1,170 research outputs found

    Ensino de biologia em prisões no Distrito Federal : perspectivas docentes sobre seus desafios e potencialidades

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Núcleo de Educação Científica - NECBio, 2021.O presente estudo busca compreender quais os principais desafios e potencialidades encontradas por professoras de biologia na Educação de Jovens e Adultos em prisões do Distrito Federal. Além disso, buscamos evidenciar particularidades do ensino de biologia nesses ambientes. Nosso principal referencial teórico foi Paulo Freire devido seu caráter humanista e sua educação libertadora e problematizadora. Buscamos por meio de rodas de conversa, realizadas no formato remoto, com três professoras da Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal nos inserir na realidade escolar prisional e compreender suas singularidades. Por sua característica qualitativa, a pesquisa utilizou-se da análise de conteúdo. A análise dos resultados evidenciou conteúdos de biologia desafiadores de serem lecionados nas prisões, alta rotatividade de alunos que dificulta o planejamento e escassez de recursos didáticos permitidos. Além dessas dificuldades, ficou nítido também a intensificação da problemática existente relacionada ao tempo disponível para os conteúdos nas prisões e desafios impostos pela pandemia de COVID-19. Em contrapartida, encontramos potencialidades do ensino de biologia na Educação de Jovens e Adultos em prisões, dentre elas a promoção de um espaço de liberdade nesses ambientes e o frequente uso do diálogo como ferramenta na transformação e ampliação da leitura de mundo por parte dos estudantes. O trabalho evidencia a importância do diálogo, muito utilizado pelas professoras, para estímulo da criticidade e autonomia do aluno. Por fim, encontramos um ensino real e necessário dentro de unidades prisionais, que auxilia na volta à sociedade por parte dos cidadãos privados de liberdade.This study seeks to understand the main challenges and potentials encountered by Biology teachers in Youth and Adult Education in prisons in the Federal District. In addition, we seek to highlight particularities of teaching in these environments. Our main theoretical reference was Paulo Freire’s due to its humanist character and its liberating and problematizing education. Through conversation circles, carried out in a remote format, with three teachers from the Federal District Department of Education, we seek to insert ourselves in the prison school reality and understand its singularities. Due to its qualitative characteristic, the research used content analysis. The analysis of the results evidenced challenging biology content to be taught in prisons, high student turnover that makes planning difficult and scarcity of allowed teaching resources. In addition to these difficulties, the intensification of the existing problem related to the time available for content in prisons and the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic was also clear. On the other hand, we find the potential of teaching biology in the Youth and Adults Education in prisons, including the promotion of a space of freedom in these environments and the frequent use of dialogue as a tool in transforming and expanding the reading of the world by students. The work reveals the importance of dialogue, widely used by teachers, to encourage criticality and student autonomy. Finally, we find a real and necessary education within prison units, which helps citizens deprived of liberty to return to society

    Determination of post-warm up inactivity time of non-starter players in basketball games

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    No basquetebol, atletas substitutos que entrem na partida apenas no segundo quarto de jogo (Q2) permanecem inativos por um longo, porém não objetivamente conhecido período de tempo. Objetivo: determinar a duração média do primeiro período (Q1) do basquetebol profissional, a duração média entre o término do aquecimento e início da partida (AQ-IP) e do segundo quarto (AQ-Q1), considerando diferentes competições e fases. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 126 jogos de quatro competições Novo Basquete Brasil (NBB 2011/2012), American Cup2017, Eurobasket 2017 e Aobasket 2017. Foram calculados os percentis de cada variável, além da comparação entre competições e entre fases da competição (fase classificatória e playoffs). Resultados: A média±desvio-padrão (mediana) da duração de Q1, AQ-IP e AQ-Q1 (min:s) foi de 17:47±02:08 (14:44), 02:05±00:36 (02:08) e 20:16±02:08 (20:23), respectivamente. O Q1 dos jogos da Afrobasket foi mais longo que os do NBB (.<0,05), mas não houve diferença entre a fase regular e os playoffs. Conclusão: Um atleta substituto que entre na partida apenas no Q2 permanece sentado no banco de reservas por mais de 20 minutos, independentemente da fase da competição. O Q1 dos jogos de seleções africanas é mais paralisado que os do campeonato brasileiro.In basketball, substitute athletes who enter the match only in the second quarter of the game (Q2) remain inactive for a long, but not objectively known period of time. The objective of this paper is to determine a professional basketball first quarter (Q1) elapsed time, the time-interval from the end of warming-up period to the start of the game (AQ-IP), and to the start of the second quarter (AQ-Q1), considering different tournament and competition phases. The sample was composed by 126 matches of four tournaments: Novo BasqueteBrasil (NBB 2011/2012), American Cup 2017, Eurobasket 2017 e Afrobasket 2017. Statistical analysis determined percentiles for each variable, comparing among tournaments and between competition phases (regular season vs. playoff). The results shows that Mean±standard-deviation(median) of Q1, AQ-IP and AQ-Q1 (min:s) were 17:47±02:08 (14:44), 02:05±00:36 (02:08) e 20:16±02:08 (20:23), respectively. Afrobasket games’ Q1 were longer than NBB’s (p<0.05), although no difference between regular season and playoffs were found. We can conclude that a non-starter basketball player that checks in only at Q2 remains seated on bench longer than 20 min, regardless of the competition phase. National African teams’ Q1 matches are more interrupted than Brazilian teams’Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Statins induce biochemical changes in the Achilles tendon after chronic treatment

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    AbstractStatins have been widely prescribed as lipid-lowering drugs and are associated with tendon rupture. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the possible biochemical changes in the Achilles tendon of rats after chronic treatment with statins. Dosages of statins were calculated using allometric scaling with reference to the 80mg/day and 20mg/day, doses recommended for humans. The rats were divided into the following groups: treated with simvastatin (S-20 and S-80), treated with atorvastatin (A-20 and A-80), and the control group that received no treatment (C). Measurements of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the plasma were performed. The levels of non-collagenous proteins, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and hydroxyproline were quantified. Western blotting for collagen I was performed, and the presence of metalloproteinases (MMPs)-2 and -9 was investigated through zymography. The concentration of non-collagenous proteins in S-20 was less than the C group. There was a significant increase in pro-MMP-2 activity in A-80 group and in active MMP-2 in S-20 group compared to the C group. A significant increase in latent MMP-9 activity was observed in both the A-80 and S-20 groups when compared to C group. In the A-20 group, there was a lower amount of collagen I in relation to C group. In addition, a higher concentration of hydroxyproline was found in the S-20 group than the C group. The analysis of GAGs showed a significant increase in the A-20 group when compared to C group. The treatment induced remarkable alterations in the Achilles tendon and the response of the tissue seems to depend of the used statin dosage. The presence of MMP-2 and MMP-9 is evidence of the degradation and remodeling processes in the extracellular matrix of the tendons. Our results show that statins induce imbalance of extracellular matrix components and possibly induce microdamage in tendons


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    A Teoria da Relatividade (TR) e seu criador Albert Einstein, são protagonistas de diversas produções de Ficção Científica. Buracos negros, viagens no tempo, entre outras ideias, são bastante recorrentes em romances, filmes e contos. Ressaltando a abordagem contextualizada da TR presente no gênero, definiu-se o tema para projeto de iniciação científica voluntária. O presente trabalho busca relatar as atividades realizadas: pré-análise dessas obras e introdução à TR no ensino de física. Para tal, realizou-se seleção e análise de obras, estudo por meio de livrosdidáticos, demonstrações matemáticas e revisão bibliográfica. No geral, percebeu-se a relativa frequência e cientificidade nas obras

    Outbreak of Endoparasitosis in Free-Range Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) in Bahia, Brazil

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    Background: Free-range chickens are quite common in Brazil. In this alternative rearing system, the animals are rustic and raised in an extensive system. Free access to “bare soil” results in the increased occurrence of intestinal parasites since larvae and / or eggs of helminths and protozoa oocysts find favorable conditions for their survival and dissemination in the soil. Although the occurrence and importance of parasitic infections in free-range chickens is well known, the objective of this study is to report an outbreak of endoparasites in free-range chickens in the municipality of Barra - BA, in view of bird susceptibility associated with scarcity of studies in western Bahia.Cases: The chickens were kept free, in a bare soil yard in a household at the urban perimeter of the municipality of Barra - BA. Feeding consisted of whole corn grains, thrown directly in the soil. The drinking fountains were dirty and the animals had no history of vaccination or deworming. Symptoms Anorexia, difficulty in eating and in locomotion, presence of seromucous secretion in the oral cavity, emaciation and diarrhea were all observed symptoms. One of the birds presented excessive vocalization, drowsiness and flaccid paralysis of the neck. Necropsy was performed on 3 chickens: 2 females (cases 1 and 2) and 1 male (case 3). Macroscopic analysis revealed the presence of seromucous secretion in the upper respiratory tract of all animals. Specimens of Ascaridia galli were observed in cases 1 and 2, Heterakis gallinarum in cases 2 and 3, Raillietina sp. in cases 2 and 3 and Davainea proglottina in case 1. Microscopically, the animals had an inflammatory infiltrate in the liver and intestines. Some animals presented necrosis of the tracheal epithelial cells, as well as of the epithelial cells present at the apex of the villi. No significant results were found in the coproparasitological exam.Discussion: The diagnosis of endoparasitosis in this outbreak was based on epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings. The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in free-range chickens is linked to factors such as age, high animal density, absence of sanitary hygienic measures, as well as environmental temperature and humidity. The appearance of injuries in the intestinal mucosa is influenced by characteristics such as parasitic load, concomitant infections, age and the host's immune status. During necropsy of the birds were found 2 helminths of the Nematoda class (Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum) and 2 of the Cestoda class (Davainea proglottina and Raillietina sp.). A. galli, seen in 2 cases, is considered low pathogenicity for adult chickens, however young birds are susceptible and can die due to intestinal obstruction and hemorrhages. H. gallinarum is responsible for causing typhlitis, with diarrhea and weight loss, this helminth was found in 2 animals in the present study, however only 1 had changes in the digestive tract. Davainea proglotina and Raillietina spp. might cause, respectively, severe hemorrhagic enteritis and nodule formation in the small intestine mucosa. In Brazil, even though it is notable that intestinal parasitism is one of the key problems in alternative poultry farming, there are few studies that evaluate the presence of endoparasites in chickens raised in alternative production systems, with animals being more frequently exposed to nematodes and cestodes. The multiparasitism observed in this study probably stems from flaws in the rearing system, mainly related to sanitary hygiene management. Therefore, the reduction in the occurrence of these helminths is closely related to the performance of basic prophylactic measures, such as offering good quality food and water in clean containers, separating lots by age, performing sanitary emptiness and deworming.Keywords: livelihood creation, nematode, cestode, multiparasitism, avian pathology.Surto de endoparasitose em galinhas caipiras (Gallus gallus domesticus) na Bahia, BrasilDescritores: criação de subsistência, nematoide, cestoide, multiparasitismo, patologia aviária

    Acupuntura na dor crônica musculoesquelética: mecanismos de ação

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    Introdução: A acupuntura é uma técnica milenar chinesa que utiliza a inserção de agulhas em pontos específicos para promover a melhora sintomática de diversos problemas de saúde. Dentre eles se destaca a dor musculoesquelética, que é diretamente responsável por altos índices de absenteísmo laboral e má qualidade de vida. O tratamento desse tipo de dor é convencionalmente feito por fármacos. Contudo, o uso de métodos não-farmacológicos, em especial a acupuntura, tem se mostrado eficaz na melhora deste sintoma. Os mecanismos de ação dessa abordagem ainda não são completamente compreendidos. O que aumenta o interesse no aprofundamento do tema.&nbsp; ; Objetivo: Compreender os mecanismos de ação responsáveis pela modulação&nbsp; da nocicepção na acupuntura&nbsp; ; Método: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa na qual foi feita a busca computadorizada de artigos através de bases de dados PubMed, ScienceDirect e Scielo, até março de 2024; Resultado: As teorias acerca da regulação nociceptiva englobam diferentes potenciais meios de atuação como a regulação das vias ascendente e descendente da dor, liberação de purinas, produção de endorfinas, produção de mediadores inflamatórios e ativação do sistema endocanabinóide.&nbsp; Conclusão: Ainda não está completamente elucidado o mecanismo pelo qual a acupuntura oferece o controle álgico. Contudo, há confluência entre as diversas teorias que buscam explicar esse fenômeno. Levando a crer que há não um, mas vários mecanismos de ação promovidos pela acupuntura

    Levantamento pedológico detalhado como suporte para o planejamento do uso de terras

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    Appropriate soil use is required so that the agricultural holding is conducted using conservationist bases, through the rational planning applied to each glebe of land, taking into consideration all of its main attributes. The objective of this study was to execute a detailed soil survey, providing support for planning the sustainable use of natural resources based on their agricultural potential. The study was carried out in Lages, SC, Brazil, at latitude 27°44'54.11'' south and longitude 50°05'08.09'' west, with an average altitude of 884 m and a humid mesothermal climate. The survey was supported by global positioning system, photogrammetry, photo interpretation, and geographic information system. It was proceeded a general and morphological description of soil profiles and a horizons sampling collection for analysis. Based on the soil’s physical and chemical properties, the soils were taxonomically classified in phase levels, according to the Brazilian System of Soil Classification. The mapping unit’s limits were identified through their relationships with soil and topography surfaces by means of observation and sampling along the top sequences, outlined using relief phase. The legend for the final survey was prepared as well as a pedological map containing the agricultural suitability classes used for planning.O uso adequado do solo, através do planejamento racional a ser aplicado a cada gleba de terra, levando em consideração o conjunto de seus atributos é necessário para que a exploração agrícola seja conduzida em bases conservacionistas. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento de solos em nível detalhado para fornecer subsídios ao planejamento de seu uso sustentável com base na sua aptidão agrícola. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Experimental do CAV-UDESC em Lages, SC, situada a 27°44'54,11'' de latitude sul e 50°05'08,09'' de longitude oeste, com 884 m de altitude média e clima do tipo mesotérmico úmido com verão fresco (Cfb). O levantamento contou com o suporte de sistema de posicionamento global por satélite (GNSS-GPS), fotogrametria, fotointerpretação e sistema de informações geográficas. Procedeu-se a descrição geral e morfológica dos perfis de solo e a coleta de amostras deformadas dos horizontes para análise. Com base nos atributos físicos e químicos, os solos foram classificados em nível de fase de acordo com o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS). Os limites das unidades de mapeamento foram identificados através das relações dos solos com a superfície topográfica, por meio de observação e amostragem ao longo de toposequências, delineadas por fases de relevo. Elaborou-se a legenda final do levantamento e a interpretação do mapa pedológico com as classes de aptidão visando o planejamento de uso