223 research outputs found

    Us & Them: Women Writers' Discourses on Foreignness

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    The book Us & Them: Women Writers’ Discourses on Foreignness focuses on literary works from the last four decades to analyse the contingent nature of the constructions of foreignness in Ireland and Galicia. On the basis of various comparable circumstances in both communities —migration flows, increasingly multicultural societies, constant renegotiations of national identity, and the growing visibility of women in the public sphere— this book traces the multiple ways in which gender is intertwined with foreignness and presents contemporary women writers’ new insights into cultural difference.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union. Grants for research projects: “Us and Them: Discourses on Foreignness by Irish and Galician Women Writers (MICINN FFI2009-08475/FILO), and “The Animal Trope: An Ecofeminist Analysis of Contemporary Culture in Galicia and Ireland” (PGC2018-093545-B-I00, MCIU/AEI/ ERDF, UE) funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union

    Ecofeminist Insights into Contemporary Poetry by Irish and Galician Women Writers

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    [Abstract] Since the 1960s, there has been a growing ecological awareness which has had its impact on the production and analysis of literature. Ecofeminism, in particular, denounces the androcentric exploitation and subordination of both nature and women. This rise of ecofeminism has coincided in time with the emergence of an unprecedented number of women poets in the Irish and Galician literary traditions. In this essay, I would like to consider the possible ways in which gender becomes a relevant notion in the relationship of human and non-human nature and to find out whether contemporary poetry by Irish and Galician women writers has an ecofeminist import. Central to this discussion are the issues of the mediation of language and the recourse to tropes of nature to interrogate social prejudices, traditional politics of desire and to vindicate new spaces for women

    Inside the whale: configurations of an-other female subjectivity

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    This is the preprint of the following article: [Manuela Palacios (2018) Inside the Whale: Configurations of An-other Female Subjectivity, Women's Studies, 47:2, 160-172, DOI: 10.1080/00497878.2018.1425579]. Free e-print of the article available from: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/3XU8StYKQsbT4yuVtGGC/fullThe posthumanist paradigm of the last three decades has brought about a transformation in what we understand as “human”, and its postanthropocentric proposals —common to posthumanist and ecocritical debates— have called for a radical revision of the relationship between culture and nature and have fostered bonds of continuity between these (Braidotti and Dolphijn). The current article focuses on the relationship of continuity between humans and animals in contemporary Irish and Galician poetry, and in particular on the motif of the whale, in that such continuity illustrates the emergent configurations of female subjectivity produced in these two Atlantic communities of Western Europe since the 1990sThis essay has been completed as part of the research projects “Eco-Fictions. Emergent Discourses on Women and Nature in Ireland and Galicia” (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad/ERDF, FEM2015-66937-P) and “Discourse and Identity” (Xunta de Galicia, GRC2015/002 GI-1924), which are hereby gratefully acknowledgedNO

    Translation, Migration and Gender: Some Ecocritical and Ecofeminist Considerations

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    Grant for the research project “Post-Human Intersections in Irish and Galician Literatures” (PID2022-136251NB-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”.This chapter examines the translation principles that sustain the anthology Migrant Shores. Irish, Moroccan & Galician Poetry (Palacios 2017) with the aim to explore their ecofeminist relevance. The focus of this anthology on women’s migrations and its collaborative purpose, by which Irish writers translate poetry from minoritized languages within Europe into English, will be the starting point for a discussion of the implications for translation studies of current debates on self and Other and the encounter with difference in the fields of anthropology, post-colonial studies, ecocriticism and ecostylistics. Among the aspects to be considered are the following: heterarchical relations, the critique of dualistic dynamics, the ecology of attention, the interconnectedness of ecological and cultural diversity, and the risks of anthropocentric and ethnocentric narcissism. Furthermore, the ecofeminist import is assessed by attending to the critique of the androcentric disregard for the experience of women’s migration, the visibilization of women writers, and by delving into the literary tropes that entwine gender and nature.This study has been carried out under the auspices of the research project “Posthuman Intersections in Irish and Galician Literatures”, funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion and ERDF, ref. PID2022-136251NB- I0

    Migrant Shores. Irish, Moroccan & Galician Poetry

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    Anthology of Galician, Moroccan and Irish poetry on women's migrations. With poems by Mohammed Bennis, Taha Adnan, Fatima Zahra Bennis, Imane El Khattabi, Mohamed Ahmed Bennis, Aicha Bassry, Mezouar El Idrissi, Martín Veiga, Chus Pato, Eva Veiga, Baldo Ramos, Gonzalo Hermo, Marilar Aleixandre, María do Cebreiro, Paula Meehan, Máighréad Medbh, Susan Connolly, Hugh O'Donnell, Catherine Phil MacCarthy, Sarah Clancy, Thomas McCarthy, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Lorna Shaughnessy, Maurice Harmon, Celia de Fréine, Keith Payne, Breda Wall Ryan, Mary O'Donnell.Antoloxía de poesía galega, marroquí e irlandesa sobre as migracións das mulleres. Contén poemas de Mohammed Bennis, Taha Adnan, Fatima Zahra Bennis, Imane El Khattabi, Mohamed Ahmed Bennis, Aicha Bassry, Mezouar El Idrissi, Martín Veiga, Chus Pato, Eva Veiga, Baldo Ramos, Gonzalo Hermo, Marilar Aleixandre, María do Cebreiro, Paula Meehan, Máighréad Medbh, Susan Connolly, Hugh O'Donnell, Catherine Phil MacCarthy, Sarah Clancy, Thomas McCarthy, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Lorna Shaughnessy, Maurice Harmon, Celia de Fréine, Keith Payne, Breda Wall Ryan, Mary O'Donnell.MINECO FFI-2012-35872, MINECO ERDF FEM2015-66937-

    Three poems about whales and whaling

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    Translation in the feminine: Theory, commitment and (good) praxis

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    The gap between translation theory and practice can be narrowed by means of translators' self-reflections on their practice, although they need to acknowledge the specificity of their standpoint and avoid speaking from a transcendent position. This article engages in such self-reflective practice in order to denounce the strategies of stigmatization of feminist translation in the patriarchal defense of national culture and literary tradition. The nascent translation industry in Galicia is still marred by a bad praxis that exposes the power imbalance among the various actors involved in the translation process. Also, the introduction of the gender variable in the debate around the tensions between professional translators and amateurs reveals interesting loci of alternative practices. A plurality of translation actors, each of them enjoying some relative autonomy regarding their audience and objectives, seems more appropriate than a translation industry controlled by one, no matter how enlightened, single caucusThis essay is part of a research project on contemporary women writers, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (ffi2012-35872)S


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    Littorella uniflora en las lagunas de Moguer (Parque Natural de Doñana, SW Península Ibérica)

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    En el año 1993 aparecía una nota en la revista Lagascalia firmada por Hellmann & Hellmann donde se informaba sobre el hallazgo de Littorella uniflora (L.) Ascherson en una zona del manto eólico litoral onubense, en el SW de Andalucía. Dicho hallazgo resultaba de gran interés desde el punto de vista corológico, ya que ampliaba considerablemente el área de distribución (hasta el sur de la Península Ibérica) de esta especie, propia del centro, norte y oeste de Europa, con localidades aisladas en el Mediterráneo y poco frecuente en la mayor parte de la Península
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