758 research outputs found

    Métodos e meios de higiene oral : uma revisão narrativa

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    Segundo o Programa Nacional de Saúde Oral os principais pilares para a manutenção da saúde oral, são a alimentação saudável, a higiene oral e o reforço da resistência dentária. O biofilme que está presente na cavidade oral beneficia de um ambiente favorável ao seu desenvolvimento no que respeita à temperatura, humidade, estruturas de proteção e suporte, sendo os próprios dentes, as próteses e os aparelhos de ortodontia lugares de eleição para a adesão e desenvolvimento das bactérias. As práticas diárias para o controlo do biofilme, a constituição da dieta e a frequência de ingestão de açucares, influenciam grandemente o tipo e número de bactérias que constituem a flora oral e que interferem na etiologia da cárie dentária e das doenças periodontais. A escovagem dos dentes com um dentífrico fluoretado (1000-1500 ppm) deve ser efetuada a partir da erupção do primeiro dente decíduo, pelo menos duas vezes por dia, sendo uma delas à noite, antes de deitar. A utilização de fio ou fita dentária, escovilhões ou outros meios para o controlo do biofilme oral interdentário são primordiais. As abordagens mecânica e química da higiene oral têm por objetivo diminuir e modificar a flora da boca, promovendo estruturas dentárias e periodontais mais saudáveis. Esta deve ser acompanhada de visitas regulares ao médico dentista, de modo a prevenir doenças como a cárie e a doença periodontal. A eficácia das escovas de dentes manuais e das escovas elétricas é semelhante, desde que utilizadas adequadamente. As escovas elétricas são particularmente úteis para crianças e para pessoas com dificuldades na mobilidade dos membros superiores e com problemas de destreza manual. Para que as medidas de higiene oral sejam implementadas de forma eficaz na população, os conhecimentos têm de ser difundidos através da promoção comunitária, maximizando a quantidade pessoas informadas sobre a importância da saúde oral e quais os meios para a alcançar, quebrando barreiras como as desigualdades e a vertente financeira. A conduta de saúde oral deve ser adaptada consoante o indivíduo, à sua habilidade, ao seu estilo de vida e à sua idade, de modo a que estes consigam tomar decisões em prol de uma melhoria da sua higiene oral e, consequentemente, da sua saúde oral.According to the National Oral Health Program, the main pillars for maintaining oral health are healthy eating, oral hygiene and strengthening dental resistance. The biofilm that is present in the oral cavity benefits from an environment favorable to its development with regard to temperature, humidity, protective and support structures, with teeth, prostheses and orthodontic appliances being the places of choice for adhesion and development bacteria. The daily practices for the control of biofilm, the constitution of the diet and the frequency of ingestion of sugars, greatly influence the type and number of bacteria that constitute the oral flora and that interfere in the etiology of dental caries and periodontal diseases. Brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste (1000-1500 ppm) should be done from the eruption of the first deciduous tooth, at least twice a day, one of them at night, before bedtime. The use of dental floss or tape, toothbrushes or other means for the control of interdental oral biofilm are essential. The mechanical and chemical approaches of oral hygiene aim to decrease and modify the flora of the mouth, promoting healthier dental and periodontal structures. This should be accompanied by regular visits to the dentist, in order to prevent diseases such as caries and periodontal disease. The effectiveness of manual toothbrushes and electric brushes is similar, provided they are used properly. Electric brushes are particularly useful for children and for people with mobility difficulties in the upper limbs and problems with manual dexterity. For oral hygiene measures to be implemented effectively in the population, knowledge must be disseminated through community promotion, maximizing the number of people informed about the importance of oral health and the means to achieve it, breaking barriers such as inequalities and the financial aspect. The conduct of oral health must be adapted according to the individual, their ability, their lifestyle and their age, so that they are able to make decisions in favor of improving their oral hygiene and, consequently, their health oral

    Were public interventions relevant for containing the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil in 2020?

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    OBJECTIVE: Flattening the curve was the most promoted public health strategy worldwide, during the pandemic, to slow down the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and, consequently, to avoid overloading the healthcare systems. In Brazil, a relative success of public policies was evidenced. However, the association between public policies and the “flatten the curve” objectives remain unclear, as well as the association of different policies to reach this aim. This study aims to verify if the adoption of different public policies was associated with the flattening of the infection and death curves by covid-19 first wave in 2020. METHODS: Data from the Sistema de Informação da Vigilância Epidemiológica da Gripe (Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance Information System – SIVEP-Gripe) and the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE) were used to compute standardized incidence and mortality rates. The Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) was used to obtain information about governmental responses related to the mitigation of pandemic effects, and the Human Development Index (HDI) was used as a measure of socioeconomic status. A non-linear least-square method was used to estimate parameters of the five-parameter sigmoidal curve, obtaining the time to reach the peak and the incremental rate of the curves. Additionally, ordinary least-square linear models were used to assess the correlation between the curves and the public policies adopted. RESULTS: Out of 51 municipalities, 261,326 patients had SARS-CoV-2 infection. Stringency Index was associated with reducing covid-19 incremental incidence and death rates, in addition to delaying the time to reach the peak of both pandemic curves. Considering both parameters, economic support policies did not affect the incidence nor the mortality rate curves. CONCLUSION: The evidence highlighted the importance and effectiveness of social distancing policies during the first year of the pandemic in Brazil, flattening the curves of mortality and incidence rates. Other policies, such as those focused on economic support, were not effective in flattening the curves but met humanitarian and social outcomes

    Sur les relations entre la topologie de contact et la dynamique de champs de Reeb

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    In this thesis we study the relations between the contact topological properties of contact manifolds and the dynamics of Reeb flows. On the first part of the thesis, we establish a relation between the growth of the cylindrical contact homology of a contact manifold and the topological entropy of Reeb flows on this manifold. We build on this to show in Chapter 6 that if a contact manifold M admits a hypertight contact form A for which the cylindrical contact homology has exponential homotopical growth rate, then the Reeb flow of every contact form on M has positive topological entropy. Using this result, we exhibit in Chapter 8 and 9 numerous new examples of contact 3-manifolds on which every Reeb flow has positive topological entropy. On Chapter 10 we present a joint result with Chris Wendl that gives a dynamical obstruction for contact 3-manifold to be planar. We then use the obstruction to show that a contact 3-manifold that possesses a Reeb flow that is a transversely orientable Anosov flow, cannot be planar. On Chapter 11 we study the topological entropy for Reeb flows on spherizations. The result we obtain is a refinement of a result of Macarini and Schlenk, that states that every Reeb flow on the unit tangent bundle U of a high genus surface S has positive topological entropy. We show that for any Reeb flow on U, the omega-limit of almost every Legendrian fiber is a compact invariant set on which the dynamics has positive topological entropy.L'objectif de cette thèse est d'investiguer les relations entre les propriétés topologiques d'une variété de contact et la dynamique des flots de Reeb dans la variété de contact en question. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous établissons une relation entre la croissance de l’homologie de contact cylindrique d'une variété de contact et l'entropie topologique des flots de Reeb dans cette variété de contact. Nous utilisons ce résultat dans les chapitres 8 et 9 pour montrer l'existence d'un grand nombre des nouvelles variétés de contact de dimension 3 dans lesquelles tous les flots de Reeb ont entropie topologique positive. Dans le chapitre 10, nous prouvons un résultat obtenu en collaboration avec Chris Wendl qui donne une obstruction dynamique pour qu'une variété de contact de dimension 3 soit planaire. Cette obstruction est utilisée pour montrer que, si une variété de contact de dimension 3 possède un flot de Reeb qui est uniformément hyperbolique (Anosov) avec variétés invariantes traversalement orientables, alors cette variété de contact n'est pas planaire. Dans le chapitre 11, nous étudions l'entropie topologique des flots de Reeb dans les fibrés unitaires des surfaces de genre plus grand que 1. Nous montrons que la restriction de chaque flot de Reeb en au ensemble limite de presque toute fibre unitaire a une entropie topologique positive

    Forecasting Large Realized Covariance Matrices: The Benefits of Factor Models and Shrinkage

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    We propose a model to forecast large realized covariance matrices of returns, applying it to the constituents of the S\&P 500 daily. To address the curse of dimensionality, we decompose the return covariance matrix using standard firm-level factors (e.g., size, value, and profitability) and use sectoral restrictions in the residual covariance matrix. This restricted model is then estimated using vector heterogeneous autoregressive (VHAR) models with the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO). Our methodology improves forecasting precision relative to standard benchmarks and leads to better estimates of minimum variance portfolios

    Flipped classroom: aprendizagem para além da sala de aula na cibercultura com o Edmodo / Flipped classroom: learning beyond the classroom in cyberculture with Edmodo

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    O presente estudo configurou-se a partir de uma perspectiva investigativa da cibercultura e que está enredada por dois campos do saber: Ensino e Meio Ambiente. Ensino porque procurou descrever como se deram os entrelaçamentos em rede entre professor e estudantes (atores humanos) e os recursos digitais tecnológicos, artigos e leis (atores não-humanos) para uma tecitura de conhecimentos. E, Meio Ambiente porque teve como objetivo descrever a tecitura de conhecimentos sobre o tema Educação Ambiental em um curso de Bacharelado em Educação Física. Como escopo teórico e metodológico o estudo se aproximou da Teoria Ator-Rede, de cunho qualitativo e com abordagem descritiva. A pesquisa possui como centralidade as controvérsias advindas da mobilidade entre os humanos e não-humanos em uma rede de produção de saberes cujo tema emerge da Educação Ambiental. O estudo desenvolveu-se com um grupo de 65 estudantes de Bacharelado em Educação Física, mais especificamente na disciplina de Tópicos Especiais - Esportes de Aventura de um Centro Universitário localizado na cidade de Volta Redonda, região Sul do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para a produção dos dados utilizamos o caderno de campo e as narrativas do professor e dos estudantes no ambiente digital de aprendizagem Edmodo. Concluímos que a tecitura de conhecimentos sob o tema Educação Ambiental no contexto dessa pesquisa e da cibercultura se deu de maneira não linear, rizomática e por meio de associações advindas dos movimentos dos actantes na rede sociotécnica. Além disso, o processo aprendizagem ensino não se limitou ao trabalho de dentro da sala de aula. Foi além ao transformar a prática docente no ambiente presencial e digital, organizando ações que possibilitaram a continuidade do aprendizado independentemente de um lugar onde o mesmo deveria ocorrer


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    This article addresses contemporary perspectives on child support collection, analyzing the legal effectiveness of indirect coercive measures in Brazilian law. Nonpayment of child support compromises human dignity, and due to the insufficiency of direct coercive measures, such as civil imprisonment, indirect measures have been adopted to ensure compliance with the support obligation. The study employs a qualitative and deductive approach, analyzing legislation, doctrine, jurisprudence, and scholarly articles. The objectives achieved involve understanding the applicability and effectiveness of indirect coercive measures, such as suspension of the National Driver's License (CNH), passport seizure, bank account and credit card blockage. The research shows that these measures prove more effective than civil imprisonment, pressuring the debtor without violating their fundamental rights. The application of indirect coercive measures should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, considering the particularities of each situation, and respecting the debtor's fundamental rights. Child support collection is a relevant social issue, involving the protection of human dignity and the minimization of social inequalities, demanding effective public policies, and strengthening collection mechanisms. The article concludes that indirect coercive measures represent a new perspective on child support collection in Brazil, being an effective and less burdensome alternative to civil imprisonment. Legal practitioners and society must work towards ensuring the effectiveness of child support collection and the protection of the fundamental human rights of the recipients.Este artículo analiza la efectividad de medidas coercitivas indirectas en la recaudación de manutención de menores en Brasil, ante la insuficiencia de medidas directas como el encarcelamiento civil. Se utiliza un enfoque cualitativo y deductivo, examinando legislación, doctrina, jurisprudencia y artículos académicos. Se evalúa la aplicabilidad y efectividad de medidas indirectas, como suspensión de la Licencia Nacional de Conducir, decomiso de pasaporte, bloqueo de cuentas bancarias y tarjetas de crédito. La investigación muestra que estas medidas resultan más efectivas que el encarcelamiento civil, presionando al deudor sin violar sus derechos fundamentales. La aplicación de medidas coercitivas indirectas debe considerar las particularidades de cada caso y respetar los derechos del deudor. La recaudación de manutención de menores es un problema social relevante, requiriendo políticas públicas efectivas y fortalecimiento de mecanismos de recaudación. El artículo concluye que las medidas coercitivas indirectas son una alternativa efectiva y menos gravosa que el encarcelamiento civil, y aboga por garantizar la efectividad de la recaudación y protección de los derechos humanos fundamentales de los beneficiarios.Este artigo aborda as perspectivas contemporâneas na cobrança de alimentos, analisando a efetividade jurídica das medidas coercitivas indiretas no Direito brasileiro. A inadimplência alimentar compromete a dignidade da pessoa humana e, diante da insuficiência das medidas coercitivas diretas, como prisão civil, medidas indiretas têm sido adotadas para garantir o cumprimento da obrigação alimentar. O estudo utiliza uma abordagem qualitativa e dedutiva, analisando legislação, doutrina, jurisprudência e artigos científicos. Os objetivos alcançados envolvem a compreensão da aplicabilidade e efetividade de medidas coercitivas indiretas, como a suspensão da Carteira Nacional de Habilitação (CNH), apreensão do passaporte, bloqueio de contas bancárias e cartões de crédito. A pesquisa mostra que essas medidas se revelam mais efetivas do que a prisão civil, pressionando o devedor sem violar seus direitos fundamentais. A aplicação das medidas coercitivas indiretas deve ser analisada caso a caso, considerando as particularidades de cada situação e respeitando os direitos fundamentais do devedor. A cobrança de alimentos é uma questão social relevante, que envolve a proteção da dignidade humana e a minimização das desigualdades sociais, demandando políticas públicas efetivas e fortalecimento dos mecanismos de cobrança. O artigo conclui que as medidas coercitivas indiretas representam uma nova perspectiva na cobrança de alimentos no Brasil, sendo uma alternativa efetiva e menos gravosa à prisão civil. Operadores do direito e a sociedade devem atuar no sentido de garantir a efetividade da cobrança de alimentos e a proteção dos direitos humanos fundamentais dos alimentandos.Este artigo aborda as perspectivas contemporâneas na cobrança de alimentos, analisando a efetividade jurídica das medidas coercitivas indiretas no Direito brasileiro. A inadimplência alimentar compromete a dignidade da pessoa humana e, diante da insuficiência das medidas coercitivas diretas, como prisão civil, medidas indiretas têm sido adotadas para garantir o cumprimento da obrigação alimentar. O estudo utiliza uma abordagem qualitativa e dedutiva, analisando legislação, doutrina, jurisprudência e artigos científicos. Os objetivos alcançados envolvem a compreensão da aplicabilidade e efetividade de medidas coercitivas indiretas, como a suspensão da Carteira Nacional de Habilitação (CNH), apreensão do passaporte, bloqueio de contas bancárias e cartões de crédito. A pesquisa mostra que essas medidas se revelam mais efetivas do que a prisão civil, pressionando o devedor sem violar seus direitos fundamentais. A aplicação das medidas coercitivas indiretas deve ser analisada caso a caso, considerando as particularidades de cada situação e respeitando os direitos fundamentais do devedor. A cobrança de alimentos é uma questão social relevante, que envolve a proteção da dignidade humana e a minimização das desigualdades sociais, demandando políticas públicas efetivas e fortalecimento dos mecanismos de cobrança. O artigo conclui que as medidas coercitivas indiretas representam uma nova perspectiva na cobrança de alimentos no Brasil, sendo uma alternativa efetiva e menos gravosa à prisão civil. Operadores do direito e a sociedade devem atuar no sentido de garantir a efetividade da cobrança de alimentos e a proteção dos direitos humanos fundamentais dos alimentandos

    Preparation Of Thermosensitive Gel For Controlled Release Of Levofloxacin And Their Application In The Treatment Of Multidrug-resistant Bacteria

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Levofloxacin is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibacterial agent for oral or intravenous administration. Chemically, levofloxacin is the levorotatory isomer (L-isomer) of racemate ofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent. Quinolone derivatives rapidly and specifically inhibit the synthesis of bacterial DNA. Levofloxacin has in vitro activity against a broad range of aerobic and anaerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. However, formulation of combined poloxamers thermoregulated (as Pluronic (R) F127) and levofloxacin for use in multiresistant bacterial treatment were poorly described in the current literature. Thus, the aim of the present work is to characterize poloxamers for levofloxacin controlled release and their use in the treatment of multidrug bacterial resistance. Micelles were produced in colloidal dispersions, with a diameter between 5 and 100 nm, which form spontaneously from amphiphilic molecules under certain conditions as concentration and temperature. Encapsulation of levofloxacin into nanospheres showed efficiency and enhancement of antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae when compared with only levofloxacin. Furthermore, all formulations were not cytotoxic for NIH/3T3 cell lineage. In conclusion, poloxamers combined with levofloxacin have shown promising results, better than alone, decreasing the minimal inhibitory concentration of the studied bacterial multiresistance strains. In the future, this new formulation will be used after being tested in animal models in patients with resistant bacterial strains.FAPESP [2011/21822-3, 2011/21685-6, 2014/14457-5]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP


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    Science parks have spread throughout the world as mechanisms to promote innovation, technology transfer, knowledge exchange, generation of skilled employment and socioeconomic development. Nevertheless, a current challenge for a venture is the development of more detailed performance management system, representing the major stakeholders, demonstrating results and indicating opportunities for improvement. To contribute to fulfilling this gap, this work proposes a model for performance management of science parks, using the management tool Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a reference. In drawing up this model, a multiple case study was designed in three Brazilian science parks in operation. The justification for the development of this model is the need for the creation and improvement of a management tool that is a reference for science parks’ managers and stakeholders. Thereby, it is expected that the model helps managers understand the strategic goals and performance indicators common to these ventures. The research contributions by extending known solutions to new problems and the results could be applied in several science parks

    Comparative genome analysis of phyllosticta citricarpa and phyllosticta capitalensis, two fungi species that share the same host

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    Citrus are among the most important crops in the world. However, there are many diseases that affect Citrus caused by different pathogens. Citrus also hosts many symbiotic microorganisms in a relationship that may be advantageous for both organisms. The fungi Phyllosticta citricarpa, responsible for citrus black spot, and Phyllosticta capitalensis, an endophytic species, are examples of closely related species with different behavior in citrus. Both species are always biologically associated and are morphologically very similar, and comparing their genomes could help understanding the different lifestyles. In this study, a comparison was carried to identify genetic differences that could help us to understand the biology of P. citricarpa and P. capitalensis.ResultsDrafts genomes were assembled with sizes close to 33Mb for both fungi, carrying 15,206 and 14,797 coding sequences for P. citricarpa and P. capitalensis, respectively. Even though the functional categories of these coding sequences is similar, enrichment analysis showed that the pathogenic species presents growth and development genes that may be necessary for the pathogenicity of P. citricarpa. On the other hand, family expansion analyses showed the plasticity of the genome of these species. Particular families are expanded in the genome of an ancestor of P. capitalensis and a recent expansion can also be detected among this species. Additionally, evolution could be driven by environmental cues in P. citricarpa.ConclusionsThis work demonstrated genomic differences between P. citricarpa and P. capitalensis. Although the idea that these differences could explain the different lifestyles of these fungi, we were not able to confirm this hypothesis. Genome evolution seems to be of real importance among the Phyllosticta isolates and it is leading to different biological characteristics of these species20CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP560443/2010–2; 163021/2011–2; 573848/2008–4; 465440/2014–2Sem informação08/57909–2; 14/50880–