149 research outputs found

    Integració docent d'eines per al desenvolupament de les competències professionals

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    L'experiència està emmarcada dins d'una assignatura de segon cicle, de les titulacions de Psicologia i Criminologia, que pretén donar eines per a la intervenció en l'àmbit de les famílies en risc d'exclusió social i de la protecció de menors

    La interpretación geomorfológica en la cartografía de peligro de inundación

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    La interpretación geomorfológica de los procesos fluviales resulta fundamental para la elaboración de cartografía de peligro de inundación. Los ríos se comportan de una manera dinámica y pueden variar su topografía de una crecida a otra. Por ello, una cartografía de peligrosidad, excesivamente dependiente de modelos hidráulicos e hidrológicos, puede resultar ineficaz y quedarse obsoleta tras un suceso de alta energía. Conocer los elementos de geomorfología fluvial, así como sus procesos asociados permite una previsión a más largo plazo y una aproximación más realista al riesgo. En este trabajo se presentan ejemplos de interpretación geomorfológica de formas y procesos fluviales, en clave de peligro de inundación. Se han seleccionado tres cuencas de diferentes entornos morfoclimáticos que, a distintas escalas, permiten ilustrar algunos puntos donde la geomorfología propicia un determinado proceso y, en consecuencia, condiciona el tipo de peligro de la zona. La interpretación geomorfológica se ha llevado a cabo mediante trabajo de campo, de laboratorio y a partir de imágenes de satélite (RADARSAT e Ikonos)

    Seasonal variability of oceanographic conditions off NW Galician waters influencing the early life trophic ecology of European hake Merluccius merluccius by stable isotope analysis

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    Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbón (δ13C) have been used as tracers for analyzing the trophic ecology of European hake larvae collected during the winter and summer of 2012 off NW Galicia. The sampling times correspond to periods of high and low hake spawning activity, respectively. Trophic enrichment was analyzed using as baseline two different plankton size fractions, corresponding to micro- (55-200μm) and mesozooplankton (>200μm). During both seasons, the δ15N signatures of hake larvae showed higher values than the zooplankton fractions. The first survey carried out in late February was characterized by a preceding marked upwelling, low geostrophic velocities in the hydrographic circulation and an intense mixing of the water column. This environmental scenario is hypothesizing that originated a great nutrient availability for primary consumers showed its effect in the low δ15N values observed in plankton and hake larvae. During July, the environmental setting corresponded to period where the water column was stratified, an anticyclonic gyre was formed in the center of the study area that concentrated particles and weak upwelling conditions and strong geostrophic currents where found. This scenario was characterized hypothetically by low nutrient availability in which production is mainly based on regenerated nutrients which would explain the higher δ15N values found during this period. On the other hand, the greater δ13C values observed in summer in comparison to winter suggest differences in the energetic sources of carbon (Fig. 1). The discussion of results is centered in how oceanographic variability conditions signatures of stable isotope fractionation in the early life trophic food web influencing the variable trophic pathways of larval hake subject to contrasting environmental conditions, thereby affecting their larval nutritional condition as estimated by RNA/DNA ratios and the Fulton index. This study was financed by the projects: CRAMER-CTM2010-21856-CO3 y ECOPREGA-10MMA602021P

    Stable isotope analysis indicates resource partitioning and trophic niche overlap in larvae of four tuna species in the Gulf of Mexico

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    In this study we assessed the trophic ecology of bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus larvae from the Gulf of Mexico, together with the co-occurring larvae of blackfin tuna T. atlanticus, bullet tuna Auxis rochei, and skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis, using both bulk-tissue stable isotope analysis (SIAbulk) and compound-specific analysis of amino acids (CSIAAA). Bulk nitrogen (δ15Nbulk) and carbon (δ13Cbulk) values differed significantly among species, suggesting partitioning of resources due to an adaptive process allowing these tunas to share the ecosystem’s trophic resources during this early life period. K. pelamis had the largest isotopic niche width, likely due to piscivorous feeding at an earlier age compared to the other species, with an isotopic niche overlap of 17.5% with T. thynnus, 15.8% with T. atlanticus, and 31.2% with A. rochei. This trophic overlap suggests a mix of competition and trophic differentiation among these 4 species of tuna larvae. Higher nitrogen isotopic signatures in preflexion versus postflexion larvae of T. thynnus measured using both SIAbulk and CSIAAA indicate maternal isotopic transmission, as well as ‘capital breeder’-like characteristics. In contrast, the nitrogen isotopic ratios of the other 3 species were similar between ontogenetic stages. These observations suggest different breeding strategies within the study area for T. atlanticus, K. pelamis, and A. rochei compared to T. thynnus. No significant differences were observed among the 4 species’ trophic positions (TPs) estimated by CSIAAA, whereas a higher TP was observed for T. thynnus by SIAbulk. These differences in TP estimation may be attributed to discrepancies in baseline estimates.Postprint2,48


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    The present study uses stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon (δ15N and δ13C) as trophic indicators for Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae (BFT) (6-10 mm SL) in the highly contrasting environmental conditions of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and the Balearic Sea (MED). The study analyzes ontogenetic changes in the food sources and trophic levels (TL) of BFT larvae from each spawning habitat. The results discuss differences in the ontogenic dietary shifts observed in the BFT larvae from the GOM and MED as well as trophodynamic differences in relation to the microzooplanktonic baselines used for estimating trophic enrichment. Significant trophic differences between the GOM and MED larvae were observed in relation to δ15N signatures in favour of the MED larvae, which may have important implications in their early life growth strategy.Versión de edito

    Molecular characterization of the diet of the planktonic community in Málaga Bay (NW Alboran Sea)

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    The seasonal changes in structure and functioning of the pelagic trophic web in Málaga Bay (NW Alboran Sea) are related to the annual hydrological cycle. However, time series analyses have shown that the relationship between interannual hydrological variability and the plankton community composition is weak. This might be due to different human-induced pressures (nutrient pollution, coastal fisheries) acting on different compartments of the trophic web. The net effect of all these factors would depend on how the ecosystem channels changes in the composition and abundance of each trophic level. Interactions of phytoplankton-ciliates-zooplankton might have a central role in the regulation of the trophic web in Málaga Bay, although the trophic relations of the dominant groups remain still undefined. In order to identify the dominant trophic relationships we aimed to characterise the diet of key ichthyo- and mesozooplankton species in the field. Given that gut content preys (phyto- and microplankton) are fragile and not easy to identify visually, we developed species-specific molecular markers to detect their presence/absence within the predators gut