47 research outputs found

    Cold-Start Management with Cross-Domain Collaborative Filtering and Tags

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    Abstract. Recommender systems suffer from the new user problem, i.e., the difficulty to make accurate predictions for users that have rated only few items. Moreover, they usually compute recommendations for items just in one domain, such as movies, music, or books. In this paper we deal with such a cold-start situation exploiting cross-domain recommendation techniques, i.e., we suggest items to a user in one target domain by using ratings of other users in a, completely disjoint, auxiliary domain. We present three rating prediction models that make use of information about how users tag items in an auxiliary domain, and how these tags correlate with the ratings to improve the rating prediction task in a different target domain. We show that the proposed techniques can effectively deal with the considered cold-start situation, given that the tags used in the two domains overlap

    Estudio técnico-económico de viabilidad de utilización del hidrógeno como combustible. Estado actual y perspectivas futuras del problema con particular aplicación al caso español

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    La utilización del hidrógeno como medio de acumulación y transporte de energía y como combustible sintético en plantas estacionarias y móviles está recibiendo una importante y creciente atención, estando en progreso numerosos programas de investigación sobre sus problemas de producción, transporte y utilización

    Municipal management and heritage interpretation: the model of Terrinches (Ciudad Real)

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    Terrinches es una pequeña localidad manchega situada en el Campo de Montiel, una comarca en fuerte recesión económica y social. Esto no ha sido obstáculo para que su Ayuntamiento y la consultora de Arqueología y Patrimonio Anthropos, s.l. hayan desarrollado a lo largo de la última década diversas intervenciones de investigación y rehabilitación del Patrimonio Histórico municipal, dirigidas a su musealización y puesta en valor para favorecer el desarrollo sostenible del lugar.Terrinches is a small town located in the Campo de Montiel (La Mancha-Ciudad Real-Spain), a region with a strong economic and social recession. This has not been an obstacle to its Town Hall and the company Anthropos, s.l. for developing over the last decade some research and rehabilitation interventions on the municipal Heritage, in orden to favour its presentation and the sustainable development of the area.Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEpu

    Avances hacia una nueva metodología de trabajo en proyectos arqueológicos: El caso de la Villa Romana de La Ontavia (Terrinches, Ciudad Real)

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    [ES] La creciente necesidad internacional de encontrar nuevas herramientas que faciliten la gestión integral del patrimonio arqueológico -esto es, los procesos coordinados de investigación, conservación y presentación de restos arqueológicos- abre la puerta al uso de nuevas técnicas, en unos casos basadas en la utilización de TICs y, en otros casos, en la utilización de elementos “a priori” más tradicionales pero igualmente eficaces, como pueden ser las reconstrucciones volumétricas. El proyecto que se desarrolla en estos momentos en la villa romana de La Ontavia (Terrinches, Ciudad Real) pretende avanzar en la creación de nuevas técnicas y metodologías de trabajo más acordes con las necesidades que la gestión integral del patrimonio plantea en el siglo XXI.[EN] The growing international need for new tools to facilitate the comprehensive management of archaeological heritage -ie the coordinated processes of research, conservation and presentation of archaeological remains- opens the door for the use of new techniques in some cases based on the use of ICT and, in other cases, based in the use of elements "a priori" more traditional but equally effective, such as volumetric reconstructions. The project being developed now in the Roman villa of La Ontavia (Terrinches, Ciudad Real) intends to advance the development of new techniques and working methods more in tune with the needs of the comprehensive management of cultural heritage in the XXI century.El Ayuntamiento de Terrinches, junto con la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha y el Fondo Social Europeo a través del Programa de Potenciación de Recursos Humanos del Plan Regional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación 2005-2010, han hecho posible este trabajo.Benítez De Lugo Enrich, L.; López-Menchero Bendicho, VM. (2011). Avances hacia una nueva metodología de trabajo en proyectos arqueológicos: El caso de la Villa Romana de La Ontavia (Terrinches, Ciudad Real). Virtual Archaeology Review. 2(3):157-160. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2011.4672OJS15716023GARCÍA ENTERO, V. (2001): Los Balnea de las villae hispanorromanas. Provincia Tarraconense. Madrid. Calendas.ICOMOS (2005): "Iran. The Bam earthquake", en Heritage at risk 2004/2005, ICOMOS/UNESCO, pp. 105-110.MARTIN, Marcelo (2003): "La gestión del patrimonio se sustenta sobre tres grandes tareas: investigar, conservar y difundir", en Boletín de Interpretación nº 8, [en línea] http://www.interpretaciondelpatrimonio.com [Consulta: 24-01-2007], pp. 21-22

    Dynamic and Regulated Association of Caveolin with Lipid Bodies: Modulation of Lipid Body Motility and Function by a Dominant Negative Mutant

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    Caveolins are a crucial component of caveolae but have also been localized to the Golgi complex, and, under some experimental conditions, to lipid bodies (LBs). The physiological relevance and dynamics of LB association remain unclear. We now show that endogenous caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 redistribute to LBs in lipid loaded A431 and FRT cells. Association with LBs is regulated and reversible; removal of fatty acids causes caveolin to rapidly leave the lipid body. We also show by subcellular fractionation, light and electron microscopy that during the first hours of liver regeneration, caveolins show a dramatic redistribution from the cell surface to the newly formed LBs. At later stages of the regeneration process (when LBs are still abundant), the levels of caveolins in LBs decrease dramatically. As a model system to study association of caveolins with LBs we have used brefeldin A (BFA). BFA causes rapid redistribution of endogenous caveolins to LBs and this association was reversed upon BFA washout. Finally, we have used a dominant negative LB-associated caveolin mutant (cavDGV) to study LB formation and to examine its effect on LB function. We now show that the cavDGV mutant inhibits microtubule-dependent LB motility and blocks the reversal of lipid accumulation in LBs

    Chalcolithic in the Upper Guadiana Basin (Ciudad Real, Spain). Craftsmen of beads in the inland of Iberian Peninsula: Los Parrales (Arenas de San Juan, Ciudad Real)

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    Doscientos noventa colgantes se han recuperado en un yacimiento arqueológico que se sitúa sobre un alto junto al río Cigüela, uno de los principales afluentes del río Guadiana. El lugar se llama Los Parrales y se localiza en el término municipal de Arenas de San Juan (Ciudad Real). La relevancia del hallazgo se deriva del elevado número de cuentas prehistóricas encontradas, de su asociación a cerámica campaniforme, del tipo de enclave en el que han aparecido y de las circunstancias del hallazgo: no han aparecido durante una excavación estratigráfica, sino en superficie. Los contactos culturales entre comunidades que habitaron los diversos sectores de la cuenca del río Guadiana, acreditados para otros momentos de la Prehistoria, constituyen una variable que puede ayudar a explicar este hallazgoTwo hundred ninety beads have been found in an archaeological site located over a hill beside Cigüela river, tributary of Guadiana river. The place, in Arenas de San Juan (Ciudad Real), is called Los Parrales. Its significance is relevant because of the high number of elements found together, associated with Bell Baker pottery and the discovery’s customs: not in an archaeological stratigraphy but in surface survey. Cultural contacts between people who lived in different sections of Guadiana river, confirmed in other prehistoric periods, can help to explain this fin

    Romanization of Funerary Rituals in Oretania: The Tomb 1 of the Cemetery of the Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real, Spain)

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    La correcta aplicación de un procedimiento de prevención de impactos y protección al patrimonio arqueológico, desarrollado con motivo de la implantación de una línea eléctrica de alta tensión, permitió en 2013 el hallazgo de una necrópolis junto al Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real). Hasta el momento se desconocía la localización del área funeraria de este gran oppidum. Las catorce tumbas documentadas durante esta breve intervención (catorce días de trabajo) corresponden a los enterramientos de cremaciones en urnas, con piezas de ajuar asociadas como fusayolas, fíbulas, armas y recipientes cerámicos. Se presenta el estudio ceramológico de la Tumba 1; la única de entre las excavadas que cuenta con ajuar de importación. En concreto la pieza importada es un plato de t.s. itálica con sello del taller de L. Titivs, fechado entre 15/40 d.C. Es, por tanto, un enterramiento de comienzos de nuestra era. El hallazgo permite verificar que en ese momento persisten en la Oretania los ritos funerarios indígenas ibéricos, que utilizan ocasionalmente cerámicas romanas de importación.The proper application of a method of protection and preventing impacts to Archaeological Heritage, developed because of the installation of an electrical power line, has led to the discovery of the necropolis beside Cerro de las Cabezas (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real). The location of the burial area of this great Iron Age oppidum was unknown until now. The fourteen graves documented during this brief intervention correspond to the cremations buried in urns, with goods associated as fusayola, fibulae, weapons and pottery. In this work is presented the ceramologic study of Tomb 1. This is the only one between the graves excavated which has imported pieces. The imported object is a plate of italian terra sigillata, dated between 15/40 AD and sealed in the factory of L. Titivs. Therefore it is an early burial of our era. The finding verifies than in these years persist in Oretania indigenous Iberian funerary rites, which occasionally used import Roman pottery

    High-dose intravenous immunoglobulins might modulate inflammation in COVID-19 patients

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    High-dose of IVIG show immunomodulatory properties that may be useful for controlling the hyperinflammatory status observed in COVID-19 patients. The use of high-dose of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIGs) as immunomodulators for the treatment of COVID-19-affected individuals has shown promising results. IVIG reduced inflammation in these patients, who progressively restored respiratory function. However, little is known about how they may modulate immune responses in COVID-19 individuals. Here, we have analyzed the levels of 41 inflammatory biomarkers in plasma samples obtained at day 0 (pretreatment initiation), 3, 7, and 14 from five hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with a 5-d course of 400 mg/kg/d of IVIG. The plasmatic levels of several cytokines (Tumor Necrosis Factor, IL-10, IL-5, and IL-7), chemokines (macrophage inflammatory protein-1α), growth/tissue repairing factors (hepatic growth factor), complement activation (C5a), and intestinal damage such as Fatty acid-binding protein 2 and LPS-binding protein showed a progressive decreasing trend during the next 2 wk after treatment initiation. This trend was not observed in IVIG-untreated COVID-19 patients. Thus, the administration of high-dose IVIG to hospitalized COVID-19 patients may improve their clinical evolution by modulating their hyperinflammatory and immunosuppressive status

    Cerro Ortega (Villanueva de la Fuente, Ciudad Real): un abrigo sepulcral con inhumación multiple durante la transición neolítico-calcolítico al sur de la meseta

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    Este trabajo supone una actualización de la documentación disponible sobre la necrópolis del Cerro Ortega, que incluye nuevas dataciones absolutas y su contexto cultural. Se aportan datos y materiales inéditos sobre algunos sitios arqueológicos fundamentales para comprender los procesos de cambio cultural entre los IV y III milenios cal BC en el interior peninsular: Cerro Ortega (Villanueva de la Fuente), Villamayor de Calatrava, Vega de los Morales (Aldea del Rey), Cueva Maturras (Argamasilla de Alba) y La Jalbegada (San Lorenzo de Calatrava), entre otros. La presentación de pulseras de piedra, ídolos, adornos personales de concha, hueso, pizarra, clinocloro, clinoferrosilita y calcita, así como la orientación a eventos astronómicos de un refugio sepulcral, proporciona información sobre los aspectos simbólicos de las primeras comunidades productoras de La Mancha. El estudio permite avanzar en el conocimiento de las bases neolíticas que permitieron formar el substrato calcolítico de la Cultura de las Motillas

    Systemic inflammation in decompensated cirrhosis: Characterization and role in acute-on-chronic liver failure.

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    Acute‐on‐chronic liver failure (ACLF) in cirrhosis is characterized by acute decompensation (AD), organ failure(s), and high short‐term mortality. Recently, we have proposed (systemic inflammation [SI] hypothesis) that ACLF is the expression of an acute exacerbation of the SI already present in decompensated cirrhosis. This study was aimed at testing this hypothesis and included 522 patients with decompensated cirrhosis (237 with ACLF) and 40 healthy subjects. SI was assessed by measuring 29 cytokines and the redox state of circulating albumin (HNA2), a marker of systemic oxidative stress. Systemic circulatory dysfunction (SCD) was estimated by plasma renin (PRC) and copeptin (PCC) concentrations. Measurements were performed at enrollment (baseline) in all patients and sequentially during hospitalization in 255. The main findings of this study were: (1) Patients with AD without ACLF showed very high baseline levels of inflammatory cytokines, HNA2, PRC, and PCC. Patients with ACLF showed significantly higher levels of these markers than those without ACLF; (2) different cytokine profiles were identified according to the type of ACLF precipitating event (active alcoholism/acute alcoholic hepatitis, bacterial infection, and others); (3) severity of SI and frequency and severity of ACLF at enrollment were strongly associated. The course of SI and the course of ACLF (improvement, no change, or worsening) during hospitalization and short‐term mortality were also strongly associated; and (4) the strength of association of ACLF with SI was higher than with SCD. Conclusion: These data support SI as the primary driver of ACLF in cirrhosis