525 research outputs found

    Rehabilitación terminal TWA, JFK: Saarinen

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    Rehabilitación terminal TWA, JFK: Saarine

    Alfabetización visual coeducativa en el diseño de software formativo : u-portafolio como experiencia pionera

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    Esta comunicación tiene como objetivo ofrecer una nueva concepción de la construcción del saber enmarcada en la educación virtual con perspectiva de género que será tratada desde su valor de uso y de cambio. Para ello, nos centraremos en el diseño y desarrollo de software educativo y se tratarán aquellos aspectos que desde un enfoque de género son relevantes para su construcción. En una segunda parte ofreceremos un carácter aplicativo a la comunicación ya que se presentará el software educativo “U-Portafolio desde la perspectiva de género”, enmarcado en Acciones de Apoyo y Acompañamiento a la Formación de ámbito estatal. El desarrollo de este producto ha supuesto una experiencia pionera a nivel nacional. Su grado de innovación tiene una doble vertiente; por un lado, se diseña y se valida desde un enfoque de género y por otro se propone bajo la modalidad formativa u-learning. Para su presentación, se justificará como los planteamientos teóricos en los que debe basarse el diseño de este tipo de software son inherentes al enfoque de género. Finalmente expondremos algunos datos extraídos de la prueba piloto realizada por expertas y expertos que realizaron la validación del producto desde la perspectiva de género

    La sostenibilidad de los sistemas construidos: una propuesta de indicadores para su evaluación y un modelo de certificación

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    La sostenibilidad de los sistemas construidos: una propuesta de indicadores para su evaluación y un modelo de certificació

    Relación entre el rol del tutor y la resiliencia en los estudiantes de segundo grado de educación secundaria de la I.E. “Nuevo Perú” de Los Olivos. 2013

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    Se tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación existente entre la variable rol del tutor y la resiliencia en los estudiantes de segundo grado del nivel secundaria de la Institución Educativa “Nuevo Perú” de Los Olivos, 2013. El tipo de estudio es el básico, el diseño que se empleó fue no experimental, correlacional, de corte transversal. Se utilizó una muestra no probabilística de 150 sujetos. Los instrumentos de evaluación fueron dos cuestionarios, una para obtener información respecto al rol del tutor y la otra para recoger información sobre la resiliencia. Se realizó el análisis psicométrico para ambos instrumentos, obteniéndose la confiabilidad y validez satisfactoria. Los resultados indican que entre las variables rol del tutor y resiliencia existe una correlación baja de 0,242; de otra parte los resultados demuestran que entre el rol del tutor y la satisfacción personal tiene una correlación baja del 0,359; además el rol del tutor y la ecuanimidad tiene una correlación prácticamente nula de 0,086 y finalmente el rol del tutor y la confianza en sí mismo tiene una correlación baja de 0,359 cuyos valores de significancia según la prueba de la independencia : ( p de spearman ***p < .001) son altamente significativos, por tanto se aceptan las hipótesis alternas y se rechazan las nulas

    Profitability, indebtedness and liquidity analysis of microenterprises in Ecuador

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    Las microempresas representan un componente significativo para el progreso económico de Ecuador. Esta investigación analiza y compara indicadores financieros como la rentabilidad financiera, el endeudamiento y la liquidez corriente de las microempresas de la provincia del Guayas con las del resto de provincias de Ecuador. El análisis utilizó una metodología cuantitativa de tipo descriptiva de diseño transversal para 13 768 microempresas de la provincia del Guayas y 16 093 microempresas del resto de las provincias de Ecuador que reportaron su información financiera a la Superintendencia de Compañías, Valores y Seguros al año 2019. Para comparar estos grupos se realizó una prueba t para muestras independientes con varianzas desiguales. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que, con un nivel de confianza del 95 %, el promedio de endeudamiento y la liquidez corriente media son mayores en la provincia del Guayas mientras que las microempresas del resto de Ecuador reportan una mejor rentabilidad financiera promedio. A pesar de que la provincia del Guayas tiene el mayor porcentaje de microempresas en el país, no es condición suficiente para concluir que sus indicadores financieros, en promedio, son mejores que los del resto de Ecuador. Esta investigación pretende ser un aporte al desarrollo de líneas de trabajo que contribuyan a la elaboración y diseño de políticas que ayuden a la supervivencia y desempeño empresarial de las microempresas. &nbsp;Microenterprises are an important factor in Ecuador’s economic development. This research analyzes and compares financial indicators such as financial profitability, indebtedness and current liquidity of microenterprises in the province of Guayas with those in other provinces of Ecuador. The analysis used a quantitative methodology of descriptive type of cross-sectional design for 13,768 microenterprises in the province of Guayas and 16,093 microenterprises in the rest of the provinces of Ecuador that reported their financial statements to the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance as of 2019. To compare these groups, a t-test was performed for independent samples with unequal variances. The results of this research indicate that, with a 95% confidence level, average indebtedness and average current liquidity are higher in the province of Guayas while microenterprises in the rest of Ecuador report better average financial profitability. Although Guayas province has the highest percentage of microenterprises in the country, this is not a sufficient condition to conclude that its financial indicators, on average, are better than those of the rest of Ecuador. This research aims to make a contribution to the development of lines of work that contribute to the elaboration and design of policies that help the survival and business performance of microenterprise

    Managing teachers' job attitudes: The potential benefits of being a happy and emotional intelligent teacher.

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    Despite the limitations, this study increases our knowledge of the specific contribution of EI and positive emotions in teachers to the enhancement of well-being and work-related criteria; it also suggests the joint incorporation of both emotional abilities and positive activities for optimal well-being in preparation programs for future teachers, as key resources to increase positive and reduce negative attitudes toward their workplaceAccording to the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, the frequency of positive emotions is associated with the development of positive attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors in organizational contexts. However, positive and negative attitudes at work might also be influenced by different personal and job resources. While emotional intelligence has been significantly associated with positive job attitudes and personal wellbeing, no studies have yet examined the joint role of teacher happiness and emotional intelligence in key teacher job attitudes. The present study assesses whether emotional intelligence interacts with levels of teacher happiness to jointly explain important teacher job attitudes (i.e., job satisfaction and turnover intention). A total sample of 685 teaching professionals (431 female) filled out a battery of scales including subjective happiness, emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, and turnover intention. Our results revealed that subjective happiness was significantly associated with both higher job satisfaction and lower turnover intention. Likewise, emotional intelligence was positively related to happiness and job satisfaction, and negatively related to turnover intention. Finally, interaction analysis showed the main effects of happiness and emotional intelligence in explaining teacher job attitudes. Beyond the main effects, the interaction effects of happiness and emotional intelligence were significant in predicting all teachers’ job attitude indicators, even controlling for the effects of their sociodemographic variables. This work expands our knowledge about the role of teachers’ positive emotions in the development of positive work attitudes, and also supports the inclusion of emotional skills in future teacher preparation programs as resources to facilitate work-related well-beingThis research has been supported and funded in part by research projects from the University of Málaga and Junta de Andalucía/FEDER (UMA18-FEDERJA-147) and PAIDI Group CTS-1048 (Junta de Andalucía). This work was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (FPU16/02238

    A hybrid method to face class overlap and class imbalance on neural networks and multi-class scenarios

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    Class imbalance and class overlap are two of the major problems in data mining and machine learning. Several studies have shown that these data complexities may affect the performance or behavior of artificial neural networks. Strategies proposed to face with both challenges have been separately applied. In this paper, we introduce a hybrid method for handling both class imbalance and class overlap simultaneously in multi-class learning problems. Experimental results on five remote sensing data show that the combined approach is a promising method

    Solving an IBEM with supporting vector analysis to design quiet TMS coils

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a promising tool in neuroscience of which successful development is affected by the loud click noise originated when the stimulating coil is energized. This undesired sound is produced by the coil winding deformations generated by the Lorentz self-forces in the TMS device. Addressing the need for TMS systems that produce less noise, a quiet coil design technique is proposed in this work, where instead of minimizing directly the coil deflection, the Lorentz self-force is optimized in order to reduce the acoustic noise. The presented method is based on a stream function IBEM for TMS coil design in which new computational models have been incorporated into the optimization problem, which is efficiently solved by using supporting vector analysis. Several examples of coils of different geometries were designed and simulated to demonstrate the efficiency of the suggested IBEM approach to produce TMS devices that experience minimum Lorentz self-forces. In order to evaluate the acoustic response of the designed TMS coils, the commercial MSC/NASTRAN was used to find the coil deflection. The obtained results show that significant noise reduction can be achieved by minimizing the Lorentz self-force over the TMS coil surface

    Process of Expropriation of Buildings for the Construction of the New Dock of the Port of Cartagena (Spain) in the 18th Century

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    The need of the Bourbon monarchy to build a Naval Base in the Bay of Cartagena (Spain) during the eighteenth century, implied performing various actions on the environment which allowed the construction of the new dock. One of the priority actions was the transformation of the watershed of the streams that flowed into Mandaraches´s sea. For this reason, a dike was designed and constructed in the northern part of the city. The design of this great work, which was designed as a fortification of the city, was subject to considerable uncertainties. Its proximity to the city involved the demolition of several buildings in the San Roque´s neighborhood. The greater or lesser number of affected buildings and the value of the just indemnification for the expropriation of them, become decisive factors to determine if the work was viable for the Royal Estate or not