6,417 research outputs found

    Multidimensional poverty in the EU: rethinking AROPE through a multi-criteria analysis

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    At risk of poverty or social exclusion rate (AROPE) constitutes the pivotal indicator of living conditions and poverty in the European Union. Nevertheless, as a multidimensional poverty measure, it has some drawbacks that significantly reduce its utility. In this paper, we propose an alternative multi-criteria approach that provides some innovations for the computation of multidimensional poverty in the European countries. We first propose a normalization formula for each dimension by using a double point of reference. We then put forward alternative aggregation functions that permit diverse degrees of substitutability across dimensions. This new formulation allows us to go beyond focusing merely on the rate of people classified as AROPE, making it possible to evaluate aspects such as the intensity of multidimensional poverty and how changes over time are distributed across population in terms of shared prosperity, as showed in an illustration for the EU28 countries.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Time Series Heterogeneous Co-execution on CPU+GPU

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    Time series motif (similarities) and discords discovery is one of the most important and challenging problems nowadays for time series analytics. We use an algorithm called “scrimp” that excels in collecting the relevant information of time series by reducing the computational complexity of the searching. Starting from the sequential algorithm we develop parallel alternatives based on a variety of scheduling policies that target different computing devices in a system that integrates a CPU multicore and an embedded GPU. These policies are named Dynamic -using Intel TBB- and Static -using C++11 threads- when targeting the CPU, and they are compared to a heterogeneous adaptive approach named LogFit -using Intel TBB and OpenCL- when targeting the co-execution on the CPU and GPU.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Measuring the Terminal Heights of Bolides to Understand the Atmospheric Flight of Large Asteroidal Fragments

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    The extent of penetration into the Earth's atmosphere of a meteoroid is defined by the point where its kinetic energy is no longer sufficient to produce luminosity. For most of the cases this is the point where the meteoroid disintegrates in the atmosphere due to ablation process and dynamic pressure during flight. However, some of these bodies have particular physical properties (bigger size, higher bulk strength, etc.) or favorable flight conditions (lower entry velocity or/and a convenient trajectory slope, etc.) that allow them to become a meteorite-dropper and reach the ground. In both cases, we define the end of the luminous path of the trajectory as the terminal height or end height. Thus, the end point shows the amount of deceleration till the final braking. We thus assume that the ability of a fireball to produce meteorites is directly related to its terminal height. Previous studies have discussed the likely relationship between fireball atmospheric flight properties and the terminal height. Most of these studies require the knowledge of a set of properties and physical variables which cannot be determined with sufficient accuracy from ground-based observations. The recently validated dimensionless methodology offers a new approach to this problem. All the unknowns can be reduced to only two parameters which are easily derived from observations. Despite the calculation of the analytic solution of the equations of motion is not trivial, some simplifications are admitted. Here, we describe the best performance range and the errors associated with these simplifications. We discuss how terminal heights depend on two or three variables that are easily retrieved from the recordings, provided at least three trajectory (h, v) points. Additionally, we review the importance of terminal heights, and the way they have been estimated in previous studies. Finally we discuss a new approach for calculating terminal heights.Peer reviewe

    Respuesta al fuego de HAC con y sin refuerzo de fibras

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    Algunas experiencias, básicamente de laboratorio, han trasmitido la idea de que los HAC son mas sensibles frente al fuego, en particular a sufrir fenómenos de explosión durante el mismo; la explicación se ha asociado con una mayor densidad de algunos HAC para similares dosificaciones que el hormigón convencional, relacionado con una mayor dificultad para evacuar el vapor de agua generado durante los procesos de deshidratación de la pasta de cemento, y a las tensiones térmicas generadas en su interior al ser expuestos a altas temperaturas. En este trabajo se analiza la contribución de los distintos componentes de un HAC en su respuesta frente al fuego, tanto en cuanto a su respuesta mecánica como de su microestructura. Finalmente se estudia las modificaciones introducidas por la incorporación al HAC de fibras de diferente procedencia (metálicas, de polipropileno y mezcla) para mejorar sus prestaciones mecánicas. Las resistencias a compresión de los HAC reforzados con fibras no presentan variaciones importantes a las distintas temperaturas, pero la resistencia a tracción mejora ante la presencia de fibras metálicas. La evolución en la porosidad, los cambios en la composición química y microestructura contribuyen a determinar la contribución de los distintos componentes del HAC en la respuesta al fuego

    Physically based alternative to the PE criterion for meteoroids

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    Meteoroids impacting the Earth atmosphere are commonly classified using the PE criterion. This criterion was introduced to support the identification of the fireball type by empirically linking its orbital origin and composition characteristics. Additionally, it is used as an indicator of the meteoroid tensile strength and its ability to penetrate the atmosphere. However, the level of classification accuracy of the PE criterion depends on the ability to constrain the value of the input data, retrieved from the fireball observation, required to derive the PE value. To overcome these uncertainties and achieve a greater classification detail, we propose a new formulation using scaling laws and dimensionless variables that groups all the input variables into two parameters that are directly obtained from the fireball observations. These two parameters, alpha and beta, represent the drag and the mass-loss rates along the luminous part of the trajectory, respectively, and are linked to the shape, strength, ablation efficiency, mineralogical nature of the projectile, and duration of the fireball. Thus, the new formulation relies on a physical basis. This work shows the mathematical equivalence between the PE criterion and the logarithm of 2 alpha beta under the same PE criterion assumptions. We demonstrate that log(2 alpha beta) offers a more general formulation that does not require any preliminary constraint on the meteor flight scenario and discuss the suitability of the new formulation for expanding the classification beyond fully disintegrating fireballs to larger impactors including meteorite-dropping fireballs. The reliability of the new formulation is validated using the Prairie Network meteor observations.Peer reviewe

    Improved linkage analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci using bulk segregants unveils a novel determinant of high ethanol tolerance in yeast

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    Background: Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) coupled to high throughput sequencing is a powerful method to map genomic regions related with phenotypes of interest. It relies on crossing two parents, one inferior and one superior for a trait of interest. Segregants displaying the trait of the superior parent are pooled, the DNA extracted and sequenced. Genomic regions linked to the trait of interest are identified by searching the pool for overrepresented alleles that normally originate from the superior parent. BSA data analysis is non-trivial due to sequencing, alignment and screening errors. Results: To increase the power of the BSA technology and obtain a better distinction between spuriously and truly linked regions, we developed EXPLoRA (EXtraction of over-rePresented aLleles in BSA), an algorithm for BSA data analysis that explicitly models the dependency between neighboring marker sites by exploiting the properties of linkage disequilibrium through a Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Reanalyzing a BSA dataset for high ethanol tolerance in yeast allowed reliably identifying QTLs linked to this phenotype that could not be identified with statistical significance in the original study. Experimental validation of one of the least pronounced linked regions, by identifying its causative gene VPS70, confirmed the potential of our method. Conclusions: EXPLoRA has a performance at least as good as the state-of-the-art and it is robust even at low signal to noise ratio's i.e. when the true linkage signal is diluted by sampling, screening errors or when few segregants are available

    Toward a Test Environment for Autonomous Controllers

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    In the last two decades, an increasing attention has been dedicated on the use of high level task planning in robotic control, aiming to deploy advanced robotics systems in challenging scenarios where a high autonomy degree is required. Nevertheless, an interesting open problem in the literature is the lack of a well defined methodology for approaching the design of deliberative systems and for fairly comparing different approaches to deliberation. This paper presents the general idea of an environment for facilitating knowledge engineering for autonomy and in particular to facilitate accurate experiments on planning and execution systems for robotics. It discusses features of the On-Ground Autonomy Test Environment (OGATE), a general testbench for interfacing deliberative modules. In particular we present features of an initial instance of such system built to support the GOAC robotic software

    An integrated Constraint-based, power Aware control system for Autonomous rover Mission operations

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    This paper aims at describing an integrated power-aware, model-based autonomous control architecture for planetary rover-based mission operations synthesized in the context of a Ph.D. program on the topic "Autonomy for Interplanetary missions" funded and supported by ESA. The proposed controller implements a single Sense-Act-Plan (SPA) closed-execution loop to safely command the robot activities considered in the context of a specific key mission scenario. Both highly decision making capabilities and a flexible execution process are the two key features on which the control system is grounded. Furthermore, target execution capabilities, specially those that allow to flexibly keeping pace with temporal and power-related contingencies that might threaten the whole schedule execution attainment, are demonstrated through the integration with the ESA\u27s 3DROV planetary rover system simulator

    Evaluación del comportamiento financiero de la empresa Cootranstol, en el marco de la crisis sanitaria 2020.

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    Definir un plan de acción operativo y financiero para la empresa Cootranstol que contribuya con la reactivación económica posterior a la crisis sanitaria por el COVID 19.Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal definir un plan de acción operativo y financiero para la empresa Cootranstol que contribuya con la reactivación económica posterior a la crisis sanitaria por el COVID 19. Dicho objetivo nace de la pregunta ¿Se pueden definir estrategias para la reactivación económica a partir de la evaluación del comportamiento financiero de la empresa COOTRANSTOL? A partir de ello se identificaron los factores que inciden directamente en los procesos que desarrolla la organización, reconociendo la importancia de los procesos contables y financieros para el éxito de cualquier organización. Es importante resaltar que durante el desarrollo de las actividades económicas de las organizaciones y en especial el de la empresa objeto de estudio: Cootranstol, intervienen transversalmente tres estructuras la Operativa, la financiera y la administrativa. Del estudio y análisis financiero del comportamiento de estas tres estructuras, se determina el estado en el cual se encuentra la organización. A partir de ello, se evaluaron los impactos generados por la pandemia del covid-19, sobre los cuales se plantearon estrategias financieras y operativas para mitigar los mismos, dando como resultado la implementación de campañas de fidelización de clientes y el desarrollo de estrategias para la gestión oportuna de los costos. Todo esto se realizó por medio de una metodología de tipo descriptivo, con un método inductivo y deductivo, con un enfoque mixto.The main objective of this research is to define an operational and financial action plan for the Cootranstol company that contributes to the economic reactivation after the health crisis caused by COVID 19. Said objective arises from the question: Can strategies be defined for the economic reactivation of based on the evaluation of the financial behavior of the company Cootranstol? From this, the factors that directly affect the processes developed by the organization were identified, recognizing the importance of accounting and financial processes for the success of any organization. It is important to highlight that during the development of the economic activities of the organizations and especially that of the company under study: Cootranstol, three structures intervene transversally: the Operative, the financial and the administrative. From the study and financial analysis of the behavior of these three structures, the state in which the organization is located is determined. Based on this, the impacts generated by the covid-19 pandemic were evaluated, on which financial and operational strategies were proposed to mitigate them, resulting in the implementation of customer loyalty campaigns and the development of strategies for the timely cost management. All this was done through a descriptive methodology, with an inductive and deductive method, with a mixed approach

    Evaluación del comportamiento financiero de la empresa Cootranstol, en el marco de la crisis sanitaria 2020.

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    Definir un plan de acción operativo y financiero para la empresa Cootranstol que contribuya con la reactivación económica posterior a la crisis sanitaria por el COVID 19.Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal definir un plan de acción operativo y financiero para la empresa Cootranstol que contribuya con la reactivación económica posterior a la crisis sanitaria por el COVID 19. Dicho objetivo nace de la pregunta ¿Se pueden definir estrategias para la reactivación económica a partir de la evaluación del comportamiento financiero de la empresa COOTRANSTOL? A partir de ello se identificaron los factores que inciden directamente en los procesos que desarrolla la organización, reconociendo la importancia de los procesos contables y financieros para el éxito de cualquier organización. Es importante resaltar que durante el desarrollo de las actividades económicas de las organizaciones y en especial el de la empresa objeto de estudio: Cootranstol, intervienen transversalmente tres estructuras la Operativa, la financiera y la administrativa. Del estudio y análisis financiero del comportamiento de estas tres estructuras, se determina el estado en el cual se encuentra la organización. A partir de ello, se evaluaron los impactos generados por la pandemia del covid-19, sobre los cuales se plantearon estrategias financieras y operativas para mitigar los mismos, dando como resultado la implementación de campañas de fidelización de clientes y el desarrollo de estrategias para la gestión oportuna de los costos. Todo esto se realizó por medio de una metodología de tipo descriptivo, con un método inductivo y deductivo, con un enfoque mixto.The main objective of this research is to define an operational and financial action plan for the Cootranstol company that contributes to the economic reactivation after the health crisis caused by COVID 19. Said objective arises from the question: Can strategies be defined for the economic reactivation of based on the evaluation of the financial behavior of the company Cootranstol? From this, the factors that directly affect the processes developed by the organization were identified, recognizing the importance of accounting and financial processes for the success of any organization. It is important to highlight that during the development of the economic activities of the organizations and especially that of the company under study: Cootranstol, three structures intervene transversally: the Operative, the financial and the administrative. From the study and financial analysis of the behavior of these three structures, the state in which the organization is located is determined. Based on this, the impacts generated by the covid-19 pandemic were evaluated, on which financial and operational strategies were proposed to mitigate them, resulting in the implementation of customer loyalty campaigns and the development of strategies for the timely cost management. All this was done through a descriptive methodology, with an inductive and deductive method, with a mixed approach