460 research outputs found

    Modulation of the oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation by endocannabinoids and their lipid analogues

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    Growing evidence supports the pivotal role played by oxidative stress in tissue injury development, thus resulting in several pathologies including cardiovascular, renal, neuropsychiatric, and neurodegenerative disorders, all characterized by an altered oxidative status. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and lipid peroxidation-derived reactive aldehydes including acrolein, malondialdehyde, and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, among others, are the main responsible for cellular and tissue damages occurring in redox-dependent processes. In this scenario, a link between the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and redox homeostasis impairment appears to be crucial. Anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol, the best characterized endocannabinoids, are able to modulate the activity of several antioxidant enzymes through targeting the cannabinoid receptors type 1 and 2 as well as additional receptors such as the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha, and the orphan G protein-coupled receptors 18 and 55. Moreover, the endocannabinoids lipid analogues N-acylethanolamines showed to protect cell damage and death from reactive aldehydes-induced oxidative stress by restoring the intracellular oxidants-antioxidants balance. In this review, we will provide a better understanding of the main mechanisms triggered by the cross-talk between the oxidative stress and the ECS, focusing also on the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants as scavengers of reactive aldehydes and their toxic bioactive adducts

    Health impact of the emissions from a refinery: case-control study on the adult population living in two municipalities in Lomellina, Italy

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    Background: In the municipalities of Sannazzaro de’ Burgondi and Ferrer Erbognone (District of Lomellina, Pavia, Lombardy, Italy), an oil refinery is operating since 1963. In 2008, the company running the plant (eni S.p.A.) asked the competent bodies the permission for building a new facility (“EST”). The present work is aimed at evaluating the ante-operam health impacts of the existing facility refinery. Methods: A case-control study design was implemented. Cases were subjects admitted to hospital in 2002-2014 due to acute respiratory, cardiovascular or gastrointestinal conditions. Controls were selected among those who had not been hospitalised in that timespan. Cases and controls had to be alive at enrolment, aged 20-64 years, and were frequency-matched by age, gender and municipality. Data were extracted from the health insurance registry and from Hospital Discharge Records (ATS Pavia). Enrolled subjects were asked to complete a mailed survey. Environmental exposure was the fallout of refinery emissions (PM10) at participants’ homes, as predicted by an AERMOD model. Results: 541 respondents (125 cases, 416 controls) were included in the analyses. Response bias was excluded. Individual PM10 exposure was not significantly different between cases and controls, while it was significantly associated with municipality (being higher in Sannazzaro). The crude effect estimate of PM10 over case/control status indicated a not-significant excess of hospitalisation with the increase in PM10 exposure. Multivariate analyses confirmed those results. Conclusion: Findings indicate a possible excess of hospitalisation risk in most exposed people, but the effect is not statistically significant and may be affected by bias

    Long term nucleotide and nucleoside analogs treatment in chronic hepatitis B HBeAg negative genotype D patients and risk for hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Background and rationale of the study. Effect of Long-term nucleoside/nucleotide (NUC) on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incidence in a population of HBeAg-negative genotype D patients has not been adequately studied in real-life cohorts. Our aim was to evaluate the impact of liver fibrosis and other variables on HCC incidence in this population of patients. Of 745 patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB), 306 HBeAg-negative genotype D were selected and included in this study. All patients received treatment with NUC for at least 18 months. Patients with CHB or compensated cirrhosis were included. Patients with HCC diagnosed before or during the first 18 months of NUC therapy were excluded. Results. HCC was diagnosed in 2 CHB patients (1.0%) and 23 cirrhosis patients (20%) (OR = 24.41, 95% CI 5.40 < OR < 153.2; p < 0.0001). Multivariate analysis revealed that HCC risk was independently associated with age ≥ 60 years (OR = 6.45, 95% CI 1.22 to 34.0; p = 0.02) and liver cirrhosis (OR = 12.1, 95% CI 1.39 to 106.2; p = 0.02), but not with virological response (VR), and previous resistance to NUC, or rescue therapy. Multivariate analysis in cirrhosis patients revealed that only age ≥ 60 years was an independent risk factor associated with HCC (p = 0.003). Conclusions. Liver cirrhosis and age ≥ 60 years are the stronger risk factors for HCC in genotype D HBeAgnegative patients. Previous resistance to NUC in patients that achieved a VR after rescue therapy was not a predictive factor regarding HCC. VR does not appear to significantly reduce the overall incidence of HCC when a patient has already progressed to liver cirrhosis

    At the intersection of cultural and natural heritage: Distribution and conservation of the type localities of Italian endemic vascular plants

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    We conducted a GIS spatial analysis with the aim of providing the first quantitative large-scale overview of the distribution patterns of 1536 type localities (loci classici) of 1216 Italian endemic vascular plants and their relationship with a set of descriptive variables. Whereas some variables were used to model the presence-absence distribution patterns of the type localities for the whole set of endemics as well as for the subset of narrow endemics, others (e.g., presence inside or outside protected areas and Italian Important Plant Areas) were considered with the purpose of assessing potential assets or risks for conservation. The largest number of type localities was found within the Mediterranean biogeographic region (1134), followed by the Alpine region (306) and Continental region (96). A total of 670 locations are located on islands, whereas 866 are located on the Italian mainland (139 and 124 in the case of narrow endemics, respectively). A large number of type localities are located in mountainous areas and along the coastline, which can be seen as a potential risk for conservation. On the contrary, we detected a positive correlation with the distance from roads, which might be considered to be an asset. Importantly, 1030 type localities fall inside protected areas, whereas 506 localities fall outside protected areas, with 259 of these unprotected localities on islands. We propose considering the results of the analysis of the distribution of type localities of Italian endemics to be a strategic tool for conservation planning and resource management. Application of plant micro-reserves and integration of diverse legislation tools are suggested to strengthen efforts and increase conservation success

    Dai balconi ai parchi urbani: buone pratiche per un giardinaggio consapevole

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    Prodotto nell’ambito del progetto LIFE15 GIE/IT/001039 “Alien Species Awareness Program”(ASAP), è un opuscolo di tipo tecnico-pratico che intende fornire alcune informazioni di base sulle piante esotiche invasive presenti in Italia nonché, seguendo le buone pratiche dettate nel Codice di condotta definito nell’ambito della Convenzione di Berna, proporre un numero non esaustivo di specie native da utilizzare in alternativa alle piante esotiche invasive inserite nella Lista di Rilevanza Unionale e per le quali vi è divieto di importazione, commercio, possesso, riproduzione, trasporto, utilizzo e rilascio in natura. E’ indirizzato a tutti coloro che sono coinvolti direttamente o indirettamente nella produzione, commercializzazione e impiego delle piante ornamentali: aziende florovivaistiche importatori di piante e tutti coloro che svolgono un ruolo nella progettazione e realizzazione di aree verdi quali gli Architetti paesaggisti, i Dottori Forestali, i Dottori Agronomi e a tutti gli appassionati di giardinaggio. La scelta di utilizzare specie autoctone nel verde urbano risponde anche all’esigenza di garantire una migliore tutela e conservazione della biodiversità negli spazi urbani

    Pediatric tuberculosis in Italian children: Epidemiological and clinical data from the Italian register of pediatric tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Over the last decades, TB has also emerged in the pediatric population. Epidemiologic data of childhood TB are still limited and there is an urgent need of more data on very large cohorts. A multicenter study was conducted in 27 pediatric hospitals, pediatric wards, and public health centers in Italy using a standardized form, covering the period of time between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2012. Children with active TB, latent TB, and those recently exposed to TB or recently adopted/immigrated from a high TB incidence country were enrolled. Overall, 4234 children were included; 554 (13.1%) children had active TB, 594 (14.0%) latent TB and 3086 (72.9%) were uninfected. Among children with active TB, 481 (86.8%) patients had pulmonary TB. The treatment of active TB cases was known for 96.4% (n = 534) of the cases. Overall, 210 (39.3%) out of these 534 children were treated with three and 216 (40.4%) with four first-line drugs. Second-line drugs where used in 87 (16.3%) children with active TB. Drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were reported in 39 (7%) children. Improving the surveillance of childhood TB is important for public health care workers and pediatricians. A non-negligible proportion of children had drug-resistant TB and was treated with second-line drugs, most of which are off-label in the pediatric age. Future efforts should concentrate on improving active surveillance, diagnostic tools, and the availability of antitubercular pediatric formulations, also in low-endemic countries
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