42 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pengembangan motivasi intrinsik, Work It Self / pekerjaan itu sendiri dan kinerja sumber daya manusia. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan di PT Misaja Mitra Pati, dengan jumlah sampel 84 responden. Alat analisisnya adalah Path Analysis dimana sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa Motivasi intrinsik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Work It Self / pekerjaan itu sendiri. Motivasi intrinsik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja sumber daya manusia. Work It Self / pekerjaan itu sendiri berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja sumber daya manusia. Dari sobel test Work It Self / pekerjaan itu sendiri dapat di jadikan variable intervening antara motivasi intrinsik terhadap kinerja sumber daya manusia. Yaitu motivasi intrinsik mempunyai pengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja sumber daya manusia. Dengan adanya pengaruh tidak langsung Work It Self / pekerjaan itu sendiri akan meningkatkan pengaruh motivasi intrinsik terhadap kinerja sumber daya manusia apabila Work It Self / pekerjaan itu sendiri dijadikan sebagai intervening diantara keduanya. Kata Kunci: Motivasi intrinsik, Work It Self / pekerjaan itu sendiri, kinerja sumber daya manusi

    Potential Contribution Of Sharia Micro Financing On Poverty Reduction In Slum Communities In Makassar

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    Poverty is a problem faced by many countries. A country that has a high number of poor people, will always face various cases as a result of poverty, namely low education, high unemployment, health problems, criminal cases and prone to security problems. That is because the poor people not only lack money, but also do not have access to health services, food and education, so they are vulnerable to illness, malnutrition, and unable to get a good education. Considering its impact on people's lives, it is deemed necessary to take actions that can reduce poverty. Governments in many countries and international institutions have also sought to help the poor throughout the world, through microfinance programs. This effort has succeeded in reducing poverty at the global level. On the other hand, poverty is still quite high. The dependence of the poor on poverty alleviation programs from the government often leads to community dependence on the government. They are just waiting for help to stay alive, so they cannot get out of the cycle of poverty. Therefore, in efforts to alleviate poverty, the important thing to do by the government and institutions involved in poverty reduction is to encourage the independence of the poor so that they can get out of the poverty circle by their own efforts. One effort to encourage the independence of the poor is to provide capital so that they can build their own business activities. In some circumstances, microfinance can be a strategy to provide a way out for the poor to escape poverty. This study aims to identify the potential contribution of Islamic microfinance to reduce poverty in slums in Makassar. The method used in this study is qualitative, in which data are collected through in-depth interviews with slum communities who have not been touched by access to financial institutions. Other interviews were conducted with the management of Islamic microfinance institutions. Interviews found that urban communities living in slums wanted to access financial institutions, but did not have the opportunity. While from the LKMS, it was stated that there are many financing programs provided for the poor. This shows that the opportunity to reduce poverty is very good with the large potential contribution of LKMS in encouraging the independence of the poor through business activities.Keywords: Sharia Microfinance Institutions, Poverty, Slum Communitie

    Komunikasi Antar Budaya Masyarakat Jawa Dan Madura

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    Tamansari kecamatan Tegalsari kabupaten Banyuwangi antara lain yaitu karena sejarah kemajemukan suku pendatang, rasa kekeluarhaan yang tinggi, peran tokoh masyarakat. Hambatan-hambatan Proses komunikasi antar budaya pada masyarakat jawa dan madura di dusun Krajan Tamansari kecamatan Tegalsari kabupaten Banyuwangi adalah bahasa  yang digunakan bersifat kedaerahan dan prasangka sosial masing-masing komunitas. &nbsp


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    Innovation in learning has to be done,  including IKIP Siliwangi students, learning innovation becomes the background in this research, the innovation in question is to develop existing learning models tailored to the needs of students and combine learning model with digital media. The purpose of find out the results of students' learning in writing expplanation text using innovative methods, and to know the implementation of STAD+ 3R methods based on digital media as innovative methods. The research used is quantitative descriptive in the form of Nonequivalent control groups. The population in this study was 300 grade VIII students. The sampling used purposive sampling and obtained grade VIII B as an experimental class of 30 students and grade VIII A as a control class of 30 students. The results showed the study increased the average score by 21.87 points from 56.13 to 78. Significant differences through statistical test with signification score of 2-tailed independent t test sample test is 0.003 < 0.05, it can be concluded there is a meaningful difference between the control and the experiment class, Implementation of STAD +3R method based on digital media goes very well with the results of students' work in the experiment class with digital products in the form of vlog, pptx and e-book. Â


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    Building the Indonesian character law means building the law of the values of the personality of the Indonesian nation, Pancasila (the five principles). The embodiment of the values of the principles: divinity, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice animate and enliven the devolepment of national laws of Indonesia, able to respond the process and the changes that occur without leaving its legal indentity, Pancasil


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    ABSTRAKSI Mansyur, M.Firmansyah Ali, 2023, NIT: 561911217227 T, “Analisis Minyak Pelumas yang Bercampur Air Pada Mesin Diesel Generator di MV.Tanto Manis” Skripsi Program Studi Teknika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I : Dr.F.Pambudi Widiatmaka ,S.T.,M.T Pembimbing II : Retno Hariyanti ,S.Pd,.M.M. Mesin Diesel Generator merupakan suatu pesawat bantu atau permesinan bantu yang berfungsi untuk menghasilkan listrik. Listrik tersebut berguna untuk keperluan diatas kapal seperti sebagai supply listrik untuk lampu-lampu,kontainer reefer, alat-alat navigasi, pompa-pompa dan permesinan lainnya yang membutuhkan listrik untuk beroperasi. Untuk menunjang kinerja mesin diesel generator maka diperlukan sistem pelumasan yang baik. Pada tanggal 27 April 2022, penulis mengamati keadaan dimana saat kapal berlayar menuju Pontianak terjadi emulsifikasi pada minyak pelumas mesin diesel generator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab bercampurnya minyak pelumas dengan air, untuk mengetahui dampak yang ditimbulkan akibat bercampurnya minyak pelumas dengan air, serta untuk mengetahui upaya penanggulangan dan pencegahan minyak pelumas bercampur dengan air. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, studi pustaka, dokumentasi, dan wawancara, teknik keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Shell (Software, Hardware, Environment, dan Liveware). Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penyebab bercampurnya minyak pelumas dengan air pada sistem pelumasan mesin diesel generator disebabkan oleh adanya kerusakan O-ring cylinder liner diesel generator, dengan adanya kerusakan tersebut maka berdampak lolosnya air pendingin yang berfungsi untuk mendinginkan liner jatuh kedalam carter sehingga minyak pelumas mengalami emulsifikasi dengan air pendingin dimana hal tersebut mengakibatkan rusaknya komponen mesin diesel generator yang lainnya. Upaya penanggulangan bercampurnya minyak pelumas dengan air yaitu dengan melakukan perawatan sesuai dengan plan maintenance system, mengoperasikan mesin diesel generator secara bergantian dan sesuai dengan manual book


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    Legal Aspects of Sharia Banking Legislation, Law Number 21 of 2008, in terms of judicial philosophy and Sociological basically a sense of Justice has addressed the needs of the Islamic Ummah as a consequence of legal pluralism live and grow in the dynamics of Indonesian society. While from the juridical formalistic approach through the legal umbrella Act No.3 of 2006 and Act No. 4 of 2004 its implementation requires a judge in creating and upholding justice, should know and understand the aspirations and values of living in society and orientation, which should put forward justice together with the orientation of legal certainty and expediency. Keywords: shariah banking, implementatio


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    As the Consumer Protection Law Enforcement Effort for Quality Improvement National Production outlines that globalization opens free market requires businesses to compete on a competitive basis from the galloping pace of international business competition. Opportunities entry of goods importedfrom abroad should be able to be supported by regulations to safeguard the rights of consumers and businesses nationwide are required to produce a quality prodak capable of fulfilling the rights of consumers and be able to compete competitively in the global market. The research method using normative juridical approach with The data collection methods focus on literature study materials secondary law. research shows that the production quality standardization aims to improve consumerprotection and to realize smooth trade and a healthy business climate, embody the fulfillment of the rights of consumers, and improve the quality of prodak grade; The next responsibility of businesses in ensuring the quality of the production is to provide the fulfillment of the rights of consumers, the conception of the activities prohibited to businesses in the form of regulations to not produce harmful products and are not qualified, and quality standardization efforts of national production; whereasconsumer protection law enforcement efforts in improving the quality of national production is through the efforts of standardizing the quality of production, the preventive consumer protection and dispute settlement, prosecution and sanctioning both on aspects of criminal, civil and administrative

    Strategy for Building the Organization of the Forest Management Communities around the Education And Training Area Sawala - Kadipaten – Majalengka, West Java

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    This research is based on the main problem regarding the community around the Forest Education and Training ET Generally They do not only fully understand but also they have no sense of belonging realize the importance of forests and forestry for human life and other living things The community is one of the factors that causing disruption on forest areas and forest products theft forest fires forests are used as landfills and the economic conditions of the middle to lower classes this can cause damage the Forest Education and Training area The purpose of this research is to find out and illustrate more deeply about how the strategy build the community organization of forest management then gaining the steps that can be obtained more effective and efficient so that community organizations are sustainable and increase with the changing times so that it is expected to be a solution to the problem solving that occurs towards Forest Education and Trainin

    Studi Penggunaan Kapur sebagai Bahan Aditif terhadap Karakteristik Campuran Beton Aspal Lapis Aus (Ac-wc)

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    Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC) is the layer indirect contact with the wheels of the vehicle that makes this layer is easy damage. The use of additive in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures as AC-WC has often done to improve the durability. One of additional material that has been used is hydrate lime. The aim of this research was to know the effect of using lime as additive on AC-WC characteristics.Variations lime used in this study was 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% respectively. Characteristic of AC-WC mixture include stability, flexibility, durability, VIM, VMA, VFB and flow of the mixtures. Test characteristic of the mixtures using Marshall Method.Analysis of the relationships the characteristic of AC-WC mixtures with variations of lime using statistical methods is experiment factorial at 95% confidence level or α= 5%. The result of this study was to found that using lime as additives to effect the characteristic of AC-WC mixtures. Optimum Asphalt Content tends to increase due to increased lime content in the AC-WC. The result also found that the best lime content is 15%, Optimum asphalt content is 6.67% with an increase stability value of 9.75%, durability value of 1.39% and flexibility value of 11.61% when compared to the characteristics of AC-WC mixture without additives lime