60 research outputs found

    Culturas na guitarra: flamenco

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    Mestrado em Música para o Ensino VocacionalO presente trabalho, integrado no âmbito do Mestrado em Música para o Ensino Vocacional da Universidade de Aveiro, pretende confrontar um grupo de alunos de guitarra clássica do ensino oficial com o Flamenco, cultura estranha ao universo em que se insere o repertório da guitarra clássica. Tal projecto não pretende substituir os conteúdos do ensino regular mas, simplesmente, incentivar o contacto dos estudantes de guitarra clássica com outro género musical, bem como avivar o interesse das instituições oficiais pela implementação de outras culturas musicais no percurso académico dos alunos. O documento de apoio ao trabalho é composto por: a) Apresentação histórica que engloba a etimologia da palavra Flamenco, as origens do Flamenco, a história do Flamenco e principais géneros e suas características; b) Compilação e demonstração de técnicas guitarrísticas flamencas (punteado, rasgueado, golpe, técnica do polegar, trémolo flamenco, alzapúa, entre outras); c) Descrição do modo como foram implementados todos os conteúdos programáticos durante o projecto educativo, e das estratégias adoptadas para ultrapassar as dificuldades dos alunos.The following work integrated into the framework of the Master’s degree in Music for the Vocational Education, of the University of Aveiro, wants to confront a group of classical guitar students from the official teaching with Flamenco, strange culture to the world in which the classical guitar repertoire is inserted. This project does not intend to replace the contents of the general education, but simply to encourage the contact between classical guitar students and another genre, as well as revive the interest of the state institutions for the implementation of other musical cultures in the students’ course. The document to support the work consists of: a) Historical presentation that includes the etymology of the word Flamenco, the origins of Flamenco, Flamenco history and the main genres and their characteristics; b) Compilation and demonstration of Flamenco Guitar techniques (punteado, rasgueado, golpe, thumb technique, flamenco tremolo, alzapúa, among others), c) Description of how all the syllabuses have been implemented during the educational project and the adopted strategies to overcome students' difficulties

    D. Manuel de Almada, bispo de Angra: sua trajectória político-social e religiosa (? - 1580)

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    D. Manuel de Almada foi um bispo cuja vida atravessou quase todo o século XVI, época de importantes mutações, algumas das quais se encontram reflectidas na sua trajectória e perfil pessoais. Com a reconstituição do seu itinerário apresenta-se um estudo de caso de um prelado que ascendeu a uma mitra insular – Angra –, em tempos de clima reformador marcado pelo concílio de Trento, embora antes de concluído, o que o torna figura paradigmática de uma época de charneira. Tal percepção levou a indagar sobre antecedentes relevantes como o estatuto social, ficando bem apurado ter nascido no seio de família com tradição de cargos na alta magistratura. A formação universitária em direito canónico e a ordem de presbítero abriram-lhe o caminho do serviço régio e da Igreja. Como cónego da sé de Lisboa e depois chantre servirá na Inquisição, a grande porta de acesso ao episcopado. Sem nunca ter visitado a diocese manter-se-á no exercício de cargos da órbita do poder central e do meio cortesão. Encontrava-se nesta dualidade de funções quando se abriu a grande crise de sucessão dinástica com a morte de D. Sebastião. Ao tornar-se seguidor de D. António, prior do Crato, desafiou o poder de Filipe II. Nesta luta procurou a morte aquele que até ao fim da vida teve o título de bispo de Angra embora há muito resignatário.Bishop D. Manuel de Almada lived during almost the whole of the 16th century, a period of important transformations, some of which were to be reflected in his career and personality. In the reconstitution of his life, is present a case study of a prelate who rose to the diocesis of Angra – in the Azores Islands – during a period of reform marked by the Council of Trent, though prior to its conclusion, making him a paradigmatic figure of this epoch of change. This perception led to a questioning of relevant antecedents such as social standing, and it was found that he was born into a family with a tradition of high office in the magistrature. A university education in canonical law and priestly orders opened up the way to service to the Crown and to the Church. Canon of Lisbon Cathedral and later chanter, he was to serve in the Inquisition, the great gateway to the episcopacy. Though he never visited his diocese, he remained in office in positions within the sphere of central power and court life. It was during the period of duality of duties that the great crisis of dynastic succession broke out with the death of king Sebastião. On becoming a follower of D. António, the prior of Crato, he challenged the power of Filipe II. During this struggle, death was to reap one who, to the end of his life, held the title of bishop, though long retired, of Angra

    Integração de tecnologia de impressão 3D na PLM, Plural

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    No âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia e Design de Produto da Universidade de Aveiro desenvolveu-se uma investigação na empresa PLM, Plural que se centrou na exploração, integração e otimização da tecnologia de impressão 3D em produtos desenvolvidos pela organização. A tecnologia de impressão 3D sendo uma técnica de manufatura aditiva com uma evolução direcionada para a indústria relativamente recente, veio renovar o olhar produtivo relativamente ao processo criativo no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Ao contrário de outras técnicas existentes, tais como manufatura subtrativa e processos de conformação, a impressão 3D revela claras vantagens quer a nível construtivo quer a nível logístico, desencadeando novas abordagens criativas nos processos de ideação e conceção. Perante este paradigma, desenvolveram-se dois projetos: o primeiro dedicado ao desenvolvimento de uma estrutura de higienização promovida por um mercado emergente em consequência do contexto pandémico Covid-19, e o segundo projeto centrado no setor do retalho visando o desenvolvimento criativo de uma solução versátil para exposição de produtos comerciais. Com uma metodologia de trabalho fundada na compreensão dos princípios e conceitos teóricos da tecnologia de impressão 3D e a análise da indústria do sector de retalho, estruturou-se o desenvolvimento conceptual de soluções técnicas estruturais que visam a integração desta tecnologia como recurso para a produção de equipamentos desenvolvidos pela empresa. No intuito de analisar eventuais vantagens deste tipo de abordagens, realizaram-se estudos comparativos com métodos de fabrico tradicionais que revelaram dados promissores relativamente às diversas fases processuais e parametrização das máquinas, tempos de impressão e qualidade de acabamento das superfícies. As soluções finais integram uma reflexão estratégica sobre possíveis oportunidades de mercado, com as limitações e potencialidades que caracterizam esta tecnologia de impressão 3D, tais como a customização a nível geométrico na perspetiva da personalização de produtos, e a otimização das cadeias de valor consequente de um melhoramento a nível logístico e operacional interno da empresa numa perspetiva de integração da tecnologia na fase inicial de conceção e desenvolvimento dos produtos.Under the Master of Engineering and Product Design at the University of Aveiro was developed an investigation into the PLM, Plural company which focused on the exploration, integration and optimization of 3D printing technology products developed by the organization. The 3D printing technology, being an additive manufacturing technique with a recent evolution directed to the industry, came to renew the productive look regarding the creative process in the development of new products. Unlike other existing techniques, such as “Subtractive Manufacturing” and “Forming Process”, 3D printing reveals clear advantages in terms of construction and logistics, triggering new creative approaches in the ideation and design processes. Considering this paradigm, two projects were developed: the first dedicated to the development of a sanitation structure promoted by an emerging market as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic context, and the second project focused on the retail sector aimed at the creative development of a versatile solution for displaying commercial products. With a work methodology based on the understanding of the theoretical principles and concepts of 3D printing technology and the analysis of the industry in the retail sector, the conceptual development resulted in structural technical solutions aimed at integrating this technology as a resource to produce equipment developed by company. To analyze possible advantages of this type of approach, comparative studies were carried out with traditional manufacturing methods, which revealed promising data regarding the various process stages and machine parameterization, printing times and surface finish quality. The final solutions integrate a strategic reflection on possible market opportunities, with the limitations and potential that characterize this 3D printing technology, such as customization at a geometric level from the perspective of product personalization, and the optimization of value chains resulting from an improvement at the company's internal operational and logistical level from a perspective of technology integration at the initial stage of product design and development.Mestrado em Engenharia e Design de Produt

    University students involved in a sustainable world: assessing sustainable consumption in Spain

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    Purpose – To achieve sustainable development to protect the environment and society, an increasing number of scholars have conducted in-depth research on sustainable and responsible consumption behaviors. The outputs demonstrate that consumers are increasingly concerned and aware of the issues associated with the excessive use of resources. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the validity and reliability of the Sustainable Consumption Scale (SC-S) in the Spanish context. Design/methodology/approach – The adaptation of SC-S to Spanish was carried out in accordance with international methodological standards. The Spanish version of this scale was applied empirically to the research sample was composed of 962 university students (49.1% male and 50.9% female) from 54 Universities in 15 regions of Spain that participated in the study. Findings – The analyses carried out to verify the psychometric properties retained 16 items from the original proposal, grouped equally in three factors: Cognitive – six items; Affective – seven items; and Conative – four items. The scale presented adequate adjustment indexes, as well as optimal values of the different measures of reliability, recommended by the literature. Originality/value – This instrument can be used by the Spanish academic community, which will contribute to the assessment and prediction regarding a sustainable consumption attitude. From these screenings, it will be also possible to understand the impact and development of the objectives outlined byAgenda 2030

    Adopção de práticas supervisivas e desenvolvimento profissional : um contributo para o bem-estar docente

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    A profissão docente é, hoje, uma profissão em mudança numa escola considerada como organização aprendente que tem de se adaptar a um mundo em mudança e de cuja interacção resulta uma influência mútua. Neste contexto, os professores foram confrontados com sucessivas mudanças, impostas pelas políticas educativas relacionadas com a avaliação, que geraram insegurança, mas também lançaram o desafio de novas formas de participação, de repensar conceitos relacionados com a prática pedagógica e o desenhar de novas potencialidades de (re)construção do ser professor e da cultura organizacional da escola, vislumbrando-se o seu desenvolvimento profissional. É neste cenário de mudança que se justifica o presente estudo que emergiu da conjugação de diversos factores, mormente da inquietação face ao entendimento da supervisão no contexto da avaliação inserida no âmbito da formação contínua dos docentes. Assim, o tema da investigação, conduz-nos ao problema geral do estudo que incide na dificuldade evidenciada pelos professores em adoptar práticas supervisivas promotoras do desenvolvimento profissional docente e do sucesso da escola. O caminho investigativo foi traçado com base nas questões de investigação e nos objectivos gerais e específicos alicerçados no enquadramento teórico. Assim, o estudo empírico centrou-se nas opções metodológicas, tendo em consideração a recolha de informações acerca do trabalho desenvolvido pelos professores do Subdepartamento de Português da Escola MS, as suas concepções e representações da avaliação, da supervisão, do desenvolvimento profissional e das dimensões da prática docente. Adoptámos uma metodologia mista, pois utilizámos abordagens tanto quantitativas (inquérito por questionário) como qualitativas (entrevista semi-estruturada) no intuito de fazer convergir dados obtidos através de fontes diversas. A leitura reflexiva dos resultados conduziu-nos às seguintes conclusões: dificuldade em equacionar supervisão e avaliação em simultâneo, resultante do modelo avaliativo em vigor; porém, há o reconhecimento do contributo da supervisão para melhorar o desempenho do professor e o seu desenvolvimento profissional; uma cultura profissional individual, uma cultura organizacional tradicional (descoordenação de horários; burocratização do trabalho do professor) impossibilita o trabalho colaborativo, de entreajuda, de uma prática que pode ser teorizadora de novas práticas. É premente repensar o potencial da prática supervisiva na renovação da pessoa professor e da escola rumo ao sucesso e ao bem-estar.Being a teacher, nowadays, is to have a profession in constant change, in a school considered as a learning organization that has to adapt to the changing world. This interaction results in a mutual influence. In this context, teachers were confronted with constant changes, imposed by educational policies related to evaluation models. This has originated some insecurity but it also challenged us to achieve new participation forms, to rethink concepts related with the pedagogic practice and lead to new potential ways to (re)construct the teacher role as well as the school organizational culture, leading to the professional development. This study justifies itself in this constant changing scenario, emerging from the conjugation of several factors as, for instance, concerns regarding the definition of supervision in an evaluation context, integrated in the teachers continuous training. Therefore, the investigation subject leads us to the general study problem: the clear difficulty that teachers have to adopt supervisory practices that help them in the professional development and the success of the school. The investigative path was drawn based on investigation questions and general and specific objectives consolidated in the theoretical framework. Therefore, the empirical study was based on the methodological options, having into consideration information collected about the work developed by the teachers of the Subdepartamento de Português da Escola MS (MS School Portuguese Language Sub-department), its evaluation, supervision, professional development and teaching practices conceptions and representations. We have adopted a mixed methodology, using quantitative (inquiry by questionnaire) and qualitative (semi-structured interview) approaches in order to obtain information from several sources. The results analysis brought us to the following conclusions: difficulty to weigh supervision and evaluation simultaneously, as a result of the evaluation model in force; however, the supervision contribute to improve the teacher performance and professional development is recognized; the individual professional culture and the traditional organizational culture (schedules uncoordination; excessive bureaucratisation of the teacher work) incapacitates the mutual help and the collaborative work of a practice that can be build based on new practices. It is urgent to rethink the supervisory practices potential in the renovation of the teacher, as an individual, as well as the school, leading to the success and well-being

    Psychological capital and entrepreneurship: A systematic literature review of a growing research agenda

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    Purpose: Psychological resources are determinant for the entrepreneur's individual performance.Psychological capital has been seen as one of the pillars of entrepreneurship and this is one of thereasons that the study of the relationship between these two constructs is emerging. The primary focusof this article is to analyze the development in the literature on entrepreneurship and psychologicalcapital, as well as providing a set of avenues for future research. Design/methodology: This systematic review used the PRISMA Protocol and the VOS viewersoftware for cluster analysis. The articles gathered for this article cover the annual period from 2013 to2022 and allow the identification and analysis of the main themes on psychological capital andentrepreneurship.Findings: The systematic analysis brought to light integrative relationships between the concepts ofpositive psychological capital and entrepreneurship, which allowed the construction of an overview ofthis spectrum of study. This resulted in four large groups of analysis that point the direction of theliterature. The main contributions resulted in the presentation of principles and recent scientific ideaswhich consider psychological capital as a valuable resource for entrepreneurship.Originality/value: This systematic review of the literature contributes to a more robust and groundedunderstanding of this relationship. In addition, this research provides an incisive understanding ofpsychological capital and the entrepreneurship research agenda with the aim of being a starting point fordeepening knowledge about the synergies of studies on both themes. Finally, a set of future lines ofstudy is also proposedPeer Reviewe

    Oxidation of clofibric acid in aqueous solution using a non-thermal plasma discharge or gamma radiation

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    In this work, we study degradation of clofibric acid (CFA) in aqueous solution using either ionizing radiation from a 60^{60}Co source or a non-thermal plasma produced by discharges in the air above the solution. The results obtained with the two technologies are compared in terms of effectiveness of CFA degradation and its by-products. In both cases the CFA degradation follows a quasi-exponential decay in time well modelled by a kinetic scheme which considers the competition between CFA and all reaction intermediates for the reactive species generated in solution as well as the amount of the end product formed. A new degradation law is deduced to explain the results. Although the end-product CO2_2 was detected and the CFA conversion found to be very high under the studied conditions, HPLC analysis reveals several degradation intermediates still bearing the aromatic ring with the chlorine substituent. The extent of mineralization is rather limited. The energy yield is found to be higher in the gamma radiation experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Religiosidade e Funcionamento Mental em Idosos Portugueses: Uma Perspetiva Sociopsicológica

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    This article aims to analyze the relationship between religiosity and mental functioning in the elderly Portuguese people. The methodological tools used included the Religious Orientation Scale-R and the Mental Health Inventory (MHI5) and also a socio-demographic questionnaire. The results of the analysis showed that there is no statistically significant relationship between religiosity and mental functioning; however, there are significant differences between the frequency of participation in religious celebrations and better levels of mental functioning.O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre a religiosidade e o funcionamento mental em idosos portugueses. Os instrumentos metodológicos utilizados foram: um questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala de Orientação Religiosa-R e o Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5). Os resultados da análise mostraram que, embora sem uma relação estatisticamente relevante entre religiosidade e funcionamento mental de uma forma geral, existem, no entanto, diferenças significativas entre a frequência de participação em celebrações religiosas e melhores níveis de funcionamento mental

    Preservation treatment of fresh raspberries by e-beam irradiation

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    E-beam irradiation was studied as a post-harvest treatment for red raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.). Microbial inactivation (natural microbiota and potential pathogenic bacteria) and bioactive properties (phenolic content, vitamin C content and antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity) of these fruits were evaluated before and after irradiation and during storage of 14 days at 4 °C. A reduction of 2 log CFU/g of mesophilic bacteria and 3 log CFU/g on filamentous fungi, and no detection of foodborne inoculated pathogens (3 log CFU/g) was achieved with an e-beam treatment at 3 kGy and during 7 days of refrigerated storage. Regarding bioactive properties, the results suggested that irradiation could preserve the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of raspberries through 7 days of cold storage, even though a decrease of 80% on ascorbic acid concentration was observed. Furthermore, no in vitro inhibitory effect on human cells lines was observed for the extracts from e-beam-treated raspberries. The overall results suggested that use of e-beam irradiation as post-harvest treatment of raspberries as an emergent, clean and environmental friendly process to extend the shelf-life of this fruit with safety and preservation of bioactivity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio