110 research outputs found

    Envelhecimento e saúde: Escala de Autoeficácia para a Autodireção na Saúde

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    OBJETIVO Validar a Escala de Autoeficácia para a Autodireção no domínio da Saúde (EAAS). MÉTODOS Estudo quantitativo não experimental de validação da EAAS, por meio de análises fatoriais confirmatórias, avaliando amostra de 508 seniores e idosos provenientes das regiões Norte e Centro de Portugal com média etária de 71.67 (51 a 96 anos), a quem foram aplicadas a Escala de Autoeficácia para a Autodireção na Saúde, a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, a Escala de Afeto Positivo e Afeto Negativo, a Escala de Satisfação Com a Vida e a escala de Atividades Instrumentais da Vida Diária. A EAAS foi desenvolvida a partir dos construtos teóricos da autoeficácia e da aprendizagem autodirigida no âmbito do projeto europeu PALADIN, visando constituir um instrumento apto a avaliar até que ponto os seniores cuidam bem da sua saúde. RESULTADOS A consistência interna encontrada foi de 0.87 (alfa de Cronbach) e as análises fatoriais confirmatórias permitiram encontrar um modelo próximo ao proposto teoricamente, indicando uma estrutura constituída por quatro dimensões: exercício físico, alimentação saudável, envolvimento em aprendizagens relativas à saúde e visitas a profissionais de saúde. Do ponto de vista psicométrico, o modelo em quatro fatores mostrou indicadores de ajustamento bastante satisfatórios. CONCLUSÕES A Escala de Autoeficácia para a Autodireção na Saúde, com 16 itens, é adequada para avaliar em que medida os seniores têm confiança na sua capacidade para tomar conta da própria saúde, com elevado grau de autonomia.OBJECTIVE To validate the Escala de Autoeficácia para a Autodireção na Saúde (EAAS – Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale). METHODS Non-experimental quantitative study of EAAS validation, by confirmatory factorial analyses, evaluating a sample of 508 older adults from the north and the center of Portugal with mean age of 71.67 (from 51 to 96 years), to whom the Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale were applied. The EAAS was developed from the theoretical constructs of self-efficacy and from self-directed learning within the PALADIN European project framework, aiming to develop an instrument able to assess the extent to which older adults take good care of their health. RESULTS The internal consistency was 0.87 (Cronbach’s alpha) and confirmatory factorial analyses enabled to find a model near the one theoretically proposed, indicating a structure consisting of four dimensions: physical exercise, healthy diet, engaging in health-related learning, and visits to health professionals. From the psychometric point of view, the model in four factors showed quite satisfactory fit indicators. CONCLUSIONS The Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale, with 16 items, is adequate to evaluate to what extent older adults have confidence in their ability to take care of their own health, with high degree of autonomy

    Adaptation and validation of the WHOQOL-OLD for the Portuguese population: Results of focus groups implementation

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    No âmbito dos estudos de adaptação e validação do WHOQOL-OLD, foram implementados oito grupos focais, num total de 33 participantes, em amostra de conveniência: um com profissionais em formação (N=4), um com cuidadores (N=4) e seis grupos com adultos idosos (N=25; quatro com idosos da comunidade e dois com idosos institucionalizados). Os resultados corroboram a natureza multidimensional do constructo QdV. Foram evocados espontaneamente os seis domínios do WHOQOL-100 e todas as suas facetas (exceptuando Actividade sexual), bem como as seis facetas do WHOQOL-OLD. Com maior frequência, oadultos idosos destacam Qualidade de vida e saúde geral e dimensões de Relações sociais, Ambiente, Psicológico, Aspectos espirituais e Autonomia; os cuidadores referem dimensões de Autonomia, Saúde, Ambiente e Relações sociais; e os profissionais destacam Saúde, Nível de independência, Ambiente e Relações sociais. Por todos os grupos foi apontada a dimensão “Família/Vida familiar”, que poderá constituir-se como uma nova faceta do módulo WHOQOL-OLD português

    Playing Darwin. Part B. 20 years of domestication in Drosophila subobscura

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    Adaptation to a new environment (as well as its underlying mechanisms) is one of the most important topics in Evolutionary Biology. Understanding the adaptive process of natural populations to captivity is essential not only in general evolutionary studies but also in conservation programmes. Since 1990, the Group of Experimental Evolution (CBA/FCUL) has been performing long-term, real-time evolutionary studies, with the characterization of laboratory adaptation in populations of Drosophila subobscura founded in different times and from different locations. Initially, these experiments involved phenotypic assays and more recently were expanded to studies at the molecular level (microsatellite and chromosomal polymorphisms) and with different population sizes. Throughout these two decades, a clear pattern of evolutionary convergence to long-established laboratory populations has been consistently observed in several life-history traits. However, contingencies across foundations were also found during the adaptive process. In characters with complex evolutionary trajectories, the data suggested that the comparative method lacked predictive capacity relative to real-time evolutionary trajectories (experimental evolution). Microsatellite analysis revealed general similarity in gene diversity and allele number between studied populations, as well as an unclear association between genetic variability and evolutionary potential. Nevertheless, ongoing studies in all foundations are being carried out to further test this hypothesis. A comparison between recently introduced and long-term populations (founded from the same natural location) has shown higher degree of chromosomal polymorphism in recent ones. Finally, our findings suggest higher heterogeneity between small-sized populations, as well as a slower evolutionary rate in characters close to fitness (such as fecundity and mating behaviour). This comprehensive study is aimed at better understanding the processes and patterns underlying adaptation to captivity, as well as its genetic basis

    Metabolic control of T cell immune response through glycans in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Mucosal T lymphocytes from patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) were previously shown to display a deficiency in branched N-glycosylation associated with disease severity. However, whether this glycosylation pathway shapes the course of the T cell response constituting a targeted-specific mechanism in UC remains largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrated that metabolic supplementation of ex vivo mucosal T cells from patients with active UC with N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) resulted in enhancement of branched N-glycosylation in the T cell receptor (TCR), leading to suppression of T cell growth, inhibition of the T helper 1 (Th1)/Th17 immune response, and controlled T cell activity. We further demonstrated that mouse models displaying a deficiency in the branched N-glycosylation pathway (MGAT5-/-, MGAT5+/-) exhibited increased susceptibility to severe forms of colitis and early-onset disease. Importantly, the treatment of these mice with GlcNAc reduced disease severity and suppressed disease progression due to a controlled T cell-mediated immune response at the intestinal mucosa. In conclusion, our human ex vivo and preclinical results demonstrate the targeted-specific immunomodulatory properties of this simple glycan, proposing a therapeutic approach for patients with UC.We thank Dr. Hiroaki Korekane and Fumi (RIKEN) for support in preparation of the fluorescent oligosaccharide acceptor substrate. We thank Dr. Michael Pierce for kindly providing the MGAT5 knockout mice. We also thank Paula Paíga (REQUIMTE/LAQV) for technical support with the HPLC system. The Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto integrates the i3S research unit, which is partially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This article is a result of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000029, supported by the Norte Portugal Regional Programme (NORTE 2020) under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement through the European Regional Development Fund. This work was also funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) funds through the COMPETE 2020—Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through the FCT in the framework of the project (POCI-01/ 0145-FEDER-016601 and PTDC/DTP-PIC/0560/2014). S.S.P. acknowledges the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization (ECCO) for ECCO Grant 2017, the Broad Medical Research Program at the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, and the Portuguese Group of Study in IBD (GEDII) for funding. A.M.D. [PD/BD/105982/2014], A.C. [SFRH/BPD/91623/2012], and M.S.P. [SFRH/ BD/110148/2015] received funding from the FCT. M. Lima thanks the CHP for the research support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aging and health: Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To validate the Escala de Autoeficácia para a Autodireção na Saúde (EAAS – Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale). METHODS Non-experimental quantitative study of EAAS validation, by confirmatory factorial analyses, evaluating a sample of 508 older adults from the north and the center of Portugal with mean age of 71.67 (from 51 to 96 years), to whom the Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale were applied. The EAAS was developed from the theoretical constructs of self-efficacy and from self-directed learning within the PALADIN European project framework, aiming to develop an instrument able to assess the extent to which older adults take good care of their health. RESULTS The internal consistency was 0.87 (Cronbach’s alpha) and confirmatory factorial analyses enabled to find a model near the one theoretically proposed, indicating a structure consisting of four dimensions: physical exercise, healthy diet, engaging in health-related learning, and visits to health professionals. From the psychometric point of view, the model in four factors showed quite satisfactory fit indicators. CONCLUSIONS The Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale, with 16 items, is adequate to evaluate to what extent older adults have confidence in their ability to take care of their own health, with high degree of autonomy

    Neuropsychological Assessment of Older Adults With Virtual Reality: Association of Age, Schooling, and General Cognitive Status

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    The development of neuropsychological assessment methods using virtual reality (VR) is a valid and promising option for the detection of cognitive impairment in the older people, focusing on activities composed of tasks of multiple demands. This study verified the association of age, schooling, and general cognitive status on the performance of neurologically healthy older adults in ECO-VR, a VR task of multiple demands for neuropsychological assessment. A total of 111 older adults answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini Mental State Examination, the Vocabulary subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults (third edition), and the ECO-VR. Correlation analyses, multiple linear regression, and comparisons between groups (effects by age and schooling groups) were used to evaluate the results. The ECO-VR total score was significantly associated with age, years of education, MMSE, and Vocabulary subtest. The linear regression models identified that age was the main predictor for total score and rule breaking of ECO-VR. According to the univariate analysis, it was identified the main effect of age group and schooling group in the total ECO-VR score, but there was no interaction effect. The results are discussed in order to understand the role of sociodemographic characteristics in the performance of older adults in a VR task of multiple demands. It was also verified the possibility use of VR for neuropsychological assessment of older adults

    EuroFlow Lymphoid Screening Tube (LST) data base for automated identification of blood lymphocyte subsets

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    In recent years the volume and complexity of flow cytometry data has increased substantially. This has led to a greater number of identifiable cell populations in a single measurement. Consequently, new gating strategies and new approaches for cell population definition are required. Here we describe how the EuroFlow Lymphoid Screening Tube (LST) reference data base for peripheral blood (PB) samples was designed, constructed and validated for automated gating of the distinct lymphoid (and myeloid) subsets in PB of patients with chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (CLPD). A total of 46 healthy/reactive PB samples which fulfilled predefined technical requirements, were used to construct the LST-PB reference data base. In addition, another set of 92 PB samples (corresponding to 10 healthy subjects, 51 B-cell CLPD and 31 T/NK-cell CLPD patients), were used to validate the automated gating and cell-population labeling tools with the Infinicyt software. An overall high performance of the LST-PB data base was observed with a median percentage of alarmed cellular events of 0.8% in 10 healthy donor samples and of 44.4% in CLPD data files containing 49.8% (range: 1.3–96%) tumor cells. The higher percent of alarmed cellular events in every CLPD sample was due to aberrant phenotypes (75.6% cases) and/or to abnormally increased cell counts (86.6% samples). All 18 (22%) data files that only displayed numerical alterations, corresponded to T/NK-cell CLPD cases which showed a lower incidence of aberrant phenotypes (41%) vs B-cell CLPD cases (100%). Comparison between automated vs expert-bases manual classification of normal (r2 = 0.96) and tumor cell populations (rho = 0.99) showed a high degree of correlation. In summary, our results show that automated gating of cell populations based on the EuroFlow LST-PB data base provides an innovative, reliable and reproducible tool for fast and simplified identification of normal vs pathological B and T/NK lymphocytes in PB of CLPD patients

    A colecção de estirpes autóctones de Saccharomyces cerevisiae das principais regiões vitivinícolas portuguesas

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    Apresentação efectuada no "Simpósio de Vitivinicultura do Alentejo, 7, Évora, 2010"A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae é caracterizada por uma elevada variabilidade fenotípica, que está associada à ocorrência de estirpes em habitats naturais diversificados. Em trabalhos anteriores, demonstrámos a elevada diversidade de estirpes isoladas a partir de ambientes vitivinícolas na Região dos Vinhos Verdes, bem como a ocorrência de estirpes características para cada terroir. A recolha de estirpes autóctones foi alargada a outras regiões (Alentejo, Açores, Bairrada, Dão, Douro, Estremadura e Ribatejo), incluindo as castas mais representativas (Alvarinho, Aragonês, Arinto, Avesso, Baga, Bical, Castelão, Loureiro, Maria Gomes, Terrantez, Touriga Nacional e Verdelho). Pelo uso de diferentes marcadores moleculares foram identificadas 662 estirpes a partir dos 4470 isolados recolhidos. A colecção de S. cerevisiae de ambientes vitivinícolas é utilizada para a selecção de estirpes mais apropriadas para vinificação e que realçam as propriedades sensoriais características. Adicionalmente, constitui um recurso para a conservação da biodiversidade e partilha de dados genéticos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Programa Operacional Ciência e Inovação POCI2010 , POCI/AGR/56102/2004), PTDC(AGR-ALI/103392/2008)Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)Direcção Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia (DRCT

    Deciphering the contribution of biofilm to the pathogenesis of peritoneal dialysis infections: characterization and microbial behaviour on dialysis fluids

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    Infections are major complications in peritoneal dialysis (PD) with a multifactorial etiology that comprises patient, microbial and dialytic factors. This study aimed at investigating the contribution of microbial biofilms on PD catheters to recalcitrant infections and their interplay with PD related-factors. A prospective observational study was performed on 47 patients attending Centro Hospitalar of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho to whom the catheter was removed due to infectious (n = 16) and non-infectious causes (n = 31). Microbial density on the catheter was assessed by culture methods and the isolated microorganisms identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight intact cell mass spectrometry. The effect of conventional and three biocompatible PD solutions on 16 Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (CNS) and 10 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains planktonic growth and biofilm formation was evaluated. Cultures were positive in 87.5% of the catheters removed due infectious and 90.3% removed due to non-infectious causes. However, microbial yields were higher on the cuffs of catheters removed due to infection vs. non-infection. Staphylococci (CNS and Staphylococcus aureus) and P. aeruginosa were the predominant species: 32% and 20% in the infection and 43.3% and 22.7% in the non-infection group, respectively. In general, PD solutions had a detrimental effect on planktonic CNS and P. aeruginosa strains growth. All strains formed biofilms in the presence of PD solutions. The solutions had a more detrimental effect on P. aeruginosa than CNS strains. No major differences were observed between conventional and biocompatible solutions, although in icodextrin solution biofilm biomass was lower than in bicarbonate/lactate solution. Overall, we show that microbial biofilm is universal in PD catheters with the subclinical menace of Staphylococci and P. aeruginosa. Cuffs colonization may significantly contribute to infection. PD solutions differentially impact microbial species. This knowledge is important for the development of infection diagnosis, treatment and preventive strategies.This work received support from a Sociedade Portuguesa de Nefrologia (http://www.spnefro.pt) research grant to AR and a Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (http://www.fct.pt) post doc grant (SFRH/BPD/73663/2010) to MM. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript