3,569 research outputs found

    The Structural Approach of a Natrex Model on Equilibrium Exchange Rates

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    Following a general macroeconomic approach, this paper sets a closed micro-founded structural model to determine the long run real exchange rate of a developed economy. In particular, the analysis follows the structure of a Natrex model. The main contribution of this research paper is the development of a solid theoretical framework that analyse in depth the basis of the real exchange rate and the details of the equilibrium dynamics after any shock influencing the steady state. In our case, the intertemporal factors derived from the stock-flow relationship will be particularly determinant. The main results of the paper can be summarised as follows. In first place, a complete well-integrated structural model for long-run real exchange rate determination is developed from first principles. Moreover, within the concrete dynamics of the model, it is found that some convergence restrictions will be necessary. On one hand, for the medium run convergence the sensitivity of the trade balance to changes in real exchange rate should be higher that the correspondent one to the investment decisions. On the other hand, and regarding long-run convergence, it is also necessary both that there exists a negative relationship between investment and capital stock accumulation and that the global saving of the economy depends positively on net foreign debt accumulation. In addition, there are also interesting conclusions about the effects that certain shocks over the exogenous variables of the model have on real exchange rates.macroeconomic approach, long run real exchange rate, Natrex models, equilibrium dynamics, convergence restrictions, productivity, foreign debt accumulation.


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    This paper analyses the theoretical relevance of the dynamical aspects of growth on the discussion about the observed positive correlation between per capita real income and real exchange rates. With this purpose, we develop a simple exogenous growth model where the internal, external and intertemporal equilibrium conditions of a typical macroeconomic model are imposed; this last one through the inclusion of a balanced growth path for the foreign assets accumulation. The main result under this consideration is that the relationship defended by the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis is no more so straightforward. In our particular approach, the mentioned bilateral relationship depends on a parameter measuring thriftiness in the economy. Therefore, the probability of ending up with a positive relationship between growth and real exchange rates -as the classical economic theory predicts- will be higher when the economy is able to maintain a minimum saving ratio. Moreover, given that our model considers a simple Keynesian consumption function, some explosive paths can also be possible.Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis, foreign debt, growth, macroeconomic approach, per capita income, real exchange rate, thriftiness

    Deciding the sale of a life policy in the viatical market: Implications on individual welfare

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    In this paper, we present an economic model that allows a terminally ill policy-holder to decide whether or not to sell (part of) the policy in the viatical settlement market. The viatical settlement market emerged in the late 1980s in response to the AIDS epidemic. Nowadays it is part of the large US market in life settlements. The policies traded in the viatical market are those of terminally ill policyholders expected to die within the next two years. The model is discrete and considers only the next two periods (years), since this is the max- imum remaining lifetime of the policyholder. The decisor has an initial wealth and has to share it between his own consumption and the bequests left to his heirs. We rst introduce the expected utility function of our decisor and then use dynamic programming to deduce the strategy that gives higher utility (not selling/selling (part of) the policy at time zero/selling (part of) the policy at time one). The optima depends on the value of the viaticated policy and on some personal parameters of the individual. We nd an analitical expression for the optimal strategy and perform a sensitivity analysis.expected utility, viatical settlement, dynamic programming

    Dos episodios de brujería en la Seu d'Urgell : primer tercio del siglo XVII

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    En este artículo analizaremos dos procesos de la justicia ordinaria por brujería de los años 1616 y 1629 hasta ahora desconocidos, que se juzgaron en la curia criminal de la Seu d'Urgell, jurisdicción compartida por la Mitra de Urgell y el Concejo de la ciudad. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es definir a través de los ojos de sus protagonistas los rasgos principales de este fenómeno en la esfera local y el papel relevante que rumores y señalamientos tuvieron en el proceso comunitario de construcción de una bruja y en su condena. Como demostraremos a lo largo de estas páginas, las declaraciones de los testigos perfilaron un modelo de brujería en la línea del tipo «popular» definido por autores como Macfarlane, Briggs, Kieckhefer, Tausiet, Lisón, Rublack, Castell, Pastor, Levack, etc.En aquest article analitzarem dos processos per bruixeria de la justícia ordinària dels anys 1616 i 1629 fins ara desconeguts, que es van jutjar a la cúria criminal de la Seu d'Urgell, jurisdicció compartida per la Mitra d'Urgell i el Consell de la ciutat. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta investigació és definir mitjançant els ulls dels seus protagonistes els trets principals d'aquest fenomen en l'esfera local i el paper rellevant que van tenir rumors i assenyalaments en el procés comunitari de construcció d'una metzinera i en la seva condemna. Com demostrarem al llarg d'aquestes pàgines, les declaracions dels testimonis van perfilar un model de bruixeria del tipus «popular» definit per autors como Macfarlane, Briggs, Kieckhefer, Tausiet, Lisón, Rublack, Castell, Pastor, Levack, etc.This paper examines two witchcraft trials held in the years 1616 and 1629 that have been unknown until now and which were judged in the criminal curia of la Seu d'Urgell, a jurisdiction shared by the Urgell Bishopric and the City Council. The main purpose of this investigation is to define through the eyes of their protagonists the main features of this phenomenon locally and the relevant role both rumors and accusations played in the building of a communitarian trial of witches and their conviction. The paper will show that the witnesses' testimonies shaped a type of "popular" witchcraft as defined by writers such as Macfarlane, Briggs, Kieckhefer, Tausiet, Lisón, Rublack, Castell, Pastor, Levack, among others

    Festa, imatge i poder: les celebracions per l’entronització de Carles III a la Seu d’Urgell (1760)

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    L’estudi de les festes de l’exaltació al tron de Carles III, celebrades a la Seu d’Urgell els dies 20, 21 i 22 de gener de 1760, ens permeten fer una anàlisi del poder i de la representació pública d’aquest poder en les vessants monàrquica i municipal. Hem centrat aquesta anàlisi en la funció predominantment social de la festa i dels significats dels retrats reials i ho hem fet a partir de conceptes bàsics de la sociologia, com ara el guió (argument, elements i significats), els subjectes i els receptors socials i el missatge que es tenia intenció de reforçar.1 Aquest estudi aporta a la historiografia catalana el perfil d’un model festiu d’entronització en una ciutat intermèdia i perifèrica, que segueix les ordres arribades de la Cort de Madrid i que adapta el guió festiu barceloní als recursos localsEl estudio de las fiestas de exaltación al trono de Carlos III, que se celebraron en la Seu d’Urgell durante los días 20, 21 y 22 de enero de 1760, nos permite realizar un análisis del poder y de la representación pública de este poder en sus facetas monárquica y municipal. Hemos centrado dicho análisis en la función social de la fiesta y en los significados de los retratos reales, y para ello hemos partido de conceptos básicos de la sociología como: el guion (argumento, elementos y significados), sujetos y receptores sociales, y el mensaje que se tenía intención de reforzar.2 Esta investigación aporta a la historiografía catalana el perfil de un modelo festivo de entronización real en una ciudad intermedia y periférica, que seguía las órdenes que llegaban de la Corte de Madrid y adaptaba el guion festivo barcelonés a los recursos localesA study of the celebrations held to mark the exaltation to the throne of Charles III, which took place in the Seu d’Urgell on 20, 21 and 22 January 1760, allows us to analyse the power on display and its public representations, in both monarchist and municipal aspects. This analysis focuses on the social function of the celebrations and the meanings of the royal portraits, and considers basic concepts of sociology such as the scenario (plot, elements and meanings), subjects and recipient community, and the message intended to be reinforced. For Catalan historiography the study profiles a model of festive enthronement in an intermediate and peripheral city, which follows orders from the Court of Madrid and adapts the Barcelonian festive scenario to local resource

    Analysis of Sociodemographic and Psychological Variables Involved in Sleep Quality in Nurses

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    Background: Sleep quality is related to health and quality of life and can lead to the development of related disorders. This study analyzed the sociodemographic and psychological factors related to sleep quality in nurses. Methods: The sample comprised 1094 nurses who were assessed according to the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Questionnaire, the Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire, the Brief Emotional Intelligence Inventory, and the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R18. Results: The results confirm the impacts of diet, motivation for physical exercise, emotional intelligence, and overall self-esteem on sleep quality in nurses. Conclusions: Sleep quality in healthcare professionals is vitally important for performance at work; therefore, appropriate strategies should be applied to improve it

    Concepciones y creencias de los profesores universitarios de matemáticas acerca de la enseñanza de las ecuaciones diferenciales

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    La investigación que aquí presentamos es una aproximación a las concepciones y creencias de los profesores universitarios de matemáticas acerca de la enseñanza de las ecuaciones diferenciales en estudios científico-experimentales. A parte de los intentos por caracterizar a cada profesor en términos de sus concepciones y creencias, y de establecer el nivel de coherencia y consistencia de éstas, a partir de los resultados del análisis se explica la persistencia de la utilización de métodos tradicionales de enseñanza. Las diferencias y similitudes entre las concepciones y creencias de cada profesor, y el nivel de coherencia demostrado nos han permitido establecer tres grupos de profesores, a los que hemos denominado I, II y III.This research is an approach to the conceptions and beliefs of mathematics university professors related to the teaching of differential equations in scientific-experimental studies. Besides an attempt to characterize each professor as per their conceptions and beliefs and to establish how coherent they are, the results of the analysis show the continuity of traditional teaching methods. The differences and similarities in each professor's conceptions and beliefs and their level of coherence have prompted us to establish three groups of professors, that we have labelled I, II and III

    Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de puertas metálicas bajo fuego mediante modelización numérica

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    [ES] Las puertas cortafuegos de acero son esenciales para la estrategia pasiva de protección contra incendios de cualquier edificio o estructura. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el comportamiento de una puerta corredera de acero de grandes dimensiones, bajo la acción del fuego. Para ello se desarrollará un modelo numérico FEM (método de elementos finitos). De acuerdo con el Código de Procedimientos de Pruebas contra el Fuego (Fire Test Procedures Code, FTP) de la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI), cuando una puerta contra incendios tiene unas dimensiones mayores al tamaño estándar de las puertas probadas en laboratorio (2,4x2,5 m) se pueden seguir dos alternativas para validar la puerta. El primero es colocar la puerta en unas instalaciones de dimensiones mayores, siendo la alternativa utilizar el procedimiento establecido en el código. Este método consiste en utilizar un modelo de elementos finitos para analizar la puerta y un modelo físico equivalente a la puerta, pero de menores dimensiones, para calibrar el modelo numérico, tanto térmica como mecánicamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el comportamiento de una puerta cortafuegos de grandes dimensiones bajo la acción del fuego, para desarrollar un modelo numérico que se acerque a la realidad. Se realizaron varios estudios sobre el comportamiento del material bajo el fuego y se desarrollaron varios modelos para garantizar la validación del modelo final. El objetivo principal era entender el comportamiento, validar el modelo y desarrollar un modelo final simple de la puerta de acero. El modelo desarrollado representa la estructura externa de una puerta corredera de acero y el modelo fue creado utilizando ABAQUS, un programa de modelado FEM. La curva temperatura-tiempo utilizada para simular la acción del fuego sigue la distribución de la curva de fuego estándar ISO 834. El mecanismo de fallo común de estas puertas es el pandeo, por lo que el cálculo y el análisis se han centrado en este tema.[EN] Steel fire doors are essential for the passive fire protection strategy of any building or structure. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the behaviour of a wide sliding steel door under fire by developing a FEM (Finite element method) model. According to the Fire Test Procedures Code (FTP code) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)[1], when a fire resistance door is larger than those which can be accommodated in the standard specimen size (2.4x2.5 m) two alternatives can be followed to approve the door, accommodate it into a larger test furnace or use the procedure established in the code for evaluation of the fire performance. The method established in the code includes the performance of FEM models to analysed the door and calibrate the model, thermal and mechanical, with an equivalent tested the door. The objective of this thesis is to study the behaviour of a wide steel door under fire to develop a model that approaches reality. So, several studies of the material behaviour under fire were performed and several models were developed to ensure the validation of the final model. The main focus was to understand the behaviour, validate the model and developed a simple final model of the steel door. The model developed represents the external structure of a sliding steel door and the model was created using ABAQUS, a FEM modelling program. The temperature field used to study the door¿s behaviour follows the Standard fire curve ISO 834. The common failure mechanism of these doors is buckling so the calculus and analysis was focus on this topic. After processing the different models and developing the final one, it was found that the external structure of the steel door by itself does not provide a lot of mechanical resistance against buckling. So, internal connectors or stiffeners are necessary to connect the frontal steel plates. A proper definition of the boundary conditions is fundamental to analyse the behaviour and approach the model to a more realistic one. It was also found that is possible to perform one way coupled analysis instead of merging a thermal model with a mechanical model. This is useful because instead of two analysis the same results can be obtained performing only one.Pérez Delgado, CDM. (2020). Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de puertas metálicas bajo fuego mediante modelización numérica. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/166291TFG

    Reflexiones sobre una producción peculiar de cerámica común romana localizada en el tercio norte de la Península Ibérica y el sur de Aquitania: los materiales de la ciudad de Gijón (España)

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    En este trabajo se realiza una revisión sobre un lote homogéneo de cerámicas comunes procedentes de diversas excavaciones realizadas en la ciudad de Gijón. Su presencia en la región norteña peninsular y la Aquitania francesa y su amplitud cronológica -siglos 1-V d.C- permiten adelantar hipótesis de trabajo acerca del posible sig-nificado de estas producciones