420 research outputs found


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    There is a range of possibilities to analyze the soccer game in relation to physical-technical-tactical aspects. The importance of going toward the goal rapidly since the recovery of possession was defended by Grehaigne et al (1996). The main technique to analyze soccer attack speed in literature was presented by Yue et al (2008). The aim of this study was to propose a method to analyze offensive sequences in soccer based on goal progression velocity (GPV) and goal progression indicator (GPI)

    Modélisation, évaluation et contrôle d'une chaîne de traitement d'images routières

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    ·La mise au point d'une chaîne complète de traitement d'image (CTI) est toujours très délicate. Jusqu'à présent la communauté s'est intéressée à l'évaluation d'algorithmes isolés, sur un petit nombre d'image test et avec un réglage adhoc des paramètres indépendant des données d'entrée. Nous montrons ici comment en combinant la modélisation statistique par plans d'expérience, l'optimisation numérique et l'apprentissage neuronal, on peut élaborer une CTI adaptative performante. Il faut aussi pour cela disposer d'une base d'images conséquente, être capable de caractériser en entrée les images brutes et enfin évaluer les sorties de la CTI. Nous montrons comment, dans le cas d'une CTI dédiée à la détection d'obstacles routiers, cette méthodologie expérimentale et l'architecture logicielle associée, assurent en permanence l'efficacité des traitements. L'explication en est simple: la CTI est optimisée dans sa globalité, à partir d'un grand nombre d'images test réelles et en adaptant les traitements aux données d'entrée


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    The purpose of this study was to quantify and analyze professional Futsal teams’ organization on the court in shots to goal and tackles situations. Two-dimensional coordinates of 22 players’ positions were obtained during a match between Brazil and Paraguay using a computational tracking system. Team organization in 58 specific situations of shots to goal and 120 tackles were analysed. The variables quantified were teams’ coverage area and distance between teams’ centroids. Results showed that defending team coverage area was greater (

    Brief intervention with music therapy stimulation in a case of dementia: neuroimaging effects

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    La demencia es un síndrome de prevalencia creciente a nivel mundial, que se caracteriza por deterioro cognitivo y la aparición de diversos síntomas. Del abanico de posibilidades en cuanto al abordaje para esta población se encuentran las intervenciones que provee la musicoterapia, una disciplina en pleno crecimiento dentro del área de salud. El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar el análisis de un estudio de caso clínico con diagnóstico de demencia vascular, a quien se le realizó una evaluación por neuroimagen con cámara gamma, antes y después del proceso de estimulación con musicoterapia. Los resultados evidenciaron una mejoría en el área de corteza frontoparietal izquierda, luego de la estimulación musicoterapeutica. Si bien el presente artículo es la presentación de un caso único, los datos permiten entrever las potencialidades que presentan las propuestas dentro del campo de la musicoterapia en el abordaje de pacientes con demencia.Dementia is a syndrome of increasing prevalence around the world, characterized by cognitive deterioration and the appearance of several symptoms. From the range of possibilities in terms of treating this population are the interventions provided by music therapy, a discipline that is growing within the health area. The aim of this article is to present the analysis of a clinical case study with a diagnosis of vascular dementia, to whom an evaluation of neuroimaging with a gamma camera was made, before and after the music therapy stimulation process. The results showed an improvement in the area of the left frontoparietal cortex after the music-therapy stimulation. Although, the current article is the presentation of a case report, the data allow to glimpse the great potentialities that the field of music therapy had in the approach of patients with dementia

    Numerical Modelling Of The V-J Combinations Of The T Cell Receptor TRA/TRD Locus

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    T-Cell antigen Receptor (TR) repertoire is generated through rearrangements of V and J genes encoding α and β chains. The quantification and frequency for every V-J combination during ontogeny and development of the immune system remain to be precisely established. We have addressed this issue by building a model able to account for Vα-Jα gene rearrangements during thymus development of mice. So we developed a numerical model on the whole TRA/TRD locus, based on experimental data, to estimate how Vα and Jα genes become accessible to rearrangements. The progressive opening of the locus to V-J gene recombinations is modeled through windows of accessibility of different sizes and with different speeds of progression. Furthermore, the possibility of successive secondary V-J rearrangements was included in the modelling. The model points out some unbalanced V-J associations resulting from a preferential access to gene rearrangements and from a non-uniform partition of the accessibility of the J genes, depending on their location in the locus. The model shows that 3 to 4 successive rearrangements are sufficient to explain the use of all the V and J genes of the locus. Finally, the model provides information on both the kinetics of rearrangements and frequencies of each V-J associations. The model accounts for the essential features of the observed rearrangements on the TRA/TRD locus and may provide a reference for the repertoire of the V-J combinatorial diversity

    Inflammatory response of endothelial cells to a human endogenous retrovirus associated with multiple sclerosis is mediated by TLR4.

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    The MSRV (multiple sclerosis-associated retrovirus) belongs to the human endogenous retrovirus HERV-W family. The envelope protein originating from the MSRV has been found in most patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). This protein (Env-ms) has pro-inflammatory properties for several types of immune cells and could therefore play a role in MS pathogenesis by promoting the leukocyte diapedesis observed in the central nervous system of patients. Our study aims to analyze the effects of Env-ms on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) at a molecular and functional level. We demonstrate that the recombinant MSRV envelope is able to stimulate several inflammatory parameters in a human BBB in vitro model, the HCMEC/D3 brain endothelial cell line. Indeed, Env-ms induces over-expression of ICAM-1, a major mediator of leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, in a dose-dependent manner as well as a strong dose-dependent production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-8. Furthermore, using a silencing approach with siRNAs, we show that Env-ms is recognized via the Toll-like receptor 4 receptor, a pattern recognition receptor of innate immunity present on endothelial cells. We also show, using functional assays, that treatment of brain endothelial cells with Env-ms significantly stimulated the adhesion and the transmigration of activated immune cells through a monolayer of endothelial cells. These findings support the hypothesis that MSRV could be involved in the pathogenesis of MS disease or at least in maintenance of inflammatory conditions, thus fueling the auto-immune disorder. MSRV could also play a role in other chronic inflammatory diseases

    The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso

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    Borexino, a large volume detector for low energy neutrino spectroscopy, is currently running underground at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. The main goal of the experiment is the real-time measurement of sub MeV solar neutrinos, and particularly of the mono energetic (862 keV) Be7 electron capture neutrinos, via neutrino-electron scattering in an ultra-pure liquid scintillator. This paper is mostly devoted to the description of the detector structure, the photomultipliers, the electronics, and the trigger and calibration systems. The real performance of the detector, which always meets, and sometimes exceeds, design expectations, is also shown. Some important aspects of the Borexino project, i.e. the fluid handling plants, the purification techniques and the filling procedures, are not covered in this paper and are, or will be, published elsewhere (see Introduction and Bibliography).Comment: 37 pages, 43 figures, to be submitted to NI