2,034 research outputs found

    Translating PVS recursive functions into Java iterations

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    A PVS to Java code generator (translator) has been developed during the last years. It is desirable to modify the prototype code generator to be able to translate the PVS recursive functions into Java iterations in order to improve the executions.Cordini Moreno, M. (2012). Translating PVS recursive functions into Java iterations. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15376Archivo delegad

    Airline Choice for Domestic Flights in Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area: An Application of the Conditional Logit Model

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    Using the conditional (multinomial) LOGIT model, this paper addresses airline choice in the S o Paulo Metropolitan Area. There are two airports in this region, where two, three or even four airlines compete for passengers flying to an array of domestic destinations. The airline choice is believed to be a result of the tradeoff passengers face among flight cost, flight frequency and airline performance. It was found that the lowest fare better explains airline choice than the highest fare, whereas direct flight frequencies give better explanation to airline choice than indirect (connections and stops) and total (direct plus indirect) ones. Out of 15 variables tested, the lowest fare was the variable that best explained airline choice. However, its signal was counterintuitive (positive) possibly because the cheapest airline was offering few flights, so passengers overwhelmingly failed to choose the cheapest airline. The model specification most adjusted to the data considered the lowest fare, direct flight frequency in the travel day and period (morning or afternoon peak) and airline age. Passengers departing from S o Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport (GRU) airport make their airline choice in terms of cost whereas those from Sao Paulo-Congonhas Airport (CGH) airport do not. Finally, senior passengers place more importance on airline age than junior passengers

    Evaluation of the rotavirus vaccine introduced into infant population in the semiarid region of the state of Paraíba, Brazil (2006 - 2013) / Avaliação da vacina para rotavírus introduzida na população infantil do semiárido paraibano (2006 - 2013)

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    Acute gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus represents a clinical episode of great relevance to Brazilian public health due to its expressive mortality rate in children under five years of age. In Brazil, Rotarix® from GlaxoSmithKline, a live attenuated vaccine, has been used in children since 2006. The present study evaluated the effectiveness of vaccination in the semiarid region of Paraíba, a Brazilian state, through the notification of diarrhea cases, clinical data of the disease in the period from 2005 to 2013, and the detection of viral antigens in the feces of hospitalized children in the years 2012 and 2013. There was no significant reduction in the number of cases of diarrhea with the implementation of vaccination in the period studied, with an epidemic of diarrhea in 2013, when the number of cases increased 4 times compared to the previous perio

    Análise comparativa da infecção por COVID-19 em participantes do campeonato brasileiro de futebol da Série A (2020-2021): Comparative analysis of COVID-19 infection in brazilian Serie A soccer championship participants (2020-2021)

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    Comparamos a incidência de Covid-19 entre jogadores do sexo masculino de clubes participantes no campeonato brasileiro de futebol de 2020 e 2021. Observamos uma significativa redução de infecções em 2021, comparativamente ao ano de 2020, denotando que medidas de controle da infecção foram bem-sucedidas na maioria dos casos, porém não foi possível impedir o contágio

    Offence and grievance perception in adolescents

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    El agravio o la ofensa dañan los vínculos entre los adolescentes y deterioran el bienestar psicológico. El objetivo del trabajo es realizar una descripción de las situaciones que los adolescentes perciben como agravios u ofensas. La muestra comprende a 299 adolescentes de 15 a 19 años, de Entre Ríos (Argentina); a los que se les administró un cuestionario de preguntas abiertas con cuyas respuestas se construyeron categorías de análisis. Las categorías de agravios más frecuentes son: ser insultado, agredido verbalmente, dejado de lado para una actividad o como amigo, indiferencia o distanciamiento, que le mientan o ser engañado, que le oculten cosas, que le atribuyan uno o varios rasgos negativos (ej. egoísta), recibir burlas, ser hostigado, difamado o agredido físicamente. Se agruparon las categorías referidas a agresiones y se observó que el 34.06% considera a la agresión como principal agravio.Grievance or offence damage relationship bonds among adolescents and can also impair psychological well-being. The objective of this paper is to describe situations in which adolescents have gone through grievance or offence situations. The sample comprised 299 adolescents, aged between 15 and 19 years old, from Entre Rios (Argentina), to whom were given a questionnaire with open questions, and then answer categories were constructed. The categories of the most common grievance situations are: being insulted, verbally assaulted, rejected to take part in an activity, or even as a friend; indifference or distance; being lied, deceived; hidden or attributed one or more negative traits (e.g. selfishness); also being ridiculed or harassed; suffer from defamation, and been attacked physically. An analysis about aggression categories grouped was conducted, and it was observed that 34.06% considered aggression as the main grievanceFil: Rodriguez, Lucas Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental ; Argentina. Ponitifica Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, Jose Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental ; Argentina. Ponitifica Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina; Argentin

    Percepció de la relació fill-pares i vincles d'amistat parental, en infants i preadolescents

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    La família és el primer i més important agent socialitzador en la infància a causa que durant aquest període els infants aprenen habilitats socials, actituds i altres capacitats necessàries per a adaptar-se al context en el qual viuen. El propòsit d'aquest treball és establir la relació entre els estils de criança dels fills i les relacions d'amistat entre iguals en la infància i la preadolescència. Aquest estudi va comprendre 841 estudiants de 8 a 13 anys. Els instruments utilitzats van ser: la versió argentina (Minzi, Sacchi i Moreno) del Children Report of Parental Behavior (CRPBI), de Schaeffer, i la també versió argentina (Moreno) de la Friendship Quality Scale, de Bukowksi. Els resultats van indicar que els pares que actuen amb fermesa, però amb amor i acceptació 'afecte' en compte de poder o control estricte i patològic, faciliten els vincles d'amistat dels fills amb els companys. Es van analitzar les variables dels pares per a la mare i el pare separat. En la infantesa s'observa una acceptació paterna i materna més baixa i un major control patològic que en la preadolescència. Els xics presentaren una mitjana menor d'acceptació paterna i materna que no les xiques

    Lawrence Kohlberg and ideologies in education

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    La mayoría de los artículos publicados acerca de los aportes de Lawrence Kohlberg hacen referencia fundamentalmente a su faceta como investigador del desarrollo moral, más que a su enfoque de la educación moral. En este trabajo se exponen los principales aportes de Kohlberg presentados en su artículo sobre el Desarrollo como meta de la educación y en sus trabajos posteriores acerca de la educación moral. Se presentan las tres ideologías educativas o grandes corrientes en la educación de Occidente que, según Kohlberg, han tenido una gran continuidad a pesar de los cambios históricos y que han ido asumiendo e incorporando los desarrollos de la Psicología, a saber: transmisión cultural, romántica y progresiva. Kohlberg se interroga acerca de los fundamentos filosóficos, éticos, epistemológicos y psicológicos de las ideologías educativas, actitud no del todo frecuente en investigadores de la Psicología evolutiva y educativa. Luego se presentan las estrategias para la definición de objetivos y para la evaluación de la experiencia educativa en las tres ideologías educativas estudiadas. De este modo, en este trabajo se intenta sistematizar y brindar una síntesis expositiva acerca de la educación moral según L. Kohlberg con algunas consideraciones críticas.La majoria dels articles publicats al voltant de les aportacions de Lawrence Kohlberg fan referència fonamentalment a la seua faceta com a investigador del desenvolupament moral més que al seu enfocament de l’educació moral. En aquest treball s’exposen les principals aportacions de Kohlberg presentats al seu article sobre Desenvolupament com a fi de l’educació i als seus treballs posteriors al voltant de l’educació moral. Es presenten les tres ideologies educatives o grans corrents en l’educació occidental que, segons Kohlberg, han tingut una gran continuïtat a pesar dels canvis històrics i que han anat assumint i incorporant els avanços de la Psicologia, a saber: transmissió cultural, romàntica i progressiva. Kohlberg s’interroga sobre els fonaments filosòfics, ètics, epistemolò- gics, i psicològics de les ideologies educatives, actitud no del tot freqüent en investigadors de la Psicologia evolutiva i educativa. Després es presenten les estratègies per a la definició d’objectius i per a l’avaluació de l’experiència educativa en les tres ideologies educatives estudiades. D’aquesta manera, a l’article es tracta de sistematitzar i oferir una síntesis expositiva sobre l’educació moral segons L. Kohlberg amb algunes consideracions crítiques.Most of the articles published about the contributions of Lawrence Kohlberg refer mainly to his role as a researcher of moral development, rather than to his approach to moral education. In this paper the main contributions of Kohlberg presented in his article about Development as a goal of education and in his later works about moral education are exposed. It is presented the three educational ideologies or major trends in education in the West that, according to Kohlberg, has had great continuity despite the historical changes and have been assuming and incorporating the developments of Psychology: cultural transmission, romantic and progressive ideologies. Kohlberg wonders about the philosophical, ethical, epistemological and psychological foundations of educational ideologies, an attitude not entirely common in researchers of developmental and educational psychology. Then it is presented the strategies for the definition of objectives and for the evaluation of the educational experience in the three educational ideologies studied. In this way, this paper attempts to systematize and provide an expository synthesis about moral education according to L. Kohlberg with some critical considerations.Fil: Moreno, Jose Eduardo. Ponitifica Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Lucas Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental ; Argentina. Ponitifica Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina; Argentin

    Perception of parent-child relationships and peer friendship relationships, in children and preadolescents

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    La familia es el primero y más importante agente socializador en la infancia a causa de que, durante este período, los niños aprenden habilidades sociales, actitudes y otras capacidades, necesarias para adaptarse al contexto en el que viven. El propósito del presente trabajo es el de establecer la relación entre los estilos de crianza de los hijos y las relaciones de amistad entre iguales, en la infancia y la preadolescencia. Este estudio comprendió a 841 estudiantes de 8 a 13 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: la versión argentina (Minzi, Sacchi y Moreno) del Children Report of Parental Behavior (CRPBI), de Schaeffer, y la también versión argentina (Moreno) de la Friendship Quality Scale, de Bukowksi. Los resultados indicaron que los padres que actúan con firmeza, pero con amor y aceptación –afecto– en lugar de poder o control estricto y patológico, faciliten los vínculos de amistad de los hijos con los compañeros. Se analizaron las variables de los padres por separado de la madre y del padre. En la niñez se observa una aceptación paterna y materna más baja y un mayor control patológico que en la preadolescencia. Los chicos presentaron una media menor de aceptación paterna y materna que las chicas.La família és el primer i més important agent socialitzador en la infància a causa que durant aquest període els infants aprenen habilitats socials, actituds i altres capacitats necessàries per a adaptar-se al context en el qual viuen. El propòsit d’aquest treball és establir la relació entre els estils de criança dels fills i les relacions d’amistat entre iguals en la infància i la preadolescència. Aquest estudi va comprendre 841 estudiants de 8 a 13 anys. Els instruments utilitzats van ser: la versió argentina (Minzi, Sacchi i Moreno) del Children Report of Parental Behavior (CRPBI), de Schaeffer, i la també versió argentina (Moreno) de la Friendship Quality Scale, de Bukowksi. Els resultats van indicar que els pares que actuen amb fermesa, però amb amor i acceptació –afecte– en compte de poder o control estricte i patològic, faciliten els vincles d’amistat dels fills amb els companys. Es van analitzar les variables dels pares per a la mare i el pare separat. En la infantesa s’observa una acceptació paterna i materna més baixa i un major control patològic que en la preadolescència. Els xics presentaren una mitjana menor d’acceptació paterna i materna que no les xiques.The family is the first and most important childhood socializing agent because during this period children learn social skills, attitudes and other capabilities necessary for adapting themselves to the context in which they llauri living. The purpose of this paper is to establish the relationship between parenting styles and peer friendship relationships in childhood and preadolescence. In the study, 841 students from 8 to 13 years old were involved. The instruments used were: the Argentine Scale of Children’s Perception of relationships with Parents for children and young adolescents (Minzi, Sacchi and Moreno), spanish version of Schaeffer Children Report of Parental Behavior (CRPBI), and the Spanish versió of the Friendship Quality Scale (Bukowksi). Results indicated that parents who llauri firm, but they disciplini with love and acceptance –affection–, rather than power or strict and pathological control, facilitate ties of friendship with peers. We analyzed the parental variables for mother and father separately. In childhood a lower mother and father acceptance and a greater pathological control than in preadolescence is observed. Boys obtained a lower mother and father acceptance average than girls.Fil: Rodriguez, Lucas Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, Jose Eduardo. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Optimal simultaneous design and operational planning of vegetable extraction processes

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    A general multiperiod linear optimization model is proposed in this study that targets the simultaneous design and operation planning decisions of a multiproduct batch plant for the production of vegetable extracts. A multiperiod environment is considered because of the market and/or seasonal fluctuations. Thereby, the model considers changes from period to period of demands, costs, prices and raw materials supplies. The objective function maximizes the net present value of the profit considering incomes, investments and resources costs, and both product and raw material inventory costs. In the plant design problem, the sequence of operations is already defined and the pursued goal is to determine both unit sizes and its configuration in the plant. Besides the usual duplication in parallel option, a novel design alternative is included which allows adding units in series to perform a given operation. The optimal design is determined by taking into account available discrete sizes of units which corresponds to the real procurement of equipments. The model is formulated by using the linear generalized disjunctive programming (LGDP). A particular plant that produces oleoresins (solvent extracts of herbs and spices) is used to illustrate the proposed approach. Nevertheless, the developed model is general and can thus be applied to any vegetable extraction process.Fil: Moreno, Marta Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; ArgentinaFil: Montagna, Jorge Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo y Diseño; Argentin

    Waking up for defense! Melatonin as a regulator of stomatal immunity in plants

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    Melatonin is a tryptophan-derived compound discovered in the late 1950s as a molecule produced by the pineal gland of most vertebrates. Melatonin gained notoriety in the 1970s when it was demonstrated that its production increased in humans during the night in a rhythmic fashion associated with sleep synchronization (Xie et al., 2017). Melatonin is a ubiquitous molecule produced by bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. In plants, melatonin regulates a wide range of processes, such as seed germination, root and shoot growth, and production of secondary metabolites, and is involved in circadian cycle regulation (Arnao and Hernández-Ruiz, 2019). The recent identification of a melatonin receptor named PHYTOMELATONIN RECEPTOR1 (AtPMTR1) in the plant model Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) demonstrated that melatonin also governs an AtPMTR1-dependent mechanism of stomatal closure (Wei et al., 2018). As stomatal closure is a well-known process utilized by plants to restrain the invasion of pathogens, usually referred to as stomatal immunity (Melotto et al., 2006), melatonin is now gaining attention for its capacity to mediate responses to biotic stress in plants (Moustafa-Farag et al., 2020). Unfortunately, the underlying molecular mechanisms of melatonin regulation of plant immunity remain largely unknown.Fil: Moreno, Javier Edgardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Lattarulo Campos, Marcelo. Universidade Do Estado de Mato Grosso (unemat)
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