28 research outputs found

    Crustacean and rotifer seasonality in a Mediterranean temporary pond with high biodiversity (Lavajo de Abajo de Sinarcas, Eastern Spain)

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    A follow-up study was made of planktonic and periphytic crustaceans and rotifers during two hydroperiods of consecutive years in a Mediterranean temporary pond. The pond is relatively large with quite long hydroperiods in wet years (6-8 months) and it has a very rich community (4 large branchiopods, 12 cladocerans, 9 copepods, 36 rotifers). Three phases in faunal composition, quite consistent fram year to year, were distinguished: (1) Filling phase in autumn-winter is dominated by anos颅tracans (endemic Branchipus cortesi, with low proportions of Branchipus schaefferi) and diaptomids, two univoltine species (Hemidiaptomus ingens inermis, Diaptomus cyaneus intermedius) and one muItivoltine (Mixodiaptomus laciniatus atlantis). (2) Middle phase in spring dominated by cladocerans (Ceriodaphnia n.sp., Simocephalus vetulus, Ephemeroporus pinthoni颅cus, Chydorus sphaericus, Alona azorica) in this phase is also abundant the conchostracan Maghrebestheria maroccana and the notostracan Triops cancriformis. A shift toward insects occurs in the later part of this phase. (3) Desiccation phase in sum颅mer with lower diversity (Moina micrura, Alona rectangula and cyclopoids). Rotifers showed a low contribution to biomass and were more important in the middle phase. These phases are also marked by an increase of nutrients and phytoplankton chlorophyll in the filling and desiccation phases and a decrease of these variables in the middle phase, resulting in phytoplank颅ton cIearance and greater water transparency, concurrent with macrophyte growth. Interannual variability was outstanding in shaping these phases. The year 2007 was preceded by a wetter autumn, whereas 2008 was preceded by a very dry autumn thus, in this second year the main hydroperiod was shorter and the first phase was merged with the middle phase. In this shorter hydroperiod the open water microinvertebrate community reached lower biomass but attained a similar diversity since rotifers became relatively more abundant and richer in species than in the 2007 main hydroperiod, when the community was fully dominated by crustaceans.Se ha estudiado la estacionalidad de las comunidades de crust谩ceos y rotiferos planct贸nicos y perif铆ticos en una charca tempo颅ral mediterr谩nea en varios hidroperiodos durante dos a帽os consecutivos. La charca tiene una extensi贸n relativamente grande con un hidroperiodo largo en a帽os h煤medos (7-8 meses) y alberga una gran riqueza de especies (4 grandes branqui贸podos, 12 clad贸ceros, 9 cop茅podos, 36 rotiferos). Bas谩ndonos en los cambios en la composici贸n de esta fauna, se diferencian tres fases que se repiten de a帽o en a帽o, estas fases son: (1) Fase de llenado en oto帽o-invierno, dominada por anostr谩ceos (princi颅palmente por el end茅mico Branchipus cortesi, con una baja proporci贸n de Branchipus schaefferi) y diapt贸midos, dos especies univoltinas (Hemidiaptomus ingens inermis y Diaptomus cyaneus intermedius) y una multivoltina (Mixodiaptomus laciniatus atlantis). (2) Fase intennedia en primavera, dominada por clad贸ceros (Ceriodaphnia n.sp., Simocephalus vetulus, Ephe颅meroporus pinthonicus, Chydorus sphaericus, Alona azorica), destacan tambi茅n en esta fase la presencia del concostr谩ceo Maghrebestheria maroccana y el notostr谩ceo Triops cancriformis. Los rotiferos contribuyen poco a la biomasa y son algo m谩s importantes en esta fase intermedia. En la 煤ltima parte de esta fase se produce un cambio hacia una mayor presencia de insectos. (3) Fase de desecaci贸n en verano que corresponde con una menor diversidad (Moina micrura, Alona rectangula y cicl贸pidos). Las fases de llenado y desecaci贸n se caracterizan tambi茅n por un aumento de nutrientes y clorofila fitoplant贸nica mientras que en la fase intermedia su concentraci贸n es menor, aumentando la transparencia del agua y el desarrollo de los macr贸fitos. La variabilidad interanual determina la configuraci贸n de estas fases. El a帽o 2007 fue precedido por un oto帽o h煤medo mientras que 2008 fue precedido por un oto帽o muy seco, por lo que en este segundo a帽o el hidroperiodo principal fue muy corto fusion谩ndose la primera fase con la intermedia y la biomasa de microinvertebrados en aguas abiertas fue mucho menor que en el hidroperiodo del 2007, sin embargo se alcanzaron valores similares de diversidad debido a una relativamente mayor abundancia y riqueza de especies de rotiferos con respecto al hidroperiodo del 2007, en el que dominaron plenamente los crust谩ceos

    Macroinvertebrates assemblages on reed beds, with special attention to Chironomidae (Diptera), in Mediterranean shallow lakes

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    Macroinvertebrates associated to reed-beds (Phragmites australis) in six shallow natural water bodies along the 220 km of coast of the Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) were studied. These sites were selected to reflect different trophic states, but also, and due to the natural variability of mediterranean wetlands, they greatly differ in salinity and hydroperiod. To unify the sampling, reed bed was chosen to provide data from a habitat common to all wetlands, including the most eutrophic ones where submerged macrophytes have disappeared due to water turbidity. Individual submerged stems of Phragmites australis were sampled along with the surrounding water. The animal density found refers to the available stem surface area for colonization. Forty-one taxa were recorded in total, finding Chironomidae to be the most important group, quantitatively and qualitatively. In freshwater sites it was observed an increase in macroinvertebrate's density at higher trophic states. Nevertheless each studied region had a different fauna. The PCA analysis with macroinvertebrate groups distinguished three types of environment: freshwaters (characterized by swimming insect larvae, collectors and predators, oligochaetes and Orthocladiinae), saline waters (characterized by crustaceans and Chironominae) and the spring pool, which shares both taxa. Chironomids were paid special attention for being the most abundant. A DCA analysis based on the relative abundance of Chironomids reveals salinity as the main characteristic responsible for its distribution, but trophic state and hydrological regime were also shown to be important factors.Se han estudiado los macroinvertebrados asociados a la vegetaci贸n de carrizo (Phragmites australis) en seis lagunas someras a lo largo de los 220 km de costa de la Comunidad Valenciana (Espa帽a). Las lagunas se eligieron de manera que se contemplasen diferentes estados tr贸ficos, pero adem谩s y reflejando la natural variabilidad de los humedales mediterr谩neos, presentan importantes diferencias en cuanto al hidroperiodo y la salinidad. Para unificar el muestreo, se eligi贸 el carrizo por ser un elemento com煤n en todos los humedales, incluso los m谩s eutr贸ficos en los que los macr贸fitos sumergidos han desaparecido debido a la turbidez del agua. Para cada muestra se toma individualmente la parte sumergida de una planta de Phragmites australis junto con el agua circundante. La densidad de animales encontrados se refiere a superficie colonizable del tallo de la planta. En total se han encontrado 41 taxones, siendo Chironomiidae el grupo m谩s importante tanto cuantitativa como cualitativamente. En las lagunas de agua dulce, se observ贸 un aumento de la densidad de macroinvertebrados en los niveles tr贸ficos mayores. Sin embargo cada zona de estudio tiene una fauna diferente. El an谩lisis PCA de los grupos de macroinvertebrados diferencia tres tipos de ambientes: aguas dulces (caracterizados por larvas nadadoras de insectos recolectores y depredadores, oligoquetos y orthocladinos), aguas salobres (caracterizadas por la presencia de crust谩ceos y Chironomiinae) y el "ullal" o surgencia de agua que comparte taxones de los dos grupos anteriores. Se ha prestado especial atenci贸n al grupo de quiron贸midos por ser los m谩s abundantes. Un an谩lisis DCA basado en la abundancia relativa de las especies de quiron贸midos, muestra la salinidad como la principal caracter铆stica responsable de su distribuci贸n, siendo luego el estado tr贸fico y el r茅gimen hidrol贸gico factores tambi茅n importantes

    Spectrophotometric methods for the determination of photosynthetic pigments in stratified lakes : a critical analysis based on comparisons with HPLC determinations in a model lake

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    High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an accurate method for photosynthetic pigment analysis; however, spectrophotometric equations are also frequently used for pigment quantification in aquatic systems. Here, we present a critical analysis of the most-used spectrophotometric equations by comparing the results obtained using these equations with unambiguous HPLC determinations. The study was performed in Lake La Cruz (central Spain). In this meromictic lake with strong thermal stratification, photosynthetic populations occur in different, vertically stratified layers. Eukaryotic algae and picocyanobacteria are mostly located in oxic layers, whereas purple sulphur bacteria grow at the oxic-anoxic interface and below, and green sulphur bacteria occur primarily in deeper anoxic layers. This broad diversity of photosynthetic microorganisms involves a complex mixture of photosynthetic pigments that often exhibit overlapping absorption spectra. We tested spectrophotometric equations using samples that represented the entire range of spatial and temporal variability of the lake. For chlorophyll-a, the best correlations with all tested equations were observed for oxic layers. Regardless of where the sample was obtained, the best fit for chlorophyll-a was produced by the equation of Overmann & Tilzer, which is specifically designed to handle mixtures of chlorophyll-a and bacteriochlorophyll-d from green sulphur bacteria. Trichromatic equations for determining chlorophyll-b and -c exhibited strong interferences in anoxic waters, whereas in the upper layers of the lake, concentrations of these pigments were usually below the detection limit, restricting the use of these equations. The equations of Takahashi & Ichimura for bacterial pigments slightly overestimated both bacteriochlorophyll-a and -d by approximately 10 % and underestimated bacteriochlorophyll-c by nearly 23 %, although for bacteriochlorophyll-d, the correlation was better than those obtained using the dichromatic equations of Parkin & Brock and Overmann & Tilzer, respectively. Total carotenoid abundance can be assessed with the equation designed for this purpose by Strickland & Parsons (1972); however, the accuracy of the results differs with depth and is strongly biased by the presence of the bacterial carotenoid okenone. On the other hand, dual-wavelength carotenoid-to-chlorophyll-a ratios (430/665 and 480/665) only produced acceptable results in the epilimnion, with the occurrence of the bacterial carotenoid okenone in the microaerobic and anoxic layers again producing significant interference. Additionally, the wide variation with depth of the carotenoid composition undermined the validity of these dual-wavelength ratios. In conclusion, our findings indicate that a complete and unambiguous study of photosynthetic pigments in highly stratified lakes with overlapping populations of phototrophic microorganisms requires the use of HPLC techniques. Anyway, our results demonstrate that chlorophyll-a and bacteriochlorophyll-a and -d can be directly measured in oxic and anoxic layers, respectively, using spectrophotometric methods with an error lower than 10 %. However, according to our results, chlorophyll-b and -c and bacteriochlorophyll-c cannot be accurately estimated by spectrophotometric methods in stratified lakes.La cromatograf铆a l铆quida de alta eficacia (HPLC) es un m茅todo preciso para el an谩lisis de pigmentos fotosint茅ticos, sin embargo las ecuaciones espectrofotom茅tricas todav铆a se usan frecuentemente en sistemas acu谩ticos. En este trabajo mostramos un an谩lisis cr铆tico de algunas de estas ecuaciones comparando los resultados obtenidos con las determinaciones m谩s precisas realizadas por HPLC. El estudio se realiz贸 tomando como modelo la Laguna de La Cruz (centro de Espa帽a). En este lago merom铆ctico, que adem谩s presenta una fuerte estratificaci贸n t茅rmica estival, las poblaciones de microorganismos fotosint茅ticos se sit煤an verticalmente estratificadas en diferentes capas. Mientras que las algas eucariotas y las picocianobacterias se localizan en las capas 贸xicas, las bacterias p煤rpuras del azufre crecen en la interfase 贸xico-an贸xica y por debajo de esta y a las bacterias verdes del azufre se localizan en capas an贸xicas m谩s profundas. Esta amplia diversidad de microorganismos fotosint茅ticos implica una compleja mezcla de pigmentos fotosint茅ticos en los extractos, los cuales a menudo muestran espectros de absorci贸n que se superponen. Hemos ensayado las ecuaciones espectrofotom茅tricas con muestras que abarcan toda la variabilidad espacial y temporal del lago. Para la clorofila-a encontramos buenas correlaciones en las capas 贸xicas para la mayor铆a de las ecuaciones ensayadas. Sin embargo, la ecuaci贸n que mejor funciona en general para la determinaci贸n de la concentraci贸n de clorofila-a, independientemente del origen de la muestra, es la dada por Overmann & Tilzer, que est谩 dise帽ada espec铆ficamente para mezclas de clorofila-a con bacterioclorofila-d de bacterias verdes del azufre. Las ecuaciones tricrom谩ticas para la determinaci贸n de clorofila-b y c presentaron fuertes interferencias en aguas an贸xicas, mientras que en las capas superiores del lago las concentraciones se encontraron normalmente por debajo del l铆mite de detecci贸n, lo que restring铆a la posibilidad de uso de estas ecuaciones. Las ecuaciones de Takahashi & Ichimura (1970) para pigmentos bacterianos sobreestimaban tanto la concentraci贸n de bacterioclorofila-a como la d, aproximadamente en un 10 %, y subestimaban la concentraci贸n de bacterioclorofila-c casi en un 23 %; si bien para la determinaci贸n de bacterioclorofila-d la correlaci贸n fue mejor que la obtenida por las ecuaciones dicrom谩ticas de Parkin & Brock y de Overmann & Tilzer. La abun- dancia de carotenos totales puede ser estimada por la ecuaci贸n de Strickland & Parsons (1972) dise帽ada para este prop贸sito, sin embargo la precisi贸n en los resultados difiere con la profundidad y se ve tremendamente sesgada por la presencia del caroteno bacteriano okenona. Por otro lado, las relaciones caroteno/clorofila-a basada en medidas a doble longitud de onda (430/665 y 480/665) solo mostraban resultados aceptables en el epilimnion, ya que en otras capas la aparici贸n de carotenos bacterianos como la okenona produce interferencias significativas. Adem谩s, la gran variaci贸n en profundidad de la composici贸n de carotenos socava la validez de estas relaciones fundamentadas en medidas a doble longitud de onda. En conclusi贸n, nuestros resultados indican que el estudio de los pigmentos fotosint茅ticos completo y sin ambig眉edades en lagos fuertemente estratificados y consolapamiento de sus poblaciones de organismos fototr贸ficos requiere del uso de HPLC. Sin embargo, nuestros resultados tambi茅n demuestran que las concentraciones de clorofila-a y bacterioclorofila-a y d pueden ser directamente medidas, tanto en profundidades 贸xicas como an贸xicas, usando ecuaciones espectrofotom茅tricas con un error inferior a un 10 %. Por el contrario, de acuerdo con nuestros resultados ni la concentraci贸n de clorofila-b y c, ni la de bacterioclorofila-c pueden ser estimadas con precisi贸n por m茅todos espectrofotom茅tricos en lagos estratificados

    Methanotrophy under Versatile Conditions in the Water Column of the Ferruginous Meromictic Lake La Cruz (Spain)

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    Lakes represent a considerable natural source of methane to the atmosphere compared to their small global surface area. Methanotrophs in sediments and in the water column largely control methane fluxes from these systems, yet the diversity, electron accepting capacity, and nutrient requirements of these microorganisms have only been partially identified. Here, we investigated the role of electron acceptors alternative to oxygen and sulfate in microbial methane oxidation at the oxycline and in anoxic waters of the ferruginous meromictic Lake La Cruz, Spain. Active methane turnover in a zone extending well below the oxycline was evidenced by stable carbon isotope-based rate measurements. We observed a strong methane oxidation potential throughout the anoxic water column, which did not vary substantially from that at the oxic/anoxic interface. Both in the redox-transition and anoxic zones, only aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization and sequencing techniques, suggesting a close coupling of cryptic photosynthetic oxygen production and aerobic methane turnover. Additions of nitrate, nitrite and to a lesser degree iron and manganese oxides also stimulated bacterial methane consumption. We could not confirm a direct link between the reduction of these compounds and methane oxidation and we cannot exclude the contribution of unknown anaerobic methanotrophs. Nevertheless, our findings from Lake La Cruz support recent laboratory evidence that aerobic methanotrophs may be able to utilize alternative terminal electron acceptors under oxygen limitation

    Response of macroinvertebrates to experimental nutrient and fish additions in European localities at different latitudes

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    The sedimentary and plant-associated macroinvertebrate communities have been examined in a series of mesocosm experiments carried out in five locations, in Finland, Sweden, UK, Northwest Spain and Mediterranean Spain (the International Mesocosm Experiment). The experiments were designed to investigate how shallow lake ecosystems respond to the addition of nutrients and planktivorous fish along a climate gradient. Nutrient additions increased sedimentary benthos densities and total biomass to a plateau at intermediate levels of nutrients. The effect was greater in the warmest localities. Beyond the saturation point a further increase in nutrient loading had different effects depending on locality. Only in the southernmost site (in Mediterranean Spain), did it induce a shift to a turbid phase and macrophyte disappearance. Thus there are breakpoints in the relationship with nutrients, leading to alternative sediment communities subsequent to the water alternative states. Presence of fish increased the densities and biomass of sediment macroinvertebrates, more clearly in the more southern locality, where the fish Gambusia did not prey in the bottom animals. A stabilising role of macrophytes was observed by cutting them, samples taken three weeks after cutting indicated a higher effect of fish on the sediment community when macrophytes were not present. Nutrients tended also to increase densities of plant associated macroinvertebrates at low levels with a flattening of response at intermediate levels and a decline at high levels. At high fish level the numbers and biomass of plant-associated macroinvertebrates were lowered in all cases, because of increased predation. However fish addition at low level in most cases had the opposite effect, because their predation pressure was not high and regeneration of nutrients through their activities might increase food availability and control invertebrate predators. Fish influenced especially community composition, because they prey selectively. Addition of fish at low densities increased macroinvertebrate diversity. A diel migratory cycle was observed in plant-associated macroinvertebrates, but only in the southerly locations. Latitudinal influences on the structure of the macroinvertebrate communities occur but that they operate indirectly. There was a prominent effect of nutrients on these communities so that starting trophy is very important. Fish effects are layered on these and depend to a large extent on the particular range of diet of the species involved.Se ha estudiado la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bent贸nicos del sedimento as铆 como la de los asociados a los macr贸fitos en una serie de mesocosmos concebidos para un experimento m煤ltiple simult谩neo llevado a cabo en cinco localidades europeas: Finlandia, Suecia, Reino Unido (UK), Noroeste de Espa帽a y Levante Espa帽ol. El experimento fue dise帽ado para investigar como responden los ecosistemas de lagos someros a los aportes de nutrientes y a la abundancia de peces planct铆voros a lo largo de un gradiente clim谩tico. La adici贸n de nutrientes increment贸 la densidad del bentos del sedimento y su biomasa hasta estabilizarse a niveles intermedios de nutrientes, siendo este efecto mayor en las latitudes m谩s bajas y c谩lidas. M谩s all谩 del punto de saturaci贸n, un aumento adicional de la carga de nutrientes tuvo efectos diferentes dependiendo de la localidad y solo en el lugar de menor latitud, (en el Levante Espa帽ol) indujo el cambio hacia una fase turbia, con desaparici贸n de los macr贸fitos, esto es, hay puntos de ruptura relacionados con la carga de nutrientes que conducen a comunidades alternativas en el sedimento, subsiguientes a los mencionados estados alternativos en las aguas someras. La presencia de peces aument贸 la densidad y biomasa de los macroinvertebrados del sedimento, ello tambi茅n m谩s claramente en la localidad situada m谩s al Sur, ya que el pez planct铆voro ensayado (Gambusia) por lo general no depreda en los animales del sedimento. Se observ贸 tambi茅n el papel estabilizador de los macr贸fitos comparando las muestras tomadas antes y despu茅s de que estos fueran cortados, por ejemplo se observ贸 un efecto mayor de los peces en las comunidades del sedimento cuando los macr贸fitos no estaban presentes. Los nutrientes tendieron tambi茅n a incrementar las densidades de los macroinvertebrados asociados a los macr贸fitos cuando se aportan a bajos niveles, con una estabilizaci贸n de la respuesta para los valores intermedios y un declive para los valores m谩s altos. Cuando se adicionaron densidades altas de peces, el n煤mero y biomasa de los macroinvertebrados asociados a los macr贸fitos descendieron en todos los casos, como resultado del aumento de la depredaci贸n. Sin embargo, las adiciones a baja densidad de peces, en la mayor铆a de los casos, tuvo el efecto contrario, ya que su presi贸n de depredaci贸n no es alta y pueden contribuir a la regeneraci贸n de los nutrientes a trav茅s de la v铆a detr铆tica que incrementa la disponibilidad de alimento, as铆 como al control de otros invertebrados depredadores. La presencia de peces influenci贸 especialmente la composici贸n de la comunidad, ya que su depredaci贸n es selectiva. La adici贸n de peces en bajas densidades aument贸 la diversidad de los macroinvertebrados. Tambi茅n fue observado que el ciclo diario de migraci贸n en los macroinvertebrados asociados a los macr贸fitos, es m谩s importante en las localidades ubicadas en las latitudes de m谩s al Sur. Las influencias latitudinales en la estructura de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados, si bien sucede, opera indirectamente. Hay un efecto dominante de los nutrientes en estas comunidades, y el nivel tr贸fico de las condiciones iniciales es muy importante. Los efectos de los peces se subordinan al de los nutrientes y dependen en gran medida de la dieta de las especies involucradas

    Defining the importance of landscape metrics for large branchiopod biodiversity and conservation: the case of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands

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    The deficiency in the distributional data of invertebrate taxa is one of the major impediments acting on the bias towards the low awareness of its conservation status. The present study sets a basic framework to understand the large branchiopods distribution in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Since the extensive surveys performed in the late 1980s, no more studies existed updating the information for the whole studied area. The present study fills the gap, gathering together all available information on large branchiopods distribution since 1995, and analysing the effect of human population density and several landscape characteristics on their distribution, taking into consideration different spatial scales (100 m, 1 km and 10 km). In overall, 28 large branchiopod taxa (17 anostracans, 7 notostracans and 4 spinicaudatans) are known to occur in the area. Approximately 30% of the sites hosted multiple species, with a maximum of 6 species. Significant positive co-occurring species pairs were found clustered together, forming 4 different associations of large branchiopod species. In general, species clustered in the same group showed similar responses to analysed landscape characteristics, usually showing a better fit at higher spatial scales.Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico-CNPq [401045/2014-5]Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport [FPU014/06783]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio