles consigam: autonomia, liberdade, exercer sua cidadania, equidade e acesso à serviços de saúde de qualidade