15 research outputs found

    Deciphering the adjustment between environment and life history in annuals: lessons from a geographically-explicit approach in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The role that different life-history traits may have in the process of adaptation caused by divergent selection can be assessed by using extensive collections of geographically-explicit populations. This is because adaptive phenotypic variation shifts gradually across space as a result of the geographic patterns of variation in environmental selective pressures. Hence, large-scale experiments are needed to identify relevant adaptive life-history traits as well as their relationships with putative selective agents. We conducted a field experiment with 279 geo-referenced accessions of the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana collected across a native region of its distribution range, the Iberian Peninsula. We quantified variation in life-history traits throughout the entire life cycle. We built a geographic information system to generate an environmental data set encompassing climate, vegetation and soil data. We analysed the spatial autocorrelation patterns of environmental variables and life-history traits, as well as the relationship between environmental and phenotypic data. Almost all environmental variables were significantly spatially autocorrelated. By contrast, only two life-history traits, seed weight and flowering time, exhibited significant spatial autocorrelation. Flowering time, and to a lower extent seed weight, were the life-history traits with the highest significant correlation coefficients with environmental factors, in particular with annual mean temperature. In general, individual fitness was higher for accessions with more vigorous seed germination, higher recruitment and later flowering times. Variation in flowering time mediated by temperature appears to be the main life-history trait by which A. thaliana adjusts its life history to the varying Iberian environmental conditions. The use of extensive geographically-explicit data sets obtained from field experiments represents a powerful approach to unravel adaptive patterns of variation. In a context of current global warming, geographically-explicit approaches, evaluating the match between organisms and the environments where they live, may contribute to better assess and predict the consequences of global warming

    Deciphering the adjustment between environment and life history in annuals: lessons from a geographically-explicit approach in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The role that different life-history traits may have in the process of adaptation caused by divergent selection can be assessed by using extensive collections of geographically-explicit populations. This is because adaptive phenotypic variation shifts gradually across space as a result of the geographic patterns of variation in environmental selective pressures. Hence, large-scale experiments are needed to identify relevant adaptive life-history traits as well as their relationships with putative selective agents. We conducted a field experiment with 279 geo-referenced accessions of the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana collected across a native region of its distribution range, the Iberian Peninsula. We quantified variation in life-history traits throughout the entire life cycle. We built a geographic information system to generate an environmental data set encompassing climate, vegetation and soil data. We analysed the spatial autocorrelation patterns of environmental variables and life-history traits, as well as the relationship between environmental and phenotypic data. Almost all environmental variables were significantly spatially autocorrelated. By contrast, only two life-history traits, seed weight and flowering time, exhibited significant spatial autocorrelation. Flowering time, and to a lower extent seed weight, were the life-history traits with the highest significant correlation coefficients with environmental factors, in particular with annual mean temperature. In general, individual fitness was higher for accessions with more vigorous seed germination, higher recruitment and later flowering times. Variation in flowering time mediated by temperature appears to be the main life-history trait by which A. thaliana adjusts its life history to the varying Iberian environmental conditions. The use of extensive geographically-explicit data sets obtained from field experiments represents a powerful approach to unravel adaptive patterns of variation. In a context of current global warming, geographically-explicit approaches, evaluating the match between organisms and the environments where they live, may contribute to better assess and predict the consequences of global warming

    Data from: Deciphering the adjustment between environment and life history in annuals: lessons from a geographically-explicit approach in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The role that different life-history traits may have in the process of adaptation caused by divergent selection can be assessed by using extensive collections of geographically-explicit populations. This is because adaptive phenotypic variation shifts gradually across space as a result of the geographic patterns of variation in environmental selective pressures. Hence, large-scale experiments are needed to identify relevant adaptive life-history traits as well as their relationships with putative selective agents. We conducted a field experiment with 279 geo-referenced accessions of the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana collected across a native region of its distribution range, the Iberian Peninsula. We quantified variation in life-history traits throughout the entire life cycle. We built a geographic information system to generate an environmental data set encompassing climate, vegetation and soil data. We analysed the spatial autocorrelation patterns of environmental variables and life-history traits, as well as the relationship between environmental and phenotypic data. Almost all environmental variables were significantly spatially autocorrelated. By contrast, only two life-history traits, seed weight and flowering time, exhibited significant spatial autocorrelation. Flowering time, and to a lower extent seed weight, were the life-history traits with the highest significant correlation coefficients with environmental factors, in particular with annual mean temperature. In general, individual fitness was higher for accessions with more vigorous seed germination, higher recruitment and later flowering times. Variation in flowering time mediated by temperature appears to be the main life-history trait by which A. thaliana adjusts its life history to the varying Iberian environmental conditions. The use of extensive geographically-explicit data sets obtained from field experiments represents a powerful approach to unravel adaptive patterns of variation. In a context of current global warming, geographically-explicit approaches, evaluating the match between organisms and the environments where they live, may contribute to better assess and predict the consequences of global warming

    Vegetation Response after Removal of the Invasive Carpobrotus Hybrid Complex in Andalucía, Spain

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    We evaluated the ecological success of the manual removal of Carpobrotus species, a putative hybrid complex of a South African perennial mat-forming plant, by comparing treated, noninvaded, and invaded plots across coastal Andalucía in southern Spain. As a measure of the management effectiveness, we quantified the density of Carpobrotus seedlings and resprouts in treated plots one year after treatment. Response of the plant community to removal was assessed by com- paring native species richness, cover, diversity, and species composition among treatments. Removal greatly reduced to a great extent Carpobrotus density. However, successful control will require repeated hand-pulling treatments. Treated plots had a significant increase in species richness, especially annual plants, compared to invaded plots, but both had the same native plant cover and diversity. We found similar species composition between removal and noninvaded plots, indicating that revegetation is not necessary. Long-term monitoring is necessary to determine whether these observed patterns of community response are transient or stable through succession.Peer reviewe

    Correlation coefficients between life-history traits and environmental variables in <i>A. thaliana</i>.

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    <p>Correlation coefficients were obtained from SAR models. A new threshold significance value (α = 0.0006) was set after applying the Dunn-Šidák correction (1– [1– α] <sup>1/n</sup>) for multiple comparisons. Significance: ***; <i>P</i><0.0001, <i>ns</i>; non-significant.</p

    Photographs of the experimental setting at the El Castillejo Botanical Garden.

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    <p>Panels include a general view of the blocks and detailed views of pots with labels covered with the wire mesh, vegetative rosettes and fruiting plants of <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>.</p

    Relationship between individual fitness and annual mean temperature or precipitation seasonality in <i>A. thaliana</i>.

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    <p>Relationship between individual fitness and annual mean temperature or precipitation seasonality in <i>A. thaliana</i>.</p

    Distribution of the 279 <i>A. thaliana</i> Iberian populations of study.

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    <p>Maps show the geographical distribution of annual mean temperature (°C), total precipitation (mm), vegetation data, and pH.</p

    Correlation coefficients between life-history trait and environmental similarity in <i>A. thaliana</i>.

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    <p>Correlation coefficients were obtained from partial Mantel tests. A new threshold significance value (α = 0.001) was set after applying the Dunn-Šidák correction (1– [1– α] <sup>1/n</sup>) for multiple comparisons. Significance: **; <i>P</i><0.001, <i>ns</i>; non-significant.</p