2,748 research outputs found

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de las roturas del tendón de Aquiles

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    El objetivo del trabajo fue valorar los resultados y complicaciones obtenidos tras tratamiento quirúrgico de las rupturas subcutáneas del tendón de Aquiles. Se revisaron 26 pacientes, con un seguimiento mínimo de 1 año. Detallamos nuestra metodología en cuanto a técnica quirúrgica y manejo postoperatorio. Se valoró el resultado clínico según los siguientes parámetros: movilidad de tobillo, potencia muscular tríceps, engrosamiento tendinoso, claudicación a la marcha, atrofia gemelar, incorporación a actividades deportivas y alteraciones residuales. Los resultados fueron muy buenos en 21 casos (80,7%); buenos en 5 (19,3%), y ningún caso con resultado regular o malo. Destacamos 5 complicaciones postoperatorias inmediatas y 1 caso de reruptura, con resultado final satisfactorio. Dados los buenos resultados obtenidos, recomendamos el tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes activos, con buen estado general, independientemente de la edad.The objective of this work was to asess the clinical results and complications with the surgical treatment for subcutaneous Achilles tendon ruptures. Twenty six patients were clinically revised with a minimal follow up of one year. We detailed the surgical technique and postoperative management of the patients. Clinical results were assessed with the next parameters: ankle joint motion; triceps muscle strength; Achilles tendinous thickened; walking limp; triceps muscle atrophy, possibility of sports practice and definitive changes. We had excellent results in 21 cases (80,7%); good results in 5 cases (19,3%) and none with fair or poor results. We detached 5 cases with immediate postoperative complications and one case of relapse, all of them with good clinical result. Our excellent and good clinical results with the surgical technique for the Achilles tendon ruptures allow us to recommend this treatment in active patients, with appropriate health conditions in spite of the age

    Muscular fitness mediates the association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and areal bone mineral density in children with overweight/obesity

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    The association between vitamin D [25(OH)D] and bone health has been widely studied in children. Given that 25(OH)D and bone health are associated with muscular fitness, this could be the cornerstone to understand this relationship. Hence, the purpose of this work was to examine if the relation between 25(OH)D and areal bone mineral density (aBMD) was mediated by muscular fitness in children with overweight/obesity. Eighty-one children (8-11 years, 53 boys) with overweight/obesity were included. Body composition was measured with dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), 25(OH)D was measured in plasma samples and muscular fitness was assessed by handgrip and standing long jump tests (averaged z-scores were used to represent overall muscular fitness). Simple mediation analyses controlling for sex, years from peak height velocity, lean mass and season were carried out. Our results showed that muscular fitness z-score, handgrip strength and standing long jump acted as mediators in the relationship between 25(OH)D and aBMD outcomes (percentages of mediation ranged from 49.6% to 68.3%). In conclusion, muscular fitness mediates the association of 25(OH)D with aBMD in children with overweight/obesity. Therefore, 25(OH)D benefits to bone health could be dependent on muscular fitness in young ages

    Characterization of a water-in-oil-in-water multiple emulsion integrating biomimetic aqueous-core lipid nanoballoons housing protein entities

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    Project funding by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil) ( FAP ESP Ref. No. 2013/03181 - 6, Project PneumoPhageKill

    State of actin cytoskeleton and development of slow-frozen and vitrified rabbit pronuclear zygotes

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    [EN] This study was focused on the effect of cryopreservation on the state of actin cytoskeleton and development of rabbit pronuclear zygotes. Zygotes were collected from superovulated females and immediately used for 1) slow-freezing in a solution containing 1.5 M 1,2-propanediol and 0.2 M sucrose, or 2) vitrification in a solution containing 42.0% (v/v) of ethylene glycol, 18.0% (w/v) of dextran and 0.3 M sucrose as cryoprotectants. After thawing or warming, respectively, zygotes were evaluated for 1) actin distribution, 2) in vitro or 3) in vivo development to blastocyst. Comparing actin filaments distribution, a significantly higher number of vitrified zygotes with actin distributed in cell border was observed (55 ± 7.7 vs. 74 ± 6.1% for slow-frozen vs. vitrified, respectively). After 24 and 72 h of in vitro development, significant differences in the cleavage and morula rate among the groups were observed (9 ± 2.4 and 3 ± 1.3 vs. 44 ± 3.0 and 28 ± 2.7% for slow-frozen vs. vitrified, respectively). None of the slow-frozen zygotes reached the blastocyst stage, in contrast to the vitrified counterparts (11 ± 1.9%). Under in vivo culture conditions, a significant difference in blastocyst rate was observed between vitrified and fresh embryos (6 ± 1.5 vs. 35 ± 4.4% respectively). Our results showed that alterations in actin cytoskeleton and deteriorated development are more evident in slow-frozen than vitrified pronuclear zygotes. Vitrification method seems to be a more effective option for rabbit zygotes cryopreservation, although pronuclear zygotes manipulation per se resulted in a notable decrease in embryo development.This research was supported by the projects: UGAVIII/16/2015, VEGA 1/0611/15, by the Spanish Research project AGL2014-53405-C2-1-PComision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT), Generalitat Valenciana research program (Prometeo II 2014/036), grant of Slovak Research and Development Agency: APVV-14-0043 and by the European Community under project no 26220220180: Building Research Centre "AgroBioTech". B. Kulikova received fellowship from a Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology (RGB-Net) (COST-STSM-TD1101)Kulikova, B.; Jiménez-Trigos, ME.; Makarevich, AV.; Chrenek, P.; Vicente Antón, JS.; Marco-Jiménez, F. (2016). State of actin cytoskeleton and development of slow-frozen and vitrified rabbit pronuclear zygotes. Cryobiology. 72(1):14-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cryobiol.2015.11.009142072

    Supercritical fluid and pharmaceutical applications. Part I: Process classification

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    The supercritical fluid technology has been target of many pharmaceuticals investigations in particles production for almost 35 years. This is due to the great advantages it offers over others technologies currently used for the same purpose. A brief history is presented, as well the classification of supercritical technology based on the role that the supercritical fluid (carbon dioxide) performs in the process.FAPESP (São Paulo, Brazil – project 2012/01333-0) for financial suppor

    Study of the elemental composition of saliva of smokers and nonsmokers by X-ray fluorescence

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    "Available online 09 September 2016"Cigarette smoking is a serious public health problem. According to data from the World Health Organization, it is estimated that currently more than 1.2 billion people worldwide do tobacco use and that smoking-related diseases are responsible for about 6 million deaths each. With attention to this, it is necessary to seek preventive and prognostic of trying to reduce these numbers and alert the public in general about the danger and the harm caused by its use. Thus, the objective of the research work undertaken was to evaluate and compare the chemical composition of collected saliva samples of smokers and nonsmokers by X-ray Fluorescence analyses. 32 individuals were selected, 16 of which used cigarette on a daily basis and the other 16 had never smoked. Saliva was collected with the help of a (sterile) disposable Pasteur pipette and samples sent to the Applied Nuclear Physics Laboratory at UNISO (LAFINAU), where analyzes were carried out. Individuals who agreed to participate in the study answered a questionnaire to define their profile of inclusion and signed an informed consent form (CEP Protocol n° 831.753 of 09/10/2014). The results clearly showed that there are differences in the concentrations of chemical elements in the saliva of smokers and non-smokers. The biggest discrepancies were found at concentrations of the chemical elements Sulfur, Phosphorus, Chlorine and Potassium, and smaller differences in the concentration of the elements Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Titanium, Vanadium and Nickel. In only one saliva sample, and in quite low amounts, arsenic was detected. The results indicate that smoking produces more significant changes in the saliva of women than in men, increasing the concentration of some elements in the saliva of female smokers, much more than in the male smokers. The cigarette usage time also appears to exert a greater influence on the composition of the saliva of women than in men, indicating that the damage caused by cigarette use may in fact be higher in women than in men.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil) (FAPESP Refs. no. 2012/ 15651-4 and 2013/03181-6)CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – Brazil, in the form of Research Productivity (PQ) fellowships - Ref. no. 306113/2014-7, Ref. No. 309598/2014-

    Effects of landscape metrics and land-use variables on macroinvertebrate communities and habitat characteristics

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    The growing number of studies establishing links between stream biota, environmental factors and river classification has contributed to a better understanding of fluvial ecosystem function. Environmental factors influencing river systems are distributed over hierarchically organised spatial scales. We used a nested hierarchical sampling design across four catchments to assess how benthic macroinvertebrate community composition and lower spatial scale habitat descriptors were shaped by landscape and land-use patterns. We found that benthic macroinvertebrate community structure and composition varied significantly from catchment to habitat level. We assessed and identified fractal metrics of landscape descriptors capable of explaining compositional and functional change in the benthic faunal indicators and compared them with the traditional variables describing land use and reach level habitat descriptors within a 1 km radius of each sampling site. We found that fractal landscape metrics were the best predictor variables for benthic macroinvertebrate community composition, function, instream habitat and river corridor characteristics.El creciente número de estudios que relacionan la biota fluvial, los factores ambientales y la clasificación de los ríos, ha contribuido a comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas fluviales. La organización de los factores ambientales fluviales es entendida, en la actualidad, como una jerarquía de factores con varias escalas espaciales. Para evaluar cómo la composición de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos y las características del hábitat a escala local son afectadas por el uso del paisaje y del suelo, se siguió un diseño de muestreo jerárquico en cuatro cuencas. Hemos verificado que la estructura y composición de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos varió significativamente desde la escala de cuenca hasta la del hábitat. Fueron evaluadas e identificadas métricas fractales del paisaje que podrían explicar los cambios en la composición y funcionalidad de la fauna bentónica y se ha comparado también con la influencia de las tradicionales variables de usos del suelo y descriptores del hábitat al nivel del tramo, en un círculo de 1 km de radio alrededor de cada tramo. Encontramos que las métricas fractales del paisaje fueron las mejores variables predictoras de la composición y funcionalidad de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados y de las características del hábitat en el cauce y del corredor fluvial

    Development and characterization of a gel formulation integrating microencapsulated nitrofurazone

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    Nitrofurazone (NTZ) is usually employed in the topical treatment of infected wounds and lesions of both skin and mucosa. Microencapsulation is a process utilized in the incorporation of active ingredients within polymers aiming at, among other objectives, the prolonged release of pharmaceutical compounds and protection from atmospheric agents (viz. moisture, light, heat and/or oxidation). With the goal of utilizing the microparticles containing encapsulated NTZ in pharmaceutical formulations, one prepared microparticles containing NTZ via ionotropic gelation of sodium alginate. The microparticles were characterized via scanning electron microscopy analyses, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses, via determination of encapsulation efficiency, and via thermal analyses (both TGA and DSC). The final gel formulation was also characterized rheologically. The extrusion/solidification technique employed to obtain the calcium alginate microparticles with encapsulated NTZ was found to be adequate, and produced an NTZ encapsulation efficiency of ca. 97.8% ± 1.1%. The calcium alginate microparticles thus obtained, with encapsulated NTZ, exhibited an oval shape and hydrodynamic diameters between 500 μm and 800 μm. From the thermal analyses performed, together with information from the infrared spectra, one may conclude that NTZ did not strongly bind to the polymer, which may be favorable for the release of the active ingredient. From the results obtained in the present research effort, one may conclude that the microparticles produced possess the potential to be utilized as carriers for NTZ in pharmaceutical formulations such as gels, ointments, and solutions.Financial support to Victor M. Balcao, via an Invited Research Scientist fellowship (FAPESP Ref. No. 2011/51077-8) by Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil), is hereby gratefully acknowledged

    Evaluación clínica e histopatológica de la Pythiosis cutánea en terneros del departamento de Córdoba, Colombia

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    RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar y caracterizar los aspectos clínicos e histopatológicos de la Pythiosis cutánea en terneros del departamento de Córdoba, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo, no probabilístico en animales por conveniencia. Fueron analizados 14 terneros con Pythiosis cutánea, a los cuales se les realizó caracterización clínica e histopatológica mediante tinciones de Hematoxilina-Eosina y Grocott. Resultados. Clínicamente, los animales presentaron lesiones cutáneas ulcerativas y húmedas con abundante exudación fibrino sanguinolenta, algunas tenían superficie irregular con nodulaciones y hemorragias, así como salida en algunos casos de material caseificado blanco amarillento. Las lesiones se ubicaron en la mayoría de los casos a nivel de las partes distales de los miembros y región ventro-lateral del cuello. Histopatológicamente, en coloración de Hematoxilina-Eosina se observó múltiples piogranulomas constituidos por área central con aglomerados de eosinófilos y pocos neutrófilos rodeados por macrófagos y células gigantes (reacción de Splendore-Hoeppli). En la coloración de Grocott se evidenciaron múltiples hifas intralesionales septadas y parcialmente ramificadas en ángulo recto de color café. Conclusiones. El diagnóstico definitivo de la enfermedad se basó en la epidemiología, características macroscópicas de las lesiones y en los hallazgos histopatológicos, siendo concluyente como métodos de diagnóstico de la Pythiosis cutánea bovina