1,071 research outputs found
Book of Abstracts
The International Symposia on Radiation Physics is devoted to current trends and potential future issues involving radiation in various applications. Attendees have an opportunity to share ideas on the underpinning interactions, the uses of radiation in research and applications in a great many fields such as biomedical applications of radiation, art and cultural heritage, Monte Carlo methods and models, radiation in environmental sciences, detection of threat material and contraband, radiation protection, shielding and dosimetry, radiation effects on materials, radiation detection and measurements, and other related topics.publishersversionpublishe
WORKING TOGETHER Conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technological heritage
La ficción en Internet para trasladar información de actualidad: ¿Diga?, un cortometraje sobre la huella ecológica
¿Diga? es un cortometraje de ficción que traslada información sobre hábitos de consumo responsable con el fin de mostrar su importancia en el medio ambiente y en concreto, en la reducción de la huella ecológica. El cortometraje se enmarca dentro de un proyecto digital, Episodio Piloto, una página web donde albergar producciones breves de ficción junto a información que se pretenda mostrar con ellas. La información ligada a ¿Diga? se traslada mediante un artículo sencillo que explica el concepto de la huella ecológica. Tanto la realización audiovisual completa del cortometraje como la elaboración y diseño de la página web y la escritura del artículo forman parte de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism
Assembleia de turma : a sua importância para a formação pessoal e social
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário/ ESEI Maria Ulrich para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoEste relatório foi elaborado de acordo com as orientações da Prática Supervisionada
(PS) em 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1ºCEB), num contexto pedagógico caracterizado por uma
pedagogia onde a individualidade e a expressão livre da criança, baseada nas relações e na
reflexão daquilo que é vivido, é o motor do processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
Para abordar a temática das Assembleias de Turma, pareceu-me fundamental a
oportunidade que tive para poder efetuar uma observação cuidada, direta e direcionada,
tentando entender qual a sua importância para a formação pessoal e social das crianças
envolvidas, e como se estrutura este momento na rotina do grupo.
Este estudo procura dar resposta à importância da realização periódica das
Assembleias de Turma, focando o desenvolvimento de quatro aspetos específicos como a
responsabilidade, a justiça, o sentido crítico e a autonomia.
Optei por uma metodologia qualitativa, tendo recolhido os dados para este estudo
através de observações diretas, registo de notas de campo e entrevistas dentro deste âmbito.
Neste relatório, é apresentado aquilo que foi mais significativo durante as observações
realizadas no decorrer da Prática Supervisionada bem como uma síntese dos aspetos
fundamentais referidos nas entrevistas realizadas. Pretende-se analisar e refletir sobre os atos
que as crianças adotam espontaneamente durante as Assembleias fazendo a ponte com uma
reflexão sobre o contexto de Assembleia pelos mesmos, focado nos quatro aspetos
No final, será apresentada uma reflexão sobre a minha prática e o impacto que a
temática abordada teve enquanto futura profissional.ABSTRACT: This report follows the instructions of the Supervisioned Pratice in the first cycle of Basic
Education, in an educational context characterized by a pedagogical approach that is based
on the individuality and free expression of the child, based on the relationships and reflection
of what is lived, as the motor of the teaching-learning process.
To develop the Class Assemblies issue, it was important to routinely and carefully
observe these moments to understand its meaning and relevance for the personal and social
training of the children involved, and how the class assembly is structured in the group routines.
This study seeks to respond to the importance of periodic holding of Class Assemblies,
focusing on the development of four specific aspects, namely, responsibility, justice, critical
sense and autonomy.
For the study, a qualitative method was adopted. Data were collected by means of
direct observations, field records and interviews, carried out in this context.
This report presents what was most significant during the observations made during
the practice and a summary of the most important aspects mentioned by the children in the
interviews. The intention was to analyze the behaviour that each child spontaneously adopts
during the Assemblies and relate it with an individual reflection on the Assembly context,
focusing the four above mentioned aspects.
This report finishes with a personal refletion on my pratice and the impact of the subject
addressed in my career, as a future professional
Validación del software SIMULANCLA mediante la fabricación y simulación de un prototipo del sistema de fondeo
[Resumen] En este momento de incertidumbre en el sector naval es cuando se debe poner más empeño en aportar estudios que contribuyan con iniciativas que permitan dar otra visión a los mercados. Es por ello que en este proyecto se propone alcanzar como objetivo la validación del software SIMULANCLA desarrollado por el laboratorio de ingeniería mecánica, LIM, de la UDC, que permitirá mejorar la maniobra de fondeo del buque sin la necesidad de una maqueta. Para lograr este objetivo, el estudio se estructura en tres partes a las que se añaden las conclusiones obtenidas y la bibliografía consultada. En la primera, se realiza el diseño de los modelos en CAD para construir un prototipo impreso en 3D que permita la fase experimental. En la segunda se desarrolla un sistema de control de la maniobra, medición de la fuerza de tiro (parámetro empleado para la validación) y tratamiento de esta señal medida. En la última parte, se aborda la simulación del modelo y se comparan los resultados extraídos con el estudio experimental.[Resumo] Neste momento de incerteza no sector naval é cando debe poñerse máis empeño en aportar estudos que contribúan con iniciativas que permitan dar outra visión ós mercados. É por elo que neste proxecto se propón alcanzar como obxectivo a validación do software SIMULANCLA desenvolvido polo laboratorio de enxeñería mecánica, LIM, da UDC, que permitirá mellorar a manobra de fondeo do buque sen necesidade dunha maqueta. Para lograr este obxectivo, o estudo estrutúrase en tres partes ás que se engaden as conclusións obtidas e a bibliografía consultada. Na primeira, realízase o deseño dos modelos CAD para construír un prototipo impreso en 3D que permita a fase experimental. Na segunda desenvólvese un sistema de control da manobra, medición da forza de tiro (parámetro empregado para a validación) e tratamento desta sinal medida. Na última parte, abórdase a simulación do modelo e compáranse os resultados extraídos co estudio experimental.[Abstract] At this time of uncertainty in the naval sector, it is when more effort must be put into providing studies that contribute with initiatives that give a different vision to the markets. For this reason, this project aims to achieve the validation of the SIMULANCLA software developed by the UDC's mechanical engineering laboratory, LIM, which will improve the ship's anchoring maneuver without the need for a prototype. To achieve this objective, the study is structured in three parts, to which the conclusions obtained and the bibliography consulted are added. First, the CAD models are designed to build a 3D printed prototype that allows the experimental phase. Secondly, a system is developed for controlling the maneuvers, measuring the tractive force (parameter used for validation) and processing this measured signal. Lastly, the simulation of the model is discussed and the results extracted are compared with the ones from the experimental study.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría industrial. Curso 2017/201
Desigualdad en el consumo energético en Europa: un enfoque empírico
ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to analyse gross inland energy consumption (EC) in the EU-15 - European Union countries over the period 2005-2014. The standard tools in the measurement of income inequality such as Lorenz Curve, Gini Index, and Generalized Entropy and Atkinson indices are applied. The
empirical results confirm that EC inequality has decreased (the Gini coefficient falls from 44.27% in 2005 to 42.16% in 2014), that there are a small inward shift in the corresponding Lorenz Curve and there are huge differences among the four European clusters of countries (Mediterranean, Continental, Nordic and Anglo-Saxon ones).RESUMEN. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el consumo de energía (CE) en los países de la Unión Europea (UE-15) durante el periodo 2005-2014. Se aplican herramientas estándar en la medición de la desigualdad, como las Curvas de Lorenz, el índice de Gini, los índices de entropía generalizada y de Atkinson. Los resultados empíricos, obtenidos confirman que se ha producido un desplazamiento de las curvas de Lorenz, que la distribución de desigualdad del CE en los países de la UE-15 ha disminuido (el coeficiente de Gini cae del 44,27% en 2005 al 42,16% en 2014) y existen amplias diferencias entre grupos de países (Mediterráneos, Continentales, Nórdicos y Anglosajones)
On the origin of Goa Cathedral former altarpiece: Material and technical assessment to the work of Garcia Fernandes, Portuguese painter from 16th century Lisbon workshop
Goa Cathedral former altarpiece is one of the oldest set of paintings in India. The seven remaining paintings from the first altarpiece of Goa Cathedral, nowadays in the sacristy, are attributed by some art historians to Master Garcia Fernandes (act. 1514–1565), Portuguese painter from Lisbon workshop. The 16th century was the “Golden age” of Portuguese painting. In this context the Royal Lisbon workshop played a predominant role, where the activity of the painter Garcia Fernandes and his workshop can be distinguished. In this new approach, Goa paintings are being studied and compared with other works in Portuguese territory attributed to this same painter, as St. Bartholomew altarpiece from the chapel of Bartolomeu Joanes in Lisbon Cathedral.
The stratigraphic study allowed to compare ground layers, pigments and binders which, were characterized using complementary analytical and imaging techniques: (X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), Infrared Reflectography (IRR), Infrared Photography (IRP), Macro Photography (MP), micro-X-ray Diffraction (μ-XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Raman micro-spectroscopy (μ-Raman), Fourier Transform Infrared micro-spectroscopy (μ-FTIR), Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (PY-GC/MS). This work brought a new insight on the techniques and materials used in this Masterpiece and highlighted the conclusion that Goa Cathedral former altarpiece must be a Portuguese production
Agroforestry systems in North‐Eastern mountains of Portugal: a portrait in the transition for the XXIst century
The gathered results from population and agricultural census of the past
decades have demonstrated a significant decrease of the inhabitants of the North‐
Eastern mountain regions of Portugal. This depopulation has been reflected in rural
activity and particularly in extensive grazing systems. As a result of the rural areas
abandonment, the previously compartmentalized landscape by mosaic agroforestry,
where agricultural fields were alternated with forest, shrublands and pastures,
currently appears dominated by tall shrubs or burned areas with representative
dimensions. This situation leads us to ask about the current context of the
agrosilvopastoral activity and what are their prospects for the future. The demand for
such responses have originated a series of studies focused on those territories, to
assess the constraints and motivations of shepherds who have remained here and
those who have emigrated and have already come back. These approaches include
interviews with shepherds and the survey/registration of traditional grazing paths,
namely, in the Natura 2000 Network Sites of Alvão/Marão Mountains, Montemuro
Mountain, Morais/Azibo, Montesinho/Coroa /Nogueira and Douro International. From
the socioeconomic point of view, the low yields from agriculture, given the poor
valorisation of its products; the low productivity of the systems; the great demand for
hand labour; and the aging population, were identified as some of the factors that
have contributed to that decline. However, many of the shepherds, who have come
back, highlight advantages of the used traditional pastoralism, when compared with
other labour activities practiced as migrants. Others, having taken advantage of new
learning, have tried to implement new agrosilvopastoral models. Nowadays, the
mountain grazing systems, despite its regression, seem to be renewing. They do not
have a single standard, but include a diversity of situations. However, besides they are
still insufficient for an adequate landscape management, it is important to know about
their sustainability
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