462 research outputs found

    Funcionamiento y praxis de la Real Audiencia y Chancillería de Valladolid: los Informes para la puesta en marcha de la Audiencia de Extremadura

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    La Audiencia de Extremadura, creada en 1790 con sede en Cáceres, tomó como base para su funcionamiento la Real Audiencia y Chancillería de Valladolid, el tribunal de más importancia de la Corona de Castilla en el Antiguo Régimen y modelo para el resto de audiencias castellanas y americanas. Por medio de los informes de varios de sus oficiales para la puesta en funcionamiento de aquella audiencia, se pretende hacer una contribución al estudio de la praxis y funcionamiento de la chancillería vallisoletana.The Audience of Extremadura, created in 1790 based in Cáceres, taken as a basis to operate the Royal Audience and Chancellery of Valladolid, the most important court of the Crown of Castile in the Old Regime and model for the rest of Castile and hearings America. Through the reports of several of his officers for the operation of hearing it, is to make a contribution to the study of the practice and operation of the Chancery of Valladolid

    Bioethics and health law: the living will. Proposal to create a living will record in Europe

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    In this piece of work, we present a proposal to create a living will record in Europe that will allow people to have the same rights wherever they are. Therefore, this article will be studied from the bioethics and health law theory

    Monte Carlo model of the uncertainty of SEA loss factors

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    Finite Element Methods are widely used to model vibro-acoustic systems, but as the modal density becomes higher this type of model becomes inaccurate and impractical. This is why in the high modal density region the use of Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) models has become increasingly popular. SEA has some obvious advantages such as its simple formal expression, being based on linear equation systems or the reduced number of variables involved. But SEA has drawbacks as well, such as the absence of local information or the necessity of frequency averaging. A key quantity in SEA models is the loss factor. This takes into account the energy dissipated within a given subsystem or when power flows from one subsystem to another. Even though analytical expressions exist for a number of subsystems of differing nature, the measurement of the loss factor is still advisable and a necessity for a large number of cases. The most commonly used method of measuring loss factors is the Power Injection Method. This method is based on the injection of power into every single subsystem in sequence while the energy in each subsystem is measured. In spite of its simplicity, there remain a number of problems where the accuracy of the results is influenced by various practical issues. In this paper, a Monte Carlo model is used to describe the uncertainty of a two subsystemproblem consisting of two planar elements connected along one side. The influence of the input variables is studied and the conditioning of the coefficient matrix that model the system is also taken into accoun

    Looking at the Camp: Paleolithic Depiction ofa Hunter-Gatherer Campsite

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    Landscapes and features of the everyday world were scarcely represented in Paleolithic art, especially those features associated with the human landscape (huts and campsites). On the contrary, other figurative motifs (especially animals) and signs, traditionally linked to the magic or religious conceptions of these hunter-gatherer societies, are the predominant themes of Upper Paleolithic art. This paper seeks to present an engraved schist slab recently found in the Moli del Salt site (North-eastern Iberia) and dated at the end of the Upper Paleolithic, ca. 13,800 years ago. This slab displays seven semicircular motifs that may be interpreted as the representation of dome-shaped huts. The analysis of individual motifs and the composition, as well as the ethnographic and archeological contextualization, suggests that this engraving is a naturalistic depiction of a hunter-gatherer campsite. Campsites can be considered the first human landscape, the first area of land whose visible features were entirely constructed by humans. Given the social meaning of campsites in hunter-gatherer life-styles, this engraving may be considered one of the first representations of the domestic and social space of a human group.Fieldwork in the Moli del Salt is possible thanks to the financial support of Generalitat de Catalunya, Consell Comarcal de la Conca de Barbera, Ajuntament de Vimbodi i Poblet, and SOREO. The research is carried out within the framework of the project Paleoenvironmental evolution and prehistoric settlements in the Francoli, Gaia and Siurana river basins and Camp de Tarragona streams, funded by Generalitat de Catalunya. This research has also been supported by Generalitat de Catalunya grants 2014SGR-900, 2008ACOM-00073, 2009ACOM-00103, and 2010ACOM-00001. The research of Marcos Garcia-Diez was carried out with the financial support of the Basque Government (Research Group on Prehistory UPV/EHU IT622-13)

    Valoración de proyectos de turismo deportivo con opciones reales: el caso de un campo de golf en las Rías Baixas

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    This study intends to address the convenience of a methodology based on real options to assess investment projects in the sports tourism industry, using the case of the construction of a golf course as an example to illustrate the exposition. After evaluating the initial project, the analysis is complemented by considering the options to defer, abandon, expand and reduce the project. As a conclusion, it is recommended to exercise the option to defer and then exercise the option to reduce. This means delaying the start of the project, and then starting it with a smaller scale, which implies outsourcing part of the sports complex’s services. Although the real options methodology is a general-purpose approach, its application to the sports tourism industry is still limited. This article shows the usefulness of identifying flexibilization and modularity options in the sports tourism industry, given the temporal and financial dimension of its projects, and considering the uncertainty of the environment.El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar la conveniencia de la metodología de opciones reales para valorar proyectos de inversión en el sector del turismo deportivo, utilizando el caso de la construcción de un campo de golf como ejemplo para ilustrar la exposición. Tras valorar el proyecto inicial, se complementa el análisis considerando las opciones de diferir, abandonar, ampliar y reducir el proyecto. Como conclusión, se recomienda el ejercicio de la opción de diferir y, a continuación, el ejercicio de la opción de reducir. Ello supone retrasar el inicio del proyecto respecto al plan inicial, y a continuación iniciarlo con una escala más reducida, lo que implica externalizar parte de los servicios del complejo deportivo. Si bien las opciones reales constituyen una metodología de uso general, su aplicación al sector del turismo deportivo es aún limitada. Este artículo muestra la utilidad de identificar opciones de flexibilización y modularidad en el sector del turismo deportivo, dada la dimensión temporal y financiera de los proyectos, así como la incertidumbre del entorno

    La tecnología lítica de La Maya y El Basalito (Salamanca): nuevas aportaciones desde la talla experimental

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    Experimental archaeology is a field that helps us to understand how prehistoric activities developed. Experimentation also facilitates our understanding of hominid tool knapping procedures and technologies.Experimental knapping is one of the main methodologies used to analyse the influence of raw materials, the knapper's role, cultural heritage and economy in prehistoric technological repertoires.Two classic Mode 2 (Acheulian) deposits were studied within the framework of these experimental premises: La Maya and El Basalito. Tool variations were analyzed, differentiating aspects related to technical solutions from those associated with the group's cultural tradition and the intensity of the occupation.La arqueología experimental es una disciplina que facilita la comprensión del desarrollo de las diferentes actividades de la prehistoria. A través de la experimentación se pueden llegar a comprender los procedimientos y las técnicas que llevaron a cabo los homínidos en la fabricación de sus herramientas.La talla experimental es una de las principales vías metodológicas en el análisis de la influencia de las materias primas, el papel del tallador, la herencia cultural y la economía en los repertorios tecnológicos del pasado.El estudio bajo esas premisas experimentales, de dos yacimientos clásicos del Modo 2 del achelense: La Maya y El Basalito, permiten analizar la variabilidad instrumental, diferenciando los aspectos ligados a soluciones técnicas de aquellos relacionados a la tradición cultural del grupo o al grado de intensidad ocupacional

    Coordinación en materia de seguridad y salud. Ingeniería y prevención

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    Una introducción a la coordinación de seguridad y salud en fase de proyecto y de obr

    El régimen de segunda oportunidad y la exoneración del pasivo insatisfecho

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    El presente trabajo consiste en analizar las cuestiones principales del beneficio de la exoneración del pasivo insatisfecho establecido en el artículo 178 bis Ley Concursal para las personas naturales concursadas y que puedan ver sus deudas exoneradas una vez concluya el concurso por liquidación o por insuficiencia de la masa activa. Nos vamos a referir a la Ley de Segunda Oportunidad que modificó el artículo predecesor al 178 bis LC, también al Texto Refundido de la Ley Concursal que entrará en vigor el 1 de septiembre del 2020 en relación a los cambios respecto de la exoneración del pasivo insatisfecho y por último a la Directiva 2019/1023 sobre marcos de reestructuración preventiva y exoneración de deudas en relación a los cambios que podría sufrir el articulado que regula la exoneración de las deuda

    Dues noves peces gravades del jaciment de Sant Gregori (Falset, Tarragona): la "Col.lecció Ramon Rodón" del Museu Municipal d'Alcover (Alt Camp)

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    En el present article s'estudien dos fragments de pissarra gravats procedents deljacirnent de Sant Gregori (Falset, Priorat). Es tracta de dos exemplars inèdits que pertanyen a la «col·lecció Ramon Rodón» dipositada al Museu Municipal d' Alcover (Alt Camp). L'absència de les dades referents a la posició estratigràfica del material en el jaciment en dificulten l' adscripció crono-cultural. Aquest aspecte s'intenta solventar amb la comparació de les característiques decoratives de les plaques gravades amb la resta d'elements d'art moble exhumats en el mateix jaciment. A partir d'aquí, la comparació i significat de les plaques s'estableix sobre la base de les evidencies artístiques mobles atribuides al període Epipaleolític rnicrolaminar existents a l'àrea mediterrània de la Península Ibèrica.In this paper two fragments of carving slates from Sant Gregori site (Falset, Priorat) are studied. These fragments are two unpublished examples belonged to «Ramon Rodón collection» wich are placed in Alcover's Municipal Museum (Alt Camp). The crono-eultural assignement is difficult because there are no information about estratigraphic position of these fragments of carving slates. This problem could be solved by eomparing the decorative characteristies of the carving fragments to other elements of portable art which were exhumed in the same site. By doing this, the comparation and the meanning of this fragments are based on the artistic portable evidenee which were attributed to microlarninar Epipaleolithic period from Mediterranean area in Iberian Peninsula

    Air gap influence on the vibro-acoustic response of Solar Arrays during launch

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    One of the primary elements on the space missions is the electrical power subsystem, for which the critical component is the solar array. The behaviour of these elements during the ascent phase of the launch is critical for avoiding damages on the solar panels, which are the primary source of energy for the satellite in its final configuration. The vibro-acoustic response to the sound pressure depends on the solar array size, mass, stiffness and gap thickness. The stowed configuration of the solar array consists of a multiple system composed of structural elements and the air layers between panels. The effect of the air between panels on the behaviour of the system affects the frequency response of the system not only modifying the natural frequencies of the wings but also as interaction path between the wings of the array. The usual methods to analyze the vibro-acoustic response of structures are the FE and BE methods for the low frequency range and the SEA formulation for the high frequency range. The main issue in the latter method is, on one hand, selecting the appropriate subsystems, and, on the other, identifying the parameters of the energetic system: the internal and coupling loss factors. From the experimental point of view, the subsystems parameters can be identified by exciting each subsystem and measuring the energy of all the subsystems composing the Solar Array. Although theoretically possible, in practice it is difficult to apply loads on the air gaps. To analyse this situation, two different approaches can be studied depending on whether the air gaps between the panels are included explicitly in the problem or not. For a particular case of a solar array of three wings in stowed configuration both modelling philosophies are compared. This stowed configuration of a three wing solar arrays in stowed configuration has been tested in an acoustic chamber. The measured data on the solar wings allows, in general, determining the loss factors of the configuration. The paper presents a test description and measurements on the structure, in terms of the acceleration power spectral density. Finally, the performance of each modelling technique has been evaluated by comparison between simulations with experimental results on a spacecraft solar array and the influence on the apparent properties of the system in terms of the SEA loss factors has been analyse