89 research outputs found

    Thermostabilities of grain ß-amylase and ß-glucanase in Finnish landrace barleys and their putative past adaptedness

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    vokEripainoksia saatavissa tekijöiltä. Yksikön huom.: KJ

    Effects of sand and straw bedding on the lying behavior, cleanliness, and hoof and hock injuries of dairy cows

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    "This experiment compared the effects of sand and straw bedding in free stalls on resting time, cleanliness, hock injuries, and hoof health of dairy cows and tested whether cow preferences for a bedding material depended on the familiarity with the material. A total of 52 dairy cows were kept either on straw bedded concrete stalls or sand stalls for at least 21 wk. The lying behavior was observed, and hock lesions, hoof health, and cleanliness of the cows and stalls were measured. A 5-d preference test between sand and straw stalls was conducted at the end of the experiment. The total daily duration of lying was longer for cows on straw bedding than on sand bedding (straw 749 +/- 16 vs. sand 678 +/- 19 min). During the preference test, cows that had been kept on straw bedding preferred lying in straw stalls [straw 218.7 (133.4 to 239.7) vs. sand 9.0 min (2.8 to 44.8)]; however, cows that had been kept on sand showed no preference [straw 101.3 (51.7 to 205.9) vs. sand 94.3 min (54.1 to 156.1, median and interquartile range)]. Although there were no differences in the dirtiness of stalls, the cows using straw stalls were dirtier than cows using sand stalls [straw 6.04 (5.39 to 6.28) vs. sand 4.19 (3.62 to 5.16)]. At the end of experiment the severity of hock lesions was lower for cows on sand than for cows on straw [sand 0.5 (0.0 to 1.0) vs. straw 1.0 (1.0 to 2.0)]. The improvement in overall hoof health over the observation period was greater for cows kept on sand compared with cows kept on straw [sand -2.00 (-3.75 to -0.25) vs. straw 0.00 (-2.00 to 2.00)]. Straw bedding increased the time that cows spend lying, and cows preferred straw stalls to sand stalls. However, previous experience with sand reduces avoidance of sand stalls. Sand stalls were advantageous for cow cleanliness and health; hock lesions and claw diseases healed more quickly for cows using sand stalls compared with straw.""This experiment compared the effects of sand and straw bedding in free stalls on resting time, cleanliness, hock injuries, and hoof health of dairy cows and tested whether cow preferences for a bedding material depended on the familiarity with the material. A total of 52 dairy cows were kept either on straw bedded concrete stalls or sand stalls for at least 21 wk. The lying behavior was observed, and hock lesions, hoof health, and cleanliness of the cows and stalls were measured. A 5-d preference test between sand and straw stalls was conducted at the end of the experiment. The total daily duration of lying was longer for cows on straw bedding than on sand bedding (straw 749 +/- 16 vs. sand 678 +/- 19 min). During the preference test, cows that had been kept on straw bedding preferred lying in straw stalls [straw 218.7 (133.4 to 239.7) vs. sand 9.0 min (2.8 to 44.8)]; however, cows that had been kept on sand showed no preference [straw 101.3 (51.7 to 205.9) vs. sand 94.3 min (54.1 to 156.1, median and interquartile range)]. Although there were no differences in the dirtiness of stalls, the cows using straw stalls were dirtier than cows using sand stalls [straw 6.04 (5.39 to 6.28) vs. sand 4.19 (3.62 to 5.16)]. At the end of experiment the severity of hock lesions was lower for cows on sand than for cows on straw [sand 0.5 (0.0 to 1.0) vs. straw 1.0 (1.0 to 2.0)]. The improvement in overall hoof health over the observation period was greater for cows kept on sand compared with cows kept on straw [sand -2.00 (-3.75 to -0.25) vs. straw 0.00 (-2.00 to 2.00)]. Straw bedding increased the time that cows spend lying, and cows preferred straw stalls to sand stalls. However, previous experience with sand reduces avoidance of sand stalls. Sand stalls were advantageous for cow cleanliness and health; hock lesions and claw diseases healed more quickly for cows using sand stalls compared with straw.""This experiment compared the effects of sand and straw bedding in free stalls on resting time, cleanliness, hock injuries, and hoof health of dairy cows and tested whether cow preferences for a bedding material depended on the familiarity with the material. A total of 52 dairy cows were kept either on straw bedded concrete stalls or sand stalls for at least 21 wk. The lying behavior was observed, and hock lesions, hoof health, and cleanliness of the cows and stalls were measured. A 5-d preference test between sand and straw stalls was conducted at the end of the experiment. The total daily duration of lying was longer for cows on straw bedding than on sand bedding (straw 749 +/- 16 vs. sand 678 +/- 19 min). During the preference test, cows that had been kept on straw bedding preferred lying in straw stalls [straw 218.7 (133.4 to 239.7) vs. sand 9.0 min (2.8 to 44.8)]; however, cows that had been kept on sand showed no preference [straw 101.3 (51.7 to 205.9) vs. sand 94.3 min (54.1 to 156.1, median and interquartile range)]. Although there were no differences in the dirtiness of stalls, the cows using straw stalls were dirtier than cows using sand stalls [straw 6.04 (5.39 to 6.28) vs. sand 4.19 (3.62 to 5.16)]. At the end of experiment the severity of hock lesions was lower for cows on sand than for cows on straw [sand 0.5 (0.0 to 1.0) vs. straw 1.0 (1.0 to 2.0)]. The improvement in overall hoof health over the observation period was greater for cows kept on sand compared with cows kept on straw [sand -2.00 (-3.75 to -0.25) vs. straw 0.00 (-2.00 to 2.00)]. Straw bedding increased the time that cows spend lying, and cows preferred straw stalls to sand stalls. However, previous experience with sand reduces avoidance of sand stalls. Sand stalls were advantageous for cow cleanliness and health; hock lesions and claw diseases healed more quickly for cows using sand stalls compared with straw."Peer reviewe

    Työn tehokkuus osana kannattavaa lypsykarjataloutta - Case-tutkimus kahdella pohjoissavolaisella lypsykarjatilalla

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    Lypsykarjatilojen taloudellinen tilanne on muuttunut viimeisen kolmen vuoden aikana merkittävästi. Maitomarkkinoilla kysyntä ja tarjonta eivät ole tasapainossa maitokiintiöiden poistumisesta ja Venäjän toiminnasta johtuen. Koska tuottajat eivät voi itse vaikuttaa tuottamansa maidon markkinahintaan, täytyy tuotantoa pyrkiä optimoimaan markkinahintaa vastaavaksi. Tuotannon volyymin kasvattaminen on yksi keino parantaa tuottavuutta ja alentaa yksikkökustannuksia. Tässä tapaustutkimuksessa selvitettiin työnkäytön tehokkuuden vaikutusta suomalaisen lypsykarjatilan talouteen. Vastausta etsitään kysymykseen parantaako tehokas työskentely lypsykarjatilan kannattavuutta. Tutkimukseen osallistui kaksi pohjoissavolaista pitkälle automatisoitua lypsykarjatilaa, toisella tilalla on kaksi ja toisella kolme lypsyrobottia. Molemmilla tiloilla on täydennetty seosrehuruokinta. Tutkimusaineistoa koottiin haastatteluin, työaikamittauksin ja vuoden 2014 kirjanpidosta, ajankäyttöä mitattiin tasavälihavainnointimenetelmällä. Navetalla päivittäin kuluvaa aika eritellään lypsyyn, ruokintaan, puhdistukseen ja muihin töihin. Työnkäytön vaikutusta tilojen talouteen tutkittiin katetuottomenetelmän mukaisella Taloussuunnitelma-laskentapohjalla. Laskelmien avulla selvitettiin tilakohtaiset talouden tunnusluvut sekä kokonaistyöaika. Kasvinviljelytöihin kuluvaa aikaa arvioitiin TTS-Manager-ohjelmalla. Tilojen laitehankintoja tai niiden talousvaikutuksiin ei tarkastella, mutta kiinteitä kustannuksia on vertailtu toisiinsa. Työn tehokkuutta mittaamalla ja arvioimalla voidaan kehittää tilan toimintaa osa-alue kerrallaan. Jokaisen työvaiheen perusteellinen läpikäyminen auttaa löytämään kehitettävät kohteet. Tulokset ovat vertailukelpoisia, kun ne suhteutetaan esimerkiksi tuotannon määrään. Työn tuottavuutta voidaan mitata esimerkiksi lehmää kohden käytettävänä työaikana vuotta kohti (h- eläin-1 v-1) tai kuinka monta litraa maitoa tuotetaan työtuntia kohden (l-1 h-1 v-1). Vaikka tilojen työskentelyä selvitettiin yksityiskohtaisesti tutkimuksen aikana, niin ei pyritty etsimään oikeita tai vääriä tapoja työskennellä navetassa. Työssä keskitytään navettatöihin kuluvaan aikaan ja pohditaan sen vaikutusta työkustannukseen. Tiloilla oli koneellistettu samat työvaiheet ja erot työajoissa johtuivat työskentelytavoista. Tehokkaammalla tilalla navetalla kuluu aikaa lehmää kohti 28 tuntia vuodessa ja toisella tilalla 48 tuntia. Tutkimustilat pärjäävät hyvin kansainvälisessä vertailussa. Tuottavuudeltaan heikompi tila tuottaa noin 175 litraa maitoa yhtä työtuntia kohti, kun taas tehokkaampi tila tuottaa 390 litraa, mikä on enemmän kuin tanskalaisilla tiloilla keskimäärin (255 l-1 h-1). Työn tehokkuus näkyy tilojen talouden tunnusluvuissa. Tehokkaammalla tilalla kannattavuuskerroin on 1.43 ja yrittäjätulo 235 000 €. Toisella tilalla kannattavuuskerroin on 0.19 ja yrittäjätulo 28 400 €. Tehokas työskentely ei kuitenkaan osoittautunut ratkaisevaksi tekijäksi tässä työssä kannattavuutta selvitettäessä

    Invertebrates are declining in boreal aquatic habitat : The effect of brownification?

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    Surface water browning affects boreal lakes in the Northern Hemisphere. This process is expected to increase with global warming. Boreal lakes are the most numerous lakes on Earth. These ecosystems are particularly sensitive to disturbances due to their low biodiversity compared to other aquatic environments. The recent darkening of surface water is expected to hinder key ecosystem processes, particularly through lower primary productivity and loss of biodiversity. However, studies based on long-term data collections have rarely been conducted on the ecological consequences of water browning on aquatic food webs, especially concerning its impacts on invertebrate communities. For the first time, our analysis based on two decades of data collection in Finnish lakes highlighted a relation between water browning and a decline in aquatic macroinvertebrate abundances. Aquatic invertebrates are the main food resource for many secondary predators such as fish and waterbirds, hence such effect on their populations may have major consequences for boreal ecosystem functioning.Peer reviewe

    Drug-Eluting Stent Shows Similar Patency Results as Prosthetic Bypass in Patients with Femoropopliteal Occlusion in a Randomized Trial

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    Background: Claudication and critical limb threatening ischemia are significant causes of mortality in the elderly. The gold standard of superficial femoral artery (SFA) revascularization is thus far considered to be the femoropopliteal bypass. The aim of this study was to compare mid-term patency between drug-eluting stents (DESs) and prosthetic bypass grafts (BSX). Studies have reported comparable results for both the methods. Methods: Forty-six patients with claudication or rest pain due to a 5-25 cm SFA occlusion were randomized between DES and BSX groups. The follow-up period was 24 months, and the primary outcome measure was overall patency. Secondary outcome measures were primary and primary assisted patency, change in ankle-brachial index (ABI), and amputation-free survival. Results: Forty-one patients were eventually analyzed. Six-month secondary patency was 91% (DES) versus 83% (BSX) (P = 0.450). The corresponding numbers at 12 months in the DES and BSX groups were 74% and 80% (P = 0.750), respectively. At 24 months, the respective numbers were 56% and 71% (P = 0.830). There were no statistically significant differences in primary or assisted primary patency at 1, 6, or 12 months. Conclusion: There were no demonstrable differences in patency rates or clinical outcomes such as ABI or major amputations between DES and BSX. Although underpowered, the results suggest noninferiority of the DES compared with prosthetic bypass surgery.Peer reviewe

    Very High Spatial Resolution Soil Moisture Observation of Heterogeneous Subarctic Catchment Using Nonlocal Averaging and Multitemporal SAR Data

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    A soil moisture estimation method was developed for Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ground range detected high resolution (GRDH) data to analyze moisture conditions in a gently undulating and heterogeneous subarctic area containing forests, wetlands, and open orographic tundra. In order to preserve the original 10-m pixel spacing, PIMSAR (pixel-based multitemporal nonlocal averaging) nonlocal mean filtering was applied. It was guided by multitemporal statistics of SAR images in the area. The gradient boosted trees (GBT) machine learning method was used for the soil moisture algorithm development. Discrete and continuous in situ soil moisture values were used for training and validation of the algorithm. For surface soil moisture, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the method was 6.5% and 8.8% for morning and evening images, respectively. The corresponding maximum errors were 34.1% and 33.8%. The pixelwise sensitivity to the training set and method choice was estimated as the variance of the soil moisture values derived using the algorithms for the three best methods with respect to the criteria: the smallest maximum error, the smallest RMSE value, and the highest coefficient of determination (R-2) value. It was, on average, 6.3% with a standard deviation of 5.7%. Our approach successfully produced instantaneous high-resolution soil moisture estimates on daily basis for the subarctic landscape and can further be applied to various hydrological, biogeochemical, and management purposes.Peer reviewe

    Very High Spatial Resolution Soil Moisture Observation of Heterogeneous Subarctic Catchment Using Nonlocal Averaging and Multitemporal SAR Data

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    A soil moisture estimation method was developed for Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ground range detected high resolution (GRDH) data to analyze moisture conditions in a gently undulating and heterogeneous subarctic area containing forests, wetlands, and open orographic tundra. In order to preserve the original 10-m pixel spacing, PIMSAR (pixel-based multitemporal nonlocal averaging) nonlocal mean filtering was applied. It was guided by multitemporal statistics of SAR images in the area. The gradient boosted trees (GBT) machine learning method was used for the soil moisture algorithm development. Discrete and continuous in situ soil moisture values were used for training and validation of the algorithm. For surface soil moisture, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the method was 6.5% and 8.8% for morning and evening images, respectively. The corresponding maximum errors were 34.1% and 33.8%. The pixelwise sensitivity to the training set and method choice was estimated as the variance of the soil moisture values derived using the algorithms for the three best methods with respect to the criteria: the smallest maximum error, the smallest RMSE value, and the highest coefficient of determination (R-2) value. It was, on average, 6.3% with a standard deviation of 5.7%. Our approach successfully produced instantaneous high-resolution soil moisture estimates on daily basis for the subarctic landscape and can further be applied to various hydrological, biogeochemical, and management purposes.Peer reviewe