356 research outputs found

    La Democracia Ateniense

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    La democracia Ateniense fue el resultado de un contínuo y complejo proceso de conquistas políticas, sociales y económicas protagonizadas por el demos1, terminando con el régimen político oligárquico que imperaba en el Ática, donde las obras de figuras como Solón o Clístenes posibilitaron el acceso a los derechos políticos, constituyendo así la piedra angular del desarrollo hacia la democracia, la cual se institucionalizo como tal con la ascensión de Pericles, manteniéndose –con ciertas particularidades- hasta el 322 a.C.2. Este sistema político se apoyó en una serie de instituciones que constituían el elemento fundamental de la democracia, evolucionando sus funciones conforme lo hacían la sociedad y el mundo.The Athenian Democracy was the outcome of a continuous and complex process of political, social and economic achievements ruled by demos, defeating with the politic oligarchic regime that ruled in the Ática, where milestones like Solons or Clistenes made possible the entry to the politic rights, creating in this way the key to the development to the democracy, which was created on the Pericles rise’s, remaining –with certain peculiarities-until 322 b.C. This political system was supported by a serial of institutions which formed the fundamental democracy’s scent, whose functions were evolving in respect to society and the world.Departamento de Historia Antigua y MedievalGrado en Histori

    Estudio Observacional Descriptivo del Grado de Satisfacción y Adherencia al Tratamiento Intranasal en Pacientes Pediátricos con Rinitis Alérgica

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    Situación actual: El suero salino hipertónico (SSH) intranasal se suele emplear como tratamiento sintomático para la rinitis alérgica (RA). Sin embargo, el grado de adherencia es bajo, especialmente en población pediátrica. Objetivos: Determinar si el tratamiento diario con una combinación de SSH, ácido hialurónico (AH) y xilitol administrada con un dispositivo de atomización resulta en un buen grado de satisfacción y adherencia. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal prospectivo en 30 pacientes de 5-15 años con RA moderada. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de un formulario cumplimentado al iniciar el tratamiento y un mes después. Resultados: El 66,67% de los pacientes refirieron un grado de satisfacción “bueno” o “muy bueno”. La adherencia al tratamiento fue completa (duración y frecuencia) en el 40%, y parcial en el 50%. Esta era menor si se reportaban efectos adversos o problemas con la vía intranasal, aunque la relación no fue estadísticamente significativa (ES). Los efectos adversos se atribuyeron en un 37,5% al efecto frío producido por el xilitol. Además, disminuyó la gravedad de los síntomas de RA de forma ES, salvo para el prurito nasal (p = 0,124). Conclusiones: El tratamiento reduce la gravedad de los síntomas de RA con un buen grado de satisfacción. La adherencia mejora, pero puede que de forma insuficiente, siendo necesario añadir otras estrategias. Son necesarios nuevos estudios con menos limitaciones que ratifiquen los resultados de este y que valoren la relación riesgo-beneficio de la combinación con xilitol.Background: Intranasal hypertonic saline irrigations (HSI) are usually used as a symptomatic treatment for allergic rhinitis (AR). However, treatment adherence is low, especially in pediatric patients. Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine if daily treatment with a combination of HSI, hyaluronic acid (HA) and xylitol administered with an atomization device results in a good degree of satisfaction and adherence. Methods: Prospective cross-sectional descriptive observational study of 30 patients aged 5-15 years with moderate AR. Data were obtained from a questionnaire filled in at the start of treatment and one month later. Results: 66,67% of the patients reported a “good” or “very good” degree of satisfaction. Treatment adherence was complete (duration and frequency) in 40% of patients, and partial in 50%. It was lower if adverse effects or problems with the intranasal route were reported (relation not statistically significant [SS]). 37,5% related their adverse effects to the cold effect of xylitol. In addition, the severity of AR symptoms decreased (SS), except for nasal itching (p = 0,124). Conclusion: The treatment reduces the severity of AR symptoms with a good degree of satisfaction. Treatment adherence is increased, but it may be insufficient and require further strategies. New studies less limited are needed to confirm these results and to assess the risk-benefit ratio of adding xylitol

    CMOS SPADs selection, modeling and characterization towards image sensors implementation

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    The selection, modeling and characterization of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPADs) are presented. Working with the standard 180nm UMC CMOS process, different SPAD structures are proposed in combination with several quenching circuits in order to compare their relative performances. Various configurations for the active region and the prevention of the premature edge breakdown are tested, looking for a miniaturization of the devices to implement image sensor arrays without loses in their performance

    Dynamic packaging characterization automatic test system

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    The optimization phase in the packet design process is important to ensure the integrity of the element to transport. For this reason, to know the frequency response of the packet in function of vibrations and other parameters an automatic test system has been design. In this article is shown test system and mainly the data acquisition system in order to acquire long temporal series of the vibration signals. The system is composed by a SCXI rack to provide accelerometer signal conditioning, USB data acquisition system and the real-time data processing is carried out by a personal computer and a LabVIEW application.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improvement of the lubrication performance of an ester base oil with coated ferrite nanoadditives for different material pairs

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    In the present work, lubrication properties (friction and wear) of a synthetic ester oil, tris(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate (TOTM) containing ferrite nanoparticles coated with oleic acid (F3O4-OA) were investigated for two different material pairs: steel ball-steel disc and silicon nitride ball-steel disc. Thus, four TOTM nanolubricants were formulated: TOTM + 0.010 wt% Fe3O4-OA, TOTM + 0.015 wt% Fe3O4-OA, TOTM + 0.020 wt% Fe3O4-OA and TOTM + 0.025 wt% Fe3O4-OA showing all of them a moderate time stability due to the oleic acid coating. Wettability behaviour of the ferrite-based nanolubricants on steel surface was analysed, revealing that the addition of Fe3O4-OA nanoparticles in TOTM decreases the contact angle between the steel surface and TOTM lubricant surface. Friction sliding tests were performed with the neat TOTM and with the formulated nanolubricants under a 20 N of load. All nanolubricants showed lower coefficients of friction than those reached with TOTM base oil for both material pairs. Worn area was significantly reduced for all Fe3O4-OA concentrations in the steel-steel contact and for the highest concentrations in the silicon nitride-steel contact. Specifically, the largest achieved reductions were for the TOTM + 0.010 wt% F3O4-OA nanolubricant: 43% reduction in friction (silicon nitride-steel) and reductions of 17% in wear track width, 42% in wear track deep and 36% in area (steel-steel). In addition, roughness analysis and Raman microscopy of the tested discs showed that tribofilm formation and surface repairing mechanisms occurThe following institutions and grants are acknowledged for funding this research: Government of Spain Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant numbers: ENE2017-86425-C2-2-R and PID2020-112846RB-C22 projects) and Xunta de Galicia (Spain) (grant number: GRC ED431C 2020/10)S

    Characterization-Based Modeling of Retriggering and Afterpulsing for Passively Quenched CMOS SPADs

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    The current trend in the design of systems based on CMOS SPADs is to adopt smaller technological nodes, allowing the co-integration of additional electronics for the implementation of complex digital systems on chip. Due to their simplicity, a way to reduce the area occupied by the integrated electronics is the use of passive quenching circuits (PQCs) instead of active (AQCs) or mixed (MQCs) ones. However, the recharge phase in PQCs is slower, so the device can be retriggered before this phase ends. This paper studies the phenomena of afterpulsing and retriggering, depending on the characteristics of the SPADs and the working conditions. In order to do that, a test chip containing SPADs of different size has been characterized in several operating environments. A mathematical model has been proposed for fitting afterpulsing phenomenon. It is shown that retriggering can be also described in terms of this model, suggesting that it is linked to carriers trapped in the shallow levels of the semiconductor and that should be taken into account when considering the total amount of afterpulsing events.Junta de Andalucía TIC 233

    A MapReduce Approach to Address Big Data Classification Problems Based on the Fusion of Linguistic Fuzzy Rules

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    The big data term is used to describe the exponential data growth that has recently occurred and represents an immense challenge for traditional learning techniques. To deal with big data classification problems we propose the Chi-FRBCS-BigData algorithm, a linguistic fuzzy rule-based classification system that uses the MapReduce framework to learn and fuse rule bases. It has been developed in two versions with different fusion processes. An experimental study is carried out and the results obtained show that the proposal is able to handle these problems providing competitive resultsSpanish Government TIN2011-28488Andalusian Research Plans P12-TIC-2958 P11-TIC-7765 P10-TIC-685

    Moody’s Ratings Statistical Forecasting for Industrial and Retail Firms

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    Long-term ratings of companies are obtained from public data plus some additional nondisclosed information. A model based on data from firms’ public accounts is proposed to directly obtain these ratings, showing fairly close similitude with published results from Credit Rating Agencies. The rating models used to assess the creditworthiness of a firm may involve some possible conflicts of interest, as companies pay for most of the rating process and are, thus, clients of the rating firms. Such loss of faith among investors and criticism toward the rating agencies were especially severe during the financial crisis in 2008. To overcome this issue, several alternatives are addressed; in particular, the focus is on elaborating a rating model for Moody’s long-term companies’ ratings for industrial and retailing firms that could be useful as an external check of published rates. Statistical and artificial intelligence methods are used to obtain direct prediction of awarded rates in these sectors, without aggregating adjacent classes, which is usual in previous literature. This approach achieves an easy-to-replicate methodology for real rating forecasts based only on public available data, without incurring the costs associated with the rating process, while achieving a higher accuracy. With additional sampling information, these models can be extended to other sectors

    Revisión de la evidencia científica sobre uso clínico del Trabecular Bone Score (TBS). Posiciones oficiales de la SEIOMM (2018)

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    La incorporación de nuevas aplicaciones tecnológicas en el campo médico conlleva un prolongado periodo de valoración de la evidencia científica que se va generando en el proceso de validación clínica. En los últimos 5 años se han generado múltiples publicaciones, comunicaciones en congresos y reuniones de sociedades científicas. La aplicación del Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) ha recibido también la atención de la Sociedad Internacional de Densitometría Clínica (The International Society for Clinical Densitometry -ISCD-) que la ha incorporado a sus posiciones oficiales