13 research outputs found

    Tissue detection of natural killer cells in colorectal adenocarcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Natural killer (NK) cells represent a first line of defence against a developing cancer; however, their exact role in colorectal cancer remains undetermined. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of CD16 and CD57 [immunohistochemical markers of natural NK cells] in colorectal adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Presence of NK cells was investigated in 82 colorectal adenocarcinomas. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed, using 2 monoclonal antibodies (anti-Fc Gamma Receptor II, CD16 and an equivalent to Leu-7, specific for CD-57). The number of immunopositive cells (%) was evaluated by image analysis. The cases were characterized according to: patient gender and age, tumor location, size, grade, bowel wall invasion, lymph node metastases and Dukes' stage. RESULTS: NK cells were detected in 79/82 cases at the primary tumor site, 27/33 metastatic lymph nodes and 3/4 hepatic metastases; they were detected in levels similar to those reported in the literature, but their presence was not correlated to the clinical or pathological characteristics of the series, except for a negative association with the patients' age (p = 0.031). CONCLUSIONS: Our data do not support an association of NK cell tissue presence with clinical or pathological variables of colorectal adenocarcinoma, except for a negative association with the patients' age; this might possibly be attributed to decreased adhesion molecule expression in older ages

    Islet Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR) Dose Predicts Insulin Independence in Clinical Islet Autotransplantation

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    Background: Reliable in vitro islet quality assessment assays that can be performed routinely, prospectively, and are able to predict clinical transplant outcomes are needed. In this paper we present data on the utility of an assay based on cellular oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in predicting clinical islet autotransplant (IAT) insulin independence (II). IAT is an attractive model for evaluating characterization assays regarding their utility in predicting II due to an absence of confounding factors such as immune rejection and immunosuppressant toxicity. Methods: Membrane integrity staining (FDA/PI), OCR normalized to DNA (OCR/DNA), islet equivalent (IE) and OCR (viable IE) normalized to recipient body weight (IE dose and OCR dose), and OCR/DNA normalized to islet size index (ISI) were used to characterize autoislet preparations (n = 35). Correlation between pre-IAT islet product characteristics and II was determined using receiver operating characteristic analysis. Results: Preparations that resulted in II had significantly higher OCR dose and IE dose (p<0.001). These islet characterization methods were highly correlated with II at 6–12 months post-IAT (area-under-the-curve (AUC) = 0.94 for IE dose and 0.96 for OCR dose). FDA/PI (AUC = 0.49) and OCR/DNA (AUC = 0.58) did not correlate with II. OCR/DNA/ISI may have some utility in predicting outcome (AUC = 0.72). Conclusions: Commonly used assays to determine whether a clinical islet preparation is of high quality prior to transplantation are greatly lacking in sensitivity and specificity. While IE dose is highly predictive, it does not take into account islet cell quality. OCR dose, which takes into consideration both islet cell quality and quantity, may enable a more accurate and prospective evaluation of clinical islet preparations

    LFA-1 expression in a series of colorectal adenocarcinomas

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    LFA-1 is an adhesion molecule which belongs to the β2-integrin family. Overexpression of LFA-1 in hepatic natural killer cells has been associated with increased apoptosis of neoplastic cells in colorectal cancer (CRC); moreover, studies in CRC have linked LFA-1 overexpression in neoplastic cells with vascular intrusion through adhesion to endothelial cells, thus implying a possible role in creation of metastases

    Ambiente construido y ambiente social: asociaciones con el exceso de peso en adultos

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    The aim of this study was to assess associations between the built environment and social environment and excess weight in an urban population. Participants were selected from the Surveillance System for Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases (VIGITEL). The study used data from the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. A total of 3,425 interviews from the years 2008 and 2009 were used. Georeferenced data on parks, squares, and locations for physical exercise, population density, and food stores were used to assess the built environment. Description of the social environment used income and homicide rate for the neighborhood. Environmental variables associated independently with excess weight were population density, presence of parks, squares, and locations for physical exercise, and self-reported presence of locations for physical exercise. The findings show that residential neighborhood characteristics are associated with excess weight in urban adults. Os participantes foram selecionados com base no Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco para Doenças Crônicas (VIGITEL). O trabalho foi realizado com dados da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram utilizadas 3.425 entrevistas referentes aos anos de 2008 e 2009. Informações georreferenciadas de parques, praças, lugares para a prática de atividade física, densidade populacional e estabelecimentos alimentares foram usadas para avaliar o ambiente construído. Para caracterizar o ambiente social foi utilizada renda e taxa de homicídio da vizinhança. As variáveis ambientais associadas independentemente com excesso de peso foram densidade populacional, presença de parques, praças e locais para a prática de atividade física e o autorrelato de locais para a prática de atividade física. As evidências deste estudo mostram que as características das vizinhanças onde as pessoas residem estão associadas ao excesso de peso de adultos do meio urbano.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as associações das variáveis do ambiente construído e social com o excesso de peso em uma população urbana. Os participantes foram selecionados com base no Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco para Doenças Crônicas (VIGITEL). O trabalho foi realizado com dados da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram utilizadas 3.425 entrevistas referentes aos anos de 2008 e 2009. Informações georreferenciadas de parques, praças, lugares para a prática de atividade física, densidade populacional e estabelecimentos alimentares foram usadas para avaliar o ambiente construído. Para caracterizar o ambiente social foi utilizada renda e taxa de homicídio da vizinhança. As variáveis ambientais associadas independentemente com excesso de peso foram densidade populacional, presença de parques, praças e locais para a prática de atividade física e o autorrelato de locais para a prática de atividade física. As evidências deste estudo mostram que as características das vizinhanças onde as pessoas residem estão associadas ao excesso de peso de adultos do meio urbano.The authors wish to thank FAPEMIG, CNPq, and the Brazilian Ministry of Health for funding the research project

    Dietary fibre intake and risks of Cancers of the Colon and Rectum in the European prospective investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

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    Background: Earlier analyses within the EPIC study showed that dietary fibre intake was inversely associated with colorectal cancer risk, but results from some large cohort studies do not support this finding. We explored whether the association remained after longer follow-up with a near threefold increase in colorectal cancer cases, and if the association varied by gender and tumour location. Methodology/Principal Findings: After a mean follow-up of 11.0 years, 4,517 incident cases of colorectal cancer were documented. Total, cereal, fruit, and vegetable fibre intakes were estimated from dietary questionnaires at baseline. Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models stratified by age, sex, and centre, and adjusted for total energy intake, body mass index, physical activity, smoking, education, menopausal status, hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptive use, and intakes of alcohol, folate, red and processed meats, and calcium. After multivariable adjustments, total dietary fibre was inversely associated with colorectal cancer (HR per 10 g/day increase in fibre 0.87, 95% CI: 0.79-0.96). Similar linear associations were observed for colon and rectal cancers. The association between total dietary fibre and risk of colorectal cancer risk did not differ by age, sex, or anthropometric, lifestyle, and dietary variables. Fibre from cereals and fibre from fruit and vegetables were similarly associated with colon cancer; but for rectal cancer, the inverse association was only evident for fibre from cereals. Conclusions/Significance: Our results strengthen the evidence for the role of high dietary fibre intake in colorectal cancer prevention.Ytterligare finansiärer: European Commission (DG-SANCO) och International Agency for Research on Cancer</p