87 research outputs found

    Dialogism in the light of the statement in the thought of Mikhail Bakhtin

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    Este artículo  establece un recorrido  teórico  que busca reflexionar  sobre  la categoría de dialogismo  a la luz del enunciado en el pensamiento de  Mijaíl Bajtín, nuestra mirada se centra fundamentalmente en la publicación: “El problema del texto  en la lingüística, la filología  y otras ciencias  humanas”. El punto de partida  en el pensamiento de Bajtín ubica la expresión sígnica como única posibilidad de acceder al espíritu, dicha expresión constituye  un acto humano y como tal, un texto, cuya actualidad ocurre en una relación  dialógica, es decir, en el enunciado.  De este  modo, todo enunciado responde en un tiempo y un espacio a  un “otro” y ésta “respuesta” marca la dimensión ética y semiótica dado que la “expresión sígnica”  deviene como una creación nunca conclusiva.This article establishes a theoretical journey that seeks to reflect on the category of dialogism in the light of the statement in the thought of Mikhail Bakhtin, our gaze is mainly focused on the publication: “The problem of the text in linguistics, philology and other human sciences”.The starting point in Bakhtin's thought locates the sign expression as the only possibility of accessing the spirit, this expression constitutes a human act and as such, a text, whose actuality occurs in a dialogical relationship, that is, in the statement. In this way, every statement responds in time and space to an"other" and this "response" marks the ethical and semiotic dimension since the "sign expression" becomes a never conclusive creation

    Análisis on-line de las estrategias de acceso léxico en sujetos con implante

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    [Resumen] Tomando como referencia el modelo dual de adquisición de la lectura que postula la existencia de dos procesadores (directo y fonológico) para explicar la forma en que el lector accede al significado de las palabras, se estudió el posible uso de ambos tipos de procesamiento en tareas de lectura y reconocimiento de palabras utilizando dos tipos de medidas (aciertos vs. errores y tiempos de lectura o reacción según la prueba). En el estudio participó un grupo de sujetos implantados cocleares (n=20) y uno de normooyentes (n=20) con una media de edad de 9 años y 2 meses y de 9 años y 5 meses respectivamente. L os resultados encontrados apuntan a que los sujetos implantados parecen utilizar un procesamiento fonológico de forma bastante más acusada, si bien parecen beneficiarse de manera considerable del contexto para su acceso a la ruta léxica o visual. A l mismo tiempo observamos los bueno éxitos en las tareas de decisión léxica, lo cual implica una representación visual de la palabra[Abstract] According to the dual model of reading acquisition which argues the existence of two processors (direct and phonological ) to explain how the reader access the meaning of words, we studied the possible use of both types of processing tasks reading and word recognition using two types of measures (hits vs . mistakes and reading times or reaction according to the test). The study involved a group of cochlear implanted subjects (n = 20 ) and one normal hearing (n = 20) with a mean age of 9 years and 2 months and 9 years and 5 months respectively. The results suggest that the implanted subjects seem to use a phonological processing rather more pronounced , although appear to benefit significantly from context to access the lexical or visual route. A t the same time look good success in the lexical decision task , which involves a visual representation of the word

    Las competencias ciudadanas en la formación profesional de las ciudades de Concepción (Chile) y Barcelona (España)

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    ABSTRACTIn this article results are presented from a study that analyses the acquisition of citizenship competencies from the perspective of students and tutors of mid-level professional training in the cities of Concepción and Barcelona. The objectives are to analyze the acquisition of citizenship competencies of the students in professional training, to identify differences between the acquisition of citizenship competencies in the cities of Concepción and Barcelona, as well as to establish relations between citizenship competencies and the working world. To this end, schools that offer this training and specialization in the secondary and tertiary sectors were considered. Fifty-seven participants (29 students and 28 tutors) were interviewed in a semi-structured manner, which enabled the interviewees' appreciations about citizenship competencies in this context to be heard. The appreciations of the students are positive and similar in both contexts, this in coherence with the approaches of the curriculum of professional formation, which incorporates citizenship training in a transverse and implicit way, as well as in the subjects of the general plan, specifically in the subject of History and Social Sciences in the case of Chile. At the same time, competencies for citizenship are directly related to the working world, favoring positively the insertion of students in the labor market and allowing them to reinforce these skills in this same scenario.RESUMENEn este artículo se presentan los resultados del estudio que analiza la adquisición de las competencias ciudadanas desde la perspectiva del estudiantado y de los tutores de formación profesional de nivel medio de las ciudades de Concepción y de Barcelona. Los objetivos son analizar la adquisición de las competencias ciudadanas de los alumnos y alumnas de formación profesional, identificar diferencias en la adquisición de las competencias ciudadanas en las ciudades de Concepción y Barcelona, así como también establecer relaciones entre las competencias ciudadanas y el mundo del trabajo. Para ello se consideró a los centros educativos que ofrecen dicha formación y que imparten las especialidades del sector secundario y terciario. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 57 participantes (29 son estudiantes y 28 tutores) las que permitieron conocer las apreciaciones de los entrevistados en torno a las competencias ciudadanas en este escenario. Los estudiantes de ambos contextos consideran importante la adquisición y desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas. Así también el currículum de formación profesional incorpora la formación ciudadana de manera transversal e implícita, como también en las asignaturas del plan general, específicamente en la asignatura de Historia y Ciencias Sociales para el caso de Chile.  Las competencias para la ciudadanía se relacionan directamente con el mundo del trabajo, favorecen positivamente la inserción de los estudiantes en el mercado laboral y les permite fortalecerlas en éste mismo escenario.ABSTRACTIn this article results are presented from a study that analyses the acquisition of citizenship competencies from the perspective of students and tutors of mid-level professional training in the cities of Concepción and Barcelona. The objectives are to analyze the acquisition of citizenship competencies of the students in professional training, to identify differences between the acquisition of citizenship competencies in the cities of Concepción and Barcelona, as well as to establish relations between citizenship competencies and the working world. To this end, schools that offer this training and specialization in the secondary and tertiary sectors were considered. Fifty-seven participants (29 students and 28 tutors) were interviewed in a semi-structured manner, which enabled the interviewees' appreciations about citizenship competencies in this context to be heard. The appreciations of the students are positive and similar in both contexts, this in coherence with the approaches of the curriculum of professional formation, which incorporates citizenship training in a transverse and implicit way, as well as in the subjects of the general plan, specifically in the subject of History and Social Sciences in the case of Chile. At the same time, competencies for citizenship are directly related to the working world, favoring positively the insertion of students in the labor market and allowing them to reinforce these skills in this same scenario

    The Proteasomal Deubiquitinating Enzyme PSMD14 Regulates Macroautophagy by Controlling Golgi-to-ER Retrograde Transport

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    Ubiquitination regulates several biological processes, however the role of specific members of the ubiquitinome on intracellular membrane trafficking is not yet fully understood. Here, we search for ubiquitin-related genes implicated in protein membrane trafficking performing a High-Content siRNA Screening including 1187 genes of the human “ubiquitinome” using amyloid precursor protein (APP) as a reporter. We identified the deubiquitinating enzyme PSMD14, a subunit of the 19S regulatory particle of the proteasome, specific for K63-Ub chains in cells, as a novel regulator of Golgi-to-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retrograde transport. Silencing or pharmacological inhibition of PSMD14 with Capzimin (CZM) caused a robust increase in APP levels at the Golgi apparatus and the swelling of this organelle. We showed that this phenotype is the result of rapid inhibition of Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport, a pathway implicated in the early steps of the autophagosomal formation. Indeed, we observed that inhibition of PSMD14 with CZM acts as a potent blocker of macroautophagy by a mechanism related to the retention of Atg9A and Rab1A at the Golgi apparatus. As pharmacological inhibition of the proteolytic core of the 20S proteasome did not recapitulate these effects, we concluded that PSMD14, and the K63-Ub chains, act as a crucial regulatory factor for macroautophagy by controlling Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport

    Hepatic and Splenic Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Shear Wave Velocity Elastography in Children with Liver Disease Associated with Cystic Fibrosis

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    Background. Liver disease associated with cystic fibrosis (CFLD) is the second cause of mortality in these patients. The diagnosis is difficult because none of the available tests are specific enough. Noninvasive elastographic techniques have been proven to be useful to diagnose hepatic fibrosis. Acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging is an elastography imaging system. The purpose of the work was to study the utility of liver and spleen ARFI Imaging in the detection of CFLD. Method. 72 patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) were studied and received ARFI imaging in the liver and in the spleen. SWV values were compared with the values of 60 healthy controls. Results. Comparing the SWV values of CFLD with the control healthy group, values in the right lobe were higher in patients with CFLD. We found a SWV RHL cut-off value to detect CFLD of 1.27 m/s with a sensitivity of 56.5% and a specificity of 90.5%. CF patients were found to have higher SWC spleen values than the control group. Conclusions. ARFI shear wave elastography in the right hepatic lobe is a noninvasive technique useful to detect CFLD in our sample of patients. Splenic SWV values are higher in CF patients, without any clinical consequence

    Autophagosomes cooperate in the degradation of intracellular C-terminal fragments of the amyloid precursor protein <i>via </i>the MVB/lysosomal pathway

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    © FASEB. Brain regions affected by Alzheimer disease (AD) displaywell-recognized early neuropathologic features in the endolysosomal and autophagy systems of neurons, including enlargement of endosomal compartments, progressive accumulation of autophagic vacuoles, and lysosomal dysfunction.Although the primary causes of these disturbances are still under investigation, a growing body of evidence suggests that the amyloid precursor protein (APP) intracellular C-terminal fragment b (C99), generated by cleavage of APP by b-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE-1), is the primary cause of the endosome enlargement inADand the earliest initiator of synaptic plasticity and long-termmemory impairment. The aimof the present study was to evaluate the possible relationship between the endolysosomal degradation pathway and autophagy on the proteolytic processing and turnover of C99. We found that pharmacologic treatments that either inhibit autophagosomeformationorblock the fusionof autophagosomes to

    Parametrización de moléculas orgánicas y análisis de su interacción con dendrímeros de PAMAM de distintas generaciones mediante técnicas de química cuántica y dinámica molecular

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    115 p.Los dendrímeros son nanoparticulas con propiedades características, tales como tamaño a nanoescala, forma globular, un número bien definido de grupos funcionales en la superficie y baja polidispersidad. Dentro de estos los más estudiados son los dendrímeros PAMAM que poseen cavidades internas vacías y muchos grupos amino terminales responsables de una alta solubilidad y reactividad. PAMAM posee un alto potencial para lograr mejorar la solubilidad de fármacos ampliamente utilizados en diferentes tratamientos médicos. Un Estudio experimental llevado a cabo por Cheng y col. (2008), en el que fármacos de pobre solubilidad (Fenobarbital y Primidona) se mezclaron con PAMAM de distintas generaciones, llegó a la conclusión que el Fenobarbital mejoraba su solubilidad, a diferencia de lo que pasaba con la Primidona y que las energías de interacción predominantes entre los dendrímeros PAMAM con el Fenobarbital fueron las electrostáticas. Basándose en los estudios experimentales anteriormente descritos, el objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar y caracterizar las interacciones entre los fármacos Primidona y Fenobarbital con dendrímeros tipo PAMAM de diversas generaciones usando metódos de Docking Molecular, Química Cuántica y Dinámica Molecular. Para lograr este objetivo la metodología se dividió en dos etapas. En la primera se realizaron cálculos de Docking Molecular y Química cuántica sobre los 16 posibles complejos formados por PAMAM G0-NH2, PAMAM G0-NH3, PAMAM G1-NH2 y PAMAM G1-NH3, y los medicamentos Fenobarbital y Primidona en sus estados cargado y neutro. En la segunda etapa se efectuaron cálculos de Docking Molecular y Dinámica Molecular utilizando el dendrímero PAMAM G4-NH3 con los fármacos Fenobarbital y Primidona en sus estados cargado y neutro. Una vez finalizados los cálculos se llevó a cabo el ánalisis de la interacción entre los fármacos y los dendrímeros PAMAM.Los resultados Químico Cuánticos mostraron que las mejores interacciones ocurren entre los PAMAM y los fármacos Fenobarbital y Primidona negativamente cargados en comparación a los mismos fármacos en estado neutro, debido posiblemente a que sus cargas pueden realizar interacciones electrostáticas con mayor facilidad. Los resultados de las Dinámicas Moleculares muestran lo mismo, aunque cabe destacar que la interacción de PAMAM con Fenobarbital neutro es bastante estable, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con la Primidona neutra, que no realiza mayor interacción con el endrímero./ABSTRACT: Dendrimers are nanoparticles with featured properties, such as nano-scaled, globular shapes, well-defined number of peripheral functional groups and low polydispersity. Within these, the most studied are PAMAM dendrimers which have empty internal cavities and many terminal amino groups, which are responsible for high solubility and reactivity. PAMAM have high potencial for improving the solubility of drugs widely used in different medical therapies.An experimental study was carried out by Cheng y col. (2008) in which poorly soluble drugs (Phenobarbital y Primidone) interacting with PAMAM dendrimers. The results showed that PAMAM dendrimers significantly increased the solubilities of phenobarbital and the solubility of primidone was scarcely changed. In addition, concluded that the the electrostatic interaction contributes more to the solubility enhancement of phenobarbital than encapsulation. Based on the experimental studies described above, the objective of this work is to study and describe interactions between Phenobarbital and Primidone with PAMAM dendrimers using using methods of Quantum Chemistry, Molecular Ddocking and Molecular Dynamics. To achieve this goal the methodology is divided into two phases. In the first Molecular Docking and Quantum Chemistry calculations were performed for all possible complexes formed by PAMAM G0-NH2, G0-NH3, G1-NH2, G1-NH3 y G4-NH3 and Phenobarbital and Primidone drugs in their charged and neutral state. In the second phase Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics calculations were performed using PAMAM G4-NH3 and Phenobarbital and Primidone drugs in their charged and neutral state. After completion of calculation, analysis of interaction between drugs and PAMAM dendrimers was performed. Quantum Chemistry results showed that the best interactions occurs between PAMAM and Phenobarbital and Primidone in their charged state compared to the same drugs in neutral state, due to charges electrostatic interactions can be performed more easily. Molecular Dynamics results showed the same, although it should be noted that the interaction between PAMAM and Phenobarbital in neutral state is quite stable, in contrast to what happens with Primidone in neutral state, which does not interact with dendrimer

    VLTI status update: a decade of operations and beyond

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    We present the latest update of the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope interferometer (VLTI). The operations of VLTI have greatly improved in the past years: reduction of the execution time; better offering of telescopes configurations; improvements on AMBER limiting magnitudes; study of polarization effects and control for single mode fibres; fringe tracking real time data, etc. We present some of these improvements and also quantify the operational improvements using a performance metric. We take the opportunity of the first decade of operations to reflect on the VLTI community which is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Finally, we present briefly the preparatory work for the arrival of the second generation instruments GRAVITY and MATISSE.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9146-1