150 research outputs found

    Joint pricing and production planning of multiple products

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    Many industries are beginning to use innovative pricing techniques to improve inventory control, capacity utilisation, and ultimately the profit of the firm. In manufacturing, the coordination of pricing and production decisions offers significant opportunities to improve supply chain performance by better matching supply and demand. This integration of pricing, production and distribution decisions in retail or manufacturing environments is still in its early stages in many companies. Importantly it has the potential to radically improve supply chain efficiencies in much the same way as revenue management has changed the management of the airline, hotel and car rental industries. These developments raise the need and interest of having models that integrate production decisions, inventory control and pricing strategies.In this thesis, we focus on joint pricing and production planning, where prices and production values are determined in coordination over a multiperiod horizon with non-perishable inventory. We specifically look at multiproduct systems with either constant or dynamic pricing. The fundamental problem is: when the capacity limitations and other parameters like production, holding, and backordering costs are given, what the optimal values are for production quantities, and inventory and backorder levels for each item as well as a price at which the firm commits to sell the products over the total planning horizon. Our aim is to develop models and solution strategies that are practical to implement for real sized problems.We initially formulate the problem of time-varying pricing and production planning of multiple products over a multiperiod horizon as a nonlinear programming problem. When backorders are not allowed, we show that if the demand/price function is linear, as a special case of the without backorders model, the problem becomes a Quadratic Programming problem which has only linear constraints. Existing solution methods for Quadratic Programming problem are discussed. We then present the case of allowed backorders. This assumption makes the problem more difficult to handle, because the constraint set changes to a non-convex set. We modify the nonlinear constraints to obtain an alternative formulation with a convex set of constraints. By this modification the problem becomes a Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming problem over a linear set of constraints. The integer variables are all binary variables. The limitation of obtaining the optimal solution of the developed models is discussed. We describe our strategy to overcome the computational difficulties to solve the models.We tackle the main nonlinear problem with backorders through solving an easier case when prices are constant. This resulting model involves a nonlinear objective function and some nonlinear constraints. Our strategy to reduce the level of difficulty is to utilise a method that solves the relaxed problem which considers only linear constraints. However, our method keeps track of the feasibility with respect to the nonlinear constraints in the original problem. The developed model which is a combination of Linear Programming (LP) and Nonlinear Programming (NLP) is solved iteratively. The solution strategy for the constant pricing case constructs a tree search in breadth-first manner. The detailed algorithm is presented. This algorithm is practical to implement, as we demonstrate through a small but practical size numerical example.The algorithm for the constant pricing case is extended to the more general problem. More specifically, we reformulate the timevariant problem in which there are multi blocks of constant pricing problems. The developed model is a combination of Linear Programming (LP) and linearly constrained Nonlinear Programming (NLP) which is solved iteratively. Iterations consist of two main stages: finding the value of LP’s objective function for a known basis, solving a very smaller size NLP problem. The detailed algorithm is presented and a practical size numerical example is used to implement the algorithm. The significance of this algorithm is that it can be applied to large scale problems which are not easily solved with the existing commercial packages

    Small-to-Medium Enterprises and Economic Growth: A Comparative Study of Clustering Techniques

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    Small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in regional (non-metropolitan) areas are considered when economic planning may require large data sets and sophisticated clustering techniques. The economic growth of regional areas was investigated using four clustering algorithms. Empirical analysis demonstrated that the modified global k-means algorithm outperformed other algorithms

    Spring search algorithm for simultaneous placement of distributed generation and capacitors

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    Purpose. In this paper, for simultaneous placement of distributed generation (DG) and capacitors, a new approach based on Spring Search Algorithm (SSA), is presented. This method is contained two stages using two sensitive index Sv and Ss. Sv and Ss are calculated according to nominal voltageand network losses. In the first stage, candidate buses are determined for installation DG and capacitors according to Sv and Ss. Then in the second stage, placement and sizing of distributed generation and capacitors are specified using SSA. The spring search algorithm is among the optimization algorithms developed by the idea of laws of nature and the search factors are a set of objects. The proposed algorithm is tested on 33-bus and 69-bus radial distribution networks. The test results indicate good performance of the proposed methodЦель. В статье для одновременного размещения распределенной генерации и конденсаторов представлен новый подход, основанный на "пружинном" алгоритме поиска (Spring Search Algorithm, SSA). Данный метод состоит из двух этапов с использованием двух показателей чувствительности Sv и Ss. Показатели чувствительности Sv и Ss рассчитываются в соответствии с номинальным напряжением и потерями в сети. На первом этапе определяются шины-кандидаты для установки распределенной генерации и конденсаторов согласно Sv и Ss. Затем, на втором этапе размещение и калибровка распределенной генерации и конденсаторов выполняются с использованием алгоритма SSA. "Пружинный" алгоритм поиска входит в число алгоритмов оптимизации, разработанных на основе идей законов природы, а факторы поиска представляют собой набор объектов. Предлагаемый алгоритм тестируется на радиальных распределительных сетях с 33 и 69 шинами. Результаты тестирования показывают хорошую эффективность предложенного метода

    A heuristic algorithm for optimal fleet composition with vehicle routing considerations

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    This paper proposes a fast heuristic algorithm for solving a combined optimal fleet composition and multi-period vehicle routing problem. The aim of the problem is to determine an optimal fleet mix, together with the corresponding vehicle routes, to minimize total cost subject to various customer delivery requirements and vehicle capacity constraints. The total cost includes not only the fixed, variable, and transportation costs associated with operating the fleet, but also the hiring costs incurred whenever vehicle requirements exceed fleet capacity. Although the problem under consideration can be formulated as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP), the MILP formulation for realistic problem instances is too large to solve using standard commercial solvers such as the IBM ILOG CPLEX optimization tool. Our proposed heuristic decomposes the problem into two tractable stages: in the first (outer) stage, the vehicle routes are optimized using cross entropy; in the second (inner) stage, the optimal fleet mix corresponding to a fixed set of routes is determined using dynamic programming and golden section search. Numerical results show that this heuristic approach generates high-quality solutions and significantly outperforms CPLEX in terms of computational speed

    Industry type and business size on economic growth: Comparing Australia's Regional and Metropolitan areas

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    While the main body of literature regarding small-to-medium enterprises is focused on formation and growth, there is insufficient research about the role of both (a) firm size and (b) location on economic growth. The role of firm size and industrial structure on economic growth has been examined by some researchers. Pagano (2003) and Pagano and Schivardi (2000) identified a positive association between average firm size and growth and Carree and Thurik (1999) found evidence that the low number of large firms in an industry could lead to a higher value added growth. The current study attempts to investigate the impact of industry structure and businesses operating within these industries on economic growth. This paper uses “k-means” clustering algorithm to cluster Statistical Local Areas. Regression analysis is utilised to identify drivers of economic growth. Preliminary results suggest that size of business may act as a driver of economic growth but the impact could vary based on location

    Optimization based clustering and classification algorithms in analysis of microarray gene expression data sets

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    Doctor of PhilosophyBioinformatics and computational biology are relatively new areas that involve the use of different techniques including computer science, informatics, biochemistry, applied math and etc., to solve biological problems. In recent years the development of new molecular genetics technologies, such as DNA microarrays led to the simultaneous measurement of expression levels of thousands and even tens of thousands of genes. Microarray gene expression technology has facilitated the study of genomic structure and investigation of biological systems. Numerical output of this technology is shown as microarray gene expression data sets. These data sets contain a very large number of genes and a relatively small number of samples and their precise analysis requires a robust and suitable computer software. Due to this, only a few existing algorithms are applicable to them, so more efficient methods for solving clustering, gene selection and classification problems of gene expression data sets are required and those methods need to be computationally applicable and less expensive. The aim of this thesis is to develop new algorithms for solving clustering, gene selection and data classification problems on gene expression data sets. Clustering in gene expression data sets is a challenging problem. The increasing use of DNA microarray-based tumour gene expression profiles for cancer diagnosis requires more efficient methods to solve clustering problems of these profiles. Different algorithms for clustering of genes have been proposed, however few algorithms can be applied to the clustering of samples. k-means algorithm, among very few clustering algorithms is applicable to microarray gene expression data sets, however these are not efficient for solving clustering problems when the number of genes is thousands and this algorithm is very sensitive to the choice of a starting point. Additionally, when the number of clusters is relatively large, this algorithm gives local minima which can differ significantly from the global solution. Over the last several years different approaches have been proposed to improve global ii Abstract Abstract search properties of k-means algorithm. One of them is the global k-means algorithm, however this algorithm is not efficient when data are sparse. In this thesis we developed a new version of the global k-means algorithm, the modified global k-means algorithm which is effective for solving clustering problems in gene expression data sets. In a microarray gene expression data set, in many cases only a small fraction of genes are informative whereas most of them are non-informative and make noise. Therefore the development of gene selection algorithms that allow us to remove as many non-informative genes as possible is very important. In this thesis we developed a new overlapping gene selection algorithm. This algorithm is based on calculating overlaps of different genes. It considerably reduces the number of genes and is efficient in finding a subset of informative genes. Over the last decade different approaches have been proposed to solve supervised data classification problems in gene expression data sets. In this thesis we developed a new approach which is based on the so-called max-min separability and is compared with the other approaches. The max-min separability algorithm is an equivalent of piecewise linear separability. An incremental algorithm is presented to compute piecewise linear functions separating two sets. This algorithm is applied along with a special gene selection algorithm. In this thesis, all new algorithms have been tested on 10 publicly available gene expression data sets and our numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the new algorithms that were developed in the framework of this researc

    Preliminary study on semi-closed incubator efficiency for hatching Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) eggs

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    The present study investigated the efficiency of semi-closed incubator for hatching the Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) eggs. The incubator was basically designed according to Vase equipped with collector vessel, recirculation pump and aerator. 50% of water was changed every day. Persian Sturgeon (50 g) fertilized eggs samples were stocked in the incubators with three replica. Water flow rate was set not to harm the eggs and only circulating the eggs. The mortality of embryos and larvae at gasterula stage, formation of S-type heart stage, before hatching and hatching percent were recorded. Our result showed that the incubated circulated eggs completely and the probability of fungal infections was lower than that of flow through incubators. Since water used in semi-closed incubator is far less than that of flow through systems, that semi-closed incubator may be a proper alternative for flow-through incubated systems in future

    A multi-agent privacy-preserving energy management framework for renewable networked microgrids

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    This paper proposes a fully distributed scheme to solve the day-ahead optimal power scheduling of networked microgrids in the presence of different renewable energy resources, such as photovoltaics and wind turbines, considering energy storage systems. The proposed method enables the optimization of the power scheduling problem through local computation of agents in the system and private communication between existing agents, without any centralized scheduling unit. In this paper, a cloud-fog-based framework is also introduced as a fast and economical infrastructure for the proposed distributed method. The suggested optimized energy framework proposes an area to regulate and update policies, detect misbehaving elements, and execute punishments centrally, while the general power scheduling problem is optimized in a distributed manner using the proposed method. The suggested cloud-fog-based method eliminates the need to invest in local databases and computing systems. The proposed scheme is examined on a small-scale microgrid and also a larger test networked microgrid, including 4 microgrids and 15 areas in a 24-h time period, to illustrate the scalability, convergence, and accuracy of the framework. The simulation results substantiate the fast and precise performance of the proposed framework for networked microgrids compared with other existing centralized and distributed methods.© 2023 The Authors. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Economic resilience of regions under crises : A study of the Australian economy

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    Economic resilience of regions under crises: a study of the Australian economy, Regional Studies. Identifying patterns of economic resilience in regions by industry categories is the focus of this paper. Patterns emerge from adaptive capacity in four distinct functional groups of local government regions in Australia, in respect of their resilience from shocks on specific industries. A model of regional adaptive cycles around four sequential phases - reorganization, exploitation, conservation and release - is adopted as the framework for recognizing such patterns. A data-mining method utilizes a k-means algorithm to evaluate the impact of two major shocks - a 13-year drought and the Global Financial Crisis - on four functional groups of regions, using census data from 2001, 2006 and 2011. © 2015 Regional Studies Association

    Small businesses, Institutions, and Regional Incomes

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    Regional small businesses may rely on customers who earn income in local and global markets. Small business must transact with suppliers of knowledge and resources, transform those resources into innovative and saleable products or services, and transact with customers. Transformation, transaction and social activities, and the institutions which support them, are necessary for successful small businesses. Regional income and small businesses depend on innovation and trade provided by social and transaction institutions. In this paper we demonstrate this proposition empirically using a model and by investigating the relationship between regional income, transaction institutions, transformation institutions, and social institutions for 140 functional economic regions (FERs) in Australia. The model suggests that social institutions create a macro-environment in which transaction institutions and the transformation and trading activities of businesses can thrive, and help to generate regional income and prosperity. We follow others (Cooke et al., 2007) in arguing that strong transaction institutions are a necessary condition for regional innovation. Social institutions complement transaction institutions by providing education and training, arts and recreation, health care and social services. In the studies reported in this paper the capacity for search and intermediation of exchanges of all kinds (goods, services, knowledge etc.) is measured by the share of transaction institutions in regional employment. The capacity of social institutions is measured by the share of employment in social institutions. We argue that the market failures which cause regional failures to thrive may be made solvable by mobilising market making services to extend and provide governance for regional transactions with faraway markets