12 research outputs found

    Hacia un nuevo pluralismo en la televisión europea

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    El objetivo de este estudio es proponer un nuevo concepto de pluralismo que garantice su presencia efectiva en los medios de comunicación. De acuerdo con este concepto, se sugieren tres indicadores para medir el grado de pluralismo: la presencia de los diferentes grupos sociales o políticos, la naturaleza de su intervención y las características de la imagen difundida. La muestra seleccionada procede de cinco países europeos: Alemania, Francia, Italia, España y Reino Unido. La metodología utilizada es el análisis de contenido de los informativos. El estudio demuestra la insuficiencia del concepto y medición actual presente en las legislaciones europeas

    Media use, anti-Americanism and international support for the Iraq War

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    This study investigates the impact of pre-war news coverage on international support for President Bush's decision to invade Iraq in 2003. The study is based on a survey conducted one week prior to the start of the Iraq War among 1787 university students from six countries in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The findings indicate that exposure to pre-war news coverage was associated with more positive attitudes toward Iraq and higher levels of fear related to the possible consequences of a war. Stronger international support for a US invasion correlated with more positive attitudes toward Iraq, less fear about a possible war and lower levels of anti-Americanism. Copyright © 2006 Sage Publications

    Framing the "Clash of Civilizations" in Europe: Interaction between Political and Media Frames

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    The present study reviews the foci, symbols and interpretations that the European media use to formulate and spread the political message about the “clash of civilizations”. This means observing how this cultural clash is articulated in political discourse and how this is then reflected in the leading European media. To carry out this study, we compared the frames found in several significant political discourses (Bush, Ahmadinejad, Sarkozy, Gül) and those encountered in the coverage of these same discourses in the following European newspapers: The Guardian, Le Monde, Frankfürter Allemaigne. Through this specific case, the research also explores what is the process of the frame elaboration and which conditions make political discourse more effective and attractive for the media to assimilate them

    Niza : aproximación a la cumbre de Niza a través de la cobertura de la prensa española una cumbre, dos temas, tres visiones :

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    El debate sobre la reforma institucional y la ampliación de la Unión Europea fueron dos de los temas principales de la cumbre de Niza, que tuvo lugar el mes de diciembre de 2000. La cumbre, caracterizada por las divergencias previas entre Francia y Alemania, centró los debates en torno al nuevo reparto de votos de los estados miembros y dejó otros asuntos pendientes de resolver, como, por ejemplo, la posibilidad de crear un texto constitucional comunitario. A través de la cobertura realizada por la prensa española, el presente artículo analiza el proceso de reforma e integración que se debatió en la cumbre, la idea de Europa que manifestaba y la actuación concreta del Gobierno español en estos aspectos. Desde la teoría de la mediación informativa, y mediante una metodología de análisis de contenido que combina métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos, se llegan a definir tres visiones de los acontecimientos en las que se destaca que, en situaciones políticas en estado de definición, como la de Niza, el papel de los medios de comunicación puede ser decisivo para la creación de imágenes políticas.The debate about the institutional reform and the enlargement of the European Union were two of the main topics in the Nice's summit, in December 2000. Before the summit took place, the divergences between France and Germany concerning the decision-making processes had already arosen. Therefore, this issue became the main discussion topic and other topics such as the possibility to create an European Constitution were left without a definitive solution. Through the Spanish press coverage, this article analyses some important issues discussed in Nice: the process of reform and integration, the idea of Europe, and also the role of the Spanish Government in those areas. From the mediation theory of communication, and using a content analysis methodology which combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods, it is possible to define three different visions of the events. As a conclusion, the role of the media in situations of political definitions can be determinant to the creation of political images

    Niza : aproximación a la cumbre de Niza a través de la cobertura de la prensa española una cumbre, dos temas, tres visiones :

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    El debate sobre la reforma institucional y la ampliación de la Unión Europea fueron dos de los temas principales de la cumbre de Niza, que tuvo lugar el mes de diciembre de 2000. La cumbre, caracterizada por las divergencias previas entre Francia y Alemania, centró los debates en torno al nuevo reparto de votos de los estados miembros y dejó otros asuntos pendientes de resolver, como, por ejemplo, la posibilidad de crear un texto constitucional comunitario. A través de la cobertura realizada por la prensa española, el presente artículo analiza el proceso de reforma e integración que se debatió en la cumbre, la idea de Europa que manifestaba y la actuación concreta del Gobierno español en estos aspectos. Desde la teoría de la mediación informativa, y mediante una metodología de análisis de contenido que combina métodos cualitativos y cuantitativos, se llegan a definir tres visiones de los acontecimientos en las que se destaca que, en situaciones políticas en estado de definición, como la de Niza, el papel de los medios de comunicación puede ser decisivo para la creación de imágenes políticas.The debate about the institutional reform and the enlargement of the European Union were two of the main topics in the Nice's summit, in December 2000. Before the summit took place, the divergences between France and Germany concerning the decision-making processes had already arosen. Therefore, this issue became the main discussion topic and other topics such as the possibility to create an European Constitution were left without a definitive solution. Through the Spanish press coverage, this article analyses some important issues discussed in Nice: the process of reform and integration, the idea of Europe, and also the role of the Spanish Government in those areas. From the mediation theory of communication, and using a content analysis methodology which combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods, it is possible to define three different visions of the events. As a conclusion, the role of the media in situations of political definitions can be determinant to the creation of political images

    Las reglas del “nuevo poder de influencia”: un análisis de las estrategias de think tanks globales desde una perspectiva comunicativa

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    Think tanks were conceived to influence others and have their ideas adopted by decision-makers and broader publics. They seek to both affect the overall climate of opinions and impact political outcomes. The efficacy of their influence is closely tied to communication, a field that has recently suffered a profound shift: from the “unilateral positioning of ideas,” we are moving towards the concept of a “collective generation of ideas,” in which the participation of other social actors is crucial for communication to be effective. Therefore, the goal of this investigation is to examine if the communication strategies regularly employed by some of the more prestigious think tanks follow the new guidelines for strategic communication, defined by participation and collaboration. We argue that think tanks’ influence would be more effective under the following conditions: a) if influence were understood as communication in the context of freedom; b) if the capacity to influence were based on the institution’s prestige; c) if diverse publics were interacted with; and d) if participation and collaboration were encouraged in the creation and distribution of content. Through in-depth interviews with communication directors and managers from selected globally-influential think tanks located in Washington DC, this study aims to add these voices to the academic debate. Our results suggest that think tanks should adopt different approaches depending on what publics are receiving their message.Os think tanks tem nascido para influir e conseguir que suas ideias sejam adotadas por decisores e públicos. Interessa-lhes tanto gerar climas de opinião quanto ter impacto nos processos de decisão política. A eficácia da influencia está intimamente unida à comunicação, e a comunicação tem sofrido uma mudança substancial: da informação estratégica de ‘posicionamento unilateral de ideias’ se está evolucionando para uma abordagem de ‘geração conjunta de ideias’, na que resulta crucial a participação de outros atores sociais para que a comunicação seja efetiva. O objeto da pesquisa é, precisamente, examinar se as estratégias de comunicação que habitualmente desenvolvem alguns dos think tanks com maior prestígio para difundir suas ideias seguem as novas pautas da comunicação estratégica, determinadas pela participação e a colaboração. O presente trabalho afirma que a influência seria mais efetiva se reunisse as seguintes condições: a) se a influência é entendida como comunicação em um contexto de liberdade; b) se a capacidade de influir se baseia no prestígio da instituição; c) se se interage com públicos diversos; d) se se fomenta a participação e a colaboração na elaboração e difusão de conteúdo. Baseando-se em entrevistas em profundidade realizadas a diretivos e gestores de comunicação de uma seleção de think tanks de alcance global localizados em Washington DC, o estudo pretende recuperar a voz dos próprios interessados para o debate académico. O resultado da pesquisa assinala um diferente comportamiento dependendo do público ao que o think tank se dirige.Los think tanks han nacido para influir y conseguir que sus ideas sean adoptadas por decisores y públicos. Les interesa tanto generar climas de opinión como tener impacto en los procesos de decisión política. La eficacia de la influencia está estrechamente unida a la comunicación, y la comunicación ha sufrido un cambio sustancial: de la información estratégica de ‘posicionamiento unilateral de ideas’ se está evolucionando hacia un enfoque de ‘generación conjunta de ideas’, en el que resulta crucial la participación de otros actores sociales para que la comunicación sea efectiva. El objeto de la investigación es, precisamente, examinar si las estrategias de comunicación que habitualmente desarrollan algunos de los think tanks con mayor prestigio para difundir sus ideas siguen las nuevas pautas de la comunicación estratégica, determinadas por la participación y la colaboración. El presente trabajo arguye que la influencia sería más efectiva si reuniese las siguientes condiciones: a) si la influencia se entiende como comunicación en un contexto de libertad; b) si la capacidad de influir se basa en el prestigio de la institución; c) si se interactúa con públicos diversos; d) si se fomenta la participación y la colaboración en la elaboración y difusión de contenidos. Basándose en entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a directivos y gestores de comunicación de una selección de think tanks de alcance global localizados en Washington DC, el estudio pretende recuperar la voz de los propios interesados para el debate académico. El resultado de la investigación apunta un diferente comportamiento dependiendo del público al que el think tank se dirige

    Political discourses for global audiences: the media framing of the “clash of civilizations” debate

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    To a great extent, cultural confrontation has replaced the ideological battles of the Cold War. During the 1990s, and particularly since 11 September 2001, Islamic fundamentalist groups have attacked the political and cultural control exercised by the West, engendering a climate of constant conflict which feeds on reasons that are both old and new: old bones of contention, like the conflict between Jews and Palestinians; and new ones, like those arising out of the “war on terror” or the so-called “cartoon crisis”. Although violent actions are mainly rejected by international public opinion, there is no doubt that potential confrontations are brewing on the level of values and ways of understanding society

    La diplomacia pública estadounidense de la "guerra contra el terror": análisis y evaluación de su influencia en la prensa española

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    Public diplomacy is an international political communication activity that experienced renewed importance in the United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The War on Terror promoted by the Bush Administration was accompanied by the implementation of public diplomacy strategies designed to reinforce the fight against terrorism and to diminish the levels of anti-Americanism, especially in the Muslim world, through the exercise of soft power. The object of this thesis is, in the first place, to study public diplomacy as an international political communication activity. In the second place, to carry out empirical research that, resorting to framing theory as a methodological tool, analyzes and evaluates the influence of Bush¿s declarations and speeches, as a part of American mediatic diplomacy, in the Spanish press, in two case studies on the War on Terror (the first case study spans the period from 9/11 to November 2001, and the second, the months prior to the Iraq War). To do so, the content of this thesis is set out in six chapters. The first chapter presents a theoretical framework of public diplomacy, the second chapter explains the methodology that is used in the empirical study and the third chapter offers a context for the case studies where that methodology is applied. Chapters four, five and six constitute the empirical part of the work: in the first two the results of the analysis of mediatic diplomacy in two specific periods of the War on Terror are exposed, and, in the last, an evaluation of its influence based on the results of the analysis and on the consideration of other relevant factors is performed

    La diplomacia pública estadounidense de la "guerra contra el terror": análisis y evaluación de su influencia en la prensa española

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    Public diplomacy is an international political communication activity that experienced renewed importance in the United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The War on Terror promoted by the Bush Administration was accompanied by the implementation of public diplomacy strategies designed to reinforce the fight against terrorism and to diminish the levels of anti-Americanism, especially in the Muslim world, through the exercise of soft power. The object of this thesis is, in the first place, to study public diplomacy as an international political communication activity. In the second place, to carry out empirical research that, resorting to framing theory as a methodological tool, analyzes and evaluates the influence of Bush¿s declarations and speeches, as a part of American mediatic diplomacy, in the Spanish press, in two case studies on the War on Terror (the first case study spans the period from 9/11 to November 2001, and the second, the months prior to the Iraq War). To do so, the content of this thesis is set out in six chapters. The first chapter presents a theoretical framework of public diplomacy, the second chapter explains the methodology that is used in the empirical study and the third chapter offers a context for the case studies where that methodology is applied. Chapters four, five and six constitute the empirical part of the work: in the first two the results of the analysis of mediatic diplomacy in two specific periods of the War on Terror are exposed, and, in the last, an evaluation of its influence based on the results of the analysis and on the consideration of other relevant factors is performed