43 research outputs found

    Influence of phase composition on electrophysical properties of barium titanate piezoelectric ceramics

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    In the present study, we investigated the influence of phase transformations and dielectric properties of barium titanate ceramics. The obtained ceramic samples were sintered at 950 ° C and 1350 ° C. It was revealed that sintering of ceramics at 1350 ° C allows obtaining a stable tetragonal phase at room temperature

    MEG-based identification of the epileptogenic zone in occult peri-insular epilepsy

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    AbstractIntroductionPresurgical work-ups of patients with pharmacoresistant epileptic seizures can require multiple diagnostic methods if magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with video-EEG monitoring fails to show an epileptogenic lesion. Yet, the added value of available methods is not clear. In particular, only a minority of epilepsy centres apply magnetoencephalography (MEG). This study explores the potential of MEG for patients whose previous sophisticated work-ups missed deep-seated, peri-insular epileptogenic lesions.Patients and methodsThree patients with well documented, frequent, stereotypical hypermotor seizures without clear focus hypotheses after repeated presurgical work-ups including video-EEG-monitoring, 3Tesla (3T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), morphometric MRI analysis, PET and SPECT were referred to MEG source localisation.ResultsIn two out of three patients, MEG source localisation identified very subtle morphological abnormalities formerly missed in MRI or classified as questionable pathology. In the third patient, MEG was not reliable due to insufficient detection of epileptic patterns. Here, a 1mm×1mm×1mm 3T fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI revealed a potential epileptogenic lesion. A minimal invasive work-up via lesion-focused depth electrodes confirmed the intralesional seizure onset in all patients, and histology revealed dysplastic lesions. Seizure outcomes were Engel 1a in two patients, and Engel 1d in the third.DiscussionMEG can contribute to the identification of epileptogenic lesions even when multiple previous methods failed, and when the lesions are located in deep anatomical structures such as peri-insular cortex. For epilepsy centres without MEG capability, referral of patients with cryptogenic focal epilepsies to centres with MEG systems may be indicated

    Method of analysis the main probability‐time characteristics of the computing system architectures using analytical modeling

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы создания аналитических моделей высокопроизводительных вычислительных систем на основе одноядерных и многоядерных процессоров с помощью аппарата стохастических сетей массового обслуживания. Проводится краткий обзор технологии многоядерных процессоровThe article deals with the issues of creating analytical models of high‐performance computing systems based on single‐core and multi‐core processes using stochastic queueing networks. A brief review of multi‐core processor technology is carried out


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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Temporal lobe gray-white matter abnormalities (GWMA) are frequent morphological aberrances observed on MRI in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in addition to hippocampal sclerosis (HS). OBJECTIVE: To study the influence of temporal pole GWMA on clinical characteristics and seizure outcome in patients with HS operated on for TLE. METHODS: A cohort of 370 patients undergoing surgery for intractable TLE was prospectively collected in an epilepsy surgery data base. Clinical characteristics and seizure outcome of all 58 TLE patients with identified HS and GWMA (group 1) were compared with those of a matched control group of 58 HS patients without GWMA (group 2). Both groups were further subdivided into patients undergoing transsylvian selective amygdalohippocampectomy (sAH) and anterior temporal lobectomy with amygdalohippocampectomy (ATL). RESULTS: The HS plus GWMA patients were significantly younger at epilepsy onset than those without GWMA. In the HS plus GWMA group, 41% of patients were younger than 2 years when they experienced their first seizure in contrast to only 17% of patients with pure HS (P = .004). Seizure outcome was not statistically different between the 2 groups: 75.9% of the patients in group 1 were seizure free (Engel class I) compared with 81% of patients in group 2. Seizure outcome in both groups was about equally successful with selective amygdalohippocampectomy and anterior temporal lobectomy (ns). CONCLUSION: Limited and standard resections in TLE patients with HS are equally successful regardless of the presence of GWMA

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Tingkat Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi di Lingkungan Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama, Tigaraksa Tangerang

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    Tax collection is not an easy matter. Active participation from the tax authorities also requires the willingness of the taxpayer. A public reaction can be seen from the taxpayer\u27s willingness to pay taxes. Willingness and awareness to pay taxes represent a value contributed by someone (which has been determined by regulation). Tax is used to finance public expenditures without any direct benefit. Taxpayer\u27s awareness about taxation functions as state funding is needed to improve tax compliance and to determine the level of tax compliance in implementing their tax obligations. Limitation of the scope of this study is the effect of the level of awareness of paying taxes, taxpayer\u27s understanding about tax benefits, tax penalties, and understanding of service quality to the tax authorities of individual taxpayer compliance in the fulfillment of tax obligations, as well as restricted to data obtained through questionnaires received and filled by the individual taxpayer of Tigaraksa Pratama Tax Office area. Data were obtained through questionnaire and processed and analyzed using parametric statistical tests and multiple linear regression with 4 independent variables and one dependent variable resulted in the conclusion that the factors that most influence taxpayer compliance in carrying out its tax liability is the use of sanctions against taxpayers who do not carry out its obligations under applicable legislation

    Directional electrodes in deep brain stimulation: results of a survey by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS)

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    Introduction Directional Leads (dLeads) represent a new technical tool in Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), and a rapidly growing population of patients receive dLeads. Research question The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies(EANS) functional neurosurgery Task Force on dLeads conducted a survey of DBS specialists in Europe to evaluate their use, applications, advantages, and disadvantages. Material and methods EANS functional neurosurgery and European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ESSFN) members were asked to complete an online survey with 50 multiple-choice and open questions on their use of dLeads in clinical practice. Results Forty-nine respondents from 16 countries participated in the survey (n = 38 neurosurgeons, n = 8 neurologists, n = 3 DBS nurses). Five had not used dLeads. All users reported that dLeads provided an advantage (n = 23 minor, n = 21 major). Most surgeons (n = 35) stated that trajectory planning does not differ when implanting dLeads or conventional leads. Most respondents selected dLeads for the ability to optimize stimulation parameters (n = 41). However, the majority (n = 24), regarded time-consuming programming as the main disadvantage of this technology. Innovations that were highly valued by most participants included full 3T MRI compatibility, remote programming, and closed loop technology. Discussion and conclusion Directional leads are widely used by European DBS specialists. Despite challenges with programming time, users report that dLeads have had a positive impact and maintain an optimistic view of future technological advances

    Epilepsy, hippocampal sclerosis and febrile seizures linked by common genetic variation around SCN1A

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    Epilepsy comprises several syndromes, amongst the most common being mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Seizures in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis are typically drug-resistant, and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis is frequently associated with important co-morbidities, mandating the search for better understanding and treatment. The cause of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis is unknown, but there is an association with childhood febrile seizures. Several rarer epilepsies featuring febrile seizures are caused by mutations in SCN1A, which encodes a brain-expressed sodium channel subunit targeted by many anti-epileptic drugs. We undertook a genome-wide association study in 1018 people with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis and 7552 control subjects, with validation in an independent sample set comprising 959 people with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis and 3591 control subjects. To dissect out variants related to a history of febrile seizures, we tested cases with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis with (overall n = 757) and without (overall n = 803) a history of febrile seizures. Meta-analysis revealed a genome-wide significant association for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis with febrile seizures at the sodium channel gene cluster on chromosome 2q24.3 [rs7587026, within an intron of the SCN1A gene, P = 3.36 × 10−9, odds ratio (A) = 1.42, 95% confidence interval: 1.26-1.59]. In a cohort of 172 individuals with febrile seizures, who did not develop epilepsy during prospective follow-up to age 13 years, and 6456 controls, no association was found for rs7587026 and febrile seizures. These findings suggest SCN1A involvement in a common epilepsy syndrome, give new direction to biological understanding of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis with febrile seizures, and open avenues for investigation of prognostic factors and possible prevention of epilepsy in some children with febrile seizure

    Synaptic organization in layer 5 of the human temporal lobe: A quantitative electron microscopic analysis

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    Synapses are the key elements for signal transduction and plasticity in the brain, thus controlling the induction, maintenance and termination of signal transduction in any given neuronal microcircuit.Despite a relatively large number of publications on structural and functional aspects of various synapses in the central nervous system of different animal species, very little is known about these structures in humans, in particular about their quantitative geometry. Hence, synapses in cortical layer 5 - the main output station of the neocortex and a recipient layer of thalamocortical afferents of the human temporal lobe - were investigated using serial ultrathin sectioning and digital electron microscopic images. This was followed by three dimensional (3D) volume reconstructions leading in the generation of quantitative 3D-models of synapses. We focused on structural parameters that are the most critical factors underlying synaptic transmission and plasticity, such as the shape, size, number, and distribution of active zones (AZs, functional transmitter release sites) as well as the organization and size of the three pools of synaptic vesicles, namely the readily releasable, the recycling and reserve pool. In addition, immunohistochemistry against glutamine synthetase was carried out to investigate the structural relationship of synapses and astrocytes and thus their contribution to synaptic transmission and plasticity.A total of 152 synaptic boutons and their target structures were completely analyzed. The majority were established either on dendritic spines (~76%) the remainder on shafts. Synaptic boutons were highly variable in both shape and size (6.20±0.77 μm2; 0.42±0.07 μm3, ranging from 0.46 to 27.33 μm2; 0.10 to 1.93 μm3) with a skew to middle-sized boutons. Several mitochondria (0-26) were found in the presynaptic bouton constituting ~6% of the total volume. The majority of boutons (~88%) had a single pre- (0.452±0.358 µm2; 0.003±0,001 μm3) and postsynaptic densities (0.405±0.100 μm2; 0.01±0.01 μm3), sometimes perforated. The mean total pool size of synaptic vesicles was 1580.19±255.19 (ranging from 142 to 8413) with a mean diameter of 31.99±0.87 nm. Strikingly, no correlation was found between the size of the boutons with that of mitochondria, AZs and the pool of vesicles. Synaptic complexes were surrounded by a dense network of fine astrocytic processes reaching the synaptic cleft, thus regulating the temporal and spatial glutamate concentration.The quantitative 3D-models of synapses will lead to an improved understanding of the function of synapses in cortical networks in humans