2,554 research outputs found

    Aplicación del análisis de los rasgos ecológicos ("traits") de las presas para el estudio del comportamiento alimentario en peces bentóofagos : el ejemplo del espinoso (Gasterosteus gymnurus Cuvier, 1829)

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    We have used fourteen ecological traits of the macroinvertebrates present in the stomachs of the stickleback to try to obtain information on it's feeding behaviour in the upper part of the Miño basin (NW Spain). To this end, a principal components analysis was carried out, using the level of affinity of the taxa for the different categories of the traits through a fuzzy codification process. The results show that the stickleback is a bottom-feeder that feeds basically on benthic prey, but can also consume terrestrial prey on the surface, the Chironomid larvae being the most abundant prey (constituted 59.66% of the total). This species exhibited a generalist behaviour concerning some of the ecological traits of the prey (ex. 'substratum', 'aggregation tendency', 'trajectory on the substratum and in the drift', 'agility' or 'body flexibility'). In other cases it showed a clear preference for prey with certain characteristics, such as taxa typical of areas where the velocity of the current is null or low (trait 'current velocity') or taxa available in the drift during daylight (trait 'daily drift behavior'). The results obtained show that this type of analysis could be used on other bottom-feeder species, thus providing a more ecological approach to feeding studies.Hemos utilizado catorce rasgos ecológicos ("traits") de los macroinvertebrados presentes en los estómagos del espinoso para intentar obtener información sobre su comportamiento alimentario en la cuenca alta del Miño (NO España). Para ello se ha realizado un análisis de componentes principales utilizando el grado de afinidad de los taxones por las diferentes categorías de los rasgos mediante un procedimiento de codificación difusa. Los resultados muestran que el espinoso es un comedor de fondo que se alimenta básicamente de presas bentónicas, pero que también puede consumir presas terrestres en superficie, siendo los Quironómidos en estado de larva las presas más abundantes (constituyeron el 59.66% del total). Esta especie presentó un comportamiento generalista en cuanto a alguno de los rasgos ecol'ogicos de las presas (ej. rasgos 'substrato', 'tendencia de agregación', 'trayectoria en el substrato y en la deriva', 'agilidad' o 'flexibilidad corporal'), mientras que en otros casos mostr'o una clara preferencia por presas con ciertas características, como por ejemplo taxones típicos de zonas donde la velocidad de corriente es nula o baja (rasgo 'velocidad de corriente') o taxones disponibles en la deriva durante las horas de luz (rasgo 'comportamiento diario de la deriva'). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que este tipo de análisis podría ser empleado en otras especies de peces bentófagos, proporcionando un enfoque más ecológico a los estudios de alimentación

    Combined Manufacturing Process of Copper Electrodes for Micro Texturing Applications (AMSME)

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    Surface texturing has brought significant improvements in the functional properties of parts and components. Sinker electro discharge machining (SEDM) is one of the processes which generates great texturing results at different scale. An electrode is needed to reproduce the geometry to be textured. Some geometries are difficult or impossible to achieve on an electrode using conventional and even unconventional machining methods. This work sets out the advances made in the manufacturing of copper electrodes for electro erosion by additive manufacturing, and their subsequent application to the functional texturing of Al-Cu UNS A92024-T3 alloy. A combined procedure of digital light processing (DLP) additive manufacturing, sputtering and micro-electroforming (AMSME), has been used to produce electrodes. Also, a specific laboratory equipment has been developed to reproduce details on a microscopic scale. Shells with outgoing spherical geometries pattern have been manufactured. AMSME process has shown ability to copper electrodes manufacturing. A highly detailed surface on a micrometric scale have been achieved. Copper shells with minimum thickness close to 300 mu m have been tested in sinker electro discharge machining (SEDM) and have been shown very good performance in surface finishing operations. The method has shown great potential for use in surfaces texturing.This work has received financial support from Spanish Government (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, Grant Project DPI2017-84935-R

    Two novel variants of the ABCG5 gene cause xanthelasmas and macrothrombocytopenia: a brief review of hematologic abnormalities of sitosterolemia

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    [EN] Background: Sitosterolemia (STSL) is a recessive inherited disorder caused by pathogenic variants in the ABCG5 and ABCG8 genes. Increased levels of plasma plant sterols (PSs) usually result in xanthomas and premature coronary atherosclerosis, although hematologic abnormalities may occasionally be present. This clinical picture is unfamiliar to many physicians, and patients may be at high risk of misdiagnosis. Objectives: To report two novel ABCG5 variants causing STSL in a Spanish patient, and review the clinical and mutational landscape of STSL. Patient/Methods: A 46-year-old female was referred to us with lifelong macrothrombocytopenia. She showed familial hypercholesterolemia-related xanthomas. Molecular analysis was performed with high-throughput sequencing. Plasma PS levels were evaluated with gas–liquid chromatography. The STSL landscape was reviewed with respect to specific online databases and all reports published since 1974. Results: A blood smear revealed giant platelets and stomatocytes. Novel compound heterozygous variants were detected in exons 7 (c.914C>G) and 13 (c.1890delT) of ABCG5. The patient showed an increased plasma level of sitosterol. These findings support the diagnosis of STSL. In our review, we identified only 25 unrelated STLS patients who presented with hematologic abnormalities including macrothrombocytopenia

    References data on the growth and population parameters of brown trout in siliceous rivers of Galicia (NW Spain)

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    Brown trout is an important angling species worldwide, and its morphology, population structure and genetics can be highly variable from one location to another. In this study, we provide data for the establishment of reference range values for several population and growth parameters of brown trout in the Cantabrian-Atlantic siliceous rivers of Galicia (NW Spain). Additionally, this study tests the hypothesis that the population and growth parameters differ among sections of rivers with different exploitation statuses (unexploited, exploited-regulated and exploited-open sections). Our study revealed that such population parameters as biomass and production were higher in unexploited sections, but the differences in growth among the sections with different angling regulations were not consistent. The findings of this study are discussed in light of the present knowledge on the status of trout fisheries, as it is essential for the development of management plans. Additional studies are needed to clarify whether the differences in growth can be correlated to the angling regulations.La trucha común es una especie muy apreciada por los pescadores deportivos en todo el mundo, y su morfología, estructura poblacional y características genéticas pueden variar considerablemente entre áreas geográficas próximas. En este estudio proporcionamos datos para el establecimiento de categorías de referencia de varios parámetros poblacionales y de crecimiento de la trucha común en ríos silíceos Cantábrico-Atlánticos de Galicia (NO España). Además, con la realización de este estudio se pretende verificar la hipótesis de que los parámetros poblacionales y el crecimiento pueden variar entre tramos de ríos con diferente tipo de regulación de pesca deportiva (tramos vedados o inexplotados, tramos de pesca acotados y tramos de pesca libre). Así, nuestro estudio reveló que algunos parámetros poblacionales como la biomasa y la producción fueron más elevados en los tramos vedados, pero las diferencias en el crecimiento entre tramos con diferente regulación de pesca deportiva no fueron consistentes. Los resultados de este trabajo se discuten teniendo en cuenta el conocimiento actual sobre el estado de las poblaciones de trucha común, pues son esenciales para el desarrollo de planes de gestión. No obstante, se requieren de más estudios para aclarar si las diferencias en crecimiento se pueden relacionar con el tipo de regulación de pesca deportiva

    Paisajes y flora forestal de al-Andalus: una reconstrucción a partir de documentación histórica textual

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    The translation and interpretation of works by Andalusi botanists and agronomists provide an increasingly sharp image of the species and forest landscapes in al-Andalus (Iberian area under Muslim rule in the Middle Ages). Regarding agriculture, it is known that domestication processes and the introduction of new species and singular forms of use were carried out, thus changing agricultural landscapes. Consequently, new life styles and consumption habits developed. A lot less is known about forestry management, especially when referring to forest landscapes and tree species in the Iberian Peninsula. The authors of this work have been studying agricultural and forest flora in al-Andalus for many years. In addition to numerous miscellaneous contributions, their first approximation on the trees and shrubs cultivated there was published in 2004, and the first volume of Flora Agrícola y Forestal de Al-Andalus covering 80 species of monocotyledons appeared in 2012. In anticipation of the volume devoted to woody dicotyledons to be published in 2019 (including over 150 species, 100 genera and 50 families), a synthesis of the forest landscapes and the most unique species in the Arabic texts is presented in this work. Among the taxa identified are Iberian endemics such as Flueggea tinctoria and Corema album, rare taxa or highly localized ones like Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum, Tetraclinis articulata and Zizyphus lotus with species of peculiar forestry interest such as Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Taxus baccata, Buxus sempervirens, Ilex aquifolium, Laurus nobilis and Vitex agnus-castus, and archaeophytes like Celtis australis or Anagyris foetida.La traducción e interpretación de las obras de botánicos y geóponos andalusíes permite vislumbrar, de forma cada vez más nítida, las especies y paisajes forestales de al-Andalus (área ibérica bajo dominación musulmana en la Edad Media). En el ámbito agrícola es conocido que se desarrollaron procesos de domesticación e introducción de nuevas especies y formas singulares de uso que cambiaron los paisajes agrícolas y, en consecuencia, también las formas de vida y alimentación, pero es mucho menos conocido lo concerniente al ámbito forestal, especialmente si nos referimos a los paisajes y especies forestales ibéricas. Los autores estudian la Flora Agrícola y Forestal en al-Andalus. Además de numerosas contribuciones misceláneas, una primera aproximación sobre los árboles y arbustos cultivados fue publicada en 2004, y un primer volumen de la citada Flora en 2012, abarcando 80 especies de monocotiledóneas. Como adelanto al volumen dedicado a las dicotiledóneas leñosas, que será publicado en 2019 (con más de 150 especies de 100 géneros y 50 familias), se presenta ahora una síntesis de los paisajes forestales y de las especies más singulares identificadas en los textos estudiados. Entre ellas hay endemismos ibéricos como Fluggea tinctoria y Corema album, taxones raros o muy localizados como Rhododendron ponticum subsp. baeticum, Tetraclinis articulata o Zizyphus lotus, junto a especies de singular interés forestal como Arctostaphilos uva-ursi, Taxus baccata, Buxus sempervirens, Ilex aquifolium, Laurus nobilis o Vitex agnus-castus, y arqueófitos como Celtis australis o Anagyris foetida

    Oxidative Balance Scores (OBSs) Integrating Nutrient, Food and Lifestyle Dimensions: Development of the NutrientL-OBS and FoodL-OBS

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    This research was co-funded by the Health Research Found (FIS), Accion Estrategica en Salud (AES), of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant number PI12/00002, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Oxidative Balance Scores (OBS) are tools that allow us to assess the individual's antioxidant state by ranking both antioxidant and pro-oxidant components of dietary and lifestyle factors. Our aim was to develop novel OBSs accounting for either the global supply of nutrient antioxidants in the diet, or the intake of antioxidant-rich foods, in combination with lifestyle factors. Pro-oxidant factors were also considered. Within two centers of the Spanish European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study, EPIC-Granada and EPIC-Gipuzkoa (N = 14,756 participants), we developed the Nurient, Food and Lifestyle OBS (NutrientL-OBS and FoodL-OBS), and their simplified versions (solely with dietary or lifestyle factors, the Nutrient-OBS, Food-OBS and L-OBS). Their antioxidant potential was evaluated considering their relationship with: (i) 20 scores of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD); and, (ii) 25 biomarkers of antioxidant nutrients (ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, etc.), inflammation (CRP, TNF-alpha, etc.) and oxidative stress (uric acid), among 210 participants. Spearman correlation and multivariate linear regression analyses were applied to analyze these associations. Some statistically significant relationships were encountered between the NutrientL-OBS and the FoodL-OBS with the MD scores, and with ascorbic acid (per one-unit increase in OBS: beta = 0.012 and 0.015; p = 0.022 and 0.008, respectively) and CRP (per one-unit increase in both OBS: beta = -0.02; p = 0.02); the latter appeared to be restricted to the OBS ' s lifestyle components. In conclusion, the NutrientL- and FoodL-OBSs and their sub-versions are related to antioxidant-rich dietary patterns and to biomarkers of antioxidant nutrient intake and inflammation, supporting that these tools are valid to assess the individual ' s oxidative/antioxidant status.Health Research Found (FIS), Accion Estrategica en Salud (AES), of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness PI12/00002European Commissio

    La Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales como recurso educativo para el profesorado de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Una propuesta innovativa de formación e-learning.

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    Los avances en las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC), evidentes en materias técnicas y científicas, repercuten directamente en el ámbito educativo. Preparar a los alumnos en el campo de las TIC tiene su base en la formación del profesorado para que utilicen recursos educativos, herramientas metodológicas y soportes tecnológicos en el aula ofreciendo al alumno la posibilidad de informarse, aprender y comunicarse utilizando las TIC. En este contexto, se propone la utilización de las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (IDE) como un recurso educativo en aquellas materias de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria que abordan contenidos vinculados a la información geográfica y las TIC, lo que implica brindar al profesorado formación en materia de IDE que le permita tener una visión de las posibilidades que ofrecen las mismas como recurso educativo. Con el fin de dar respuesta a la formación del profesorado en materia de IDE y contribuyendo a su difusión en el ámbito educativo se esta desarrollando el proyecto: “Formación e-learning para el profesorado de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria para utilizar las IDE como recurso educativo”, a través de un convenio de colaboración entre el Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

    p75NTR antagonists attenuate photoreceptor cell loss in murine models of retinitis pigmentosa

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    ProNGF signaling through p75NTR has been associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) comprises a group of inherited retinal dystrophies that causes progressive photoreceptor cell degeneration and death, at a rate dependent on the genetic mutation. There are more than 300 mutations causing RP, and this is a challenge to therapy. Our study was designed to explore a common mechanism for p75NTR in the progression of RP, and assess its potential value as a therapeutic target. The proNGF/p75NTR system is present in the dystrophic retina of the rd10 RP mouse model. Compared with wild-type (WT) retina, the levels of unprocessed proNGF were increased in the rd10 retina at early degenerative stages, before the peak of photoreceptor cell death. Conversely, processed NGF levels were similar in rd10 and WT retinas. ProNGF remained elevated throughout the period of photoreceptor cell loss, correlating with increased expression of α2-macroglobulin, an inhibitor of proNGF processing. The neuroprotective effect of blocking p75NTR was assessed in organotypic retinal cultures from rd10 and RhoP mouse models. Retinal explants treated with p75NTR antagonists showed significantly reduced photoreceptor cell death, as determined by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assay and by preservation of the thickness of the outer nuclear layer (ONL), where photoreceptor nuclei are located. This effect was accompanied by decreased retinal-reactive gliosis and reduced TNFα secretion. Use of p75NTR antagonist THX-B (1,3-diisopropyl-1-[2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-purin-7-yl)-acetyl]-urea) in vivo in the rd10 and RhoP mouse models, by a single intravitreal or subconjunctival injection, afforded neuroprotection to photoreceptor cells, with preservation of the ONL. This study demonstrates a role of the p75NTR/proNGF axis in the progression of RP, and validates these proteins as therapeutic targets in two different RP models, suggesting utility irrespective of etiology.Fil: Platón-Corchado, María. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Barcelona, Pablo Federico. Mc Gill University. Lady Davis Research Intitute; Canadá. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Jmaeff, Sean. Mc Gill University. Lady Davis Research Intitute; CanadáFil: Marchena, Miguel. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Hernández-Pinto, Alberto M.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Hernández-Sánchez, Catalina. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Saragovi, H. Uri. Mc Gill University. Lady Davis Research Intitute; CanadáFil: de la Rosa, Enrique J. Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas; Españ