2,030 research outputs found

    Poesía de la Edad Media en bibliotecas particulares españolas del Siglo de Oro (1600-1650)

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    Se estudia la presencia de la poesía de la Edad Media en bibliotecas\ud particulares españolas, de distintas clases sociales, del siglo XVII, para llegar\ud a conclusiones sobre el peso de esta poesía en la cultura de las bibliotecas\ud y lo que ello supone para la historia de la literatura. Se relaciona con otros\ud géneros literarios, con el tipo de libros existentes en las bibliotecas, con las\ud presencias-ausencias, con las proporciones de prosa de ficción, teatro, etc.This study examines the poetry of the Middle Ages in Spanish\ud private libraries, from different social classes, of the seventeenth century, to\ud draw conclusions about the weight of this poetry in the culture of libraries\ud and what this means for the history of literature. It is related to other literary\ud genres, with the kind of books in libraries, with the presence-absence, with\ud the proportions of prose fiction, drama, etc

    El Cid torero: de la literatura al arte

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    The motif of The Cid as bullfighter is extremely rare in the iconography and literature relating to this Spanish medieval hero. The author examines Goya’s preparatory drawings and print of “The Cid Campeador spearing another bull” (La Tauromaquia, plate 11) and the Mojiganga del Cid para fiestas del Señor, in which The Cid triumphs as a bullfighter. This 17th-century literary masquerade precedes Nicolás Fernández de Moratín’s 18th-century Fiesta de toros en Madrid, so often associated by the critics with Goya’s bullfight imagery.Partiendo de la rareza en la iconografía y literatura cidianas del motivo del Cid torero, se toman en consideración los dibujos y grabados de Goya del Cid Campeador “lanceando un toro” y la Mojiganga del Cid para fiestas del Señor (siglo XVII) en que aparece el Cid triunfando como torero. Testimonio éste anterior a la “Fiesta de toros en Madrid”, de Nicolás Fernández de Moratín, cuya relación con Goya ha venido estudiando la crítica

    Collection and integration of local knowledge and experience through a collective spatial analysis

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    This article discusses the convenience of adopting an approach of Collective Spatial Analysis in the P/PGIS processes, with the aim of improving the collection and integration of knowledge and local expertise in decision-making, mainly in the fields of planning and adopting territorial policies. Based on empirical evidence, as a result of the review of scientific articles from the Web of Science database, in which it is displayed how the knowledge and experience of people involved in decision-making supported by P/PGIS are collected and used, a prototype of a WEB-GSDSS application has been developed. This prototype allows a group of people to participate anonymously, in an asynchronous and distributed way, in a decision-making process to locate goods, services, or events through the convergence of their views. Via this application, two case studies for planning services in districts of Ecuador and Italy were carried out. Early results suggest that in P/PGIS local and external actors contribute their knowledge and experience to generate information that afterwards is integrated and analysed in the decision-making process. On the other hand, in a Collective Spatial Analysis, these actors analyse and generate information in conjunction with their knowledge and experience during the process of decision-making. We conclude that, although the Collective Spatial Analysis approach presented is in a subjective and initial stage, it does drive improvements in the collection and integration of knowledge and local experience, foremost among them is an interdisciplinary geo-consensusPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    New perspectives and new scenarios of contemporary British theater

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    En este artículo se analizan las nuevas tendencias del teatro británico contemporáneo. En particular prestamos atención a los movimientos y autores más representativos surgidos a partir de 1995, como es el caso del “teatro verbatim” y el denominado “teatro in-yer-face”. Ello nos obliga a llevar a cabo un estudio retrospectivo en el que incluiremos elementos fundamentales en el desarrollo de las nuevas corrientes, como es el renacimiento del teatro británico acaecido a mediados de la década de los cincuenta, la realidad social heredada de la era Thatcher y los acontecimientos político-sociales de ámbito nacional e internacional que acapararon la atención pública en los últimos años del siglo XX y en los primeros del nuevo milenio.The aim of this research is to examine the different tendencies in the contemporary British drama. More significantly we focus on the most representative trends and playwrights that emerged around 1995, that is the case of “verbatim drama” and the so-called “in-yer-face theatre”. This fact leads us to a retrospective look over the main elements involved in how British drama has flourished outstandingly, such as the renaissance of British theatre happened in the mid-1950s, the post-Thatcher social reality and the current socio-political events at national and international levels

    Educar en el diálogo interreligioso es una urgencia

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    La actual situación sociopolítica internacional, posterior al fin de la tensión de\ud bloques, hace urgente plantearnos la educación en el diálogo intercultural e\ud interreligioso. Se ha propuesto, desde algunas instancias y con éxito, una visión del\ud panorama mundial basado en el 'choque de civilizaciones'. Este esquema mental trae\ud consigo, además, una determinada forma de convivir con la diversidad religiosa en\ud cada nación, que apuesta por reforzar los rasgos identitarios frente al 'extranjero '.\ud Sin embargo, es posible aportar una nuevo esquema, basado en el diálogo entre\ud culturas y religiones. Ahora bien, el diálogo no se improvisa, sino que tiene sus características\ud y exigencias propias. Estos presupuestos de un verdadero diálogo nos llevan\ud a concluir que el diálogo no es una estrategia, sino una forma de vida. Educar\ud hacia esta forma de vida implica incluir no sólo contenidos conceptuales, sino también\ud procedimentales y actitudinales en nuestros programas educativos para ayudar\ud a nacer una verdadera alternativa a la cultura del enfrentamiento y la violencia que\ud nos rodea

    Ubiquitous learning ecologies for a critical cybercitizenship

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    The aim of this research is to identify and analyse the ubiquitous learning acquired though blending education settings devoted to the 'lifelong training of trainers' and how these contribute to the development of a conscious, critic and engaged citizenship. Through active exploration of the learning process, the study analyses the 'soft skills” acquired which enhance performance in work and daily life, with the purpose of detecting the process of ubiquitous learning often overlooked in formal education. To this end, the study case presented here draws upon a data triangulation of qualitative and quantitative multisource information (questionnaires, interviews, participant observation, discussion groups, individual and collective diaries) which includes the study of the semantic networks consisting of learners’ own utterances. The results obtained indicate that the soft skills related to the capacity of selfdevelopment, the use of innovative resources, the enhancement of social cooperation, the ability to meet cognitive and social challenges, and the functional learning as produced though expanded learning, have the potential to pave the way for the empowerment of peoples, communities and social movements. But this form of expanded learning, as open, collaborative, democratic and committed learning, must be actively supported if future generations are not only to be consumers but also cooperative producers in a socially shared world

    Grafting of polypyrrole-3-carboxylic acid to the surface of hexamethylene diisocyanate-functionalized graphene oxide

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    A polypyrrole-carboxylic acid derivative (PPy-COOH) was covalently anchored on the surface of hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI)-modified graphene oxide (GO) following two different esterification approaches: activation of the carboxylic acids of the polymer by carbodiimide, and conversion of the carboxylic groups to acyl chloride. Microscopic observations revealed a decrease in HDI-GO layer thickness for the sample prepared via the first strategy, and the heterogeneous nature of the grafted samples. Infrared and Raman spectroscopies corroborated the grafting success, demonstrating the emergence of a peak associated with the ester group. The yield of the grafting reactions (31% and 42%) was roughly calculated from thermogravimetric analysis, and it was higher for the sample synthesized via formation of the acyl chloride-functionalized PPy. The grafted samples showed higher thermal stability (similar to 30 and 40 degrees C in the second decomposition stage) and sheet resistance than PPy-COOH. They also exhibited superior stiffness and strength both at 25 and 100 degrees C, and the reinforcing efficiency was approximately maintained at high temperatures. Improved mechanical performance was attained for the sample with higher grafting yield. The developed method is a valuable approach to covalently attach conductive polymers onto graphenic nanomaterials for application in flexible electronics, fuel cells, solar cells, and supercapacitors.Ministerio de Economia y Competitivida

    Distribution of flumequine in intestinal contents and colon tissue in pigs after its therapeutic use in the drinking water

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    [EN] Flumequine concentrations in plasma, colon tissue and intestinal contents were evaluated in 12 healthy pigs after oral administration (12 mg/kg every 24 h for 5 consecutive days in drinking water). Plasma, colon tissue and intestinal content samples were collected from animals sacrificed on days 3, 6 and 7. Concentrations were measured by high performance liquid chromatography after having validated the method, following the European Medicines Agency (EMA) requirements. The drug was not detected in any plasma sample. In colon tissue, concentrations were higher on day 3 (0.230 ± 0.033 µg/g, descending colon; 0.156 ± 0.093 µg/g, ascending colon) than on day 6 (0.187 ± 0.123 µg/g, descending colon; 0.107 ± 0.007 µg/g, ascending colon). Concentrations were considerably higher in intestinal contents, again on day 3 (1.349 ± 1.401 µg/g, descending colon; 0.591 ± 0.209 µg/g, ascending colon) than on days 6 (0.979 ± 0.346 µg/g, descending colon; 0.595 ± 0.075 µg/g, ascending colon) and 7 (0.247 ± 0.172 µg/g, descending colon; 0.172 ± 0.086 µg/g, ascending colon). Measured concentrations were lower than those effective against the most common intestinal pathogenic microorganisms in swine and, more specifically, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae.SIThis research was funded by Laboratorios Syva S.A.U