596 research outputs found

    Distinguishing Topical and Social Groups Based on Common Identity and Bond Theory

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    Social groups play a crucial role in social media platforms because they form the basis for user participation and engagement. Groups are created explicitly by members of the community, but also form organically as members interact. Due to their importance, they have been studied widely (e.g., community detection, evolution, activity, etc.). One of the key questions for understanding how such groups evolve is whether there are different types of groups and how they differ. In Sociology, theories have been proposed to help explain how such groups form. In particular, the common identity and common bond theory states that people join groups based on identity (i.e., interest in the topics discussed) or bond attachment (i.e., social relationships). The theory has been applied qualitatively to small groups to classify them as either topical or social. We use the identity and bond theory to define a set of features to classify groups into those two categories. Using a dataset from Flickr, we extract user-defined groups and automatically-detected groups, obtained from a community detection algorithm. We discuss the process of manual labeling of groups into social or topical and present results of predicting the group label based on the defined features. We directly validate the predictions of the theory showing that the metrics are able to forecast the group type with high accuracy. In addition, we present a comparison between declared and detected groups along topicality and sociality dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Análisis comparativo de desarrollo de valores en estudiantes administración y contabilidad pertenecientes a nivel académico de licenciatura y maestría

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    Es una investigación con diseño cuasi experimental, de campo, transversal, comparativo entre trece grupos de estudiantes universitarios de administración y contabilidad, pertenecientes a nivel académico de licenciatura y maestría con análisis estadístico de tipo descriptivo e inferencial. Población compuesta por 5,793 estudiantes de facultades oficial de administración y contabilidad pertenecientes a nivel académico de licenciatura y maestría Con una muestra aleatoria de 2,091: licenciatura, edad promedio 21.4 años, género femenino 59% y estado civil solteros 67%. 2) maestría edad promedio 27.4 años, género femenino 46% y estado civil solteros 52% Material: Cuestionario de Valores y antivalores VALANTI y Test de Valores de Allport Resultados: Existe diferencia significativa de valores entre estudiantes que estudian en diferentes niveles académicos en: Valor Económico, Valor Social y Valor de la Verdad. Observándose que los alumnos entre mayor nivel educativo se encuentran más comprometidos socialmente y se encuentran más apegados a la verdad, reflejo de su práctica ética profesional


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    Lactic acid fermentation with L. bulgaricus induced large changes in the morphology of corn starch granules. The production of amylolytic enzymes as well as lactic acid produced fractures along the granule hilum, which led to disintegration of starch granules at long fermentation times. On the other hand, lactic acid fermentation increased crystallinity and double-helices structures, which led to increased susceptibility to acidic hydrolysis. In fact, thermal analysis results indicated than an improved internal organization of granule residues occurred. In general, the results showed that the fermentation time can be considered as a suitable parameter for modulating the physicochemical properties of corn starch granules. Additionally, it can be postulated that lactic acid fermentation of starchy food matrices has a positive effect on the acidic digestibility of starch granules, by improving the content of resistant starch fractionsLactic acid fermentation (LAF) has been used since antiquity to conserve food including starchy food. The bioaccessibility of starch depends on the food microstructures. Therefore, the understanding of the physicochemical transformations of the starch suffered during LAF will allow to develop an adequate processing of the alimentary matrices. In this work, native corn starch (NCS) dispersions were inoculated with Lactobacillus bulgaricus (2×107 cells ml−1) and fermented for 24 h at 38 ºC. Physicochemical changes of starch granules during fermentation time were monitored by XRD, FTIR and DSC. The crystallinity content achieved a maximum value (39.72±1.02%) after 12 h of fermentation. In contrast, the absorbance ratio 1047/1022 from FTIR measurements increased as the fermentation advanced. Likewise, DSC analysis showed that the gelatinization enthalpy increased 60.0% after 12 h of fermentation, reflecting the production of ordered microstructures. Thus, it is suggested that LAF increased the resistant starch content in corn starch granules

    “Trenzando historias y nuevos sentidos” Intervención Psicosocial en mujeres campesinas para la construcción social desde el género

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    Imágenes, Tablas ,GraficasEn el marco de los Centros de Acompañamiento en Salud Mental Comunitaria de la (UNAD) – CASMCUNAD, se propone un ejercicio de acompañamiento psicosocial para fortalecer redes de apoyo. Esta propuesta se desarrolla con las mujeres campesinas del municipio de Pamplona (NDS), que forman parte de asociaciones campesinas; se toman como escenario propicio en donde las dinámicas de interacción y relacionamiento entorno a un objetivo. En el ámbito de la intervención social, las organizaciones comunitarias constituyen un contexto básico de participación ciudadana a través del cual los individuos toman decisiones en las instituciones, programas y contextos que les afectan (Héller, Price, Reinharz, Riger & Wandersman, 1984). La ONU (2002) enfatiza el papel de la participación social como generadora de capital social y desarrollo comunitario y señala su importancia entre las características sociopolíticas y culturales de los contextos que favorecen la integración comunitaria y el bienestar social. A partir de estos supuestos, se plantea una estrategia de acción participativa, con enfoque narrativo y de género, para el fortalecimiento de capacidades de las mujeres campesinas, cumpliendo con los siguientes propósitos; a) el reconocimiento de sí mismas en sus dimensiones cognitiva, afectiva, relacional y corporal; b) la (re)significación del ser mujer campesina, como apuesta en la construcción de su identidad, y c) la concienciación sobre los factores interseccionales que afectan su desarrollo, así como el reconocimiento de recursos propios y del contexto para superar dichos factores. Esta experiencia, permitió evidenciar la importancia de hacer explícitas las narrativas de las mujeres campesinas, que, en espacios de conversación y uso de lenguajes simbólicos, permiten evidenciar los imaginarios que tienen de sí mismas, tanto como las atribuciones que la sociedad hace de su ser y de su labor.Within the framework of the Community Mental Health Accompaniment Centers of the (UNAD) - CASMCUNAD, a psychosocial accompaniment exercise is proposed to strengthen support networks. This proposal is developed with peasant women from the municipality of Pamplona (NDS), who are part of peasant associations; they are taken as a propitious scenario where the dynamics of interaction and relationship around an objective. In the field of social intervention, community organizations constitute a basic context of citizen participation through which individuals make decisions in the institutions, programs and contexts that free them (Héller, Price, Reinharz, Riger & Wandersman, 1984). The UN (2002) emphasizes the role of social participation as a generator of social capital and community development and points out its importance among the sociopolitical and cultural characteristics of the contexts that favor community integration and social well-being. Based on these assumptions, a participatory action strategy is developed, with a narrative and gender approach, to strengthen the capacities of rural women, fulfilling the following purposes; a) self-recognition in its cognitive, affective, relational and corporal dimensions; b) the (re)signification of being a peasant woman, as a commitment to the construction of her identity, and c) awareness of the intersectional factors that will arise from her development, as well as the recognition of her own resources and the context to overcome these factors. This experience, has made it possible to demonstrate the importance of clearing the narratives of peasant women, who, in spaces for conversation and use of symbolic languages, make it possible to demonstrate the imaginaries they have of themselves, as well as the attributions that society makes of its being and its work

    Procedencia de la estabilidad laboral reforzada para contratistas de prestación de servicios profesionales en condición de prepensionados

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    ¿En qué consiste la estabilidad reforzada y en qué casos de aplica? ¿es posible aplicar el principio de estabilidad reforzada, como desarrollo jurisprudencial a un contratista que tiene condición de pre pensionado? ¿ En que caso de ser negativa la respuesta, existe violación respecto a la expectativa cierta respecto del derecho a la pensión de vejez

    Sl-ERF2, a Tomato Ethylene Response Factor Involved in Ethylene Response and Seed Germination

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    Ethylene response factors (ERFs) are plant transcriptional regulators mediating ethylene-dependent gene expression via binding to the GCC motif found in the promoter region of ethylene-regulated genes. We report here on the structural and functional characterization of the tomato Sl-ERF2 gene that belongs to a distinct class of the large ERF gene family. Both spliced and unspliced versions of Sl-ERF2 transcripts were amplified from RNA samples and the search in the public tomato expressed sequence tag (EST) database confirmed the existence of the two transcript species in a number of cDNA libraries. The unspliced transcript contains two open reading frames yielding two hypothetical proteins, a small highly truncated version lacking the APETALA2 domain and a bigger protein lacking the N-terminal MCGGAAII/L consensus peptide specific to ERF members from subfamily IV. Nevertheless, functional Sl-ERF2 protein may only derive from spliced transcripts since, depending on the tissue, the level of the spliced transcript is much higher than that of the unspliced transcript. Sl-ERF2 is expressed in all plant tissues tested, though its transcript accumulates preferentially in germinating seeds and ripening fruit. Overexpression of the Sl-ERF2 gene in transgenic tomato lines results in premature seed germination and enhanced hook formation of darkgrown seedlings, which is indicative of increased ethylene sensitivity. The expression of the mannanase2 gene is upregulated in Sl-ERF2-overexpressing seeds, suggesting that Sl-ERF2 stimulates seed germination through the induction of the mannanase2 gene. It is noteworthy that the exaggerated hook phenotype is abolished when ethylene perception is blocked, strongly suggesting that Sl-ERF2 requires other ethylene-dependent components to impact the hook formation process

    Factores y procesos que han incidido en el nivel de desarrollo comercial, industrial y logístico de la zona franca del eje cafetero

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    La zona franca del Eje Cafetero, ubicada en el departamento del Quindío, cuyo fin es el fortalecimiento de los sectores de la producción, industrial y comercial del departamento, es objeto de este estudio por ser un polo de desarrollo económico en esta zona del país -- Esta investigación determina el proceso industrial y logístico que desempeña la zona franca, al igual que el grado de aprovechamiento de esta en las empresas de los sectores económicos más relevantes de la región que, por su figura, pueden gozar de sus beneficios -- En este estudio se tomó como muestra la Zona Franca, las empresas vinculadas a esta y los actores pertenecientes a los diferentes sectores económicos que influyen en la economía de la región, para brindar una mirada crítica a los componentes relevantes en el desarrollo de las Zonas Francas y fortalecer e implementar aspectos importantes en sus procesos para su mejoramiento continu