209 research outputs found

    Educational Technology Workshops for the Seniors Adults

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    The City of Watsonville Parks and Community Services works with various ages, from toddlers to seniors, depending on the program or organization. The main focus of this project was to work towards keeping seniors up to date with advanced technology. The problem was that many seniors don’t have the knowledge when it comes to using technology properly. The project\u27s purpose was to educate as many senior citizens with basic computer skills. The workshop was offered both in Spanish and English once every month. The individual appointments are every week on Tuesdays. The project has exceeded expectations. The individual appointments get booked very quickly and the group tech workshop was somewhat successful. Some recommendations for the senior tech workshop was providing more dates available for individual consultations. The individual consultations seem more popular than the group workshops

    Engineering students’ judgments on the favorable effect that the class context has on their academic learning

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted human life, including educational settings. In Mexico, teachers and students found it necessary to adopt the online modality at all levels. As a result, both students and teachers face new demands and a re-conceptualization of their everyday academic lives. This study explored the engineering students' perception of the favorable effect level that the class context has on their learning. There were 551 participants took a cognitive algebra study. The experimental task involved reading 12 scenarios that described hypothetical online or face-to-face learning situations; then, each participant judged the degree to which these types of situations favor their learning, using an 11-point scale. The results indicated three cognitive styles when judging the degree to which each class context favors the learning. These styles share a similar cognitive mechanism in terms of information integration; however, the selection process and valuation of the factors differed across the groups. The students' perception on the class context influences their involvement and motivation level for courses on which they are enrolled. The present study's findings suggest that the cognitive algebra approach helps diagnose students' cognitive and emotional approach styles for different class contexts and provides information about the nature of their cognitive processes in terms of how students' judgments and attitudes towards classes are generated


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    La alumna estuvo trabajando dentro del proyecto antes citado su trabajo de tesis y opto por titularse a través de artículo científico. El trabajo es de gran relevancia por que permitió determinar el comportamiento espacial de esta especie de trips en la zona de estudio dentro del Estado de México. Con esta información a sido posible hacer recomendaciones más oportunas, eficientes y permitentes a los productores de aguacate de la zona, para dirigir las medidas de control hacia zonas específicas infestadas por este insecto plaga y de esta manera poder obtener ahorros económicos y no desperdiciar insumos y también reducir los impactos ambientales que se generan por el uso irracional de insecticidas en el control de este insectoLa implementación de programas eficientes de manejo integrado de plagas es de vital 15 importancia en la actualidad, el aguacate que se produce en la zona de estudio, a 16 continuación citada, se comercializa en el extranjero es por ello que se necesita adoptar 17 nuevas tecnologías para reducir la aplicación de agroquímicos y así realizar un manejo 18 integrado de plagas más eficaz. Para realizar el mapeo de la distribución espacial se 19 utilizó la geoestadística la cual se aplica en estudios de comportamiento espacial ya que 20 nos permite conocer la ubicación y los patrones de movilidad de la plaga, el presente 21 estudio se realizó en 2019 en el municipio de Donato Guerra que se encuentra en la 22 zona centro de México y está dentro de los principales productores del Estado de 23 México. Se realizaron muestreos durante un año cada quince días, obteniendo 24 2 24 muestreos en total, se determinó el semivariograma para cada fecha de muestreo, dichos 25 semivariogramas se ajustaron a modelos esféricos en la mayoría de los casos, se 26 determinó el nivel de dependencia espacial resultando ser alta para todos los casos. Se 27 calculó la superficie infestada para todos los muestreos y se realizaron mapas de 28 infestación de la plaga a través de la técnica del krigeado.La tesis deriva del Proyecto con registro 4686/2019SF del cual se obtuvieron ciertos insumo

    Cáncer Bucal

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    El Cáncer bucal y bucofaríngeo representa el 3% de todos los canceres, sin embargo, son de los que menor tasa de sobre vida a 5 años presentan. Los canceres bucales son diagnosticados en estadios avanzados en un 68-72% de los casos, lo cual en muchas ocasiones producirán consecuencias devastadoras para el paciente

    Functional Measurement of Special Education Teachers' and Students' Expectations Toward Job Training for Persons with Intellectual Disability

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    Persons with intellectual disability (PWID) have fewer opportunities for enrolment in school programs and post-school employment than do their peers with typical development. Evidence suggests that attitude toward PWID is a main factor in either promoting or limiting better life conditions for this population. In this paper, the goal was to determine the cognitive information integration rules underlying the expectations of 174 special education teachers and students with regard to job training for PWID. In order to accomplish this goal, four factors (Gender, Severity of disability, Type of task, and Emotional traits) were orthogonally combined to implement a cognitive algebra study design. We obtained 48 experimental conditions, with each one presented as a scenario describing a PWID in a work training situation. Participants read these scenarios and were asked to judge the probability of the success of PWID with regard to learning the skills needed to complete the required work. Patterns of response allowed us to identify low, moderate, and high viewpoints with regard to participants' judgments of predicted success. Personal factors (Emotional traits and Severity of disability) and the Type of task factor were considered the most important in influencing the participants' judgment. These factors seemed to be integrated in a complex systematic cognitive pattern. Implications from this type of result with regard to PWID and work training are discussed in this paper

    Examination of the Relationship between In-Store Environmental Factors and Fruit and Vegetable Purchasing among Hispanics.

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    Retail food environments have received attention for their influence on dietary behaviors and for their nutrition intervention potential. To improve diet-related behaviors, such as fruit and vegetable (FV) purchasing, it is important to examine its relationship with in-store environmental characteristics. This study used baseline data from the "El Valor de Nuestra Salud" study to examine how in-store environmental characteristics, such as product availability, placement and promotion, were associated with FV purchasing among Hispanic customers in San Diego County. Mixed linear regression models indicated that greater availability of fresh FVs was associated with a 0.36increaseinFVpurchasing(p=0.01).Placementvariables,specificallyeachadditionalsquarefootofdisplayspacededicatedtoFVs(p=0.01)andeachadditionalfreshFVdisplay(p=0.01),wereassociatedwitha0.36 increase in FV purchasing (p = 0.01). Placement variables, specifically each additional square foot of display space dedicated to FVs (p = 0.01) and each additional fresh FV display (p = 0.01), were associated with a 0.02 increase and 0.29decrease,respectively,inFVpurchasing.IntroducingFVpromotionsinthefinalmodelwasnotrelatedtoFVpurchasing.Exploratoryanalysesindicatedthatmenreportedspending0.29 decrease, respectively, in FV purchasing. Introducing FV promotions in the final model was not related to FV purchasing. Exploratory analyses indicated that men reported spending 3.69 fewer dollars on FVs compared to women, controlling for covariates (p = 0.02). These results can help inform interventions targeting in-store environmental characteristics to encourage FV purchasing among Hispanics

    Comportamiento reproductivo de ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino) sincronizadas con CIDR y dos tiempos de aplicación de GnRH

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    Este experimento se realizó para evaluar el comportamiento reproductivo en ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino) importadas de Australia, sincronizadas con un dispositivo liberador de la hormona (CIDR) y dos tiempos de aplicación de hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas (GnRH). Cuarenta y cinco ovejas F1 de primer parto con 18.08 ± 0.07 meses de edad y 43.3 ± 5.6 kg de peso corporal, fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a uno de tres tratamientos: T1 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días; T2 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días mas 25 µg de GnRH 48 h antes del retiro del dispositivo y T3 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días mas 25 µg de GnRH al momento del retiro del CIDR. El porcentaje de presentación de estros (100 %) fue similar (p > 0.05) para T1, T2 y T3. El intervalo (h) de inicio del estro sincronizado después del retiro del CIDR fue diferente (p 0.05) para T1, T2 y T3 (60, 53.3 y 46.6 %, respectivamente). La prolificidad promedio general fue de 100.8% y fue similar (p > 0.05) entre tratamientos. La concentración de progesterona determinó que las ovejas probadas tuvieron un cuerpo luteo funcional al comienzo del experimento. Se concluye que el uso combinado de CIDR mas GnRH, 48 h antes y al momento del retiro del dispositivo, no tiene efecto sobre el comportamiento reproductivo en ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino)

    Comparison of the diet of two bird-eating raptors, the Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis) and the Cinereous Harrier (Circus cinereus), in the Pampean Region of Argentina

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    We studied the diet and hunting activity of two bird-eating raptors, the Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis) and the Cinereous Harrier (Circus cinereus), in Mar Chiquita Biosphere Reserve, Argentina. Prey was identified by analyzing pellets collected during December 2005. The Cinereous Harrier showed a higher consumption of birds than the Aplomado Falcon (92,3% vs 67,9% of total prey, respectively), and a reverse tendency was observed for the biomass contribution (26% vs 88%). In addition, these raptors showed differences in hunting techniques: the Aplomado Falcon used a sit-and-wait strategy, whereas the Cinereous Harrier used an active-search strategy. Our results suggest that both factors, the use of different prey and hunting modes, could be important for trophic niche segregation between these two bird-eating raptors.Fil: Baladrón, Alejandro V.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Bó, Maria Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Cavalli, Matilde. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Guadalupe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentin