1,699 research outputs found

    Critical exponents from parallel plate geometries subject to periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions

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    We introduce a renormalized 1PI vertex part scalar field theory setting in momentum space to computing the critical exponents ν\nu and η\eta, at least at two-loop order, for a layered parallel plate geometry separated by a distance L, with periodic as well as antiperiodic boundary conditions on the plates. We utilize massive and massless fields in order to extract the exponents in independent ultraviolet and infrared scaling analysis, respectively, which are required in a complete description of the scaling regions for finite size systems. We prove that fixed points and other critical amounts either in the ultraviolet or in the infrared regime dependent on the plates boundary condition are a general feature of normalization conditions. We introduce a new description of typical crossover regimes occurring in finite size systems. Avoiding these crossovers, the three regions of finite size scaling present for each of these boundary conditions are shown to be indistinguishable in the results of the exponents in periodic and antiperiodic conditions, which coincide with those from the (bulk) infinite system.Comment: Modified introduction and some references; new crossover regimes discussion improved; Appendixes expanded. 48 pages, no figure

    Tripanosomíase americana (doença de Chagas) em ratos e camundongos convencionais e isentos de germes

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    Germfree (GF) and conventional (CV) CFW (LOB) mice and Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease was more severe in the GF than in the CV animals as revealed by: (1) an earlier and more intense parasitemia; (2) a more precocious mortality; (3) a twice enlarged spleen: (4) a more intense cell and tissue parasitism; (5) visceral signs of cardiac failure.Camundongos CFW (LOB) e ratos Wistar e Sprague-Dawley isentos de germes (GF) e convencionais (CV) foram infectados com Trypanosoma cruzi. A doença foi mais grave nos animais GF do que nos CV, o que foi demonstrado por: (1) uma parasitemia mais precoce e mais intensa: (2) uma mortalidade mais precoce: (3) baço duas vezes maior; (4) um parasitismo celular e tissular mais intenso; (5) sinais viscerais de insuficiência cardíaca

    Genotyping-by-sequencing Approach Indicates Geographic Distance As The Main Factor Affecting Genetic Structure And Gene Flow In Brazilian Populations Of Grapholita Molesta (lepidoptera, Tortricidae).

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    The oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta is one of the major pests of stone and pome fruit species in Brazil. Here, we applied 1226 SNPs obtained by genotyping-by-sequencing to test whether host species associations or other factors such as geographic distance structured populations of this pest. Populations from the main areas of occurrence of G. molesta were sampled principally from peach and apple orchards. Three main clusters were recovered by neighbor-joining analysis, all defined by geographic proximity between sampling localities. Overall genetic structure inferred by a nonhierarchical amova resulted in a significant ΦST value = 0.19109. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that SNPs gathered by genotyping-by-sequencing can be used to infer genetic structure of a pest insect in Brazil; moreover, our results indicate that those markers are very informative even over a restricted geographic scale. We also demonstrate that host plant association has little effect on genetic structure among Brazilian populations of G. molesta; on the other hand, reduced gene flow promoted by geographic isolation has a stronger impact on population differentiation.8476-48

    Genotyping-by-sequencing approach indicates geographic distance as the main factor affecting genetic structure and gene flow in brazilian populations of grapholita molesta (lepidoptera, Tortricidae)

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    The oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta is one of the major pests of stone and pome fruit species in Brazil. Here, we applied 1226 SNPs obtained by genotyping-by-sequencing to test whether host species associations or other factors such as geographic distance structured populations of this pest. Populations from the main areas of occurrence of G.molesta were sampled principally from peach and apple orchards. Three main clusters were recovered by neighbor-joining analysis, all defined by geographic proximity between sampling localities. Overall genetic structure inferred by a nonhierarchical amova resulted in a significant phi(ST) value=0.19109. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that SNPs gathered by genotyping-by-sequencing can be used to infer genetic structure of a pest insect in Brazil; moreover, our results indicate that those markers are very informative even over a restricted geographic scale. We also demonstrate that host plant association has little effect on genetic structure among Brazilian populations of G.molesta; on the other hand, reduced gene flow promoted by geographic isolation has a stronger impact on population differentiation85476485CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP578509/2008-3; 200942/2012-32011/00417-3Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Climate change will reduce suitable Caatinga dry forest habitat for endemic plants with disproportionate impacts on specialized reproductive strategies

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    Global climate change alters the dynamic of natural ecosystems and directly affects species distributions, persistence and diversity. The impacts of climate change may lead to dramatic changes in biotic interactions, such as pollination and seed dispersal. Life history traits are extremely important to consider the vulnerability of a species to climate change, producing more robust models than those based primarily on species distributions. Here, we hypothesized that rising temperatures and aridity will reduce suitable habitats for the endemic flora of the Caatinga, the most diverse dry tropical forest on Earth. Specifically, species with specialized reproductive traits (e.g. vertebrate pollination, biotic dispersal, obligatory cross-pollination) should be more affected by climate change than those with generalist traits. We performed two ecological niche models (current and future) to simulate the effects of climate change on the distribution area of endemic species in relation to life-history traits. We used the MIROC-ESM and CCSM4 models for both intermediate (RCP4.5) and highest predicted (RCP8.5) GHG emission scenarios, with a resolution of 30' (~1 km2). Habitat with high occurrence probability (>80%) of endemic species will be reduced (up to ~10% for trees, ~13% for non-arboreous, 10-28% for species with any pollination/reproductive system), with the greatest reductions for species with specialized reproductive traits. In addition, the likely concentration of endemic plants in the extreme northeastern portion of the Caatinga, in more mesic areas, coincides with the currently most human-modified areas of the ecosystem, which combined with climate change will further contract suitable habitats of endemic species. In conclusion, plant species endemic to the Caatinga are highly vulnerable to even conservative scenarios of future climate change and may lose much of their climatic envelopes. New protected areas should be located in the northeastern portion of the Caatinga, which hosts a more favorable climate, but is currently exposed to escalating agricultural intensification

    Influência da função pulmonar e da força muscular na capacidade funcional de portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica = The influence of lung function and muscular strength on the functional capacity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

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    Objectivo : Determinar que variável entre o volume expirado forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), a pressão parcial do oxigénio no sangue arterial (PaO2), a hipoxemia nocturna e a força muscular do quadricípite femoral pode predizer a distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6) em doentes com DPOC. Doentes e métodos : Um estudo observacional do tipo transversal, envolvendo trinta doentes encaminhados a um programa de reabilitação pulmonar de um hospital universitário. A função pulmonar foi avaliada por espirometria, gasometria arterial e oximetria nocturna. A função muscular pela força muscular do quadricípite femoral e a avaliação da capacidade funcional pelo TC6. Resultados : A análise de regressão bivariada mostrou que a força do quadricípite femoral foi a única variá- vel que se mostrou estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,002) em predizer a distância, sendo responsá- vel por 38% da variância do TC6. Para essas variáveis a relação estabelecida estatisticamente foi que para cada quilo de força do quadricípite femoral, os doentes caminharam 5,9 metros no TC6. Conclusão : Os resultados indicam a importância da força muscular do MI em testes de esforço submáximo. Entre as variáveis estudadas, apenas a força muscular do quadricípite femoral pôde predizer a distância percorrida no TC6 em portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica. Aim : To determine which variable (forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2), nocturnal hypoxaemia and muscular strength of femoral quadriceps) can predict the distance walked in the six-minute walk test (6MWT) by COPD patients. Methods : A cross-sectional and observational study of thirty patients referred to a pulmonary rehabilita tion programme at a university hospital. Lung function was evaluated by spirometry, arterial blood gas analysis and nocturnal oximetry. Muscle function was evaluated by quadriceps strength and functional capacity by the 6MWT. Results : Bivariate regression analysis showed that quadriceps strength, was the only variable to correlate significantly with the distance walked in the 6MWT (p=0.002), accounting for 38% of the 6MWT variance. The statistical relationship established for these variables was 1kg of quadriceps strength equalled 5.9 metres walked in the 6MWT. Conclusions : Our results showed the importance of lower limb muscle strength in submaximal exercise testing. We conclude that femoral quadriceps muscle strength is the only one of the variables studied which can predict the distance COPD patients walk in the 6MWT

    Heavily n-doped Ge : low-temperature magnetoresistance properties on the metallic side of the metal–nonmetal transition

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    We report here an experimental and theoretical study on the magnetoresistance properties of heavily phosphorous doped germanium on the metallic side of the metal–nonmetal transition. An anomalous regime, formed by negative values of the magnetoresistance, was observed by performing low-temperature measurements and explained within the generalized Drude model, due to the many-body effects. It reveals a key mechanism behind the magnetoresistance properties at low temperatures and, therefore, constitutes a path to its manipulation in such materials of great interest in fundamental physics and technological applications