1,478 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Bounding Awards in Bankruptcy Problems

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    The solution for the "Contested Garment Problem" proposed in the BabylonicTalmud, one of the most important sources of inspiration for solving situations where demand overcomes supply of some resources, suggests that each agent should receive at least some part of the available amount when facing these situations. Thisidea has been underlied the theoretical analysis of bankruptcy problems from its beginning (O'Neill, 1982) to present day (Dominguez and Thomsom, 2006). In this context, starting from the fact that a society establishes its own set of "Commonly Accepted Equity Principles", we propose a new award bound by providing each agent her minimum amount according to all the admissible bankruptcy rules for such a society. Moreover, we analyze the recursive application of this new bound, since it will not exhaust the resources, in general.Bankruptcy problems, bankruptcy rules, lower bound, recursive process.


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    Some monotonicity conditions for bargaining problems with claims are presented. They are used in providing a characterization of the extended claim-egalitarian solution.


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    This paper follows the interpretation of the bankruptcy problems in terms of TU games given in O'Neill (1982). In this context we propose the analysis of the Transition Game associated to each bankruptcy problem. We explore an old solution described by Ibn Ezra in the XII century. Firstly, we study the extension of the Ibn Ezra's proposal by O'Neill (1982), the Minimal Overlap solution. We provide a characterization of this value and show that it can be understood as the composition of the Ibn Ezra solution and the Constrained Equal Loss rule. Secondly, we introduce a new way of extending the Ibn Ezra's proposal, the Generalized Ibn Ezra solution, by imposing that the general distribution principle in which is inspired remains fixed. The characterization of our proposal clarifies the analogies and differences between the two ways of generalizing the Ibn Ezra's proposal.Bankruptcy Problems, Cooperative Games, Ibn Ezra's proposal, Minimal Overlap solution.

    Las matrices de Toeplitz en la construcción de códigos convolucionales perforados

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    En este trabajo presentamos la modelización de la técnica de perforación de códigos convolucionales introducida por McEliece desde el punto de vista de sistemas. Aplicando esta técnica a un (2, 1, 1)-código convolucional óptimo y teniendo en cuenta las propiedades de las matrices de Toeplitz, construimos un nuevo (3, 2, 1)-código óptimo

    #HicieronHistoria Margarita Salas

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    Margarita Salas fue un referente de la investigación española. Descubrió la dirección de lectura del código genético, distintos mecanismos de fabricación de proteínas y la proteína que permite la duplicación del ADN. Fue una científica incansable, precursora de la bioingeniería y de la metagenómica, un ejemplo de dedicación que dejó un gran vacío tanto en su laboratorio del Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa de Madrid como en la investigación biomédica

    Propuesta de diseño de un modelo de visita turística virtual síncrono a sitios patrimoniales, a partir del uso de medios tecnológicos.

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    [ES] La desconexión del público con el patrimonio, debido a situaciones de movilidad reducida o restringida del visitante, o bien, debido por la dificultad para acceder a los recursos, repercuten directamente en el interés social de su fomento, difusión y puesta en valor. En este sentido, el patrimonio, los sitios culturales y sus trabajadores, y el público interesado son los más afectados a nivel cultural, social y económico. El propósito de este Trabajo Final de Máster es identificar nuevos modelos de visita virtual síncrona para conocer el patrimonio. La metodología a emplear para la realización de este trabajo parte del enfoque de la investigación de las Ciencias del Diseño también conocida por su denominación en inglés Design Science Research (DSR). La estructura que ha guiado este trabajo final de máster se inicia con la revisión de la literatura y del material de aplicación científica relacionado con el concepto y tipologías las técnicas e interpretación del patrimonio, storytelling, experiencialidad, sensaciones y emociones, tipos de visita virtual y turista cultural. A continuación, se ha confeccionado una tabla comparativa donde se analiza las ventajas y desventajas de cada tipología, a través del estudio del estado del arte de la temática. Este análisis permite identificar y seleccionar aquellos aspectos, que servirán para realizar el enfoque más adecuado para el diseño del modelo de visita turística. El paso siguiente ha sido realizar una propuesta de visita virtual al patrimonio, teniendo en cuenta alcanzar la mayor experiencialidad posible y partiendo de la construcción de un relato (storytelling) adaptado a diferentes tipos de público: niños de seis y siete años, jóvenes, estudiantes y profesionales del patrimonio arquitectónico. Adicionalmente, el prototipo resultante se ha probado en diversas experiencias turísticas con propósito, cultural y educativo: el Museo Castillo de Niebla de Valdivia, las Ruinas de Huanchaca de Antofagasta y ex-Teatro Alhambra de Taltal ubicados en Chile. Finalmente, se realiza una evaluación de los resultados obtenidos, en base a la valoración de las experiencias y de las opiniones de los participantes.[EN] A direct impact on the social heritage interest of its promotion, dissemination, and enhancement due to the reduced or restricted mobility and even the difficulty of accessing the visitors resources have caused the heritage public disconnection. In this sense, heritage, cultural sites, their workers, and the interested public are the most affected at a cultural, social, and economic level. The purpose of this Master¿s Thesis is to identify new models of synchronous virtual visits to learn about heritage. The thesis methodology used to carry out this work followed the Design Science Research (DSR) approach. The structure that has guided this Master¿s Thesis begins with the literature and scientific application material revision related to the concept and typologies of the techniques and interpretation of heritage, storytelling, experientiality, sensations and emotions, types of virtual visits and the cultural visitor. An arts state subject to be analyzed has been frame as a comparative table through the advantages and disadvantages of each typology. This analysis makes it possible to identify and select those aspects that will help make the most appropriate approach for a model tourist visit design. The next step was to create a proposal of a virtual visit to the heritage having into account the need to achieve the greatest possible experientiality and based on the construction of storytelling adapted to different types of public: children aged six and seven, young people, students, and professionals in the field of architectural heritage. In addition, the resulting prototype has been experimented with in several purposeful, cultural, and educational tourism experiences: the Castillo de Niebla Museum in Valdivia, the Huanchaca Ruins in Antofagasta, and the ex-Teatro Alhambra in Taltal, Chile. Finally, a participant results evaluation has been done based on their personal experiences and opinions about the visit.Marco Ferrando, MDC. (2021). Propuesta de diseño de un modelo de visita turística virtual síncrono a sitios patrimoniales, a partir del uso de medios tecnológicos. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/176654TFG

    Efficient solutions for bargaining problems with claims

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    Two solution concepts have been proposed for bargaining problems with claims, namely, the proportional solution, introduced by Chun & Thomson (1992), and the extended claim-egalitarian solution, [see Bossert (1993) and Marco (1993)]. Neither of these solutions exhaust all possible gains from cooperation. In this paper we introduce and provide axiomatic characterizations of different lexicographic extensions of the aforementioned proposals, which provide efficient solutions.Bargaining problems with claims, lexicographic extensions

    Solución de pérdidas proporcionales para el problema de negociación bipersonal

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    In Kalai-Smorodinsky's solution utility gains are seen as relevant with regard to the disagreement point. This paper focuses on the utility losses with respect to the maximum achievable level and introduces a "complementary" solution to Kalai-Smorodinsky's. An axiomatic characterization of the proposed solution is also provided. La solución Kalai-Smorodinsky toma como relevantes las ganancias de utilidad desde el desacuerdo, nosotros centramos la atención en las pérdidas de utilidad respecto del nivel máximo alcanzable y consideramos una forma de introducir una solución "complementaria" de la presentada por Kalai y Smorodinsky. Asímismo, proveemos una caracterización axiomática de la solución propuesta.

    A new prospect of additivity in bankruptcy problems

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    This paper explores additivity-like properties ful led by bankruptcy rules. Our main result is that the unique rule satisfying an adittivity-like property is the Minimal Overlap proposed by O'Neill. We also propose some conections relative to additivity properties in close frameworks as bargaining rules.This work is partially supported by the Institut Valencià d´Investigacions Econòmiques and the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia under projects SEJ2007-62656 (Alcalde) and SEJ2007-64649 (Marco-Gil and Silva). Marco-Gil also acknowledges support by the Fundación Séneca of the Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología of the Murcian Region, under project 05838/PHCS/07 (Programa de Generación Cientìfico de Excelencia)


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    Consider a two-person bargaining problem, where both agents have a particular notion of what would be a just solution outcome. In case their opinions differ, a procedure which leads to a compromise between t,he two different views is needed. In this paper we propose a mechanism to solve this kind of conflict. Furthermore, we characterize it axiomatically.Mechanism; Meta-Bargaining Problems.