1,611 research outputs found

    Estudio de la influencia de la geometría sobre la capacidad de captación de una reja / imbornal

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    En esta tesina se presenta un análisis de la influencia de la geometría en la capacidad de captación de una reja/imbornal. Se empieza ensayando una reja, no simétrica, colocada en dos sentidos distintos y se observa que, a las formulaciones planteadas hasta hoy, hace falta introducir algún parámetro que refleje la disposición del área de huecos en la reja. Posteriormente, a partir de una tipología simple de reja, se realizan ensayos de captación para ver la evolución de la eficiencia a medida que se amplían las dimensiones de ancho y longitud para ver si se pueden fijar unas dimensiones óptimas. Se observa que la metodología basada en el ajuste potencial entre la eficiencia y el cociente caudal / calado necesita una corrección para que siga siendo válida al ampliar el rango de dimensiones de la reja. Al final, se relacionan los datos de eficiencia con características del flujo como el número de Froude o la poténcia hidráulica, para ver si se observan pautas de comportamiento que nos puedan ofrecer una nueva metodología de estudio

    Co-existence of two mytilids in a heterogeneous environment: mortality, growth and strength of shell and byssus attachment

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    14 páginas, 1 apéndice, 5 tablas, 7 figurasThe co-existence patterns of 2 mytilid species were studied in order to evaluate the performance of the alien mussel Xenostrobus securis and the indigenous Mytilus galloprovincialis through monospecific and mixed co-habiting experiments in the Ría de Vigo (northwest Spain). Mytilus galloprovincialis was found to be the best performer in all tests. Shell growth was ~4-fold greater for the indigenous mussel when deployed without interspecific competition and regardless of density. Differences in shell growth were found to be similar within mixed populations wherein M. galloprovincialis showed greater ability for upward migratory movements on the mixed beds and distanced itself from the mud influenced layer. The alien X. securis, however, was found to inhabit underneath the M. galloprovincialis layer, which resulted in higher mortality rates. Species-specific features such as byssus filaments and lifestyle may account for such different behaviour. M. galloprovincialis secreted thicker and stronger shells and byssus regardless of their density in both monospecific and mixed experiments. This might indicate that the indigenous mussel performs better when confronted with abiotic stress or biotic pressure. The alien X. securis is currently found to establish high-density patches of individuals at the confluence of main rivers that flow into the estuary (highly heterogeneous scenario). Such behaviour favours its settlement far from the native mussel influence area. X. securis also colonises hard substrates that are not-fully occupied by other invertebrates, but its range was found to be limited by the presence of the indigenous mussel.This study was funded by the project AGL2010-16464 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spanish Government).Peer reviewe

    Fomentando o respeto polo medioambiente e a reciclaxe en dous colectivos en risco de exclusión social a través do aprendizaxe-servizo

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    [Resumo] Neste traballo recóllense tres experiencias ApS realizadas no curso 2016/2017 co alumnado das materias Fundamentos de Física (1ºcurso) e Deseño e Procesado con Polímeros (4º curso) do Grado en Enxeñaría de Deseño Industrial e Desenvolvemento do Produto. O obxectivo era que o alumnado acadase certas competencias académicas e transversais da materia ao mesmo tempo que realizaba unha tarefa en beneficio de tres colectivos en risco de exclusión social; nenos/as con baixo rendemento académico, adultos desempregados e mulleres árabes. Para estes colectivos os estudantes prepararon e impartiron un taller; que no caso das nenas e dos nenos pretendía fomentar neles o respecto polo medioambiente e o pensamento crítico, no caso dos adultos formalos para a busca de emprego no sector dos plásticos e a reciclaxe e, no caso das mulleres árabes, fomentar os valores de convivencia social e o respecto polo medioambiente. O emprego desta ferramenta metodolóxica favoreceu a adquisición de competencias nos estudantes, a avaliación das mesmas polo docente, a relación profesor-estudante e a formación dos estudantes non só en contidos senón tamén en valores[Abstract] This works includes three service-learning experiences carried out in the 2016/2017 course with students of Engineering Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development. The subjects involved in the experiences were Fundamentals of Physics (1st year) and Design and Processing with Polymers (4th year) subjects. The objective was that the students achieve certain academic and transversal skills related with the subjects and, at the same time, carried out a task for the benefit of three groups at risk of social exclusion; children with low academic performance, unemployed adults and Arabian immigrant women. For each group, the students designed and taught a workshop. In the case of children, it was intended to encourage them environment respect and critical thinking; in the case of adults, to train them for searching job in plastic and recycling industries and in the case of arabian women, promote the values of social coexistence and environment respect. This methodology favoured skill acquisition in the students, the assessment by teacher, the teacher-student relationship and the training of students not only in content but also in values

    Aprende física e divírtete

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2015/201

    Aula de reciclaxe e consumo responsable

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    Banco de experiencias de Aprendizaxe Servizo. Convocatoria 2015/201

    Aprendendo e recordando xuntos experiencias ApS con persoas con enfermidade mental e Síndrome de Down

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    [Resumo] Neste traballo recóllense dúas experiencias ApS realizadas no curso 2017/2018 co alumnado da materia Fundamentos de Física (1ºcurso) do Grado en Enxeñaría de Deseño Industrial e Desenvolvemento do Produto. O servicio realizouse a dous colectivos; persoas con Alzheimer e persoas con síndrome de Down. O obxectivo era dobre; por unha banda os estudantes debían adquirir as competencias correspondentes á parte práctica da materia e pola outra banda debían tomar conciencia das necesidades de adaptación de materiais ou contornas que poden precisar estes colectivos para que o teñan en conta no seu futuro traballo como profesionais. No caso do colectivo de persoas con Alzheimer os estudantes prepararon un taller no que se traballou o uso da memoria e a psicomotricidade mediante experiencias de reciclaxe e reutilización. No caso das persoas con Síndrome de Down os estudantes prepararon unha feira científica con dous eixos: “A Física para a vida diaria” e “Reciclaxe, redución e reutilización” na que se fomentaron as relacións sociais, o consumo responsable e a aprendizaxe a través da experiencia. A actividade facilitou a adquisición de competencias (académicas e profesionais) e contribuíu a fomentar a responsabilidade social nos estudantes.[Abstract] This works includes two service-learning experiences carried out in the 2017/2018 course with students of Engineering Degree in Industrial Design. The subject involved in the experience was Fundamentals of Physics (1st year). Two groups were involved in the activity; Alzheimer’patients and Down syndrome people. There was a twofold objective; on the one hand, the students have to achieve practical skills of the subject and, on the other hand, to be more aware about the adaptation needs in materials and environments that these people have, in order to take into account in their professional future work. In the case of Alzheimer's group, the students prepared a workshop in which memory and psychomotricity were worked through experiences of recycling and reusing. In the case of people with Down Syndrome, students prepared a “Scientific Fair” with two main axes: "Physics for daily life" and "Recycling, reduction and reuse", the activities were focused on encouraging social relationships, responsible consumption and learning through experience. The activity facilitated the acquisition of competences (academic and professional) and contributed to promoting social responsibility in the students

    Free three-valued Closure Lukasiewicz Algebras

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    In this paper, the structure of finitely generated free objects in the variety of three-valued closure Lukasiewicz algebras is determined. We describe their indecomposable factors and we give their cardinality.Fil: Abad, Manuel. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Díaz Varela, José Patricio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática. Instituto de Matemática Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Rueda, Laura Alicia. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; ArgentinaFil: Suardíaz, Ana María. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Matemática; Argentin

    Comportamiento de las correlaciones producto-momento y tetracórica-policórica en escalas ordinales : un estudio de simulación

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    The statistical multivariate analysis of Likert response scales, given their widespread use, is a controversial issue in the scientific community, mainly from the specification of the problem of measurement. This work aims to study various conditions of these ordinal scales affect the calculation of the product-moment and tetrachoric-polychoric correlation coefficients. For this purpose, a simulation study was applied in which 90 databases with 10 items each were generated. In the estimation of the databases, the following variables were controlled: number of response categories, symmetrical or asymmetric distributions of data, sample size and level of relationship between items. Thus, 90 matrices (10x10) were obtained which included the difference between the product-moment and tetrachoric-polychoric correlations. The graphical and variance analysis show how the product-moment correlation coefficient significantly underestimates the relationship between variables mainly when the number of response categories of the ordinal scale is small and the relationship between the variables is large. On the other hand, the statistical estimation of both coefficients is very similar when the starting relationship between pairs of variables is small and/or when the number of response options of the variables is greater than 5. The study concludes by making a recommendation to the applied researcher on the most appropriate correlation coefficient depending on the type of data available. Finally, the results are discussed from the previous studies, which reach some similar conclusions

    Desenvolvemento de competencias en estudantes implicados e non implicados nunha experiencia aprendizaxe-servizo

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    [Resumo] Neste traballo empregáronse dúas metodoloxías; o aprendizaxe baseado en proxectos (ABP) e o aprendizaxe-servizo (ApS) para abordar as competencias transversais da materia Fundamentos de Física de primeiro curso do Grao en Enxeñería de Deseño Industrial e Desenvolvemento do Produto. O obxectivo do traballo era valorar o impacto que tiña nos estudantes a participación nun ou noutro proxecto e avaliar as distintas competencias acadadas en función da metodoloxía docente empregada.Nas dúas metodoloxías o estudante é protagonista da súa propia aprendizaxe, favorecese a aprendizaxe cooperativa e colaborativa e, ademais, a avaliación de competencias resulta máis sinxela para o docente, pois pode seguir ao estudante durante todo o proceso. O ApS aporta un valor engadido xa que se realiza demais un servizo á comunidade contribuíndo así a formar os estudantes tamén en valores. A pesar de que todos acadaron as competencias académicas esperadas e outras coma mellora da autoconfianza ou capacidade para a toma de decisións, aqueles que estaban implicados na actividade ApS presentaron outras máis persoais coma empatía, aprender dos que son diferentes ou recoñecemento do seu potencial coma cidadáns e axentes do cambio social. Distintos proxectos ApS deron lugar tamén a distintas competencias[Abstract] In this work, two methodologies were used; project-based learning (PBL) and service –learning (S-L) to address the transversal skills of the subject “Fundamentals of Physics”. This subject is taught in the first year of the Degree in Engineering of Industrial Design and Product Development. The objectives of the work were; to assess the impact on the undergraduate students and to evaluate the skills reached, depending on the type of project in which they were involved. In both methodologies, the student is the protagonist of their own learning process, cooperative and collaborative learning are favoured and the skills evaluation is easier for the teacher, who follow the student during the whole process. Besides, S-L brings added value because a service to the community is performed, which helps to educate students also in values. All the students achieved the programmed skills and others, as self-confident or ability to take decisions. But besides, the undergraduate students involved in S-L activity achieved other personal skills, such as empathy, learning from those who are different or recognition of their potential as citizens and agents of social change. Different S-L projects also lead to different skills