81 research outputs found

    Design of a quality control process for Dealgecco GmbH

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    146 páginasEn este proyecto, el objetivo es obtener el objetivo general de diseñar un sistema de garantía de calidad. Los pasos que se tomaron para hacerlo comenzaron con la preparación de los datos y los resultados del proceso. Esta información es la base para determinar el estado de todos los procesos, una tarea necesaria al diseñar un sistema de garantía de calidad. De toda esta información, se ha obtenido una extensa lista de problemas. Esta lista es uno de los problemas más importantes que afectan el desarrollo correcto del negocio del ciclo de vida. Este artículo está disponible en cuatro grupos; equipo, proceso, producto e información. Una vez que esto se determinó, la tarea consistió en ofrecer soluciones para estos problemas mediante el desarrollo de herramientas útiles y simples.PregradoIngeniero(a) Industria

    Enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional (mola) en paciente con útero didelfo bicollis y tabique vaginal longitudinal: Revisión de la literatura y reporte de caso

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    Objetivo: Reportar el caso de una paciente que presenta enfermedad trofoblastica gestacional, tipo mola asociado a útero didelfo, bicollis y tabique vaginal longitudinal en una clínica de tercer nivel de la ciudad Cali, año 2020. Presentación del caso: Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 24 años sin antecedentes de importancia, con dolor hipogástrico y sangrado vaginal moderado con BHCG 226.773, perfil hepático normal, creatinina normal y ecografía que reporta alteración mulleriana de tipo útero bicorne, didelfo y gestación de viabilidad incierta de tipo mola, por lo que se remite para realización de vacum. Patología que comprueba la presencia de mola hidatiforme completa. Conclusiones: la presentación de enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional en este caso de mola completa asociada a una alteración mülleriana de tipo útero didelfo bicollis con tabique vaginal longitudunal es de una incidencia incierta, existen pocos casos en el mundo registrado de la concomitancia de dichas patologías. Por lo tanto, la sospecha clínica de las alteraciones müllerianas, la adecuada valoración ecográfica y el seguimiento de la BHCG establecera un enfoque diagnostico y terapeutico

    Posibilidades de reparación psicosocial a partir de los diálogos generativos en familiares victimas de Falsos Positivos, desde el activismo ciudadano en los medios virtuales de comunicación

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo posibilitar construcciones reparadoras en los y las familiares víctimas de los falsos positivos , mediante la generación de diálogos con las víctimas, desde las opiniones relacionadas con este hecho emblemático de los lectores de la Revista Semana y periódico El Espectador en su versión virtual, quienes ejercen un activismo ciudadano desde el agenciamiento comunicativo. Tomando el establecimiento de dicho objetivo y abordando el marco del construccionismo social, se propone propiciar un espacio en que se utilicen como instrumento los diálogos generativos, los cuales surgen como procesos emergentes que trabajan sobre microprocesos y flujos de conversaciones, siendo así recursos conversacionales, destrezas generativas y capacidades de posibilitar la visualización del futuro, integrando diversos enfoques y procesos, que permiten trascender hacia nuevas formas de vida, nuevas formas de relación, nuevas versiones y visiones de las y los participantes."This research aims to enable remedial construction in the family and victims of ""false positives"", by generating dialogue with the victims, from the views related to this emblematic fact of the ""readers"" of Semana magazine and newspaper El Espectador in its virtual version, who exercise civic activism from the assemblage of communication. Taking the establishment of this goal and addressing the social constructionist framework, it is proposed to create a space that is used as an instrument of generative dialogues, which arise as emergent processes working on micro-processes and flow of conversations, making it conversational resources, skills generative and capabilities to enable the display of the future, integrating different approaches and processes, the path towards new forms of life, new relationships, new versions and visions of the participants. "Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Efficacy of a Satyananda Yoga intervention for reintegrating adults diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder

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    ABSTRACT: The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in ex-combatants from illegal armed groups in Colombia has been estimated at 37.4%. This high prevalence indicates a need to explore alternative and adjunctive therapies in the treatment of PTSD. A randomized controlled trial was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a protocol based on Satyananda Yoga® in PTSD-diagnosed reintegrating adults in Colombia. One hundred reintegrating adults (n = 50 for each of the yoga and control arms) from Bogota and Medellin participated in this study. Yoga participants engaged in a Satyananda Yoga intervention for 16 weeks while the control group continued the regular demobilization program. The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Civilian Version (PCL-C) was used to evaluate the effects of the applied therapy. Outcomes were assessed before entry and after the treatment. T-tests revealed a treatment effect of d = 1.15 for the yoga group and a between-groups effect size of d = .73. The difference in improvement in PCL-C scores between both groups was 18.91% (p < 0.05). The highest percentage of improvement was observed in the re-experiencing symptom cluster (23.71%; p < 0.05), with a treatment effect of d = 1.40 for the yoga group and a between-groups effect size of d = 1.15. The data suggest that Satyananda Yoga methodology is an effective therapy for reintegrating adults diagnosed with PTSD. Further research is needed in order to evaluate prolonged effects of this alternative therapy

    Metabolomic profiling of end-stage heart failure secondary to chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy

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    Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) is the most frequent and severe clinical form of chronic Chagas disease, representing one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in Latin America, and a growing global public health problem. There is currently no approved treatment for CCC; however, omics technologies have enabled significant progress to be made in the search for new therapeutic targets. The metabolic alterations associated with pathogenic mechanisms of CCC and their relationship to cellular and immunopathogenic processes in cardiac tissue remain largely unknown. This exploratory study aimed to evaluate the potential underlying pathogenic mechanisms in the failing myocardium of patients with end-stage heart failure (ESHF) secondary to CCC by applying an untargeted metabolomic profiling approach. Cardiac tissue samples from the left ventricle of patients with ESHF of CCC etiology (n = 7) and healthy donors (n = 7) were analyzed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Metabolite profiles showed altered branched-chain amino acid and acylcarnitine levels, decreased fatty acid uptake and oxidation, increased activity of the pentose phosphate pathway, dysregulation of the TCA cycle, and alterations in critical cellular antioxidant systems. These findings suggest processes of energy deficit, alterations in substrate availability, and enhanced production of reactive oxygen species in the affected myocardium. This profile potentially contributes to the development and maintenance of a chronic inflammatory state that leads to progression and severity of CCC. Further studies involving larger sample sizes and comparisons with heart failure patients without CCC are needed to validate these results, opening an avenue to investigate new therapeutic approaches for the treatment and prevention of progression of this unique and severe cardiomyopathy

    Trasplantes amigdalares embrionarios en ratas adultas con lesiones de la corteza motora: análisis molecular y electrofisiológico

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    Transplants of embryonic nervous tissue ameliorate motor deficits induced by motor cortex lesions in adult animals. Restoration of lost brain functions has been recently shown in grafts of homotopic cortical origin, to be associated with a functional integration of the transplant after development of reciprocal host-graft connections. Nevertheless little is known about physiological properties or gene expression profiles of cortical implants with functional restorative capacity but no cortical origin. In this study, we show molecular and electrophysiological evidence supporting the functional development and integration of heterotopic transplants of embryonic amygdalar tissue placed into pre-lesioned motor cortex of adult rats. Grafts were analyzed 3 months post-transplantation

    Repositorios de tesis de posgrado: Capacidad del sistema académico NEA para la generación de depósitos de tesis de acceso libre. 16H315

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    Actividades realizadas durante el período: Exploración Teórica y Documental del Campo Investigativo; Búsqueda, localización y evaluación de bibliografía especializada; Búsqueda, selección y recuperación de documentos institucionales, nacionales e internacionales; Registro, interpretación y aplicación de la documentación descriptiva y explicativa, a la temática en estudio; Encuadre teórico-metodológico del proyect

    Synergistic activation of AMPK prevents from polyglutamine-inducedtoxicity inCaenorhabditis elegans

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    11 páginas, 4 figuras. Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the online version, at doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2020.105105.Expression of abnormally long polyglutamine (polyQ) tracks is the source of a range of dominant neurodegenerative diseases, such as Huntington disease. Currently, there is no treatment for this devastating disease, although some chemicals, e.g., metformin, have been proposed as therapeutic solutions. In this work, we show that metformin, together with salicylate, can synergistically reduce the number of aggregates produced after polyQ expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. Moreover, we demonstrate that incubation polyQ-stressed worms with low doses of both chemicals restores neuronal functionality. Both substances are pleitotropic and may activate a range of different targets. However, we demonstrate in this report that the beneficial effect induced by the combination of these drugs depends entirely on the catalytic action of AMPK, since loss of function mutants of aak-2/AMPKα2 do not respond to the treatment. To further investigate the mechanism of the synergetic activity of metformin/salicylate, we used CRISPR to generate mutant alleles of the scaffolding subunit of AMPK, aakb-1/AMPKβ1. In addition, we used an RNAi strategy to silence the expression of the second AMPKβ subunit in worms, namely aakb-2/AMPKβ2. In this work, we demonstrated that both regulatory subunits of AMPK are modulators of protein homeostasis. Interestingly, only aakb-2/AMPKβ2 is required for the synergistic action of metformin/salicylate to reduce polyQ aggregation. Finally, we showed that autophagy acts downstream of metformin/salicylate-related AMPK activation to promote healthy protein homeostasis in worms.We thank the CGC, funded by the NIH Office of ResearchInfrastructure Programs (P40 OD010440), for worm strains. [...] RPVMis aMiguel Servet type IIresearcher (CPII16/00004) funded by Institutode Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, Madrid, Spain). Grants from the ISCIII wereused to perform this work (PI14/00949 and PI17/00011). All grantsfrom ISCIII are co-financed by the European Development RegionalFund”A way to achieve Europe”(ERDF). JBY holds a grant from theGeneralitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund (ACIF/2019/249). Some equipment used in this work has been funded in partnershipbetween the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de Sanitat I SalutPública, Valencian Community, Spain) and European Funds (ERDF/FSE), through the call "Improvement of research infrastructures for rarediseases”CV FEDER 2014-2020. This work has been partially supportedby a grant from the Fundació Telemarató de la TV3 (Reference 559),which covered the work of MDS. The funds from the ISCIII are partiallysupported by the European Regional Development Fund. RPVM is also aMarie Curie fellow (CIG322034, EU). This work has been partiallysupported by a grant from the CIBERER (ACCI2016), a grant from theFundación Ramón Areces (CIVP19S8119) and anAyuda Miguel Gilgrantto RPVM (VII Convocatoria Ayudas a la Investigación MHER, 2019Peer reviewe