1,062 research outputs found

    Analysis of “The Constitutions of Clarendon” (1164)

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    “Las constituciones de Clarendon” son un conjunto de dieciséis órdenes promulgadas por el rey Enrique II en 1164 con la intención de redefinir las relaciones entre iglesia y estado en Inglaterra. Dado que su principal objetivo era restringir los privilegios eclesiásticos, su publicación provocó una famosa disputa entre el Rey y el arzobispo de Canterbury, Thomas Becket. Se considera que el derecho consuetudinario (o common law) surgió en Inglaterra gracias a las reformas que quiso imponer Enrique II.“The Constitutions of Clarendon” are a set of 16 articles issued by King Henry II in 1164 in his attempt to define the relationship between church and state in England. As the main goal was to restrict ecclesiastical privileges, their publication raised a famous quarrel between the King and the archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket. Henry II is regarded as the originator of the common law in England thanks to the legal reforms he wanted to enforce

    The Significance of Genetic Polymorphisms within and between Founder Populations of Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) from Argentina

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    BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis Capitata (DIPTERA: Tephritidae) is a major agricultural pest in Argentina. One main cause for the success of non-contaminant control programs based on genetic strategies is compatibility between natural and laboratory germplasms. A comprehensive characterization of the fruit fly based on genetic studies and compatibility analysis was undertaken on two founder populations from the provinces of Buenos Aires and Mendoza, used in pioneering sterile male technique control programmes in our country. The locations are 1,000 km apart from each other. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We compared the genetic composition of both populations based on cytological, physiological and morphological characterization. Compatibility studies were performed in order to determine the presence of isolation barriers. Results indicate that the Buenos Aires germplasm described previously is partially different from that of the Mendoza population. Both laboratory colonies are a reservoir of mutational and cytological polymorphisms. Some sexual chromosome variants such as the XL and the YL resulting from attachment of a B-chromosome to the X-chromosome or Y-chromosome behave as a lethal sex-linked factor. Our results also show incompatibility between both germplasms and pre-zygotic isolation barriers between them. Our evidence is consistent with the fact that polymorphisms are responsible for the lack of compatibility. CONCLUSIONS: The genetic control mechanism should be directly produced in the germplasm of the target population in order to favour mating conditions. This is an additional requirement for the biological as well as economic success of control programs based on genetic strategies such as the sterile insect technique. The analysis of representative samples also revealed natural auto-control mechanisms which could be used in modifying pest population dynamics

    The concept of Carpe Diem and its relation with the poem "To His Coy Mistress", written by Andrew Marvell

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    Andrew Marvell recrea el concepto del carpe diem con maestría en su poema “To His Coy Mistress”, escrito en el S. XVII y dedicado a una tímida amante. Este concepto fue introducido en la literatura inglesa por los llamados Cavalier Poets. El poema empieza con un tono lánguido, relajado y descriptivo en el que se utilizan metáforas e imágenes. A medida que vamos avanzando en la lectura, el ritmo va acelerando para recrear la idea del tempus fugit. La intención es clara: conseguir que la destinataria del poema caiga en los brazos del poeta.Andrew Marvell masterfully reproduces the concept of carpe diem in his poem “To His Coy Mistress”, written in the 17th century and dedicated to a shy mistress. The concept was introduced in the English literature by the so-called Cavalier Poets. The poem begins with a languid, relaxed and descriptive tone using metaphors and images. While we move towards the end of the text, the rhythm gets fasters to re-create the idea of tempus fugit. The intention is clear: ensuring that the recipient of the poem falls into the arms of the poet

    DO “Lodosako Pikillo Piperra”: Identifikazioa eta ezagutza kalitate gisa

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    Frente a la creciente competitividad en el mercado de los productos agroalimentarios a nivel global, se han desarrollado una serie de estrategias de diferenciación llamadas denominaciones de origen, con el fin de proteger tanto a los productos como su medio de producción y su entorno geográfico, brindando una oportunidad en el mercado como marcas de calidad. Este trabajo nos acerca de una manera exploratoria y desde el ámbito de la Sociología al caso concreto de la Denominación de Origen “Pimiento del Piquillo de Lodosa”, para así averiguar cómo es percibida por consumidores, no consumidores y por personas afines a ella. De esta manera, averiguaremos si en verdad se percibe su impacto en el lugar de origen con su consumo y qué caminos pueden ser los más adecuados para que se siga impulsando en un futuroFacing the increasing competition in the market for agri-food products, have developed aseries of strategies of differentiation, called denominations of origin, in order to protect bothproducts as a means of production and its geographic surroundings, providing an opportunity in the market as quality brands. This work we about an exploratory manner and from the field or Sociology to the Denomination of Origin “Pimiento del Piquillo de Lodosa”, to so find out how is perceived both by consumers , non-consumer and by people related to it. In this way, we find out if indeed feels its impacto n the place of origin with their consumption and wich roads may be the most suitable for yoy continue to drive in the futureGraduado o Graduada en Sociología Aplicada por la Universidad Pública de NavarraSoziologia Aplikatuan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Propuesta de intervención de la dislalia mediante el humor

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    La comunicación adquiere una relevancia cada vez mayor en el aula. Actualmente, uno de los trastornos más comunes que presentan muchos niños es la dislalia, el cual consiste en alteraciones en la articulación de determinados fonemas que dificultan la comunicación con su entorno en cualquiera de la situación que se les presente. Resulta fundamental conocer dicho trastorno para poder desarrollar una intervención que se adapte tanto a las necesidades como a los intereses de las personas que lo padecen. Por otro lado, se ha observado los numerosos beneficios que el humor genera en los individuos. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha, éste no se emplea como herramienta para trabajar los trastornos del habla. Tomando como referencia la conceptualización teórica previa, en este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se lleva a cabo una propuesta de intervención de las dislalias a través del humor como hilo conductor. Para ello, primero se realizará un informe psicopedagógico, después una evaluación inicial y luego se presentarán una serie de sesiones que concluirán con una evaluación final.The communication acquires an increasingly relevance in the classroom. At present, one of the most common disorders which present many children is the dyslalia. This disorder consists in a serie of alterations in certain phonemas that it causses a dificulties in the comunication between the children and their environment in any of the situations that they would arise. For that, it is essential to know the dyslalia to develop an intervention that can adapt the needs and interests of the persons who they suffer it. Furthermore, it has observed the numerous benefits that the humour generates in all persons. However, until now, humour does not use how a tool to work at the speech disorder. Taking as reference a previous theoretical conceptualization, in this desertation, it has carried out a proposal for the intervention of dislalias through humour, that it is the common thread. For that, at first, it conducts a psychopedagogical report, later an initial evaluation and for last, it will present a number of sessions that end with a final evaluation.Departamento de PsicologíaGrado en Educación Primari

    How to get started with PLB (Project Based Learning)

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    El ABP, o Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos, es un tipo de proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje centrado en el alumno que no se debe confundir con la realización de simples proyectos. Es importante realizar una detallada planificación previa, crear el ambiente adecuado en el aula y tener gran capacidad de adaptación para llevarlo a buen puerto. Basta con seguir unos sencillos pasos para iniciarse en una práctica que, sin duda, mejorará nuestra experiencia docente.PBL, or Project Based Learning, is a type of teaching-learning process, student-centered, that should not be confused with doing simple projects. It is important to carry out a detailed previous planning, to set the right mood in the classroom and to have a great adaptive capacity for a successful outcome. You just need to follow some simple steps to get started in a practice that will undoubtedly improve your teaching experience

    The Use of Digital Technologies to Develop Girls' Creativity: Paths and Practices in Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, and Slovenia

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    The presence (or lack thereof) of women in STEM and ICT has become a key issue for the industry and for policy makers, as complex and nuanced questions of gender are brought to the centerstage of public discussion. As part of this effort, this research aims to shine a light on the factors that keep girls and young women from pursuing careers in the field of ICT and provide tools and orientations to tackle these issues. A two-fold analysis was conducted, with interviews with experts in the sector, in the format of four round-table discussions, and an analysis of 30 case studies of projects/initiatives across four countries: Lithuania, Greece, Slovenia and Portugal. The collected insights point to the persistence of gendered stereotypes, as well as prevailing misconceptions on the nature of ICT work. Furthermore, it points to the importance of teachers and educators, as well as the visibility of female role models in the industry. The investment in concrete and creative pursuits in ICT also appears as a defining factor to spark the interest of girls in the field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Del thriller a la cárcel: mujeres criminales en la obra cinematográfica de Isabel Coixet y Belén Macías

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    The presence of women filmmakers has been scarce in Spanish cinema. With the exception of Ana Mariscal, Josefina Molina and, above all, Pilar Miró, few filmmakers have achieved a stable film career. In the 1990s, new names appeared on the national film scene, with films of various genres starring women. Traditionally, two of the least related to female prominence have been prison drama and thriller, but Belén Macías and Isabel Coixet address them in El patio de mi cárcel (2008) and Mapa de los sonidos de Tokyo (2009), respectively. With the aim of knowing the evolution of these women filmmakers and highlighting their contribution in the treatment of these issues, the main characters of both films, framed in the field of criminality and in the fight against it, are analyzed as a person and as a role, according to Francesco Casetti and Federico Di Chio. From these considerations, this work aims to reflect on the faih of Macías and Coixet to treat two narrative genres usually linked to directors, to have the absolute leading role of female characters and to represent new roles for women in current Spanish cinema.     La presencia de mujeres directoras ha sido escasa en el cine español. Con la excepción de Ana Mariscal, Josefina Molina y, sobre todo, Pilar Miró, pocas cineastas han conseguido una carrera fílmica estable. En la década de los 90, nuevos nombres aparecieron en el panorama cinematográfico nacional, con películas protagonizadas por mujeres que pertenecían a diversos géneros. Tradicionalmente, dos de los menos relacionados con el protagonismo femenino han sido el drama carcelario y el thriller, pero Belén Macías e Isabel Coixet los abordan en El patio de mi cárcel (2008) y Mapa de los sonidos de Tokyo (2009), respectivamente. Con los objetivos de conocer la evolución de estas directoras y destacar su aportación en el tratamiento de esos temas, se analizan como persona y como rol –según Francesco Casetti y Federico Di Chio-, las protagonistas de ambas películas, enmarcadas en el ámbito de la criminalidad y en la lucha contra la misma. Desde estas consideraciones, este trabajo pretende reflexionar sobre la apuesta de Macías y de Coixet por tratar dos géneros narrativos habitualmente vinculados con directores, contar con el absoluto protagonismo de los personajes femeninos y plasmar nuevos roles para la mujer en el celuloide español actual

    Fashion films like a model of branded content. Study of Inside Chanel (2012-2019)

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    El sector de la moda de lujo ha reinventado sus formas de comunicar. Frente a los modelos publicitarios tradicionales de las revistas especializadas, las marcas intentan atraer con fórmulas ingeniosas a unos consumidores que demandan una mayor participación. Para realizar un adecuado branded content, han desarrollado un formato que consigue abarcar los valores que la marca desea transmitir y la involucración de los usuarios a través del storytelling. Así, como si de una película se tratase, los fashion films constituyen una herramienta muy adecuada para el ámbito publicitario en una industria tan competitiva. Para ello, se realiza un análisis de Inside Chanel (2012-2019), la serie de 25 fashion films de la marca francesa. Mediante un estudio de la firma y del propio formato publicitario, se pretende evidenciar el potencial de una de las fórmulas más novedosas y eficaces para comunicar moda de lujo en el siglo XXI.Luxury fashion sector has reinvented its ways of communication. Compared to the traditional advertising models of specialized magazines, brands tries to attract consumers with ingenious formulas because they demand greater participation. To make a proper branded content, brands have developed a format that manages to cover the values that a brand wishes to transmit and the involvement of users through storytelling. Thus, as if it were a movie, fashion films are a very suitable tool for the advertising field in such a competitive industry. To do this, an analysis of Inside Chanel (2012-2019), the serie of 25 fashion films of the French brand, is carried out. Through a study of this brand and the own advertising format, it is intended to demonstrate the potential of one of the most innovative and effective formula to communicate luxury fashion in the 21st century

    O design na valorização do território pelo produto: "As Ostras de Aveiro"

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    Mestrado em DesignA comunicação e diferenciação das culturas, revelando e ampliando os valores distintivos dos territórios, isto é a valorização dos locais num mundo global, apresenta-se-nos simultaneamente na necessidade para os territórios do século XXI e como oportunidade para o design atuar enquanto mediador cultural, na nossa contemporaneidade. O enquadramento da disciplina de design enquanto mediador cultural, amplia as abordagens mais clássicas ao conceito de design , tradicionalmente associada só ao desenho, revelando a capacidade disciplinar do design de incorporar estratégias de atuação transdisciplinares e multidisciplinares. O design, define-se nesta dissertação como metadesign. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho procura pelo design valorizar o território de Aveiro, agregando valor ao produto "Ostras de Aveiro" com a ambição de enriquecer a sua identidade, ampliando naturalmente a identidade do território em estudo, nas escalas local e global. A análise de conceitos pertinentes para a compreensão dos territórios do século XXI, nomeadamente a cidade do século XXI, os edifícios abandonados e sua re-funcionalização, a cultura ligada ao turismo e ao design enquanto metadesign e a identidade um produto e de uma cidade, possibilitou da construção de um campo teórico de suporte à construção de um cenário de projeto : " Ostras d'Aveiro" , propondo a re-funcionalização da antiga Lota de Aveiro, a criação da identidade das "Ostras de Aveiro" e o desenho da comunicação do sistema. A construção deste cenário de projeto revela várias competências disciplinares do design, desde a estratégia até à comunicação, passando pelo design de ambientes e serviços, que se apontam aqui apenas enquanto hipóteses de cenário, abrindo caminhos para desenvolvimentos futuros.The communication and differentiation of cultures, revealing and amplifying the distinctive values of the territories, this is the valorization of places in a global world, simultaneously shows us the necessity for the territories of the 21rst century and how the opportunity for design acts as a cultural mediator in our contemporary world. The framework of the discipline of design as cultural mediator expands classical approaches to the concept of design, traditionally associated only to the design, revealing the ability of the design to incorporate disciplinary strategies of action that is trans-disciplinary and multidisciplinary. The design is defined in this dissertation as MetaDesign. In this context, the present document looks to improve the value of the territory of Aveiro through design, adding value to the product “Oysters of Aveiro” with the ambition of enriching itʼs identity, naturally amplifying the identity of the territory being studied, in local and global scales. They analysis of pertinent concepts for the comprehension of the territories of the 21rst century, particularly the city of the 21rst century, the abandoned buildings and their re-usage, the culture related to tourism and design while metadesing and the identity of a product and a city, allowed for the construction of a scenery of project: “Ostras dʼAveiro”, proposing the re-functioning of the old Lota de Aveiro, the creation of the identity of the “Ostras de Aveiro” and the design of the communication of the system. The construction of this scenery of project reveals various disciplinary competencies of design, from the strategy to the communication, passing through design of environments and services, that are pointed out here for possibilities of scenery, opening paths for future developments