3,341 research outputs found

    Patrimônio ambiental cultural e usucapião de bens móveis tombados : uma ánalise em busca da efetividade protetiva do Decreto-lei n° 25/1937

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    Tece sobre o patrimônio cultural brasileiro e as responsabilidades do Ministério Público pela preservação deste patrimônio e pela garantia do direito de acesso e fruição dos bens que o integram. Traça um paralelo de proteção aos bens culturais com o direito ambiental. Analisa o usucapião e o regime jurídico de bens tombados assegurando sua exclusão do comércio. Apresenta a jurisprudência existente do tema e a necessidade de intervenção ministerial nas ações de usucapião de bens móveis de valor cultural

    Bayesian inferencing for wind resource characterisation

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    The growing role of wind power in power systems has motivated R&D on methodologies to characterise the wind resource at sites for which no wind speed data is available. Applications such as feasibility assessment of prospective installations and system integration analysis of future scenarios, amongst others, can greatly benefit from such methodologies. This paper focuses on the inference of wind speeds for such potential sites using a Bayesian approach to characterise the spatial distribution of the resource. To test the approach, one year of wind speed data from four weather stations was modelled and used to derive inferences for a fifth site. The methodology used is described together with the model employed and simulation results are presented and compared to the data available for the fifth site. The results obtained indicate that Bayesian inference can be a useful tool in spatial characterisation of wind

    Fauna flebotomínea de área rural do Pantanal sul-matogrossense, Brasil

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    The aim of the study was to identify among the phlebotomine fauna potential leishmaniasis vectors. The study was carried out in Corumbá county, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Mid-West Brazil (18º59'S, 56º39'W). Sand fly captures were undertaken fortnightly with automatic light traps at 11 sites in forested environments and anthropic areas from April 2001 to July 2003. A total of only 41 specimens were captured. Thirty-one percent of the specimens were captured in forests and 68.3% in anthropic areas. The predominance of non-anthropophilic groups and the low density of N. whitmani, a known cutaneous leishmaniasis vector, does not seem to indicate any actual risk of the transmission of this disease in the study area.O estudo teve como objetivo identificar a fauna flebotomínea em busca de vetores de leishmanioses. As capturas de flebotomíneos foram realizadas em uma fazenda (18º59'S, 56º39'W) localizada cerca de 150 km da cidade de Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, com armadilhas automáticas luminosas, instaladas em 11 pontos distribuídos em áreas florestais e antrópicas, quinzenalmente, de abril 2001 a julho de 2003. Apenas 41 espécimes de flebotomíneos foram capturados. Nos ambientes florestais foram capturados 31,7% dos espécimes e no antrópico, 68,3%. A predominância de flebotomíneos não antropofílicos e a ínfima densidade de N. whitmani, reconhecidamente vetor de leishmaniose tegumentar, parece não indicar real risco de transmissão desta doença, na área

    Relationship between nitrogen sources, germination and vigor of soybean seeds

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    This research was conducted in two experimental areas; the first had been under cultivation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum anually inoculated for several years and the second was cultivated with sugarcane for many years receiving only mineral fertilization. Mineral nitrogen (urea and ammonium) effect was compared with the effects of inoculant treatments (liquid and peat carriers) on plant development, yield and seed quality. After harvesting, seeds were stored under normal environmental conditions and tested periodically. Germination, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and seedling emergence tests showed that seeds coming from the area where inoculation was practiced have better quality. Best plant performance regarding plant height at different growth stages and yield was also found in this area. Among the nitrogen sources studied, best results were obtained when peat was the inoculant carrier.A pesquisa foi conduzida em duas áreas experimentais do Departamento de Agricultura, ESALQ/USP. A primeira, cultivada com soja anualmente inoculada com Bradyrhizobium japonicum, durante vários anos e, a segunda, anteriormente cultivada com cana-de-açúcar, recebendo apenas adubação mineral. Os efeitos da aplicação de uréia e de sulfato de amonio foram comparados com os da inoculação de sementes, utilizando-se, produtos veiculados em turfa ou em meio líquido; avaliaram-se o desenvolvimento das plantas, a produção final e a qualidade das sementes (testes de germinação e de vigor) logo após a colheita e durante o armazenamento. Os resultados permitiram constatar o melhor desempenho fisiológico das sementes produzidas em área anteriormente cultivada com soja, o mesmo ocorrendo com o desenvolvimento inicial das plantas. Dentre as fontes de nitrogênio avaliadas, a utilização de inoculante veiculado em turfa se mostrou mais favorável

    Multipartite Entanglement Signature of Quantum Phase Transitions

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    We derive a general relation between the non-analyticities of the ground state energy and those of a subclass of the multipartite generalized global entanglement (GGE) measure defined by T. R. de Oliveira et al. [Phys. Rev. A 73, 010305(R) (2006)] for many-particle systems. We show that GGE signals both a critical point location and the order of a quantum phase transition (QPT). We also show that GGE allows us to study the relation between multipartite entanglement and QPTs, suggesting that multipartite but not bipartite entanglement is favored at the critical point. Finally, using GGE we were able, at a second order QPT, to define a diverging entanglement length (EL) in terms of the usual correlation length. We exemplify this with the XY spin-1/2 chain and show that the EL is half the correlation length.Comment: Published version. Incorporates correction made in erratu

    Quality of child health care in the family health strategy

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    OBJECTIVE: to verify the quality of child health care in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in a state capital of Northeastern Brazil. METHODS: a descriptive study using a quantitative approach was carried out in 2010 with 66 primary care (PC) teams represented by their doctors and nurses. The survey used part of the Evaluation for Quality Improvement of the Family Health Strategy² (AMQ), a self-rating instrument of the Brazilian Ministry of Health which evaluates the FHS actions and services and classifies them by the following quality-based standards of care: Elementary, undergoing development, Consolidated, Good or Advanced. RESULTS: 84.1% of the FHS-teams rated themselves as providing "Elementary" actions and services, and 47.7% of them considered that they provided "Advanced" ones. The health teams with less than four years of implementation rated themselves better. CONCLUSION: these findings suggest that most of the FHC-teams are providing care with an elementary standard of quality, and indicate that better quality child care is apparently delivered with by teams with less time of implementation

    Concurso de agrupamiento y concurso de garante

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    La ley 24.522 trajo en los Capítulos VI y VII dos novedades significativas: el concurso en caso de agrupamiento y el acuerdo preventivo extrajudicial. Para introducirnos en el tema de concurso de agrupamientos, un buen punto de partida es determinar la finalidad de los procesos concursales. En este sentido, Libonatti señala que la crisis de la empresa no es ya afrontada con la intención de satisfacer al máximo a los acreedores. Es el saneamiento y la reorganización de los complejos empresariales, fuente de actividad económica y empleos, lo que interesa, o m ás adecuadamente la reorganización de la empresa a fin de llegar a su saneamiento económico. La ley de Concursos se inscribe en la corriente moderna, al otorgar al deudor todas las variables posibles para sortear la crisis, entre ellas la que estamos tratando. El concurso de agrupamientos trata de aprehender el fenómeno de los “grupos" o “conjuntos" económicos, gestando una serie de soluciones prácticas para facilitar y abaratar la tramitación de los procesos concursales de los grupos en crisis, así como para dar solución a algunas cuestiones de fondo, tales como el tratamiento a dar al patrimonio de cada sujeto agrupado en la oferta de acuerdo, y la suerte del grupo o de las sociedades o personas individualmente consideradas en caso de fracaso de la solución preventiva de alguno de los sujetos comprometidos.Fil: Miranda, Mauro Exequiel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Pol, Andrés Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Romano, Marcos Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Reparto de derechos televisivos: axiomática y beneficios extraordinarios

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2023, Director: F. Javier Martínez de Albéniz[en] El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la distribución de los ingresos televisivos entre los diferentes equipos de una liga de fútbol. Este trabajo surge de un problema aplicado sobre cómo se debe entregar este dinero a los diferentes equipos, teniendo en cuenta las audiencias que atraen. Este estudio es analítico, reuniendo herramientas de la teoría de juegos cooperativos, problemas de bancarrota y estadística. El método es principalmente axiomático, es decir, normativo: caracterizar las reglas. Después de un capítulo preliminar sobre juegos cooperativos, establecemos el modelo teórico, sus variables, reglas de distribución y axiomas. Exploramos las relaciones con los juegos cooperativos, los problemas de bancarrota y también tratamos de identificar el fenómeno fan en las audiencias. Seguimos el trabajo de Bergantiños y Moreno-Ternero (Management science, 2020). Finalmente, estudiamos una extensión para acomodar la posibilidad de ingresos extra, y cómo esta extensión permite una axiomatización de las reglas
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