173 research outputs found

    Characterization of organic-rich mineral debris revealed by rapid glacier retreat, Indren Glacier, European Alps

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    In the summer of 2003 and 2004, characterized by a rapid glacier retreat, a stony surface covered by well-structured organic-rich mineral debris was observed very close to the Indren glacier terminus (Monte Rosa Massif, NW Italy, 3100 m ASL), on an area covered by the glacier tongue till the year before. The origin and type of this organic-rich material were investigated, in order to detect their characteristics, potential sources and fate within the foreland system. The deposits were dated using Carbon-14 and analyzed for the chemical characteristics of the organic component, the elemental composition of the mineral fraction and presence of microbial markers. The material, granular and dark in color, had a total organic carbon (TOC) content ranging between 17.4 ± 0.39 and 28.1 ± 0.63 g kg−1^{−1} dry weight (dw), significantly higher than the surrounding glacial till (~ 1.4 g kg−1^{−1} dw), although only 0.33% of it was in water soluble form. Microbial carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) accounted for 10.6% and 3.13% of TOC and total N, respectively. Dissolved nitrogen (N), mainly present as ammonium, represented 2.40% of the total N. The low aromatic component and large presence of nitrogen (N)-derived compounds suggested that most of the organic carbon (OC) in these organic-rich mineral deposits was derived from microbial cells, although the high average radiocarbon age of about 2900 years may also point to the contribution of aeolian depositions of anthropogenic or natural origin. Elemental composition and the crustal enrichment factor of trace elements in the mineral fraction of the aggregates corroborated the hypothesis that most part of the accumulated material derived from ice meltwater. Some indicators of the colonization of these deposits by microbial communities were also reported, from the abundance of DNA and phylogenetic markers, to the presence of bacterial taxa commonly able to thrive in similar habitats. All these elements suggested that such kind of deposits may have a potential role as energy and nutrient sources in recently deglaciated areas, highlighting the necessity to better understand the processes underlying their formation and their evolution

    Group status drives majority and minority integration preferences

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    WOS:000300955100009 (NÂș de Acesso Web of Science)“PrĂ©mio CientĂ­fico ISCTE-IUL 2013”This research examined preferences for national-and campus-level assimilative and pluralistic policies among Black and White students under different contexts, as majority-and minority-group members. We targeted attitudes at two universities, one where 85% of the student body is White, and another where 76% of students are Black. The results revealed that when a group constituted the majority, its members generally preferred assimilationist policies, and when a group constituted the minority, its members generally preferred pluralistic policies. The results support a functional perspective: Both majority and minority groups seek to protect and enhance their collective identities

    Quadratic BSDEs driven by a continuous martingale and application to utility maximization problem

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    In this paper, we study a class of quadratic Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (BSDEs) which arises naturally when studying the problem of utility maximization with portfolio constraints. We first establish existence and uniqueness results for such BSDEs and then, we give an application to the utility maximization problem. Three cases of utility functions will be discussed: the exponential, power and logarithmic ones

    The ArDM experiment

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    The aim of the ArDM project is the development and operation of a one ton double-phase liquid argon detector for direct Dark Matter searches. The detector measures both the scintillation light and the ionization charge from ionizing radiation using two independent readout systems. This paper briefly describes the detector concept and presents preliminary results from the ArDM R&D program, including a 3 l prototype developed to test the charge readout system.Comment: Proceedings of the Epiphany 2010 Conference, to be published in Acta Physica Polonica

    Fires at Neumark-Nord 2, Germany: An analysis of fire proxies from a Last Interglacial Middle Palaeolithic basin site

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    Few sites with evidence for fire use are known from the Last Interglacial in Europe. Hearth features are rarely preserved, probably as a result of post-depositional processes. The small postglacial basins (<300 m in diameter) that dominate the sedimentary context of the Eemian record in Europe are high-resolution environmental archives often containing charcoal particles. This case study presents the macroscopic charcoal record of the Neumark-Nord 2 basin, Germany, and the correlation of this record with the distinct find levels of the basin margin that also contain thermally altered archaeological material. Increased charcoal quantities are shown to correspond to phases of hominin presence-a pattern that fits best with recurrent anthropogenic fires within the watershed. This research shows the potential of small basin localities in the reconstruction of local fire histories, where clear archaeological features like hearths are missing

    Search for anomalies in the neutrino sector with muon spectrometers and large LArTPC imaging detectors at CERN

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    A new experiment with an intense ~2 GeV neutrino beam at CERN SPS is proposed in order to definitely clarify the possible existence of additional neutrino states, as pointed out by neutrino calibration source experiments, reactor and accelerator experiments and measure the corresponding oscillation parameters. The experiment is based on two identical LAr-TPCs complemented by magnetized spectrometers detecting electron and muon neutrino events at Far and Near positions, 1600 m and 300 m from the proton target, respectively. The ICARUS T600 detector, the largest LAr-TPC ever built with a size of about 600 ton of imaging mass, now running in the LNGS underground laboratory, will be moved at the CERN Far position. An additional 1/4 of the T600 detector (T150) will be constructed and located in the Near position. Two large area spectrometers will be placed downstream of the two LAr-TPC detectors to perform charge identification and muon momentum measurements from sub-GeV to several GeV energy range, greatly complementing the physics capabilities. This experiment will offer remarkable discovery potentialities, collecting a very large number of unbiased events both in the neutrino and antineutrino channels, largely adequate to definitely settle the origin of the observed neutrino-related anomalies.Comment: Contribution to the European Strategy for Particle Physics - Open Symposium Preparatory Group, Kracow 10-12 September 201

    Feasibility of a walking virtual reality system for rehabilitation: objective and subjective parameters

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    [EN] Background: Even though virtual reality (VR) is increasingly used in rehabilitation, the implementation of walking navigation in VR still poses a technological challenge for current motion tracking systems. Different metaphors simulate locomotion without involving real gait kinematics, which can affect presence, orientation, spatial memory and cognition, and even performance. All these factors can dissuade their use in rehabilitation. We hypothesize that a marker-based head tracking solution would allow walking in VR with high sense of presence and without causing sickness. The objectives of this study were to determine the accuracy, the jitter, and the lag of the tracking system and its elicited sickness and presence in comparison of a CAVE system. Methods: The accuracy and the jitter around the working area at three different heights and the lag of the head tracking system were analyzed. In addition, 47 healthy subjects completed a search task that involved navigation in the walking VR system and in the CAVE system. Navigation was enabled by natural locomotion in the walking VR system and through a specific device in the CAVE system. An HMD was used as display in the walking VR system. After interacting with each system, subjects rated their sickness in a seven-point scale and their presence in the Slater-Usoh-Steed Questionnaire and a modified version of the Presence Questionnaire. Results: Better performance was registered at higher heights, where accuracy was less than 0.6 cm and the jitter was about 6 mm. The lag of the system was 120 ms. Participants reported that both systems caused similar low levels of sickness (about 2.4 over 7). However, ratings showed that the walking VR system elicited higher sense of presence than the CAVE system in both the Slater-Usoh-Steed Questionnaire (17.6 +/- 0.3 vs 14.6 +/- 0.6 over 21, respectively) and the modified Presence Questionnaire (107.4 +/- 2.0 vs 93.5 +/- 3.2 over 147, respectively). Conclusions: The marker-based solution provided accurate, robust, and fast head tracking to allow navigation in the VR system by walking without causing relevant sickness and promoting higher sense of presence than CAVE systems, thus enabling natural walking in full-scale environments, which can enhance the ecological validity of VR-based rehabilitation applications.The authors wish to thank the staff of LabHuman for their support in this project, especially JosĂ© Miguel MartĂ­nez and JosĂ© Roda for their assistance. This study was funded in part by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (Project NeuroVR, TIN2013-44741-R and Project REACT, TIN2014-61975-EXP), by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia of Spain (Project Consolider-C, SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), and by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Grant PAID-10-14).Borrego, A.; Latorre Grau, J.; Llorens RodrĂ­guez, R.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; NoĂ©, E. (2016). Feasibility of a walking virtual reality system for rehabilitation: objective and subjective parameters. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 13:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12984-016-0174-1S1913Lee KM. Presence. Explicated Communication Theory. 2004;14(1):27–50.Riva G. Is presence a technology issue? Some insights from cognitive sciences. Virtual Reality. 2009;13(3):159–69.Banos RM, et al. Immersion and emotion: their impact on the sense of presence. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2004;7(6):734–41.Llorens R, et al. Tracking systems for virtual rehabilitation: objective performance vs. subjective experience. A practical scenario. Sensors (Basel). 2015;15(3):6586–606.Navarro MD, et al. Validation of a low-cost virtual reality system for training street-crossing. A comparative study in healthy, neglected and non-neglected stroke individuals. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2013;23(4):597–618.Parsons TD. Virtual reality for enhanced ecological validity and experimental control in the clinical, affective and social neurosciences. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015;9:660.Cameirao MS, et al. Neurorehabilitation using the virtual reality based Rehabilitation Gaming System: methodology, design, psychometrics, usability and validation. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2010;7:48.Llorens R, et al. Improvement in balance using a virtual reality-based stepping exercise: a randomized controlled trial involving individuals with chronic stroke. Clin Rehabil. 2015;29(3):261–8.Llorens R, et al. Videogame-based group therapy to improve self-awareness and social skills after traumatic brain injury. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2015;12:37.Fong KN, et al. Usability of a virtual reality environment simulating an automated teller machine for assessing and training persons with acquired brain injury. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2010;7:19.Levin MF, Weiss PL, Keshner EA. Emergence of virtual reality as a tool for upper limb rehabilitation: incorporation of motor control and motor learning principles. Phys Ther. 2015;95(3):415–25.Llorens R, et al. Effectiveness, usability, and cost-benefit of a virtual reality-based telerehabilitation program for balance recovery after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015;96(3):418–25. e2.Cruz-Neira C, et al. Scientists in wonderland: A report on visualization applications in the CAVE virtual reality environment. In: 1993. Proceedings IEEE 1993 Symposium on Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality. 1993.Juan MC, Perez D. 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