113 research outputs found

    Another view of geological heritage: the assessment of the quaternary deposits of the galician coast (NW Spain)

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    En la última década se ha desarrollado una base de conocimiento sólido relacionado con la geodiversidad, caracterización, conservación y gestión del patrimonio geológico, que lleva implícito una legislación al respecto. Sin embargo, el escaso conocimiento a nivel científico por parte de la Administración sobre “lugares de interés geológico” hace complicado conseguir una normativa adecuada, a fin de proteger algo que no está contemplado. A esto se suma, un desconocimiento parcial de la sociedad sobre procesos geológicos, su relación con la biodiversidad y su valor como patrimonio natural. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar el valor de los depósitos sedimentarios antiguos localizados en la costa de Galicia como archivos paleoambientales y geoformas con entidad propia. Estos valores son ejemplificados con depósitos localizados en la “Costa Sur”, así definida en el Plan de Ordenación Litoral (POL) de Galicia.Over the last decade, a solid knowledge base has been built up globally in relation to geodiversity, geoheritage identification, conservation and management, which implies legislation on the subject. However, the partial absence of knowledge and information on a scientific level on the part of the Administration regarding national, regional or local “points of geological interest” makes it complex to create appropriate legislation, since something which is not even considered cannot be protected. There is also public ignorance about geological processes and their relationship with biodiversity, as well as their value as natural heritage. This study aims to show the value of ancient sedimentary deposits located on the coast of Galicia as palaeoenvironmental records and landforms. These values are exemplified with deposits of the “Southern Coast”, established in the Coastline Management Plan (POL)

    Hacia una diversidad patrimonial europea: geositios en la costa gallega (NW España)

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    The pervasive lack of awareness in today’s society regarding geological processes and their effects on the landscape is of such magnitude that their relationship to biodiversity and their value as part of the natural heritage is almost completely ignored. In this situation are the Quaternary deposits located on the Galician coast (NW Spain). The lack of awareness of these deposits, or the mere fact that they have either been omitted, or included as other coastal formations in the POL (The Planning Programme for Coastal areas of Galicia), makes their recognition and promotion unfeasible. Taking into account the scientific works and considering the current administrative context, the aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance and scientific and educational interest of the Quaternary sedimentary deposits as palaeoenvironmental records in the hope that this will be recognised as a Geosites by administration, in order to promote their geoconservation as a meaningful and diverse Geological Heritage in European Coastal context.La falta generalizada de conciencia en la sociedad actual en relación con los procesos geológicos y sus efectos sobre el paisaje es de tal magnitud que su relación con la biodiversidad y su valor como parte del Patrimonio Natural casi está completamente ignorado. En esta situación se encuentran los Depósitos Cuaternarios situados en la Costa de Galicia (NW de España). Su falta de conocimiento, o el mero hecho de que, se han omitido o incluido como otras formaciones costeras en la POL (Plan de Ordenación del Litoral de Galicia) hace que su reconocimiento y su difusión sea inviable. Teniendo en cuenta los trabajos científicos y el contexto administrativo actual, el objetivo de este estudio es mostrar su importancia e interés científico y educativo como registros paleoambientales con la esperanza de que alcancen su reconocimiento por parte de la administración como Geositios, con el fin de promover su geoconservación como un Patrimonio Geológico significativo y diverso en el contexto Costero Europeo.This research was partially funded by Project 09SEC015606PR (Xunta de Galicia) and by COMDEMO Project (Plan Nacional de I+D+i: EDU2015-65621-C3-1-R) co-financed with EU ERDF funds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geological heritage at risk in NW Spain. Quaternary deposits and landforms of “Southern Coast” (Baiona-A Garda)

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    Over the last decade, a knowledge base has been built up worldwide in relation to geological heritage and geodiversity, and respective working methodologies. However, the absence of knowledge and technical information by the local, regional and national authorities about geosites makes it difficult to create appropriate legislation and to assure a good management. There is also a public ignorance about geological processes and their relationship to biodiversity, as well as their value as natural heritage. This study focuses on the Autonomous Community of Galicia (NW Spain), specifically the “Southern Coast” area established in the Planning Programme for the Coast (POL) and brings to light the importance of the Quaternary deposits and associated landforms. The study concludes that the Southern Coast should be recognized as an area-type geosite. Taking into account the evaluation of their scientific value, the landforms of Oia and San Xián are proposed as geosites. Legal mechanisms of protection need to be reinforced and new, more specific ones, developed in tandem that make reference to the fact that these landforms exemplify environmental records of the past. This area is unique on a national level due to the scientific and educational value of the deposits. Therefore, they should be proposed to the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME) for inclusion in the general list of geosites of the Spanish State.Manuela Costa-Casais is supported by the Research Programme "Isidro Parga Pondal 2007"-Xunta Galicia. This research was partially funded by Project 09SEC015606PR (2009-2012) "Xeoarqueolox a e reconstrucion paleoambiental. Metodolox a aplicada a contextos arqueoloxico-culturais"-"Geoarchaeology and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Methodology applied to cultural and archaeological contexts"-(Conseller a de Econom a e IndustriaXunta de Galicia) and by Portuguese National Funds through the FCT (Fundacao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia) under the project PEst-OE/CTE/UI0039/2011". This paper has been prepared in collaboration with Professor M. Isabel Caetano Alves, during post-doctoral research as "Parga Pondal" carried out by Manuela Costa-Casais at the Centre for Earth Sciences, University of Minho-Centre of Geology, University of Oporto. The authors are deeply grateful to Antonio Martnez Cortizas, the reviewers and the editor for their helpful comments and contributions to the manuscript

    Simmel’s view to overcome otherness towards a democratic world

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    UID/SOC/04647/2019With the purpose of contextualizing in sociological terms the pervasive discrimination that Gypsies/Roma people are continuously suffering in Portugal, we explore here some contributions of Simmel's epistemological analysis, mainly from his texts Bridge and Door, Excursus on the Stranger and The Lye, the latter concerning secret societies. In this sense, it is examined how the spatial and social segregation of the Gypsies fosters the conservation of two perfectly rooted and separated moral orders. On the one hand, the Gypsy moral order, bearing on moral precepts that are based on Gypsy origins and traditions; some of them configuring a device marked by intra-ethnic secrecy as clear identity defence strategies against the assimilationist threat. On the other hand, the wider social order that penalizes gypsy people as an unreliable people. Furthermore, Gypsies also do not trust nonGypsies. Notwithstanding, and following Simmel's essay on lying, where he called on “enlightment” to “the removal of the untruths operating in social life” as “entirely democratic in character”, we argue that the existence of more social and educational opportunities for Gypsies is indispensable for the creation of a more just and solidary society. In order to investigate the conditions of possibility of a fairer and more inclusive society, we discuss the findings of an empirical investigation using a scenario-based questionnaire in 3 Portuguese secondary schools, with non-Roma students, about the best way to accommodate Roma school children in their own school. These findings point to two broad perspectives: the assimilation and individualization of the Gypsies.publishersversionpublishe

    “The closed door?”: the relationship of the ciganos with the labour market from the perspective of the employment and training officers

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    The employability of the Portuguese Roma, or Ciganos, is one of the major challenges that arises in contemporary Portuguese society, being transversal to other European countries, since a part of this population lack the necessary school and professional qualifications for their integration in the labour market. Employment and professional training centres can operate as institutional mediators between the Ciganos and the labour market. However, there are few studies about these public services and this article aims to fill this gap in terms of knowledge on this thematic. This paper is based on the analysis of the results derived from an online survey applied to employment centre directors and officers, aimed at unravelling the motives that justify, in their perspective, the low employability of Ciganos. Despise the results highlighted the greater emphasis on explanations of individual order and lesser reference to factors that are structural or focused on the employers. The contact with Cigano culture appears to be associated with a decrease of the importance of explanations of individual order and a higher weight of the explanations of structural order.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment and management of the geomorphological heritage of Monte Pindo (NW Spain): a landscape as a symbol of identity

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    This study focuses on the granite mountain known as Monte Pindo (627 m above sea level) in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (NW Spain). This territory is included in the area classified as “Costa da Morte” in the “Politica de Ordenación Litoral” (POL) (Coastal Planning Policy) for the region of Galicia. This coastal unit, located between “Rías Baixas” and “Cape Fisterra” has great potential for demonstrating geological processes and its geomorphological heritage is characterized by a high degree of geodiversity of granite landforms. The main objective of our work is to assess the geomorphological heritage of the site, thus revealing its wide geodiversity. We shall analyze and highlight: its scientific value, developing an inventory of granite landforms; its educational valuel and its geotouristic potential. It must be ensured that the Administration understands that natural diversity is composed of both geodiversity and biodiversity. Only then will the sustainable management of Monte Pindo become possible by integrating natural and cultural heritage values. The goal is to ensure that Monte Pindo and its immediate surroundings become a geopark with the aim of promoting local development projects based on the conservation and valorization of its geological heritage.This research was conducted under the research projects CPC2014/009 and R2014/001 funded by the Xunta de Galicia

    A interacção entre professores e pais

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2004Este estudo cenlra-se nas interacções entre professores e pais, num contexto plural - três agrupamentos de escolas - num espaço geográfico particular - concelho de Serpa - onde exercem funções Professores do Ensino Básico e Educadores de Infância, com os quais realizou-se um estudo exploratório de base correlacionai uma vez que, por um lado, se pretendia captar as suas percepções acerca das interacções com os pais e consequentemente da participação dos últimos na escola e, por outro, relacionar estas (percepções) com a sua socialização profissional. A escolha por este plano de pesquisa e a construção do instrumento de observação visou ainda contribuir para apoiar e incentivar a reflexão sobre as necessidades de formação e a melhoria das práticas de interacção, no âmbito da relação escola-família.This sludy is focused on the interaction bctween teachers and parcnts in a plural context-three school groupings-in a specific geographical space, the municipality of Serpa. We made an exploratory study on a co-relalional basis with the Elementary and Nursery Sehool teachers working in these schools, as we wanted to know their insights on the interaction with parents and, consequently, the participation of the latter in school. Furthermore, we wanted to establish a relationship between these pcrceptions and their professional socializalion. The choice of this research plan and the building of the observation tool also envisaged a possiblc contribution for the support and promotion of reflection on teacher training needs and the mprovement of interaction practices in what concems the relationship school-family

    Reconstructing Holocene evolution in the archaelogical site of Campo Lameiro (NW Spain): an interdisciplinary approach to geoarchaeology

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    Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia – Programa FAACUniversidade de Coimbra. Faculdade de Letras. Departamento de GeografiaCâmara Municipal de CoimbraDelt

    Do reconhecimento da alteridade a uma pluralidade de arranjos discriminatórios

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020No quadro europeu de uma aposta estratégica em sociedades cada vez mais escolarizadas e inclusivas, o desafio da presença de diferentes culturas nas escolas requer a implementação de políticas que promovam a não discriminação. No entanto, os ciganos Portugueses constituem-se ainda como um grupo cultural e étnico aparentemente imune aos objetivos destas políticas, em virtude do enorme preconceito social e histórico que impende sobre os seus membros. Neste sentido, foi realizada uma investigação visando colocar à prova um conjunto de possibilidades relativas à melhor forma de acolher estudantes ciganos na escola pública. Foram inquiridos 700 alunos não ciganos de 3 escolas do ensino médio da Grande Lisboa. Seguindo a perspetiva de uma sociologia eminentemente compreensiva, foi mobilizado um questionário baseado em cenários com o objetivo de captar junto dos estudantes não ciganos a forma mais conveniente da escola acolher estudantes ciganos discriminados numa outra escola. Os resultados mostram que, para a maioria dos inquiridos, os ciganos devem ser socializados através de procedimentos táticos, ou individualizados por meio de dispositivos morais ou funcionais de modo a serem convenientemente assimilados. Within the European framework of strategic orientation towards increasingly schooled and inclusive societies, the challenge of the presence of different cultures in schools requires the implementation of policies that promote non-discrimination and provide effective means of coordinating diversity. However, the Portuguese Gypsy are still a cultural and ethnic group apparently immune to the aims of these policies, due to the enormous social and historical prejudices which fall upon their members. In this sense, a survey was conducted to test a set of possibilities on how best to integrate Gypsy students in public schools. In this context, 700 non-Gypsy students from three secondary schools in Greater Lisbon were surveyed. In the perspective of an eminently interpretative sociology, closely linked to a theory of semantic action, a scenario-based questionnaire was used to find out among non-gypsy students the most practical way for schools to accommodate discriminated gypsy students in another school. The results show that, for the respondents, the Gypsy population must be socialized through tactical procedures or individualized through moral or functional devices in order to be assimilated.publishersversionpublishe