445 research outputs found
Cross-species analysis of gene expression in non-model mammals: reproducibility of hybridization on high density oligonucleotide microarrays
BACKGROUND: Gene expression profiles of non-model mammals may provide valuable data for biomedical and evolutionary studies. However, due to lack of sequence information of other species, DNA microarrays are currently restricted to humans and a few model species. This limitation may be overcome by using arrays developed for a given species to analyse gene expression in a related one, an approach known as "cross-species analysis". In spite of its potential usefulness, the accuracy and reproducibility of the gene expression measures obtained in this way are still open to doubt. The present study examines whether or not hybridization values from cross-species analyses are as reproducible as those from same-species analyses when using Affymetrix oligonucleotide microarrays. RESULTS: The reproducibility of the probe data obtained hybridizing deer, Old-World primates, and human RNA samples to Affymetrix human GeneChip(® )U133 Plus 2.0 was compared. The results show that cross-species hybridization affected neither the distribution of the hybridization reproducibility among different categories, nor the reproducibility values of the individual probes. Our analyses also show that a 0.5% of the probes analysed in the U133 plus 2.0 GeneChip are significantly associated to un-reproducible hybridizations. Such probes-called in the text un-reproducible probe sequences- do not increase in number in cross-species analyses. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates that cross-species analyses do not significantly affect hybridization reproducibility of GeneChips, at least within the range of the mammal species analysed here. The differences in reproducibility between same-species and cross-species analyses observed in previous studies were probably caused by the analytical methods used to calculate the gene expression measures. Together with previous observations on the accuracy of GeneChips for cross-species analysis, our analyses demonstrate that cross-species hybridizations may provide useful gene expression data. However, the reproducibility and accuracy of these measures largely depends on the use of appropriated algorithms to derive the gene expression data from the probe data. Also, the identification of probes associated to un-reproducible hybridizations-useless for gene expression analyses- in the studied GeneChip, stress the need of a re-evaluation of the probes' performance
The Impact of Secondary Education Choices on Mathematical Performance in University: The Role of Non-Cognitive Skills
[EN] (1) Background: this study evaluates the most relevant factors affecting the performance
in mathematics of university undergraduates. Precisely, the mathematical background of students.
Spanish secondary education provides an opportunity to develop this analysis since students can
choose between two secondary education tracks with different mathematical content and depth.
(2) Methods: a survey was conducted covering personal characteristics, socioeconomic status, academic
choices and academic achievement as well as a set of questions aimed to uncover attitudes
towards mathematics. Students that show preferences regarding mathematics are prone to choose
the track with more mathematical content, creating a potential confusion between training and attitudes
towards mathematics. We propose an index of non- cognitive skills related to mathematics to
account for this problem. (3) Results: prior background in mathematics plays a role in mathematical
performance at university even after correcting for non-cognitive skills related to mathematics. The
effects are heterogeneous with respect to gender. (4) Conclusions: choosing a more mathematicaloriented
itinerary in secondary education seems to give an edge to students. Our results shed light
on the implications associated with the decision of secondary school track choice made by students.
Furthermore, they are meant to serve as a guide to improve the design of remedial courses.S
Valoraciones de la “Aceptación de la Tecnología de Formación Virtual” por profesores universitarios asistentes a un curso de formación virtual
En esta investigación se describe la experiencia desarrollada con 24 profesores y profesoras universitarios de la Universidad Apec, en Santo Domingo (República Dominicana), con la finalidad de conocer el grado de aceptación de la formación virtual como metodología, después de participar en una acción formativa sobre dicha temática, a través del modelo TAM de Davis. Entre los resultados más relevantes destacamos que la percepción que tienen sobre la facilidad de uso y utilidad, la actitud hacia el uso y la relevancia de la misma en el desarrollo de su trabajo como docentes es muy positiva
Oligosacáridos utilizados para inhibir la mitosis de los astrocitos y de las células tumorales del sistema nervioso; y procedimiento de obtención de estos oligosacáridos
Traducción de Patente Europea E92923821 (fecha de solicitud, 13/11/1992).-- Prioridad: ES199111139102522.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).La invención se refiere a oligosacáridos y a preparaciones medicinales que contienen ingredientes
orgánicos activos.Peer reviewe
Let's buy like Galicians!: study on the representation of Galician identity through the Gadis ads
[Resumo] Nacida en 2007 cun anuncio homónimo e seguida por unha entrega nova anual ata a actualidade, a saga de anuncios Vivamos como galegos, lanzada por Gadis e producida pola empresa de publicidade BAP & Conde, álzase como unha das máis laureadas da historia da publicidade galega. O piar fundamental destes comerciais radica na exaltación da galeguidade, deixando, aparentemente, tanto á marca como aos produtos comercializados pola mesma nun papel secundario. O obxecto do presente traballo céntrase no estudo da representación desta identidade a través da saga de anuncios, así como das consecuencias que esta ten na percepción dos consumidores. Con este fin, levarase a cabo unha visualización en profundidade do total de spots da saga, así como a elaboración de entrevistas tanto a consumidores como a un público de primeiras máis experto; todo isto fundamentado nunha base teórica que poida aproximarnos de xeito efectivo aos conceptos subxacentes á temática principal.[Resumen] Nacida en 2007 con un anuncio homónimo y seguida por una nueva entrega anual hasta la actualidad, la saga de anuncios Vivamos como galegos, lanzada por Gadis y producida por la empresa de publicidad BAP & Conde, se alza como una de las más laureadas de la historia de la publicidad gallega. El pilar fundamental de estos anuncios radica en la exaltación de la identidad gallega, dejando, aparentemente, tanto a la marca como a los productos comercializados por la misma en un papel secundario. El objeto del presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de la representación de esta identidad a través de la saga de anuncios, así como de las consecuencias que en ésta tiene la percepción de los consumidores. Con este fin, se llevará a cabo una visualización en profundidad del total de spots de la saga, así como la elaboración de entrevistas tanto a consumidores como a un público de primeras más experto; todo esto fundamentado en una base teórica que pueda aproximarnos de forma efectiva a los conceptos subyacentes a la temática principal.[Abstract] Born in 2007 with an advertisement of the same name, and followed every year until now by a new episode, the series of advertisements Vivamos como galegos, launched by Gadis supermarkets and produced by the advertising agency BAP & Conde, is recongnised as one of the most prized in the history of Galician publicity. The key element of these advertisements is found in the exaltation of the Galician identity, leaving, apparently, the brand, or even the advertised goods, in a second role. The objective of the present work is focused on the study of the representation of this identity through the mentioned series of adverts, as well as the consequences this has on the customer´s perception. With this objective, the viewing of all the adverts of this series will be performed, as well as the interviewing of regular customers together with a more expert audience, being all founded on a theoretical basis which is effective at drawing us near to the underlying concepts of the main theme.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.SOC). Socioloxía. Curso 2019/202
Augmented reality in the classroom of primary education
En el presente trabajo planteamos la valoración, por parte de los futuros
docentes, de la realidad aumentada como recurso didáctico dentro de la
Educación Primaria. La investigación la abordamos desde una metodología
cuantitativa, a través del uso de un cuestionario creado ad hoc y conformado
por 32 ítem que hacen referencia a determinados aspectos educativos
(inclusividad, necesidades educativas especiales, procesos de e-a…). Se ha
trabajado con una muestra de carácter incidental de 208 estudiantes, pertenecientes al Grado de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la
Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba. Las conclusiones nos indican que los
futuros maestros, en su formación inicial, consideran la realidad aumentada
como una herramienta que puede ser valiosa y relevante para el desarrollo de
los currículos, así como de la educación inclusivaNeste trabalho, propomos a avaliação de futuros professores, a realidade
aumentada como recurso didático no ensino primário. A abordagem de
pesquisa a partir de uma metodologia quantitativa através do uso de um
questionário criado ad hoc e composta por 32 itens que se referem a certos
aspectos educacionais (inclusividade, necessidades educativas especiais,
processos e-a ...). Ele tem trabalhado com uma amostra de 208 estudantes
caráter incidental pertencente ao grau de Educação Primária, Faculdade de
Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Córdoba. Os resultados indicam que
os futuros professores na sua formação inicial, realidade aumentada
considerado como uma ferramenta que pode ser útil e relevante para o
desenvolvimento de currículos, bem como a educação inclusivaIn this paper we propose the assessment of the augmented reality by future
teachers, as a teaching resource in the Primary Education stage. The research
was carried out from a quantitative methodology approach, using a 32-item
questionnaire that was created ad hoc and refer to specific learning aspects
(inclusivity, special educational needs, teaching-learning processes…). We
worked with an incidental sample of 208 students from the Primary School
Teaching Degree belonging to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in the University of Cordoba. The findings indicated that future teachers in their initial
training, considered the augmented reality as a valuable resource that can help
improve learning processes and stimulate the development of curriculum
objectives and inclusive educatio
Integrated stress response as a therapeutic target for CNS injuries.
Central nervous system (CNS) injuries, caused by cerebrovascular pathologies or mechanical contusions (e.g., traumatic brain injury, TBI) comprise a diverse group of disorders that share the activation of the integrated stress response (ISR). This pathway is an innate protective mechanism, with encouraging potential as therapeutic target for CNS injury repair. In this review, we will focus on the progress in understanding the role of the ISR and we will discuss the effects of various small molecules that target the ISR on different animal models of CNS injury.post-print825 K
Problematic Relationships with Smartphones of Spanish and Colombian University Students
The presence of smartphones in the lives of the population in general, and of youth in particular, is evident, and is derived from elements such as the diversity of prices as well as the ease of access of all the resources that can be reached through the internet. With the use of a descriptive approach using a quantitative poll, the objective of the present study was to discover the opinions of university students in Spain and Colombia about smartphone use, as well as the consequences of its use, and if this use could derive into so-called problematic smartphone use (PSU). For gathering the information, the Mobile Phone Problematic Use Scale (MPPUSA) was utilized, with a sample size n = 4009. The main result reached was that the model obtained is structured around six factors that determined the elements in light of PSU. The initial conclusion found was that the model applied can be utilized with Colombian students, with young Spanish women and students in the macro area of Social Sciences, the ones who had problematic behavior with the devices, as compared to the Health Sciences students who did not have it
El videojuego digital como mediador del aprendizaje en la etapa de Educación Infantil
El siguiente artículo expone los datos de una investigación y recoge las opiniones y las valoraciones del alumnado de tercer curso del segundo ciclo de la etapa de Educación Infantil respecto a la utilización de un videojuego digital y educativo cuyo núcleo temático es el medioambiente. En este recurso tecnológico se consideran los diversos contenidos de las áreas; de esta forma, se le dota de un carácter globalizador y, por otro lado, se potencia la ludificación en el aprendizaje de los infantes. El videojuego educativo ha sido elaborado y diseñado por diversos profesionales del campo de la tecnología y la pedagogía de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba durante el año 2014.La investigación de tipología cuasiexperimental llevada a cabo tiene carácter cuantitativo con el rigor científico pertinente. Esta arroja, entre las diferentes conclusiones extraídas, que la aplicación de videojuegos digitales favorece la percepción propia de conocimiento y actitudes sobre aspectos generales del reciclaje en los infantes participantes en este estudio.This article presents the results of a quasi-experimental research study on the opinions and assessments of students in the third year of the second cycle of pre-school education on the use of a digital educational video game, whose thematic focus is the environment. The video game covers various content areas, thus lending it a globalizing character. The educational video game was developed and designed for professionals in the field of technology and pedagogy at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Cordoba in 2014.The findings show that the use of digital video games promotes the students' perception of their knowledge and attitudes regarding general aspects of recycling, indicating that gamification enhances learning.Aquest article exposa les dades d'una investigació i recull les opinions i les valoracions de l'alumnat de tercer curs del segon cicle de l'etapa d'Educació Infantil sobre la utilització d'un videojoc digital i educatiu el nucli temàtic del qual és el medi ambient. En aquest recurs tecnològic es consideren els diversos continguts de les àrees; d'aquesta manera, se'l dota d'un caràcter globalitzador i, d'altra banda, es potencia la ludificació en l'aprenentatge dels infants. El videojoc educatiu va ser elaborat i dissenyat per diversos professionals del camp de la tecnologia i la pedagogia de la Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació de la Universitat de Còrdova durant l'any 2014.La investigació de tipologia quasiexperimental duta a terme té caràcter quantitatiu amb el rigor científic pertinent. Aquesta aporta, entre les diferents conclusions extretes, que l'aplicació de videojocs digitals afavoreix la percepció pròpia de coneixement i actituds sobre aspectes generals del reciclatge en els infants participants en aquest estudi
Analysis of the rear leg rotation movement during the fencing lunge
The most relevant aulhois of fencing agree on the extension of the rear leg's knee from the on guard position, which is the ona thai provides ihe real speed to the lunge, and the extension of the arm only serves to drive the points towards the target. All the authors coincide thai it is important to keep the whole sole of the rear Foot supported on the Boor, keeping the same direction and without sliding it during the movernent, being the only one support that assures a really fast and balanced lunge, allowing the return to the on guard position or to continue towards ahead. Nevertheless, in a competition it may be observed that there are just a few fencers that keep the position of the feet in 90° angle during the lunge, as proposed in the fencing books. From this situation, we try to know if the rotation movement of the rear leg improve the speed of the Mass Centre and the weapon
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