1,631 research outputs found

    Models of relativistic particle with curvature and torsion revisited

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    Models, describing relativistic particles, where Lagrangian densities depend linearly on both the curvature and the torsion of the trajectories, are revisited in D=3 space forms. The moduli spaces of trajectories are completely and explicitly determined using the Lancret program. The moduli subspaces of closed solitons in the three sphere are also determined.Comment: 13 page

    Justicia, sujeto moral y populismo

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    Las teorías políticas de la justicia parten de principios universalistas. Postulan como principio normativo la inclusión de todos los miembros del demos como voz legítima al interior de la comunidad. Esto implica dos reclamos normativos, uno en relación a la protección de la pluralidad de posiciones que esa universalidad implica; el otro respecto a las condiciones que los sujetos a ser incluidos deben cumplir, debe presumirse que ellos son sujetos morales. En este trabajo argumentaré que las experiencias populistas tienen una relación conflictiva con ambos presupuestos. Por un lado, frente a la idea de un pueblo pensado en términos de intrínseca pluralidad, los populismos se caracterizan por una tensión irresoluble entre lo que Laclau llamó plebs y populus; por el otro, los populismos disputan precisamente la idea de una inclusión universal, demandando la incorporación de sujetos y grupos presentados como excluidos. En este texto entonces se pondrán en discusión las tensiones que se generan entre estas teorías y los principios que definen la especificidad del populismo latinoamericano.Contemporary theories of justice rest upon universal principles. One of their normative principles states the inclusion of all the members of the demos as legitimate voices within the community. This implies two normative claims; one related to the protection of the plurality that this principle includes; the other, linked to the conditions that the included subjects must have, i.e., they must be considered moral subjects. In this article, I will argue that populist experiences in Latin America have a conflictive relation to the above mentioned normative claims. On the one hand, faced with an idea of the people characterized by an intrinsic plurality, populism is marked by an unsolved tension between what Laclau described as plebs and populous. On the other hand, populist discourses precisely deny the universal inclusion of all members of the community, demanding the radical inclusion of subjects and groups which are described as unjustly excluded.Fil: Barros, Manuel Sebastian. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Populismo, pueblo y liderazgo en América Latina

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    Este artículo analiza una serie de discursos propuestos por las editoras del número especial sobre populismo. En el mismo, retomo cuatro puntos que son relevantes para pensar los populismos latinoamericanos. El primero de ellos es la apelación a una idea de pueblo que, por un lado, define a todos quienes pertenecen al demos, pero, por el otro lado, define también a una parte de ese todo que, si bien se encuentra en esa comunidad, no es miembro pleno de ella. El segundo aspecto que resalta en estos discursos es la apelación particular que adquiere esa parte sufrida. En los discursos populistas aparece la idea de dignidad como un significante recurrente. No son discursos que simplemente dan respuesta a demandas insatisfechas. La articulación de identificaciones populares por parte de los populismos supone una transformación en la estima de los sujetos. Tercero, en estos discursos se puede percibir que la parte indigna del pueblo irrumpe en la formación política partiendo la vida comunitaria en dos espacios identitarios polarizados. Esta polarización está encarnada en la emergencia de identificaciones populares que reclaman la capacidad legítima de poder definir y decidir qué es y qué será esa comunidad. Por último, el cuarto punto que se destaca del análisis de los discursos propuestos, es el carácter de los liderazgos.Fil: Barros, Manuel Sebastian. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - Sede Comodoro. Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Políticos de la Patagonia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    Introducción al estudio de La Tonada

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    ENNigma: A Framework for Private Neural Networks

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    The increasing concerns about data privacy and the stringent enforcement of data protection laws are placing growing pressure on organizations to secure large datasets. The challenge of ensuring data privacy becomes even more complex in the domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning due to their requirement for large amounts of data. While approaches like differential privacy and secure multi-party computation allow data to be used with some privacy guarantees, they often compromise data integrity or accessibility as a tradeoff. In contrast, when using encryption-based strategies, this is not the case. While basic encryption only protects data during transmission and storage, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is able to preserve data privacy during its processing on a centralized server. Despite its advantages, the computational overhead HE introduces is notably challenging when integrated into Neural Networks (NNs), which are already computationally expensive. In this work, we present a framework called ENNigma, which is a Private Neural Network (PNN) that uses HE for data privacy preservation. Unlike some state-of-the-art approaches, ENNigma guarantees data security throughout every operation, maintaining this guarantee even if the server is compromised. The impact of this privacy preservation layer on the NN performance is minimal, with the only major drawback being its computational cost. Several optimizations were implemented to maximize the efficiency of ENNigma, leading to occasional computational time reduction above 50%. In the context of the Network Intrusion Detection System application domain, particularly within the sub-domain of Distributed Denial of Service attack detection, several models were developed and employed to assess ENNigma’s performance in a real-world scenario. These models demonstrated comparable performance to non-private NNs while also achiev ing the two-and-a-half-minute inference latency mark. This suggests that our framework is approaching a state where it can be effectively utilized in real-time applications. The key takeaway is that ENNigma represents a significant advancement in the field of PNN as it ensures data privacy with minimal impact on NN performance. While it is not yet ready for real-world deployment due to its computational complexity, this framework serves as a milestone toward realizing fully private and efficient NNs.As preocupações crescentes com a privacidade de dados e a implementação de leis que visam endereçar este problema, estão a pressionar as organizações para assegurar a segurança das suas bases de dados. Este desafio torna-se ainda mais complexo nos domínios da Inteligência Artificial e Machine Learning, que dependem do acesso a grandes volumes de dados para obterem bons resultados. As abordagens existentes, tal como Differential Privacy e Secure Multi-party Computation, já permitem o uso de dados com algumas garantias de privacidade. No entanto, na maioria das vezes, comprometem a integridade ou a acessibilidade aos mesmos. Por outro lado, ao usar estratégias baseadas em cifras, isso não ocorre. Ao contrário das cifras mais tradicionais, que apenas protegem os dados durante a transmissão e armazenamento, as cifras homomórficas são capazes de preservar a privacidade dos dados durante o seu processamento. Nomeadamente se o mesmo for centralizado num único servidor. Apesar das suas vantagens, o custo computacional introduzido por este tipo de cifras é bastante desafiador quando integrado em Redes Neurais que, por natureza, já são computacionalmente pesadas. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma biblioteca chamada ENNigma, que é uma Rede Neural Privada construída usando cifras homomórficas para preservar a privacidade dos dados. Ao contrário de algumas abordagens estado-da-arte, a ENNigma garante a segurança dos dados em todas as operações, mantendo essa garantia mesmo que o servidor seja comprometido. O impacto da introdução desta camada de segurança, no desempenho da rede neural, é mínimo, sendo a sua única grande desvantagem o seu custo computacional. Foram ainda implementadas diversas otimizações para maximizar a eficiência da biblioteca apresentada, levando a reduções ocasionais no tempo computacional acima de 50%. No contexto do domínio de aplicação de Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusão em Redes de Computadores, em particular dentro do subdomínio de detecção de ataques do tipo Distributed Denial of Service, vários modelos foram desenvolvidos para avaliar o desempenho da ENNigma num cenário real. Estes modelos demonstraram desempenho comparável às redes neurais não privadas, ao mesmo tempo que alcançaram uma latência de inferência de dois minutos e meio. Isso sugere que a biblioteca apresentada está a aproximar-se de um estado em que pode ser utilizada em aplicações em tempo real. A principal conclusão é que a biblioteca ENNigma representa um avanço significativo na área das Redes Neurais Privadas, pois assegura a privacidade dos dados com um impacto mínimo no desempenho da rede neural. Embora esta ferramenta ainda não esteja pronta para utilização no mundo real, devido à sua complexidade computacional, serve como um marco importante para o desenvolvimento de redes neurais totalmente privadas e eficientes

    Political artefacts, aesthetics and heritage: the Valley of the Fallen

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Heritage Studies on 2020, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/13527258.2019.1620834.[EN] When considering the values which define heritage, aesthetic value is usually one of the most important, nearly always linked to the idea of work of art and to concepts such as beauty or harmony. Furthermore, aesthetics and politics tend to be dealt with separately. However, the link between aesthetics and politics is key in order to manage the meaning of those artefacts made with the intention of altering the political environment (political artefacts), particularly when they could be (or when they have already become) heritage. This paper puts forward the idea that in order to fully comprehend the social effects of political artefacts, their relationship with aesthetics must be understood. The function of aesthetics in modifying the meanings and connotations of heritage, when the latter is considered to be negative from a socio-political point of view, is also examined. In order to exemplify this relationship between aesthetics and politics, the resignification of the Valley of the Fallen (Valle de los Caidos), the most iconic and important Francoist memorial in Spain, is discussed.Barros García, JM. (2020). Political artefacts, aesthetics and heritage: the Valley of the Fallen. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 26(3):253-266. https://doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2019.1620834S253266263Alexander, J. C. (2010). Iconic Consciousness: The Material Feeling of Meaning. Thesis Eleven, 103(1), 10-25. doi:10.1177/0725513610381369Ben-Ghiat, R. 2017. “Why are so Many Fascist Monuments Still Standing in Italy?” The New Yorker, October 5. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/why-are-so-many-fascist-monuments-still-standing-in-italyBOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado). 2007. “Ley 52/2007, de 26 de diciembre, por la que se reconocen y amplían derechos y se establecen medidas en favor de quienes padecieron persecución o violencia durante la guerra civil y la dictadura.” https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2007-22296.BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado). 2018. “Real Decreto-ley 10/2018, de 24 de agosto, por el que se modifica la Ley 52/2007, de 26 de diciembre.” https://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-2018-11836Crouch, D. (2015). Affect, Heritage, Feeling. The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research, 177-190. doi:10.1057/9781137293565_11Crumbaugh, J. (2011). AFTERLIFE AND BARE LIFE: THE VALLEY OF THE FALLEN AS A PARADIGM OF GOVERNMENT. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 12(4), 419-438. doi:10.1080/14636204.2011.691670De la Fuente, E. (2013). Why Aesthetic Patterns Matter: Art and a «Qualitative» Social Theory. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 44(2), 168-185. doi:10.1111/jtsb.12036DeNora, T. (2000). Music in Everyday Life. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511489433Falasca-Zamponi, S. (1997). Fascist Spectacle. doi:10.1525/9780520926158Ferrándiz, F. (1970). Guerras sin fin: guía para descifrar el Valle de los Caídos en la España contemporánea. Política y Sociedad, 48(3). doi:10.5209/rev_poso.2011.v48.n3.36425Freedberg, D. (1989). The Power of Images. doi:10.7208/chicago/9780226259031.001.0001Fuentes Vega, A. (2017). The politics of memory, tourism and dictatorship: revisiting Franco’s Valley of the Fallen. Journal of Tourism History, 9(1), 70-91. doi:10.1080/1755182x.2017.1348545Haldrup, M., & Bœrenholdt, J. O. (2015). Heritage as Performance. The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research, 52-68. doi:10.1057/9781137293565_4Hite, K. (2008). The Valley of the Fallen: Tales from the Crypt. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 44(2), 110-127. doi:10.1093/fmls/cqn001Jay, M. (1992). «The Aesthetic Ideology» as Ideology; Or, What Does It Mean to Aestheticize Politics? Cultural Critique, (21), 41. doi:10.2307/1354116Joerges, B. (1999). Do Politics Have Artefacts? Social Studies of Science, 29(3), 411-431. doi:10.1177/030631299029003004Larkin, B. (2013). The Politics and Poetics of Infrastructure. Annual Review of Anthropology, 42(1), 327-343. doi:10.1146/annurev-anthro-092412-155522Layton, R. (2003). Art and Agency: A Reassessment. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 9(3), 447-464. doi:10.1111/1467-9655.00158Macdonald, S. (2006). Undesirable Heritage: Fascist Material Culture and Historical Consciousness in Nuremberg. 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    WalkNRide: contextualising feedback in physical activity trackers

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    Increasing levels of sedentarism and obesity, along with advances in sensor technologies have instigated a market for wearable activity trackers, electronic devices that sense users’ physical activity levels with the goals of self-monitoring and behaviour change. Nowadays, activity trackers are one of the most desirable technologies, making up for a market of over $230 million in 2013. However, despite the spike of users’ interest, activity trackers have been shown to lose their appeal over time, with a recent survey suggesting that one out of three users discard the tracker in the course of the first six months of use. The question we pose is: how can we design activity tracker so that users’ interests is sustained over the long term? Our design approach focuses on contextualising physical activity. We do this through sensing users’ locations and activities (such as being still, walking or commuting through a car, bus or other means) and thus providing innovative ways of presenting feedback on users. This thesis presents the design and evaluation of WalkNRide, a physical activity tracker for Google Android. Through a longitudinal field study of WalkNRide, we attempt to inquire into the factors that drive the adoption (or non-adoption) of the tool as well as the ways in which the use of the tool contributes towards habit formation