423 research outputs found

    Inserção profissional de pessoas com deficiência intelectual: O contributo da formação profissional

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    O paradigma actual sobre a inserção social de pessoas com deficiência intelectual aponta o mercado normal de trabalho como veículo fundamental neste processo. Contudo, as características desse mercado dificultam a entrada e permanência das pessoas com deficiência. A competência do profissional é considerada como critério de sucesso para a colocação em mercado de trabalho, sendo a formação profissional o passaporte para o desenvolvimento de competências essenciais para um excelente desempenho. Assim, o presente estudo pretende sistematizar os contributos da formação profissional, procurando, por um lado, identificar a auto-percepção, das pessoas com deficiência intelectual, sobre a importância da formação profissional para a sua inserção em mercado de trabalho e, por outro, estabelecer uma relação entre a formação profissional e a inserção em mercado de trabalho através do reconhecimento das competências relevantes para as entidades empregadoras. Para tal, esta investigação sustentou-se no método hipotético-dedutivo, centrado numa abordagem mista quantitativa e qualitativa, tendo sido utilizados na recolha de dados dois instrumentos: um questionário aplicado a trabalhadores com deficiência intelectual e uma entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada aos empregadores. Os resultados obtidos indicam-nos que, quer os trabalhadores com deficiência intelectual quer os empregadores, reconhecem a importância da formação profissional na inserção em mercado de trabalho, nomeadamente, no desenvolvimento de competências pessoais, sociais e técnicas. Mais ainda, os dados recolhidos destacam a formação prática em contexto de trabalho como componente formativa privilegiada pelas entidades empregadoras, tendo sido possível, também, identificar outros factores motivadores da contratação de pessoas com deficiência intelectual.The current paradigm on the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities points the regular labour market as key vehicle in this process. However, the characteristics of this market hinder the entry and permanence to people with disabilities. The professional competence is regarded as success criteria for placement in the labour market, being the vocational training the passport to the development of essential skills for an excellent performance. Thus, the present study aims to systematize the contributions of vocational training, trying, on one hand, to identify the self-perception of people with intellectual disabilities about the importance of vocational training for their integration in the labour market and, on the other hand, to establish a relationship between vocational training and integration into the labour market through the recognition of the relevant skills to employers. To this end, this research was sustained on the hypothetical-deductive method, centred on a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach, having been used in the data collection two instruments: a questionnaire administered to workers with intellectual disabilities and a semi-structured interview applied to employers. The results show us that both, workers with intellectual disabilities and employers, recognize the importance of vocational training in the inclusion in the labour market, particularly in the development of personal, social and technical skills. Moreover, data collected highlight the vocational training in the workplace as a privileged component by employers and was also possible to identify other motivating factors in the hiring of people with intellectual disabilities

    Nomofobia na população portuguesa em contexto pandémico: estudo comparativo antes e durante a pandemia COVID-19

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    Background and Aim: Nomophobia (no mobile phone) is defined as a digital era phobia characterized by an excessive fear of not being able to use the cell phone. In the COVID-19 pandemic context, there was an intensification of information and communication technology. The current study aimed to explore differences in nomophobia levels during the COVID-19 pandemic and those evidenced before the pandemic situation. Additionally, we sought to analyze the relationship between nomophobia and variables such as the frequency of use of screens for professional purposes, the use of cell phone management, and to what extent the pandemic made screen use a recurrent practice. We hypothesize that the fact that most of the daily activities took place at home (e.g., teleworking, online classes), there is a global decrease of nomophobia levels. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The sample comprised 288 participants from the general population in a pandemic situation and 500 participants who took part in a survey conducted before the pandemic. All participants completed online the European Portuguese version of the Nomophobia Questionnaire. Results: The nomophobia levels observed during the pandemic situation were lower compared to the pre-pandemic period. There were no statistically significant differences in nomophobia levels by sex, marital status, or recurrent use of the screen. Nomophobia was not associated with age, use of screens for professional purposes, or mobile phone management. Conclusions: Given that most activities occurred at home (e.g., teleworking, online classes), the nomophobia levels during the Covid-19 pandemic were lower. This seems to be related to the global decrease of the fear of not being able to communicate through the smartphone, losing connectivity, not being able to access information and the fear of not having a Wi-Fi signal or running out of battery.Contexto e Objetivo: A nomofobia (no mobile phone) é definida como uma fobia da era digital que se traduz num medo excessivo de ficar impedido de usar o telemóvel. No contexto da pandemia COVID-19, observou-se a intensificação do uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Este estudo pretendeu explorar a existência de diferenças nos níveis de nomofobia experienciados durante a pandemia, comparando-os com os evidenciados antes da pandemia. Adicionalmente, procurou-se analisar a relação entre a nomofobia e variáveis como a frequência do uso dos ecrãs na atividade profissional, o recurso ao gerenciador do telemóvel e em que medida a pandemia tornou o uso do ecrã uma prática recorrente. Hipotetiza-se que, em virtude da maioria das atividades ocorrer no domicílio (teletrabalho, aulas online), se observe uma diminuição global da nomofobia. Métodos: Estudo de desenho transversal. Participaram 288 indivíduos da população geral em situação de pandemia e 500 indivíduos de uma amostra recolhida previamente à pandemia. Todos os participantes preencheram online o European Portuguese Version of the Nomophobia Questionnaire. Resultados: Os níveis de nomofobia observados durante a pandemia foram mais reduzidos comparativamente aos do período pré-pandemia. Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos níveis de nomofobia em função do sexo, estado civil ou prática recorrente do uso do ecrã. A nomofobia não se mostrou associada à idade, uso dos ecrãs para efeitos profissionais ou recurso ao gerenciador do telemóvel. Conclusões: Em virtude da maioria das atividades ocorrerem em casa (teletrabalho, aulas online), os níveis de nomofobia observados em situação de pandemia foram mais reduzidos. Estes parecem estar relacionados com a diminuição global do medo de não poder comunicar através do telemóvel, perder conectividade, não poder aceder à informação e recear não ter sinal Wi-Fi ou ficar sem bateria

    Formation of emerging disinfection byproducts in water and evaluation of potential genotoxic effects: the case of chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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    Work performed by Departamento de Genética, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA); Centro de Química Estrutural, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon; Departamento de Saúde Ambiental, INSADisinfection byproducts (DBPs) are formed when disinfectants used in water treatment plants (WTPs) react with natural (or anthropogenic) organic matter present in the source water. Many studies have addressed health risks posed by a life-time exposure to DBPs through chlorinated drinking water or through dermal or inhalation exposure routes. Experimental studies have revealed genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of some DBPs and epidemiological studies evidenced potential associations between chlorinated drinking water and bladder or colorectal cancer. In addition, a possible link between chlorinated drinking water and reproductive/developmental effects has been hypothesized. Many DBPs have been identified in treated water, which justifies the growing concern about the potential health effects of emerging unregulated DBPs, some of which appear to be more genotoxic, in some assays, than the regulated DBPs. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most persistent contaminants detected in environmental samples such as river sediments and tap water. Water chlorination can lead to the formation of chlorinated derivatives of PAHs (Cl-PAHs) and the few available toxicological studies have shown that Cl-PAHs possess greater mutagenicity than the corresponding parent PAHs. The present study had two main objectives: 1) identification of the major chlorinated derivatives of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and fluoranthene (Fluo) formed as chlorination by-products and 2) evaluation of their potential hazard to humans, through the characterization of their potential genotoxic effects in a human cell line. To synthesize chlorinated standards of PAHs, a newly two phase (water/n-hexane) method was developed for BaP and Fluo. 6-Cl-BaP was obtained as the major chlorination product of BaP, and 3-Cl-Fluo and 1,3-Cl2-Fluo of Fluo. The formation of these BaP and Fluo chlorinated derivatives was also observed under WTPs chlorination conditions after at 0.5 until 24 h of exposure. The effects of equimolar concentrations of 6-Cl-BaP vs. BaP and of 3-Cl-Fluo/1,3-Cl2-Fluo vs. Fluo on cell viability and DNA integrity were assessed by the neutral red uptake (NR) and the comet assay, respectively. Exposure of HepG2 cells to a dose-range of 6-Cl-BaP and BaP showed that both compounds are cytotoxic above 50 µM and that, at the equimolar doses of 100 and 125 µM, 6-Cl-BaP is able to induce a significantly higher level of DNA damage than BaP. On the other hand, no changes of cell viability were observed after exposure to several concentrations of Fluo and its derivatives. Likewise, none of the compounds was able to significantly induce DNA damage. In conclusion, the present data confirmed that chlorinated derivatives of BaP and Fluo are formed during WTPs chlorination procedures and allowed the identification of their major chlorinated derivatives that should be further analysed in drinking water. On the other hand, the results from the comet assay evidenced a higher DNA damaging effect of Cl-BaP comparatively to its parent compound, suggestive of a more potent genotoxic effect. In spite of the negative results found for Fluo and its chorinated products, further genotoxicity studies are still needed to allow a definite conclusion. Although health risks of DBPs are small compared to health risks of waterborne diseases, the identification of hazardous Cl-PAHs in water emphasizes the need of development of new and safer water disinfection methods

    Food Knowledge for Better Nutrition and Health: A Study among University Students in Portugal

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    When students enter university, they suffer adaptations, including, usually, greater autonomy and responsibility for the choices they make. Therefore, it is crucial that they are well informed so as to make healthier food choices. The aim of this study was to determine whether sociodemographic characteristics, academic performance and lifestyle (tobacco and alcohol consumption) interfere with food literacy in university students. A quantitative, analytical, descriptive, transversal and correlational study was carried out, using quantitative data obtained through a questionnaire survey applied to a sample of 924 university students in Portugal. Food literacy was assessed through a scale of 27 items, distributed in three dimensions: D1—Literacy about food nutritional value and composition, D2—Literacy about labelling and food choice and D3—Literacy about healthy eating practices. Results showed no differences in food literacy according to sex or age. However, food literacy varied significantly with nationality, either globally (p = 0.006) or in the different dimensions evaluated (p-values of 0.005, 0.027 and 0.012 for D1, D2 and D3, respectively). In terms of academic achievement, the results showed no significant differences according to self-reported academic performance or even to the average classification obtained in the course. Regarding lifestyle variables, it was observed that alcohol consumption or smoking are not associated with food literacy, that is, food literacy does not vary significantly with these two lifestyle variables. In conclusion, food literacy in general and the dimensions evaluated are essentially constant among university students in Portugal, only varying for students from abroad. These results help to better perceive the food literacy levels for the population under study, university students, and that can be a valuable tool to better increase food literacy at these institutions as a way to better prepare for a healthier life and proper food habits that can enhance health in the long term.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    P9 - Antimicrobial properties and bioactivity potential of smart nanoparticles for dental applications

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    Tooth decay is one of the greatest causes of tooth loss in the world. This not only afects the patient’s quality of life but also carries an economic burden associated with the need for multiple reinterventions. Endodontic treatment aims to preserve teeth by cleaning, disinfecting and flling/sealing the root canal. Despite the high success rate of endodontic treatment, failures do occur in a large number of cases. Several new biomaterials for dentistry have been developed, however their bioactivity is often misunderstood. Our work focuses on the biological characterization of novel bioactive glass nanoparticles, including the evaluation of their antimicrobial and biocompatibility properties. Candida albicans (ATCC 11225) and Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212) were included to evaluate the antimicrobial potential by the drop plate method [1]. The cytotoxicity was tested using the MC3T3-E1 cell line, through the resazurin reduction assay. The novel bioactive glass nanoparticles demonstrated antimicrobial activity against C. albicans and E. faecalis, being able to inhibit their growth but also, in some incubation times, decreased the survival of these microorganisms. After 24 h of incubation of MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells with bioactive glass nanoparticles conditioned medium, around 48% cell viability was achieved. These novel bioactive glass nanoparticles have shown promising properties which may fnd applications on diferent areas of clinical dentistry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contaminantes da água com potencial genotóxico: cianotoxinas e subprodutos de desinfeção da água

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    A garantia da qualidade da água destinada ao consumo humano é, atualmente, uma preocupação universal, em termos de saúde pública. Assim, a presença de contaminantes de natureza microbiológica ou química, pode constituir um perigo para a saúde humana que importa avaliar, particularmente no que diz respeito a efeitos carcinogénicos. O presente trabalho representa uma abordagem multidisciplinar, abrangendo a caracterização de efeitos citotóxicos, genotóxicos e potencialmente carcinogénicos de toxinas cianobacterianas (microcistinas) e de subprodutos de desinfeção da água (derivados clorados de benzo[a] pireno e fluoranteno). As microcistinas têm sido detetadas em reservatórios de água doce, sendo sobretudo conhecidas pela sua hepatotoxicidade aguda. O nosso trabalho tem vindo a demonstrar que, por um lado, estas toxinas possuem também atividade citotóxica e genotóxica e que, por outro, essa atividade pode ser extensiva a células de outros órgãos, para além do fígado. Estes resultados suportam a hipótese, ainda alvo de alguma controvérsia científica, de que as microcistinas são agentes genotóxicos e potencialmente carcinogénicos. Os derivados clorados de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) podem formar-se pela reação do cloro, usado na desinfeção da água, com resíduos de HAP presentes na água, sendo que os seus efeitos biológicos são praticamente desconhecidos. O nosso trabalho compreendeu a preparação de três derivados clorados a partir do benzo[a]pireno (BaP) e fluoranteno (Fluo), a saber: 6-Cl-BaP, 3-Cl-Fluo e 1,3-Cl2-Fluo, tendo-se confirmado a sua formação em condições semelhantes às utilizadas em Estações de Tratamento de Águas. Mostrámos ainda que o 6-Cl-BaP apresenta um efeito genotóxico superior ao do BaP, o que veio justificar o alargamento deste estudo a novos subprodutos de desinfeção da água. No seu conjunto, os dados de ambos os estudos contribuíram para gerar evidência científica relativamente ao potencial impacto de contaminantes da água na saúde humana, com importantes implicações para a avaliação de risco e implementação de medidas preventivas, com vista a uma maior segurança na utilização dos recursos hídricos nacionais