313 research outputs found

    Llamadas sin marcación: ayuda para discapacitados visuales y llamadas de emergencia

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    Emergency calling shortcut es una aplicación para celular que tiene el propósito de ayudar a hacer llamadas telefónicas de emergencia a las personas con discapacidad visual o ciegas, sin embargo, ésta puede ser también útil a cualquier persona. Las llamadas se establecen más ágilmente que con el método convencional. Con esta aplicación no es necesario desbloquear el teléfono, ni solicitar su ejecución en el Smartphone, pues corre en segundo plano (así como WhatsApp). Con una combinación de movimientos simples del celular es posible llamar a tres números telefónicos diferentes, previamente guardados. La innovación principal es el uso del acelerómetro para interactuar con el usuario en combinación con el sensor de proximidad para evitar las llamadas no deseadas. Hasta donde sabemos, ésta aplicación es única en su forma de operar y más robusta que las que utilizan el botón de encendido/apagado ya que es prácticamente imposible que se establezcan llamadas de emergencia sin que el usuario lo solicite. Se sabe que las aplicaciones que usan el botón de encendido/apagado para establecer las llamadas algunas veces realizan llamadas no deseadas

    Invariance of the Sexual Double Standard Scale: A Cross-Cultural Study

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    The Sexual Double Standard (SDS) is an instrument used to judge sexual behavior, in which men are usually granted greater sexual freedom, while the same sexual behavior is condemned in women. Culture can be a relevant variable for the SDS. Therefore, we have examined the measurement invariance of the Sexual Double Standard Scale (SDSS) across the Spanish and Colombian populations, comparing this phenomenon by country and gender. The scale comprises two factors: sexual freedom and sexual shyness. The sample consisted of 1832 heterosexual adults (46.3% men, 53.7% women), 54.3% of whom were Spanish and 45.7% Colombian. Strong invariance was found. The reliability values were good for country and gender. Men and women from both countries supported greater freedom for themselves compared to the other gender. Furthermore, Spanish women, unlike their Colombian counterparts, supported greater sexual shyness for men. Thus, what some authors have labeled as a "reverse sexual double standard" seems to emerge.This study was partially funded through a research project granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness (Grant Number PSI2014-58035-R)

    Lectin spatial immunolocalization during in vitro capacitation in Tursiops truncatus spermatozoa

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    Spermatozoa interactions with the female reproductive tract and oocyte are regulated by surface molecules such as glycocalyx. The capacitation process comprises molecular and structural modifications which increase zona pellucida binding affinity. Lectins allowed us to describe glycocalyx changes during maturation, capacitation and acrosome reaction. This study had as its aim to identify lectin binding patterns using four lectins with different carbohydrate affinity in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) spermatozoa both before and after in vitro capacitation. Two semen samples from the same dolphin obtained on consecutive days were used, with four different lectin binding patterns becoming visible in both samples before and after capacitation. A highly stained equatorial segment with prolongations at the edges appeared as the most frequent pattern with Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) in uncapacitated spermatozoa. However, it was homogeneously distributed over the acrosomal region after capacitation. Instead, the use of Peanut agglutinin (PNA) resulted in most spermatozoa showing high labelling in the acrosomal periphery region before capacitation and a homogeneous staining in the acrosomal region within the population of capacitated spermatozoa. Nevertheless, the most representative patterns with Concavalin A (ConA) and Aleuria aurantia agglutinin (AAA) lectins did not change before and after capacitation, labelling the acrosomal region periphery. These findings could contribute to the understanding of the reproductive biology of cetaceans and the improvement of sperm selection techniques.Cátedra Human Fertility of University of Alicante and VIGROB-186

    Modelado de una tienda virtual mediante Diagramas de Transición entre Interfaces de Usuario y Diagramas de Secuencia Detallados: Un caso de éxito

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    Aplicamos una metodología que combina los Diagramas de Transiciones entre Interfaces de Usuario (DTIU) y los Diagramas de Secuencia Detallados (DSD) para construir una tienda virtual de libros, revistas, música y películas. Los DTIU son diagramas que permiten modelar la navegación entre las interfaces de usuario de un sistema, mientras que los DSD son diagramas de secuencia construidos bajo un conjunto de reglas hechas específicamente para documentar el diseño detallado. Especificamos la navegación del usuario por el sistema mediante la combinación de los bosquejos de las Interfaces de Usuario (IU) y los DTIU. Los DSD se construyen haciendo referencia a los bosquejos de IU, a los DTIU y a los componentes del sistema. Los DTIU ayudan a relacionar los casos de uso que inician en una IU con los DSD del diseño detallado. El sistema de referencias entre la fase de requerimientos y el diseño detallado ayuda a verificar que el diseño cumpla con los requerimientos del sistema relacionados con la interacción con el usuario. Esta metodología también ayuda a detectar casos especiales y posibles fallas u omisiones en los requerimientos y el diseño, facilitando la construcción de sistemas robustos. Por otra parte, el esfuerzo que se dedica a la elaboración de los DSD durante el diseño detallado permite ahorrar tiempo de implementación, ya que, cuando el diseño detallado es suficientemente completo, la implementación consistirá en a la transcripción del diseño detallado al código y en la resolución de detalles muy particulares de la tecnología con la que se trabaje

    Shall We Establish Sexual Consent or Would You Feel Weird? Sexual Objectification and Rape-Supportive Attitudes as Predictors of How Sex is Negotiated in Men and Women

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    How sex is negotiated has reached greater interest because a lack of consent is considered to be a risk factor for sexual violence. However, the mechanisms underlying sexual consent still remain unexplored. The purpose of the present study was to examine the link between rape-supportive attitudes and objectification, as experienced by women and perpetrated by men, in the context of specific domains relevant to the establishment and negotiation of sexual consent, i.e., attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. The sample comprised 1682 participants (21.5% male, 78.5% female) aged 18–66 years (M = 23.41; SD = 6.96). In women, negotiation of consent was predicted both directly and indirectly by being sexually objectified by men, rape attitudes playing a mediating role. Women who were objectified reported lower efficacy with respect to asking for consent and considered explicit establishment of consent as important. In men, only the perpetration of unwanted sexual advances predicted how they negotiate consent, in which rape attitudes played a mediating role (indicating a maladaptive pattern of negotiation). Our findings could be useful for the design and implementation of intervention programs that address both victims and perpetrators of violence

    Síndrome de Burnout y formas de afrontamiento en psicologos trabajadores de un Hospital Público

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    The present work was carried out to detect and demonstrate in a descriptive and quantitative way the prevalence of the appearance of Burnout syndrome in a sample of 21 psychologists who participated and who work in the Regional Hospital of high specialty Dr. Juan Graham Casasús in the city of Villahermosa Tabasco, identifying also the type of coping that they establish to face stress, the method implemented was descriptive statistics. The results showed the presence of low levels of Burnout in 95% of the surveyed population, while the remaining 5% obtained moderate burnout, as for the most prominent form of coping with stress it is found that 52.4% of the participants of the sample use the method of focusing on the solution of the problem and the positive re-evaluation is considered by 19% of the respondents, in addition to having a high level in their personal fulfillment so they feel satisfied in their respective areas. This makes us infer that the resolution to the conflict of work stress is favorable for psychologists, since it is not only one strategy but two that they use for the control and reduction of stress, which translates into a high functionality in their work, for the moment.  El presente trabajo se realizó para detectar y demostrar de manera descriptiva y cuantitativa la prevalencia de la aparición del síndrome Burnout en una muestra de 21 psicólogos que participaron y que laboran en el Hospital Regional de alta especialidad Dr. Juan Graham Casasús de la ciudad de Villahermosa Tabasco identificando también el tipo de afrontamiento que establecen para afrontar el estrés, el método implementado fue estadística descriptiva. Los resultados dieron lugar a la presencia de niveles bajos de Burnout en un 95% de la población encuestada, mientras que el restante 5% obtuvo burnout moderado, en cuanto a la forma de afrontamiento más destacada frente al estrés se encuentra que un 52.4% de los participantes de la muestra usan el método de la focalización en la solución del problema y la reevaluación positiva se considera por un 19% de los encuestados, además de tener un nivel alto en su realización personal por lo que se sienten satisfechos en sus respectivas áreas. Esto nos hace inferir que la resolución al conflicto del estrés laboral es favorable para los psicólogos, ya que no solo es una estrategia sino dos las que utilizan para el control y la disminución del estrés, lo que se traduce en una alta funcionalidad en su trabajo, por el momento

    White matter repair after extracellular vesicles administration in an experimental animal model of subcortical stroke

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    Mesenchymal stem cells have previously been shown to mediate brain repair after stroke; they secrete 50-100 nm complexes called extracellular vesicles (EVs), which could be responsible for provoking neurovascular repair and functional recovery. EVs have been observed by electron microscopy and NanoSight, and they contain associated proteins such as CD81 and Alix. This purified, homogeneous population of EVs was administered intravenously after subcortical stroke in rats. To evaluate the EVs effects, we studied the biodistribution, proteomics analysis, functional evaluation, lesion size, fiber tract integrity, axonal sprouting and white matter repair markers. We found that a single administration of EVs improved functional recovery, fiber tract integrity, axonal sprouting and white matter repair markers in an experimental animal model of subcortical stroke. EVs were found in the animals' brain and peripheral organs after euthanasia. White matter integrity was in part restored by EVs administration mediated by molecular repair factors implicated in axonal sprouting, tract connectivity, remyelination and oligodendrogenesis. These findings are associated with improved functional recovery. This novel role for EVs presents a new perspective in the development of biologics for brain repair.This study has been partially supported by grants from PS15/01318 and INVICTUS (RD12/0014) (Spanish Neurovascular Network), Miguel Servet (CP15/00069 to María Gutiérrez-Fernández) and a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship (CD12/00706, to Laura Otero-Ortega) from Research Institute Carlos III, Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and European Regional Development Fun

    Innovación y estrategias de intervención en acoso escolar

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    Los problemas de convivencia escolar, violencia escolar, bullying y cyberbullying, en los centros españoles son una realidad y, por tanto, es necesario que los futuros docentes cuenten con estrategias específicas para el abordaje de estas situaciones cuando se enfrenten a la realidad de las aulas. En este manual, profesionales del área de la convivencia escolar presentan las actuaciones, programas y herramientas disponibles que en estos momentos se están poniendo en práctica en los centros escolares con resultados positivos. Así, se pretende ampliar el conocimiento teórico-práctico en el ámbito de la convivencia, gestión de conflictos y violencia escolar.EducaciónPsicologí

    Estimating regional social accounting matrices to analyse rural development

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    This paper has two complementary objectives: on the one hand, it introduces the EURO method for the estimation of (regional) Social Accounting Matrices. This method is widely used by Eurostat for the estimation of missing national Supply, Use and Input-output tables but it has not been used before within the context of social accounting matrices or of regional statistics and/or regional impact analyses. On the other hand, this work discusses the possibility of producing non-survey based regional Social Accounting Matrices that may eventually allow the user to carry out impact analyses such as those of rural development policies, among others. The analysis is carried out for 12 selected European regions based on clusters