1,082 research outputs found

    La etica implícita en la transmisión de conocimientos

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    El proceso de transmisión de conocimientos es complejo; incluye procesos lógicos, estados emocionales y comportamientos socioculturales. Las diferentes formas de saber crean una imagen del mundo que influye en lo que cada hombre es. En el texto se analizan las situaciones éticas implícitas en la educación cotidiana. Enseñar con una postura dogmática -tanto en ciencia como en ética- conduce a aceptar una sola imagen del mundo, y, por lo tanto, impide vivir con lo diferente. Discrepar con la imagen predominante e imitar lo que fortalece la conciencia son sendasEl proceso de transmisión de conocimientos es complejo; incluye procesos lógicos, estados emocionales y comportamientos socioculturales. Las diferentes formas de saber crean una imagen del mundo que influye en lo que cada hombre es. En el texto se analizan las situaciones éticas implícitas en la educación cotidiana. Enseñar con una postura dogmática -tanto en ciencia como en ética- conduce a aceptar una sola imagen del mundo, y, por lo tanto, impide vivir con lo diferente. Discrepar con la imagen predominante e imitar lo que fortalece la conciencia son senda

    The relation between the erythrocyte nitric oxide and hemorheological parameters

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    © 2006 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reservedWe stimulated human erythrocytes obtained from patients with hypercholesterolemia (HC; n = 42), renal transplantation (RT; n = 18) and hypertension (HT; n = 10) with acetylcholine (ACh 10 μM) and measured the amperometric NO production, comparing with the NO levels achieved on erythrocytes of healthy persons (n = 27). We also measured the hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocyte aggregation, erythrocyte deformability, plasma viscosity and fibrinogen concentration from human blood samples. The erythrocytes NO levels were of 2.5 ± 0.7 nM (P = 0.038, HC), 2.4 ± 1.1 nM (RT) and 2.2 ± 0.8 nM (HT) against the 2.0 ± 0.8 nM for the control groups. For each group and at each shear stress value, the erythrocytes deformability decreases with the increase of the NO concentration after ACh stimulation. We observed a significant increase of the control values on the erythrocyte aggregation results on each patient group. Besides the lower erythrocyte deformability obtained on HC, RT and HT blood samples, the erythrocytes produced higher NO levels after ACh stimulation than the healthy ones. The power of erythrocyte hemorheological behaviour could be compensated by the NO production at the presence of acetylcholine. We can hypothesises that cholinergic drugs could be used as co-adjuvants of specific therapeutics compounds on these studied diseases.This work was supported by “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia”, Portugal

    EGF Receptor Signaling Is Essential for K-Ras Oncogene-Driven Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    SummaryClinical evidence indicates that mutation/activation of EGF receptors (EGFRs) is mutually exclusive with the presence of K-RAS oncogenes in lung and colon tumors. We have validated these observations using genetically engineered mouse models. However, development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas driven by K-Ras oncogenes are totally dependent on EGFR signaling. Similar results were obtained using human pancreatic tumor cell lines. EGFRs were also essential even in the context of pancreatic injury and absence of p16Ink4a/p19Arf. Only loss of p53 made pancreatic tumors independent of EGFR signaling. Additional inhibition of PI3K and STAT3 effectively prevented proliferation of explants derived from these p53-defective pancreatic tumors. These findings may provide the bases for more rational approaches to treat pancreatic tumors in the clinic

    Interactions Between the Serotonergic and Other Neurotransmitter Systems in the Basal Ganglia: Role in Parkinson's Disease and Adverse Effects of L-DOPA

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. However, other non-dopaminergic neuronal systems such as the serotonergic system are also involved. Serotonergic dysfunction is associated with non-motor symptoms and complications, including anxiety, depression, dementia, and sleep disturbances. This pathology reduces patient quality of life. Interaction between the serotonergic and other neurotransmitters systems such as dopamine, noradrenaline, glutamate, and GABA controls the activity of striatal neurons and are particularly interesting for understanding the pathophysiology of PD. Moreover, serotonergic dysfunction also causes motor symptoms. Interestingly, serotonergic neurons play an important role in the effects of L-DOPA in advanced PD stages. Serotonergic terminals can convert L-DOPA to dopamine, which mediates dopamine release as a "false" transmitter. The lack of any autoregulatory feedback control in serotonergic neurons to regulate L-DOPA-derived dopamine release contributes to the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). This mechanism may also be involved in the development of graft-induced dyskinesias (GID), possibly due to the inclusion of serotonin neurons in the grafted tissue. Consistent with this, the administration of serotonergic agonists suppressed LID. In this review article, we summarize the interactions between the serotonergic and other systems. We also discuss the role of the serotonergic system in LID and if therapeutic approaches specifically targeting this system may constitute an effective strategy in PD

    Mapping for Maternal and Newborn Health: The Distributions of Women of Childbearing Age, Pregnancies and Births.

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    The health and survival of women and their new-born babies in low income countries has been a key priority in public health since the 1990s. However, basic planning data, such as numbers of pregnancies and births, remain difficult to obtain and information is also lacking on geographic access to key services, such as facilities with skilled health workers. For maternal and newborn health and survival, planning for safer births and healthier newborns could be improved by more accurate estimations of the distributions of women of childbearing age. Moreover, subnational estimates of projected future numbers of pregnancies are needed for more effective strategies on human resources and infrastructure, while there is a need to link information on pregnancies to better information on health facilities in districts and regions so that coverage of services can be assessed. This paper outlines demographic mapping methods based on freely available data for the production of high resolution datasets depicting estimates of numbers of people, women of childbearing age, live births and pregnancies, and distribution of comprehensive EmONC facilities in four large high burden countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Satellite derived maps of settlements and land cover were constructed and used to redistribute areal census counts to produce detailed maps of the distributions of women of childbearing age. Household survey data, UN statistics and other sources on growth rates, age specific fertility rates, live births, stillbirths and abortions were then integrated to convert the population distribution datasets to gridded estimates of births and pregnancies.These estimates, which can be produced for current, past or future years based on standard demographic projections, can provide the basis for strategic intelligence, planning services, and provide denominators for subnational indicators to track progress. The datasets produced are part of national midwifery workforce assessments conducted in collaboration with the respective Ministries of Health and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to identify disparities between population needs, health infrastructure and workforce supply. The datasets are available to the respective Ministries as part of the UNFPA programme to inform midwifery workforce planning and also publicly available through the WorldPop population mapping project

    Preliminary Results on the Non-Destructive Determination of Pear (Pyrus communis L.) cv. Rocha Ripeness by Visible/Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy

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    Pear (Pyrus communis L.), cv. Rocha was rapidly adopted by consumers due to its inherent quality and currently has great acceptance in both national and international markets, being mainly produced in the west region of Portugal. We report here a first approach to the use of the non-intrusive method of Visible/Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (Vis/NIRS) to estimate the ripeness of pear cv. Rocha. Mature unripe pears obtained from Frutoeste (Mafra, Portugal) after a six-month cold-storage, were maintained in a dark room at circa 20 degrees C during three weeks. They were followed using the Vis/NIRS in the wavelength band between 400 and 950 nm with two different configurations for the spectra acquisition, namely the Integrating Sphere (IS) and the Partial Transmittance (PT). The diffuse reflectance spectra obtained by the two configurations were compared with the respective fruit ripening parameters (colour, firmness, soluble solids content and % dry matter), determined through the standard techniques. Concerning the rough estimation of ripening parameters, data suggested an increase in both the intensity in the green to red band and pulp %dry matter, but a decreasing firmness. All other parameters remained constant. Relatively to the optical results, we have observed that the PT spectra exhibited clearer features than the IS spectra, especially from 700 nm onwards. This is probably due to the fact that the PT configuration probes more deeply into the fruit pulp. Three peaks at 600 (circa 30%), 725 and 812 nm (both at circa 50%) and a minimum at 675 nm, were identified in both IS and PT spectra. The values of reflectance peaks were approximately constant during ripening, but they moved to slightly lower wavelengths in the second week. A significant increase (circa 3-fold) in the minimal diffuse reflectance was observed in the second week, most probably associated partially, to a decrease in the fruit peel chlorophyll content

    Dental radiology dosimetric data as routinely collected in an Italian hospital

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    The work presented here was developed in the framework of the SENTINEL Project and is devoted to the analysis of dental radiology dosimetric data. The procedure of data processing allows the analysis of some important aspects related to the protection of the patient and the staff because of the position of the operators near the patient and their exposure to the radiation scattered by the patient. Dental radiology data was collected in an Italian hospital. Following the Italian quality assurance (QA) protocols and suggestions by the leaders of the SENTINEL Project, X-ray equipment performances have been analysed in terms of: kVp accuracy, exposure time accuracy and precision, tube output, dose reproducibility and linearity, beam collimation, artefacts and light tightness. Referring to these parameters the physical quality index (QI) was analysed. In a single numerical value between 0 and 1, QI summarises the results of quality tests for radiological devices. The actual impact of such a figure (as suggested by international QA protocols or as adopted by local QA routine) on the policy of machine maintenance and replacement is discussed

    A lapa do Bugio

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    A jazida pré-histórica do Bugio constitui uma das mais importantes grutas sepulcrais da faixa estremenha. Encontrava-se intacta à data das primeiras escavações, realizadas em 1957 e 1958. Vicissitudes várias que motivaram a dissolução da primeira equipa e favoreceram diversas depredações, entretanto realizadas, impediram que, antes do recomeço dos trabalhos, em 1966, mesmo dos materiais recuperados, se pudessem extrair todas as informações neles potencialmente contidas. Foi possível, a partir do estudo exaustivo do espólio conservado no Museu de Sesimbra e no recolhido nas escavações de 1966, estabelecer a seguinte sucessão cronológica-cultural: Primeira ocupação - corresponde talvez à ocupação mais importante, integrável no Neolítico recente-final estremenho. Estreitas analogias com o "horizonte dolménico" identificado na vizinha Lapa do Fumo e datado pelo rádio-carbono de 3090 ± 160 a. C. (SERRÃO,1978). A datação realizada no Bugio deu 2800 ± 45 a.C. Segunda ocupação- corresponde muito provavelmente a momento inicial (ou pleno) do Calcolítico, definido pela presença de raros produtos, como o recipiente de osso recolhido na sep. 7 e "ídolos" de calcário, de osso e marfim. Terceira ocupação - Calcolítico final, campaniforme - representada pelos Grupos de Palmela e Inciso. Trata-se da ocupação menos importante, excessivamente valorizada em trabalhos anteriores, talvez pela grande dispersão de fragmentos cerâmicos que não ultrapassam, contudo, nove recipientes (alguns deles representados por apenas um fragmento): taças em calote - (I), de bordo espessado - (I), de tipo Palmela - (I), caçoilas acampanadas - (2), e vasos campaniformes - (2), além de dois recipientes de tipologia mal definida.Le gisement préhistorique de Bugio est l 'une des plus importantes grottes sépulcrales du littoral de l'Estrémadure. Elle a été trouvée intacte lors des premières fouilles, réalisées en 1957 et 1958. Diverses vicissitudes, qui devaient aboutir à la dissolution de la première équipe de fouilleurs et favoriser le pillage du site, empêchèrent la difusion de toute information avant la reprise des travaux en 1966, même sur le matériel récupéré. A partir de l' étude exhaustive du mobilier conservé au Musée de Sesimbra et de celui qui a été découvert en 1966, on a pu établir les niveaux chronologiques suivants: Première occupation, peut-être la plus importante, s'intégrant dans le Néolithique récent et final de l'Estrémadure, présentant d' étroites analogies avec "l'horizon dolménique" identifié sur le site voisin de Lapa do Fumo, daté de 3090 ± 160 a.C. par radio-carbone (SERRÃO, 1978). La datation obtenue à Bugio est de 2800 ± 45 a.C.. Seconde occupation, correspondant très probablement à la phase initiale ou médiane du Chalcolithique, définie par de rares productions, comme le récipient en os recueilli dans la sépulture 7 et les "idoles" en calcaire, en os et en ivoire. Troisième occupation (Chalcolithique final, Campaniforme) représentée par les Groupes de Palmela et incisé. Il s'agit d'une occupation moins importante, surévaluée dans les travaux antérieurs, peut-être en raison de la grande dispersion des fragments de céramiques qui ne correspondaient, cependant, qu'à neuf récipients: coupes en calotte (1 ), coupes au bord épais (1), coupes de type de Palmela (1), casseroles en forme de cloche (2), vases campaniformes (2) et deux récipients à la typologie mal définie

    Estimation of soluble solids content and fruit temperature in 'rocha' pear using Vis-NIR spectroscopy and the spectraNet–32 deep learning architecture

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    Spectra-based methods are becoming increasingly important in Precision Agriculture as they offer non-destructive, quick tools for measuring the quality of produce. This study introduces a novel approach for esti-mating the soluble solids content (SSC) of 'Rocha' pears using the SpectraNet-32 deep learning architecture, which operates on 1D fruit spectra in the visible to near-infrared region (Vis-NIRS). This method was also able to estimate fruit temperatures, which improved the SSC prediction performance. The dataset consisted of 3300 spectra from 1650 'Rocha' pears collected from local markets over several weeks during the 2010 and 2011 seasons, which had varying edaphoclimatic conditions. Two types of partial least squares (PLS) feature selection methods, under various configurations, were applied to the input spectra to identify the most significant wavelengths for training SpectraNet-32. The model's robustness was also compared to a similar state-of-the-art deep learning architecture, DeepSpectra, as well as four other classical machine learning algorithms: PLS, multiple linear regression (MLR), support vector machine (SVM), and multi-layer perceptron (MLP). In total, 23 different experimental method configurations were assessed, with 150 neural networks each. SpectraNet-32 consistently outperformed other methods in several metrics. On average, it was 6.1% better than PLS in terms of the root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP, 1.08 vs. 1.15%), 7.7% better in prediction gain (PG, 1.67 vs. 1.55), 3.6% better in the coefficient of determination (R2, 0.58 vs. 0.56) and 5.8% better in the coefficient of variation (CV%, 8.35 vs. 8.86).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chlorophyll a Fluorescence: a Fast and Low-Cost Tool to Detect Superficial Scald in 'Rocha' Pear (Pyrus communis L. 'Rocha')?

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    This study aimed to test whether the chlorophyll a (Chla) fluorescence determined by a low-cost non-modulated fluorometer could provide fast, reliable and non-invasive estimators of superficial scald in 'Rocha' pear (Pyrus communis L. 'Rocha'). Fruit were harvested before the optimal maturation stage and cold stored under normal atmosphere for 7 months (NA: 0 degrees C, 90-95% RH) and 2 in controlled atmosphere (CA: 0 degrees C, 90-95% RH, 1.5 kPaO(2) + 0.5 kPa CO2) (T), or harvested at the optimal maturation stage and cold stored for 9 months under CA (C). Then, they were transferred to shelf-life conditions (22+/-2 degrees C, 70% RH) and followed for 7 d. Chla fluorescence, scald index (SI), ripening attributes, alpha-farnesene, conjugated trienols, and photosynthetic pigments were determined for each pear in both groups. Conditions chosen before shelf-life did not prevent the subsequent ripening of any fruit, but changed dramatically the superficial scald development pattern: in C fruit, the disorder developed progressively during shelf-life, whereas in T fruit, it peaked during storage. C fruit exhibited a significant negative correlation (R=-0.65; p<0.05) between Fv/Fm and scald development, but not with ripening (R=-0.15; p<0.05). As expected, the opposite was observed in T fruit, in which only a low, positive, yet significant correlation was found between Fv/Fm and ripening (R=0.44; p<0.05). The multiple regression approach using Fv/Fm and other Chla fluorescence parameters produced an equation from which we calculated the 'predicted' scald index in C fruit. This correlated clearly (R=0.73; p<0.05) with the real values visually assessed. If color values a*, b* and Hue were included in this multiple regression, the correlation was significantly enhanced (0.91; p<0.05). Although preliminary, this study has shown that basic Chla fluorescence parameters are valuable estimators of superficial scald in 'Rocha' pear and might be used in the early detection of the disorder