54 research outputs found

    A vision of uses and gratifications applied to the study of Internet use by adolescents

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    Based on uses and gratifications theory, the aim of this paper is to identify the reasons for using Internet among teenagers and to check different variables in order to predict types of uses. After conducting a representative survey applied to 397 high school students in Community of Madrid (Spain), Internet users’ gratifications and their relationships with variables related to adolescent characteristics, family context and time of online exposure are analyzed. The article concludes that daily use of Internet predicts higher consumption of communication and social relationship

    New echinocandin susceptibility patterns for nosocomial Candida albicans in Bogotá, Colombia, in ten tertiary care centres: An observational study

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    Background: Candida albicans remains as the first cause of nosocomial fungal infections in hospitals worldwide and its susceptibility pattern should be better described in our tertiary care hospitals. Methods: This study aimed at identifying the caspofungin susceptibility pattern regarding nosocomial Candida albicans infection in ten tertiary care hospitals using the methodology proposed by CLSI M27-A3 and CLSI M27-S4, and its association with risk factors and clinical outcome. The approach involved descriptive research concerning the diagnosis of nosocomial infection during a 7-month period in 10 hospitals in Bogotá, Colombia. Associations were established using exact non-parametric statistical tests having a high statistical power (>95%), suitable for small samples. The exact Mann Whitney test or Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric ANOVA tests were used for distributions which were different to normal or ordinal variables when comparing three or more groups. Multivariate analysis involved using binomial, multinomial and ordinal exact logistical regression models (hierarchical) and discrimination power was evaluated using area under the ROC curve. Results: 101 nosocomial infections were found in 82,967 discharges, for a Candida spp. infection rate of 12.2 per 10,000 discharges, 30.7% caused by C. albicans, 22.8% by C. tropicalis, 20.8% by C. parapsilosis, 19.8% by other Candida, 3% by C. krusei and 3% by C. glabrata. Statistically significant associations between mortality rate and the absence of parenteral nutrition were found in multivariate analysis (OR = 39.746: 1.794-880.593 95% CI: p = 0.020). The model's predictive power was 83.9%, having an 85.9% significant prediction area (69.5%-100 95% CI; p = 0.001). Conclusions: Significant differences were found regarding susceptibility results when comparing CLSI M27-A3 to CLSI M27-S4 when shifting clinical break-point values. However, one nosocomial strain was consistent in having reduced susceptibility when using both guidelines without having been directly exposed to echinocandins beforehand and no mutations were found in the FKS1 gene for hot spot 1 and/or hot spot 2 regions, thereby highlighting selective pressure regarding widespread antifungal use in tertiary healthcare centres. Nutritional conditions and low family income were seen to have a negative effect on survival rates. © 2015 Rodríguez-Leguizamón et al.; licensee BioMed Central

    Una Experiencia de Gestión de Residuos Avícolas y su Aplicación Agronómica en la Producción Hortícola del Cinturón Verde de Córdoba, Argentina.

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    El uso de residuos avícolas crudos en la fertilización de cultivos es una práctica común entre los productores hortícolas del Cinturón Verde de Córdoba. Sin embargo, debido al riesgo sanitario asociado al manejo de residuos pecuarios en producciones intensivas, se han generado normativas que regulan su uso agronómico. Por ello, el Equipo de Periurbanos y Agroecología (EPA), mediante la Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP), evaluó la calidad de un compost a base de residuos avícolas y su efecto en algunos parámetros de fertilidad del suelo, fisiología y productividad de un cultivo de lechuga. El compost utilizado cumplió con los valores de referencia de las normativas, siendo inocuo para las personas y los cultivos. Los resultados obtenidos, sugieren que este tipo de enmienda orgánica puede ser una alternativa prometedora, tanto para el cumplimiento del marco normativo como para la transición hacia sistemas hortícolas agroecológicos.The use of raw poultry residues as a fertilizer is a common practice among producers of the horticultural productive system in the green belt of Cordoba city. Because of the sanitary risks that this kind of management could bring for human health, there are some regulations that restrict their use. This is why the Equipo de Periurbanos y Agroecología (EPA), through Participatory Action Research, proposed to evaluate the effect of compost produced with poultry residues on soil fertility, some physiological parameters and yield. The compost used for this experiment presented the required parameters that actual regulations demand. The obtained results pointed towards an amendment that could be a promising alternative for both, the accomplishment of the regulatory framework and agroecological transitions.Instituto de Fisiología y Recursos Genéticos VegetalesFil: Gaona Flores, María Amparo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Fisiología y Recursos Genéticos Vegetales; ArgentinaFil: Silbert, V. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI). Regional Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Narmona, Luis. Fundación ArgenINTA. Delegación IFFIVE. Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Ringuelet, A. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Pietrarelli, L. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Bianco, María Verónica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Fisiología y Recursos Genéticos Vegetales; ArgentinaFil: Serri, Dannae Lilia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patología Vegetal; Argentin


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    Collectings of Coccoidea on ornamentals plants, fruit trees and shadow trees were done in 25 localities of Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico, from April 1998 to September 2001, obtaining 32 parasitoid species of the families Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae and Signiphoridae, emerged from 24 species of Coccoidea.Se realizaron colectas de Coccoidea en plantas ornamentales, frutales y en árboles de sombra en 25 localidades de Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México, desde abril de 1998 a septiembre del 2001, obteniéndose 32 especies de avispas parasíticas de las familias Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae y Signiphoridae que emergieron de 24 especies de Coccoidea

    Políticas públicas, autonomía y participación docente en contextos de transformación y cambio

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    Son muy escasos los organismos internacionales que se preocupan por la situación de los docentes: en América Latina la Red Estrado es uno de los contados colectivos que realiza estudios, investigaciones y propuestas por mejorar la condición humana y profesional de los educadores. En el Ecuador, en sus pocos años de funcionamiento, la Red Estrado ha tenido una presencia muy poco activa para denunciar los problemas y dificultades que afectan a los docentes, dar a conocer las fortalezas y cualidades de quienes educan a los ecuatorianos del presente y del futuro y proponer acciones concretas que aseguren el desarrollo de los integrantes del magisterio. Esta organización de la sociedad civil está integrada por un selecto grupo de académicos pertenecientes a varias universidades, quienes con una actitud totalmente desinteresada y altruista, con el apoyo de sus respectivos centros de educación superior, han organizado algunos eventos nacionales, han publicado varios libros sobre la situación docente y, de manera excepcional, han colocado este tema en el imaginario nacional, a fin de dar a conocer los aspectos relacionados con la formación inicial, el ejercicio de la carrera, las condiciones de salud y trabajo, la formación permanente, los problemas salariales, la evaluación y los demás asuntos que se relacionan con la trayectoria profesional de los educadores. El libro políticas públicas, autonomía y participación docente en contextos de transformación y cambio, que se pone a consideración de los lectores, contiene varios estudios e investigaciones llevados a cabo en estos años por algunos docentes de centros educativos ecuatorianos y otros países de América Latina

    La selva inundable de canacoite en Tabasco, México, una comunidad vegetal amenazada

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    The structure, composition and diversity of the floodplain forest (SMPC) of Bravaisia integerrima were studied in the two largest forest stands in Tabasco, Mexico: the Ecological Reserve Yu-Balcah (YCAH) with 271 ha, and State Park La Chontalpa (PECH) with 191 ha. In each forest stand 10 plots of 1000 m2 were sampled. Tree individuals sampled were identified to species, and evaluated in three age categories, seedlings, saplings, and adults. The relationship between species richness and sampling effort was analyzed using Chao 2, ICE, Jacknife 1, Jacknife 2 and Bootstrap. The structural analysis was based on the importance value index. The diversity of species was evaluated, using the Margalef index (DMg), α de Fisher, Shannon-Wiener (H') and equity of Pielou J. The dominance indices of Berger-Parker (d) and Simpson (D) were also used. The total number of species was 76, belonging to 64 genera and 33 botanical families. The richest family was Leguminosae with 15 species. The basal area of the sites YCAH and PECH was 37.2 and 29.5 m2ha-1, respectively. Bravaisia integerrima was the most important tree species in all stands, with an Importance Index of 277. The value of the Shannon index was 2.0 in both sites. YCAH showed the best ecological condition. Six species present in the stands are considered as threatened in Mexico (NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010). The current extent of the floodplain forest of Bravaisia in Tabasco State is 490 ha. The results suggest that the structure and composition of this forest has been affected by human activity. As a consequence, to guarantee the conservation of these remnants of SMPC in Tabasco, it is important to verify their legal situation and the application of management plans, designed to improve the productive activities of the rural communities that live around the stands. To succeed in this endeavor, it is necessary that governmental actors, academics, non-governmental organizations, and civil society work together.Se analizó la estructura, composición y diversidad arbórea de los dos rodales más importantes de selva mediana perennifolia de Bravaisia integerrima (SMPC) de Tabasco, México: el de la Reserva Ecológica Yu-Balcah (YCAH) con una superficie de 271 ha y el del Parque Estatal La Chontalpa (PECH) con 191 ha. En cada uno se levantaron 10 parcelas de muestreo de 1000 m2, cubriendo un área total de 2 ha. Se identificó y registró a las plantas arbóreas, diferenciando brinzales, plantas juveniles y adultos. Se aplicaron diversos índices para analizar el esfuerzo de muestreo, la diversidad de especies, la abundancia proporcional, la dominancia y la equidad. El análisis estructural se basó en el valor de importancia. La riqueza total fue 76 especies, pertenecientes a 64 géneros y 31 familias botánicas, de las que la mejor representada fue Leguminosae con 15 especies. El área basal de YCAH y PECH fue de 37.2 y 29.5 m2ha-1, respectivamente. Bravaisia integerrima fue el árbol con mayor valor de importancia en los dos rodales con un Índice correspondiente de 277. Ambos fragmentos tienen un valor del índice de Shannon de 2.0. El sitio con mejor condición ecológica fue YCAH. Se identificaron seis especies catalogadas en la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. La SMPC presenta una cobertura actual en Tabasco de 490 ha. Los resultados sugieren que su estructura y composición se han visto afectados por la actividad antrópica en la región. Para garantizar la conservación de los remanentes de SMPC en el estado, es importante revisar y actualizar su situación legal y sus planes de manejo, así como generar alternativas sociales y productivas en las poblaciones cercanas. Para lograrlo se requiere de la participación de actores gubernamentales, académicos, organizaciones no gubernamentales, particulares y sociedad en conjunto

    Changes in primary care visits for respiratory illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multinational study by the International Consortium of Primary Care Big Data Researchers (INTRePID)

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    Objectives: The majority of patients with respiratory illness are seen in primary care settings. Given COVID-19 is predominantly a respiratory illness, the INTernational ConsoRtium of Primary Care BIg Data Researchers (INTRePID), assessed the pandemic impact on primary care visits for respiratory illnesses. Design: Definitions for respiratory illness types were agreed on collectively. Monthly visit counts with diagnosis were shared centrally for analysis. Setting: Primary care settings in Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Norway, Peru, Singapore, Sweden and the United States. Participants: Over 38 million patients seen in primary care settings in INTRePID countries before and during the pandemic, from January 1st, 2018, to December 31st, 2021. Main outcome measures: Relative change in the monthly mean number of visits before and after the onset of the pandemic for acute infectious respiratory disease visits including influenza, upper and lower respiratory tract infections and chronic respiratory disease visits including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory allergies, and other respiratory diseases. Results: INTRePID countries reported a marked decrease in the average monthly visits for respiratory illness. Changes in visits varied from −10.9% [95% confidence interval (CI): −33.1 to +11.3%] in Norway to −79.9% (95% CI: −86.4% to −73.4%) in China for acute infectious respiratory disease visits and − 2.1% (95% CI: −12.1 to +7.8%) in Peru to −59.9% (95% CI: −68.6% to −51.3%) in China for chronic respiratory illness visits. While seasonal variation in allergic respiratory illness continued during the pandemic, there was essentially no spike in influenza illness during the first 2 years of the pandemic. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on primary care visits for respiratory presentations. Primary care continued to provide services for respiratory illness, although there was a decrease in infectious illness during the COVID pandemic. Understanding the role of primary care may provide valuable information for COVID-19 recovery efforts and planning for future global emergencies

    Cyclic potentiodynamic polarization on titanium alloys anodizing in alkaline solutions

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    Titanium alloys are used in different industries such as biomedical, aerospace, aeronautic, chemical, and naval. Those industries have high requirements with few damage tolerances. The aim of this work was to study the corrosion behavior of titanium alloys anodizing and non-anodizing in alkaline (KOH and NaOH) solutions, exposed in 3.5%wt. NaCl and 3.5% wt. H2SO4 solutions at room temperature using cyclic potentiodynamic polarization (CPP) according to standards in order to obtain electrochemical parameters as the passivation range (PR), corrosion type, passive layer persistence, corrosion potential (Ecorr), and corrosion rate. The alloy Ti Beta-C anodized presented better corrosion resistance than Ti-6Al-4V in both media. The smallest corrosion rate is presented in Beta-C samples (4.72 E-8 A/cm2) and the highest corrosion rate is CP2 (1.61 E-5 A/cm2

    Corrosion behavior of aluminum-carbon fiber/epoxy sandwich composite exposed on NaCl solution

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    For years, the aeronautical industry has employed different types of materials to satisfy its high-performance requirements. Fiber-metal laminates are used due to their combination of lighter weight and the high mechanical properties of reinforced metal and carbon. We therefore made two different composites of laminate-metal and laminate-metal-laminate of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer and aluminum with an ALCLAD layer. The samples were characterized by salt fog (0, 48, and 96 h) at 5 wt% NaCl and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) with an electrolyte of 3.5 wt% NaCl. All samples were studied by electron scanning microscopy (SEM). The results demonstrated that the samples of laminate-metal-laminate presented an adsorption process after 0 and 48 h of salt fog exposition; meanwhile, the samples of laminate-metal showed a capacitive behavior for all the samples; however, corrosion resistance decreased when the salt fog exposition time increased