123 research outputs found

    Conocimiento que tienen las mujeres posparto sobre la elección de un método de planificación familiar durante el puerperio usuarias de las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar Básica Las Charcas San Buenaventura e intermedias Santa Rosa de Lima y "enfermera Zoila esperanza Turcios de Jiménez", la Unión, año 2017

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    Es claro que la planificación familiar contribuye en medida sustancial a la salud materno- infantil. El interés de este estudio es por tanto exponer de una forma más especifica el conocimiento de las mujeres posparto para elegir un método de planificación familiar. Objetivo: Se consideró valorar de una manera más concisa el conocimiento de las mujeres posparto que eligen un método de planificación familiar, y en caso contrario, los factores que influyen en que estas no elijan ningún método. Metodología: la investigación tendrá un enfoque cuantitativo, en la cual se contará con 230 mujeres posparto como población en estudio, que hayan elegido un método de planificación familiar y que hayan sido inscritas en dicho programa en los establecimientos de salud de donde se tomó la muestra poblacional. La técnica para la recolección de datos será una entrevista detallada de 20 minutos de duración, la cual solo será brindada a las mujeres que den su consentimiento para tal actividad. Conclusiones: en base a la investigación se presentan elementos claves del conocimiento que poseen las puérperas sobre los métodos de planificación en la etapa del puerperio, la mayoría de mujeres en esta etapa no utilizan ningún método de planificación familiar, enlazando determinantes como nivel de escolaridad nula o baja, ocupación a la que se dedican, ama de casa, o vendedoras, lo cual les da una inestabilidad económica evidente, con una deficiente atención y cuidados básicos a sus hijos. Las mujeres que se encuentran utilizando un método de planificación eligieron inyectable y el DIU. Pocas puérperas poseen conocimiento aceptable acerca de la diversidad de métodos, en relación a su conocimiento una minoría elige con seguridad y confianza el método de planificación familiar a utilizar, aunado al conocimiento deficiente de sus parejas

    Genes for asparagine metabolism in Lotus japonicus : differential expression and interconnection with photorespiration

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    Background: Asparagine is a very important nitrogen transport and storage compound in plants due to its high nitrogen/carbon ratio and stability. Asparagine intracellu lar concentration depends on a balance between asparagine biosynthesis and degradation. The main enzymes involved in asparagine metabolism are as paragine synthetase (ASN), asparaginase (NSE) and serine-glyoxylate aminotransfera se (SGAT). The study of the genes encoding for these enzymes in the model legume Lotus japonicus is of particular interest since it has been proposed that asparagine is the principal molecule used to transport reduced nitrogen within the plant in most temperate legumes. Results: A differential expression of genes encoding for seve ral enzymes involved in asparagine metabolism was detected in L. japonicus . ASN is encoded by three genes, LjASN1 was the most highly expressed in mature leaves while LjASN2 expression was negligible and LjASN3 showed a low expression in this organ, suggesting that LjASN1 is the main gene responsible for asparagine synthesis in mature leaves. In young leaves, LjASN3 was the only ASN gene expressed although at low levels, while all the three genes encoding for NSE were highly expressed, especially LjNSE1 .Innodules, LjASN2 and LjNSE2 were the most highly expressed genes, suggesting an important role for these genes in this organ. Several lines of evidence support the connection between asparagine metabolic genes and photorespiration in L. japonicus : a) a mutant plant deficient in LjNSE1 showed a dramatic decrease in the expression of the two genes encoding for SGAT; b) expression of the genes involved in asparagine metabolism is altered in a photorespiratory mutant lacking plastidic glutamine synthetase; c) a clustering analysis indicated a similar pattern of expression among several genes involved in photorespiratory and asparagine metabolism, indicating a clear link between LjASN1 and LjSGAT genes and photorespiration. Conclusions: The results obtained in this paper indicate the exis tence of a differential expression of asparagine metabolic genes in L. japonicus and point out the crucial relevance of particular genes in different organs. Moreover, the data presented establish clear links betw een asparagine and photorespiratory metabolic genes in this plant.Junta de Andalucía (P10-CVI- 6368)FEDER-Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (AGL 2014 – 54413-R

    Tourist behaviour and dynamics of domestic tourism in times of COVID-19

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the changes and consequences in travel plans due to Covid-19 and characterize the behaviour of domestic tourism in Costa Rica after the confinement through an online survey. The respondents expressed their intention to travel in the first six months, mostly two nights, and accompanied by their family members. Factors related to safety and security appear as key drivers affecting travel decisions. Protected areas and nature-based tourism are the preferred destinations to visit after the lockdown with a clear concentration in the most visited protected areas of Costa Rica

    Reassimilation of photorespiratory ammonium in Lotus japonicus plants deficient in plastidic glutamine synthetase

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    It is well established that the plastidic isoform of glutamine synthetase (GS2) is the enzyme in charge of photorespiratory ammonium reassimilation in plants. The metabolic events associated to photorespiratory NH4+ accumulation were analyzed in a Lotus japonicus photorespiratory mutant lacking GS2. The mutant plants accumulated high levels of NH4+when photorespiration was active, followed by a sudden drop in the levels of this compound. In this paper it was examined the possible existence of enzymatic pathways alternative to GS2 that could account for this decline in the photorespiratory ammonium. Induction of genes encoding for cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and asparagine synthetase (ASN) was observed in the mutant in correspondence with the diminishment of NH4+. Measurements of gene expression, polypeptide levels, enzyme activity and metabolite levels were carried out in leaf samples from WT and mutant plants after different periods of time under active photorespiratory conditions. In the case of asparagine synthetase it was not possible to determine enzyme activity and polypeptide content; however, an increased asparagine content in parallel with the induction of ASN gene expression was detected in the mutant plants. This increase in asparagine levels took place concomitantly with an increase in glutamine due to the induction of cytosolic GS1 in the mutant, thus revealing a major role of cytosolic GS1 in the reassimilation and detoxification of photorespiratory NH4+ when the plastidic GS2 isoform is lacking. Moreover, a diminishment in glutamate levels was observed, that may be explained by the induction of NAD (H)-dependent GDH activityJunta de Andalucía P1OCVI- 6368 y BIO-163Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2014-54413-

    El aprendizaje basado en proyectos como estrategia para fortalecer las competencias específicas del curso de Mecánica de Fluidos en los estudiantes de Ingeniería Eléctrica de una universidad pública del callao en el 2018

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo explicar manera en que la aplicación de la estrategia aprendizaje basado en proyectos fortalece las competencias específicas comprensión del comportamiento de los fluidos y aplicación de los conocimientos de la Mecánica de Fluidos a la práctica en los estudiantes del curso de Mecánica de Fluidos del cuarto ciclo de la carrera de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica de una universidad pública del Callao, en el 2018. La metodología empleada desarrolla el enfoque cualitativo, de alcance explicativo y de diseño fenomenológico. Los resultados obtenidos de la evaluación de las calificaciones promedio de los estudiantes durante los últimos siete años (2010-2016) revelan que solo un 5% de estudiantes obtiene promedios que califican como “buenos”, con notas comprendidas entre 14 y 17; un 43% de ellos califica como “regular”, con notas entre 11 y 13; y, un 52% desaprueba el curso, con notas de 0 a 10. Asimismo, en las encuestas realizadas a los estudiantes, en el semestre académico 2018-A, un 68% de estos manifestaron haber logrado la competencia específica comprensión del comportamiento de los fluidos, pero también, un 59% de ellos señalaron no haber logrado la competencia aplicación de los conocimientos de la Mecánica de Fluidos a la práctica. Con la finalidad de corregir esta situación, en el semestre 2018-B, se aplicó la estrategia del aprendizaje basado en proyectos, cuya evaluación final demostró que se lograron fortalecer ambas competencias entre los estudiantes del curso de Mecánica de Fluidos.Trabajo de investigaciónCampus Lima Centr

    Cellular Stress Following Water Deprivation in the Model Legume Lotus japonicus

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    Drought stress is one of the most important factors in the limitation of plant productivity worldwide. In order to cope with water deprivation, plants have adopted several strategies that produce major changes in gene expression. In this paper, the response to drought stress in the model legume Lotus japonicus was studied using a transcriptomic approach. Drought induced an extensive reprogramming of the transcriptome as related to various aspects of cellular metabolism, including genes involved in photosynthesis, amino acid metabolism and cell wall metabolism, among others. A particular focus was made on the genes involved in the cellular stress response. Key genes involved in the control of the cell cycle, antioxidant defense and stress signaling, were modulated as a consequence of water deprivation. Genes belonging to different families of transcription factors were also highly responsive to stress. Several of them were homologies to known stress-responsive genes from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, while some novel transcription factors were peculiar to the L. japonicus drought stress response

    Properties of polyplexes formed between a cationic polymer derived from l-arabinitol and nucleic acids

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    In this work a sugar-based cationic polymer derived from l-arabinitol, PUArab, was prepared and its interactions with the linear calf thymus DNA and with the circular plasmid pEGFP-C1 were investigated at different N/P ratios. The polyplexes were characterized by using several techniques. For both nucleic acids, a charge inversion was observed, together with a conformational change from a coiled structure to a more compacted one. However, the N/P ratio required to observe the DNA condensation depended on the nucleic acid architecture. PUArab presents low toxicity in several cell lines. The transfection efficiency, TE, of the PUArab/pEGFP-C1 polyplexes was investigated at several N/P ratios in order to study their potential as vectors in gene transfection

    Evaluación de la regulación emocional: indicadores psicométricos del instrumento RPA en población española

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    Possitive affect has often been neglected throughout research in clinical psychology, with respect to its parallel dimension: Negative affect. This study analyses the psychometric properties of the Response to Positive Affect scale in order for it to be adapted and validated in Spanish population. The scale measures people reaction to the emotions experienced from positive situations (emotion regulation). According to the authors of the scale, it is compossed by three factors: Dampening, Emotion-focused possitive rumination and Self-focused possitive rumination. An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out, with 970 participants from general and clinical population, along with analyses about internal consistency, invariance analysis for gender and group (patients/controls) and concurrent validity. The factors obtained were the same as the ones proposed by the creators of the original scale. Furthermore, the values for internal consistency were adecuate, invariance for sex and group (patients/controls), as well as the correlations with the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (sensitivity to punishment and reward). The scale has good psychometric properties. The Response to Positive Affect scale is an instrument that can allow the study and analysis of positive rumination and damping, therefore, the regulation of positive emotional states, complementing other instruments focused on processes as rumination or negative affectivity. It can be particularly useful for the evaluation, follow-up, and planning of the intervention in anxiety, depressive, and bipolar disorders, among others, when analyzing characteristics of emotional regulation.ResumenEn la investigación clínica, el afecto positivo ha recibido menos atención que su dimensión paralela: el afecto nega­tivo. Este trabajo analiza las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Afectividad Positiva (Response to Positive Affect), para su adaptación al castellano y validación en población española. La escala mide las respuestas a las emociones experimentadas ante situaciones positivas (regulación emocional). Según los autores de la escala, está compuesta por tres factores: Amortiguación, Rumia positiva centrada en la emoción y Rumia positiva centrada en la persona. Se llevaron a cabo análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio, con 970 participantes de población general y clínica, análisis de la consistencia interna, invarianza para sexo y grupo (pa­cientes/controles) y validez concurrente. Se obtuvo la misma estructura factorial planteada por los creadores de la versión original de la escala. Se obtuvieron adecuados valores para la consistencia interna, invarianza para sexo y pacientes/controles, y correlaciones significativas con el cuestionario de salud general y el Cuestionario de Sensibilidad al Castigo y Sensibilidad a la Recompensa de sensibilidad al castigo y a la recompensa. La escala presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. La Escala de Afectividad Positiva es un instrumento que puede permitir el estu­dio y análisis de la rumia positiva y la amortiguación, por tanto, la regulación de los estados emocionales positivos, complementando otros instrumentos centrados en otros procesos como la rumia y la afectividad negativa. Puede ser particularmente útil para la evaluación, seguimiento, y planificación de la intervención ante trastornos de ansie­dad, depresivos y bipolares, entre otros, al evaluar carac­terísticas de regulación emocional en la persona evaluada.AbstractPossitive affect has often been neglected throughout research in clinical psychology, with respect to its parallel dimension: Negative affect. This study analyses the psychometric properties of the Response to Positive Affect scale in order for it to be adapted and validated in Spanish population. The scale measures people reaction to the emotions experienced from positive situations (emotion regulation). According to the authors of the scale, it is compossed by three factors: Dampening, Emotion-focused possitive rumination and Self-focused possitive rumination. An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out, with 970 participants from general and clinical population, along with analyses about internal consistency, invariance analysis for gender and group (patients/controls) and concurrent validity. The factors obtained were the same as the ones proposed by the creators of the original scale. Furthermore, the values for internal consistency were adecuate, invariance for sex and group (patients/controls), as well as the correlations with the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (sensitivity to punishment and reward). The scale has good psychometric properties. The Response to Positive Affect scale is an instrument that can allow the study and analysis of positive rumination and damping, therefore, the regulation of positive emotional states, complementing other instruments focused on processes as rumination or negative affectivity. It can be particularly useful for the evaluation, follow-up, and planning of the intervention in anxiety, depressive, and bipolar disorders, among others, when analyzing characteristics of emotional regulation

    Use of transcriptomics and co-expression networks to analyze the interconnections between nitrogen assimilation and photorespiratory metabolism

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    Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for plants and, in natural soils, its availability is often a major limiting factor for plant growth. Here we examine the effect of different forms of nitrogen nutrition and of photorespiration on gene expression in the model legume Lotus japonicus with the aim of identifying regulatory candidate genes co-ordinating primary nitrogen assimilation and photorespiration. The transcriptomic changes produced by the use of different nitrogen sources in leaves of L. japonicus plants combined with the transcriptomic changes produced in the same tissue by different photorespiratory conditions were examined. The results obtained provide novel information on the possible role of plastidic glutamine synthetase in the response to different nitrogen sources and in the C/N balance of L. japonicus plants. The use of gene co-expression networks establishes a clear relationship between photorespiration and primary nitrogen assimilation and identifies possible transcription factors connected to the genes of both routes.España. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2014-54413-REspaña Junta de Andalucia, Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia BIO-163España Junta de Andalucia, Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia P10-CVI-636

    Metallo-Liposomes of Ruthenium Used as Promising Vectors of Genetic Material

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    Gene therapy is a therapeutic process consisting of the transport of genetic material into cells. The design and preparation of novel carriers to transport DNA is an important research line in the medical field. Hybrid compounds such as metallo-liposomes, containing a mixture of lipids, were prepared and characterized. Cationic metal lipids derived from the [Ru(bpy)3]2+ complex, RuC11C11 or RuC19C19, both with different hydrophobic/lipophilic ratios, were mixed with the phospholipid DOPE. A relation between the size and the molar fraction α was found and a multidisciplinary study about the interaction between the metallo-liposomes and DNA was performed. The metallo-liposomes/DNA association was quantified and a relationship between Kapp and α was obtained. Techniques such as AFM, SEM, zeta potential, dynamic light scattering and agarose gel electrophoresis demonstrated the formation of lipoplexes and showed the structure of the liposomes. L/D values corresponding to the polynucleotide's condensation were estimated. In vitro assays proved the low cell toxicity of the metallo-liposomes, lower for normal cells than for cancer cell lines, and a good internalization into cells. The latter as well as the transfection measurements carried out with plasmid DNA pEGFP-C1 have demonstrated a good availability of the Ru(II)-based liposomes for being used as non-toxic nanovectors in gene therapy.España Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía (Proyecto de Excelencia P12-FQM-1105, FQM-206 and FQM-274, and PI-0005-2018)España,, Universidad de Sevilla, VI Plan Propio Universidad de Sevilla (PP2018-10338)España Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-100692-B-I00