12 research outputs found

    Depth of Response in Multiple Myeloma: A Pooled Analysis of Three PETHEMA/GEM Clinical Trials

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    [EN] Purpose—To perform a critical analysis on the impact of depth of response in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). Patients and Methods—Data were analyzed from 609 patients who were enrolled in the GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma) 2000 and GEM2005MENOS65 studies for transplant-eligible MM and the GEM2010MAS65 clinical trial for elderly patients with MM who had minimal residual disease (MRD) assessments 9 months after study enrollment. Median follow-up of the series was 71 months. Results—Achievement of complete remission (CR) in the absence of MRD negativity was not associated with prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) compared with near-CR or partial response (median PFS, 27, 27, and 29 months, respectively; median OS, 59, 64, and 65 months, respectively). MRD-negative status was strongly associated with prolonged PFS (median, 63 months; P < .001) and OS (median not reached; P < .001) overall and in subgroups defined by prior transplantation, disease stage, and cytogenetics, with prognostic superiority of MRD negativity versus CR particularly evident in patients with high-risk cytogenetics. Accordingly, Harrell C statistics showed higher discrimination for both PFS and OS in Cox models that included MRD (as opposed to CR) for response assessment. Superior MRD-negative rates after different induction regimens anticipated prolonged PFS. Among 34 MRD-negative patients with MM and a phenotypic pattern of bone marrow involvement similar to monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance at diagnosis, the probability of “operational cure” was high; median PFS was 12 years, and the 10-year OS rate was 94%. Conclusion—Our results demonstrate that MRD-negative status surpasses the prognostic value of CR achievement for PFS and OS across the disease spectrum, regardless of the type of treatment or patient risk group. MRD negativity should be considered as one of the most relevant end points for transplant-eligible and elderly fit patients with MM

    Depth of response in multiple myeloma: A pooled analysis of three PETHEMA/GEM clinical trials

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    On behalf of the GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma)/PETHEMA (Programa para el Estudio de la Terapéutica en Hemopatías Malignas) Cooperative Study Group.[Purpose]: To perform a critical analysis on the impact of depth of response in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). [Patients and Methods]: Data were analyzed from 609 patients who were enrolled in the GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma) 2000 and GEM2005MENOS65 studies for transplant-eligible MM and the GEM2010MAS65 clinical trial for elderly patients with MM who had minimal residual disease (MRD) assessments 9 months after study enrollment. Median follow-up of the series was 71 months. [Results]: Achievement of complete remission (CR) in the absence of MRD negativity was not associated with prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) compared with near-CR or partial response (median PFS, 27, 27, and 29 months, respectively; median OS, 59, 64, and 65 months, respectively). MRD-negative status was strongly associated with prolonged PFS (median, 63 months; P operational cure> was high; median PFS was 12 years, and the 10-year OS rate was 94%. [Conclusion]: Our results demonstrate that MRD-negative status surpasses the prognostic value of CR achievement for PFS and OS across the disease spectrum, regardless of the type of treatment or patient risk group. MRD negativity should be considered as one of the most relevant end points for transplant-eligible and elderly fit patients with MM.Supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red – Area de Oncologia - del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00369; CB16/12/00400; CB16/12/00233; CB16/12/00284), formerly named as Cooperative Research Thematic Network (Grants No. RD12/0036/0058, RD12/0036/0048, RD12/0036/0046, and RD12/0036/0061) of the Red de Cancer (Cancer Network of Excellence); Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria; funded in part by the European Regional Development Fund (FIS No. 98/1239, 00/10160, 01/0089, 02/0089, 02/0905, G03/136, PI051284, PI06033906/1354, PS09/01897/01370, PI12/01761, PI12/02311, PI13/01469, PI14/01867, G03/136); Sara Borrell (No. CD13/00340); Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (No. GCB120981SAN); and Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras. Also supported internationally by the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation and the European Research Council 2015 Starting Grant (MYELOMANEXT).Peer Reviewe

    Differentiation stage of myeloma plasma cells: biological and clinical significance

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    [EN] The notion that plasma cells (PCs) are terminally differentiated has prevented intensive research in multiple myeloma (MM) about their phenotypic plasticity and differentiation. Here, we demonstrated in healthy individuals (n = 20) that the CD19 − CD81 expression axis identifies three bone marrow (BM)PC subsets with distinct age-prevalence, proliferation, replication-history, immunoglobulin-production, and phenotype, consistent with progressively increased differentiation from CD19+CD81+ into CD19 − CD81+ and CD19 − CD81 − BMPCs. Afterwards, we demonstrated in 225 newly diagnosed MM patients that, comparing to normal BMPC counterparts, 59% had fully differentiated (CD19 − CD81 −) clones, 38% intermediate-differentiated (CD19 − CD81+) and 3% less-differentiated (CD19+CD81+) clones. The latter patients had dismal outcome, and PC differentiation emerged as an independent prognostic marker for progression-free (HR: 1.7; P = 0.005) and overall survival (HR: 2.1; P = 0.006). Longitudinal comparison of diagnostic vs minimal-residual-disease samples (n = 40) unraveled that in 20% of patients, less-differentiated PCs subclones become enriched after therapy-induced pressure. We also revealed that CD81 expression is epigenetically regulated, that less-differentiated clonal PCs retain high expression of genes related to preceding B-cell stages (for example: PAX5), and show distinct mutation profile vs fully differentiated PC clones within individual patients. Together, we shed new light into PC plasticity and demonstrated that MM patients harbouring less-differentiated PCs have dismal survival, which might be related to higher chemoresistant potential plus different molecular and genomic profiles

    Desarrollo de la creatividad y la tecnología en el aprendizaje de las lenguas extranjeras

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    La experiencia, aplicada al alumnado de BUP y COU, consiste en la aplicación de técnicas de comunicación verbal, dramatización, simulación de roles y la utilización de tecnología audiovisual para lograr la comprensión y el uso expresivo de una lengua extranjera. Los objetivos son: expresarse con fluidez en una lengua extranjera y crear ambientes y entornos donde se potencie la actividad artística y dramática. Se desarrolla en tres fases. En las dos primeras, el alumnado, organizado en grupos, escribe historias. En la tercera las dramatiza y filma con cámaras de video. La valoración es positiva, aunque destacan problemas derivados del uso de los aparatos técnicos. Incluye material y trabajos realizados por el alumnado..Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación y CulturaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES

    Proyecto de innovación pedagógica

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    Los objetivos esenciales de este proyecto son la elaboración de material didáctico en inglés que favorezca el desarrollo y aprendizaje de los alumnos. Las principales actividades son: preparación lingüística con los alumnos, elaboración de material accesorio (carteles, rótulos...), grabación, montaje, proyecciones y actividades comunicativas. La experiencia se ha organizado en unidades independientes, con diferentes objetivos lingüísticos, de acuerdo con cada unidad. Se adjuntan fichas de los contenidos de las unidades didácticas..Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación y CulturaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES

    Depth of Response in Multiple Myeloma: A Pooled Analysis of Three PETHEMA/GEM Clinical Trials

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    [EN] Purpose—To perform a critical analysis on the impact of depth of response in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). Patients and Methods—Data were analyzed from 609 patients who were enrolled in the GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma) 2000 and GEM2005MENOS65 studies for transplant-eligible MM and the GEM2010MAS65 clinical trial for elderly patients with MM who had minimal residual disease (MRD) assessments 9 months after study enrollment. Median follow-up of the series was 71 months. Results—Achievement of complete remission (CR) in the absence of MRD negativity was not associated with prolonged progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) compared with near-CR or partial response (median PFS, 27, 27, and 29 months, respectively; median OS, 59, 64, and 65 months, respectively). MRD-negative status was strongly associated with prolonged PFS (median, 63 months; P < .001) and OS (median not reached; P < .001) overall and in subgroups defined by prior transplantation, disease stage, and cytogenetics, with prognostic superiority of MRD negativity versus CR particularly evident in patients with high-risk cytogenetics. Accordingly, Harrell C statistics showed higher discrimination for both PFS and OS in Cox models that included MRD (as opposed to CR) for response assessment. Superior MRD-negative rates after different induction regimens anticipated prolonged PFS. Among 34 MRD-negative patients with MM and a phenotypic pattern of bone marrow involvement similar to monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance at diagnosis, the probability of “operational cure” was high; median PFS was 12 years, and the 10-year OS rate was 94%. Conclusion—Our results demonstrate that MRD-negative status surpasses the prognostic value of CR achievement for PFS and OS across the disease spectrum, regardless of the type of treatment or patient risk group. MRD negativity should be considered as one of the most relevant end points for transplant-eligible and elderly fit patients with MM

    Prognostic value of antigen expression in multiple myeloma: a PETHEMA/GEM study on 1265 patients enrolled in four consecutive clinical trials

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    Persistence of minimal residual disease (MRD) after treatment for myeloma predicts inferior outcomes, but within MRD-positive patients there is great heterogeneity with both early and very late relapses. Among different MRD techniques, flow cytometry provides additional information about antigen expression on tumor cells, which could potentially contribute to stratify MRD-positive patients. We investigated the prognostic value of those antigens required to monitor MRD in 1265 newly diagnosed patients enrolled in the GEM2000, GEM2005MENOS65, GEM2005MAS65 and GEM2010MAS65 protocols. Overall, CD19 pos, CD27 neg, CD38 lo, CD45 pos, CD81 pos, CD117 neg and CD138 lo expression predicted inferior outcomes. Through principal component analysis, we found that simultaneous CD38 low CD81 pos CD117 neg expression emerged as the most powerful combination with independent prognostic value for progression-free survival (HR:1.69; P=0.002). This unique phenotypic profile retained prognostic value among MRD-positive patients. We then used next-generation flow to determine antigen stability throughout the course of the disease, and found that the expression of antigens required to monitor MRD is mostly stable from diagnosis to MRD stages, except for CD81 whose expression progressively increased from baseline to chemoresistant tumor cells (14 vs 28%). Altogether, we showed that the phenotypic profile of tumor cells provides additional prognostic information, and could be used to further predict risk of relapse among MRD-positive patients.On behalf of the GEM (Grupo Español de Mieloma)/PETHEMA (Programa para el Estudio de la Terapéutica en Hemopatías Malignas) cooperative study group. This study was supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red – Área de Oncología - del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00369; CB16/12/00400; CB16/12/00233; CB16/12/00284), formerly named as Cooperative Research Thematic Network (Grants No. RD12/0036/0058, RD12/0036/0048, RD12/0036/0046, and RD12/0036/0061) of the Red de Cancer (Cancer Network of Excellence); Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria; funded in part by the European Regional Development Fund (FIS No. 98/1239, 00/10160, 01/0089, 02/0089, 02/0905, G03/136, PI051284, PI06033906/1354, PS09/01897/01370, PI12/01761, PI12/ 02311, PI13/01469, PI14/01867, G03/136); Sara Borrell (No. CD13/00340); Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (GCB120981SAN). This study was also supported internationally by the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation, the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) Award No. 7-916-3-237, the AACR-Millennium Fellowship in Multiple Myeloma Research (15-40-38-PAIV), the Leukemia Research Foundation, and the European Research Council (ERC) 2015 Starting Grant (MYELOMANEXT).Peer Reviewe

    Minimal residual disease monitoring and immune profiling in multiple myeloma in elderly patients

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    The value of minimal residual disease (MRD) in multiple myeloma (MM) has been more frequently investigated in transplant-eligible patients than in elderly patients. Because an optimal balance between treatment efficacy and toxicity is of utmost importance in patients with elderly MM, sensitive MRD monitoring might be particularly valuable in this patient population. Here, we used second-generation 8-color multiparameter-flow cytometry (MFC) to monitor MRD in 162 transplant-ineligible MM patients enrolled in the PETHEMA/GEM2010MAS65 study. The transition from first- to second-generation MFC resulted in increased sensitivity and allowed us to identify 3 patient groups according to MRD levels: MRD negative (75 years (HR, 4.8; P < .001), as well as those with high-risk cytogenetics (HR, 12.6; P = .01). Using second-generation MFC, immune profiling concomitant to MRD monitoring also contributed to identify patients with poor, intermediate, and favorable outcomes (25%, 61%, and 100% OS at 3 years, respectively; P = .01), the later patients being characterized by an increased compartment of mature B cells. Our results show that similarly to transplant candidates, MRD monitoring is one of the most relevant prognostic factors in elderly MM patients, irrespectively of age or cytogenetic risk.This study was supported by Cooperative Research Thematic Network grants RD12/0036/0058, RD12/0036/0048, RD12/0036/0046, and RD12/0036/0061 of the Red de Cancer (Cancer Network of Excellence); Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain, Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS: PI060339; 06/1354; 02/0905; 01/0089/01-02; PS09/01897/01370; PI13/01469, PI14/01867, G03/136; Sara Borrell: CD13/00340 and CD12/00540); and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (GCB120981SAN). The study was also supported internationally by the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation and a European Research Council 2015 starting grant.Peer Reviewe