1,034 research outputs found

    Museus e centros de ciências, mídia e escola : articulações possíveis e necessárias na promoção da cultura científica

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    A necessidade e as possibilidades de articulação entre o ensino das ciências no ambiente escolar e iniciativas de educação não formal têm ganhado cada vez mais destaque, ainda que, muitas vezes, o papel da educação não formal seja definido frente à afirmação da necessidade de carências da escola, em detrimento de uma concepção de complementaridade. Neste trabalho, exploramos o potencial e os desafios envolvidos na articulação entre Museus e Centros de Ciências, Mídia e Escola pautada nessa complementaridade, bem como em um conceito abrangente de cultura científica, a partir da apresentação de iniciativas desenvolvidas no Laboratório Aberto de Interatividade para a Disseminação do Conhecimento Científico e Tecnológico (LAbI), vinculado à Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar - São Carlos, SP, Brasil)

    Evaluation of seismic vulnerability assessment parameters for portuguese vernacular constructions with nonlinear numerical analysis

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    Considering that vernacular architecture may bear important lessons on hazard mitigation and that well-constructed examples showing traditional seismic resistant features can present far less vulnerability than expected, this study aims at understanding the resisting mechanisms and seismic behavior of vernacular buildings through detailed finite element modeling and nonlinear static (pushover) analysis. This paper focuses specifically on a type of vernacular rammed earth constructions found in the Portuguese region of Alentejo. Several rammed earth constructions found in the region were selected and studied in terms of dimensions, architectural layout, structural solutions, construction materials and detailing and, as a result, a reference model was built, which intends to be a simplified representative example of these constructions, gathering the most common characteristics. Different parameters that may affect the seismic response of this type of vernacular constructions have been identified and a numerical parametric study was defined aiming at evaluating and quantifying their influence in the seismic behavior of this type of vernacular buildings. This paper is part of an ongoing research which includes the development of a simplified methodology for assessing the seismic vulnerability of vernacular buildings, based on vulnerability index evaluation methods.(undefined

    Seismic behaviour of portuguese rammed earth buildings

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    Rammed earth is one of the oldest building materials in the world and is present in the Portugal with a particular focus in the South of the country. The mechanical properties and the structural behaviour of rammed earth constructions have been the subject of study of many researchers in the recent years. This study is part of a broader research on vernacular seismic culture in Portugal. Numerical analyses were carried out on a rammed earth masonry construction representative of the vernacular heritage of Alentejo region. Variations in the geometry, constructive characteristics and material properties were implemented and the main conclusions of the non-linear static and modal analysis are presented. Analysing the damage framework allowed interpreting the weaknesses of this type of constructions and consider the most appropriate reinforcement methodologies

    De la competencia a la cooperación: los cambios de paradigmas en la ecología basada en rasgos cambian nuestro entendimiento de los procesos que estructuran a las comunidades microbianas

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    Prevailing social, economic and political ideas and paradigms constitute the lens through which scientists observe, assess, and understand the world. This affects how we interpret and understand the mechanisms governing the interaction between organisms and has led, in most cases, to dominant explanations and paradigms that are difficult to overthrow. This is the case of ecological theory, whose perspectives have followed the rationale of societal changes. From the industrial revolution to very recently, species competition for resources was regarded as one of the main drivers of species interactions. Nowadays, a new and rapidly growing way of thinking emerged, fueled by the high sequencing capacities, ultra-resolution microscopy and the slowly growing number of different social and gender perspectives participating in ecological studies: that living beings are not just single organisms interacting with other single organisms, but complex communities of macro- and microorganisms living and evolving together. The information emerging from this field is bringing new light to previously disregarded aspects of the ecological interactions that, in our opinion, will change the main paradigms in ecology. As members of a South American scientific network of Aquatic Microbial Ecology (MicroSudAqua), here we propose to explore alternative explanations for ecological observations, searching for new traits accounting for cooperation between microorganisms as a fundamental evolutionary and ecological strategy.Las ideas y paradigmas sociales, económicos y políticos prevalecientes constituyen la lente a través de la cual las científicas y los científicos observamos, evaluamos y comprendemos el mundo. A menudo, esto impregna y afecta la interpretación de los mecanismos que rigen las interacciones entre organismos, y llega a generar paradigmas difíciles de poner en discusión. Un ejemplo es el caso de la teoría ecológica, cuyas perspectivas han seguido la lógica de los cambios sociales. Desde la época de la Revolución Industrial hasta muy recientemente, la competencia interespecífica por los recursos se consideró como una de las formas principales en que las especies interactúan. En la actualidad, presenciamos un cambio en la forma de pensar; su crecimiento es veloz, impulsado por las capacidades de secuenciación masiva, la microscopía de ultra resolución y la cantidad cada vez mayor de diferentes perspectivas sociales y de género con la que se abordan los estudios de ecología. Esta nueva perspectiva implica que los seres vivos no son organismos solitarios que interactúan con otros organismos solitarios, sino comunidades complejas de macro y microorganismos que conviven y evolucionan juntos. La información que emerge de este campo está dando nuevos aportes a aspectos antes ignorados de las interacciones ecológicas; en nuestra opinión, estos aportes cambiarán los principales paradigmas de la ecología. Como integrantes de la Red Científica Sudamericana de Ecología Microbiana Acuática (MicroSudAqua), en este trabajo exploramos explicaciones alternativas de las observaciones ecológicas, buscando nuevos rasgos que den cuenta de la cooperación entre microorganismos como una estrategia evolutiva y ecológica fundamental

    Quinone oxidoreductase from Staphylococcus aureus

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    Funding Information: Helena Gaspar is acknowledged for the HPLC analyses and Bruno Victor for advice on modelling. F.M.S. and M.S.S. are recipients of fellowships by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PD/BD/128213/2016 and PD/BD/128202/2016, respectively, both within the scope of the PhD program Molecular Biosciences PD/00133/2012). A.B. is recipient of a fellowship by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia UI/BD/153052/2022. The work was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ( PTDC/BIA-BQM/2599/2021 to M.M.P). The project was further supported by UIDB/04046/2020 and UIDP/04046/2020 Centre grants from FCT , Portugal (to BioISI), by LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660 cofunded by FEDER through COMPETE2020-POCI and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and by UIDB/04612/2020 and UIDP/04612/2020 research unit grants from FCT (to Mostmicro). The NMR spectrometers are part of the National NMR Network (PTNMR) and are supported by Infrastructure Project N° 022161 (co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI, and PORL and FCT through PIDDAC). Funding Information: Helena Gaspar is acknowledged for the HPLC analyses and Bruno Victor for advice on modelling. F.M.S. and M.S.S. are recipients of fellowships by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PD/BD/128213/2016 and PD/BD/128202/2016, respectively, both within the scope of the PhD program Molecular Biosciences PD/00133/2012). A.B. is recipient of a fellowship by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia UI/BD/153052/2022. The work was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/BIA-BQM/2599/2021 to M.M.P). The project was further supported by UIDB/04046/2020 and UIDP/04046/2020 Centre grants from FCT, Portugal (to BioISI), by LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660 cofunded by FEDER through COMPETE2020-POCI and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and by UIDB/04612/2020 and UIDP/04612/2020 research unit grants from FCT (to Mostmicro). The NMR spectrometers are part of the National NMR Network (PTNMR) and are supported by Infrastructure Project N° 022161 (co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE 2020, POCI, and PORL and FCT through PIDDAC). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen and one of the most frequent causes for community acquired and nosocomial bacterial infections. Even so, its energy metabolism is still under explored and its respiratory enzymes have been vastly overlooked. In this work, we unveil the dihydroorotate:quinone oxidoreductase (DHOQO) from S. aureus, the first example of a DHOQO from a Gram-positive organism. This protein was shown to be a FMN containing menaquinone reducing enzyme, presenting a Michaelis-Menten behaviour towards the two substrates, which was inhibited by Brequinar, Leflunomide, Lapachol, HQNO, Atovaquone and TFFA with different degrees of effectiveness. Deletion of the DHOQO coding gene (Δdhoqo) led to lower bacterial growth rates, and effected in cell morphology and metabolism, most importantly in the pyrimidine biosynthesis, here systematized for S. aureus MW2 for the first time. This work unveils the existence of a functional DHOQO in the respiratory chain of the pathogenic bacterium S. aureus, enlarging the understanding of its energy metabolism.publishersversionpublishe

    Thermochemical and catalytic conversion technologies for the development of Brazilian biomass utilization

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    The social, economic, and environmental impacts of climate change have been shown to affect poorer populations throughout the world disproportionally, and the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020–2021 has only exacerbated the use of less sustainable energy, fuel, and chemical sources. The period of economic and social recovery following the pandemic presents an unprecedented opportunity to invest in biorefineries based on the pyrolysis of agricultural residues. These produce a plethora of sustainable resources while also contributing to the economic valorization of first-sector local economies. However, biomass-derived pyrolysis liquid is highly oxygenated, which hinders its long-term stability and usability. Catalytic hydrogenation is a proposed upgrading method to reduce this hindrance, while recent studies on the use of nickel and niobium as low-cost catalysts, both abundant in Brazil, reinforce the potential synergy between different economic sectors within the country. This review gathers state-of-the-art applications of these technologies with the intent to guide the scientific community and lawmakers alike on yet another alternative for energy and commodities production within an environmentally sustainable paradigm

    Contaminação bacteriana em teclados de computadores utilizados em hospital universitário do nordeste do Brasil

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    The technological advance allows the insertion of computers in the hospital environment, being neededto the execution of tests, record the patient information or doctor's personal use. Thirtyone samples ofcomputer keyboards from the Hospital "Professor Alberto Antunes", at the Federal University of Alagoas,Brazil (UFAL), were subjected to microbiological analysis in the period from February to June 2011. Thecolonies that were isolated were subsequently morphologically and biochemically analyzed, including by automated method (VITEK®). Among the sectors monitored, the following bacteria were detected:Acinetobacter baumannii (Obstetrical Clinic), Pseudomonas stutzeri (General Medicine and Maternity),P. oryzihabitans (Pediatrics), Enterobacter cancerogenus (Chemotherapy Sector), E. cloacae (NeonatalIntensive Care Unit), Enterococcus faecium (Oncology Nursing Sector), Sphingomonas paucimobilis(Ophtalmology Sector) and  Rhizobium radiobacter (rooming). From these,  P. oryzihabitans, E.cancerogenus and S. paucimobilis showed resistance to antibiotics commonly recommended. Therefore, the hospital computer keyboards can play in the spread of pathogens and should be part of theroutine disinfection of the hospital. Cover with protective film and the adoption of preventive measuressuch as hand washing are important.O avanço tecnológico permitiu a inserção dos computadores no ambiente hospitalar, sendo necessários na solicitação de exames, registro de informações dos pacientes ou para uso pessoal dos médicos.Trinta e um teclados de computadores do Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes/UFAL foramsubmetidos a análises microbiológicas no período de fevereiro a junho de 2011. As colônias isoladasdas amostras foram analisadas morfobioquímicamente, inclusive por método automatizado (VITEK®).Entre os setores monitorados, foram detectadas as seguintes bactérias: Acinetobacter baumanii (Clí-nica Obstétrica), Pseudomonas stutzeri (Clínica Médica e Maternidade),  P. oryzihabitans (Pediatria),Enterobacter cancerogenus (Setor de Quimioterapia), E. cloacae (UTI Neonatal), Enterococcus faecium(Enfermaria do Setor Oncológico), Sphingomonas paucimobilis (Setor Oftalmológico) e  Rhizobiumradiobacter (Alojamento Conjunto). Destas, P. oryzihabitans, E. cancerogenus e S. paucimobilis apresentaram resistência a antimicrobianos comumente recomendados. Portanto, os teclados de computadores hospitalares podem atuar na disseminação de patógenos, devendo fazer parte da rotina dedesinfecção do ambiente hospitalar. A cobertura com película protetora e a adoção de medidas preventivas como a lavagem das mãos são de grande importância

    Novel strategies to fight Candida species infection

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    In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of human fungal infections. The increase in cases of infection caused by Candida species, and the consequent excessive use of antimicrobials, has favored the emergence of resistance to conventional antifungal agents over the past decades. Consequently, Candida infections morbidity and mortality are also increasing. Therefore, new approaches are needed to improve the outcome of patients suffering from Candida infections, because it seems unlikely that the established standard treatments will drastically lower the morbidity of mucocutaneous Candida infections and the high mortality associated with invasive candidiasis. This review aims to present the last advances in the traditional antifungal therapy, and present an overview of novel strategies that are being explored for the treatment of Candida infections, with a special focus on combined antifungal agents, antifungal therapies with alternative compounds (plant extracts and essential oils), adjuvant immunotherapy, photodynamic therapy and laser therapy.Consolidating Research Expertise and Resources on Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology at CEB/IBB’’, Ref. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462BioHealth – Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality’’, Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000027 co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER