12 research outputs found

    Aligning Predictive Uncertainty with Clarification Questions in Grounded Dialog

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    Asking for clarification is fundamental to effective collaboration. An interactive artificial agent must know when to ask a human instructor for more information in order to ascertain their goals. Previous work bases the timing of questions on supervised models learned from interactions between humans. Instead of a supervised classification task, we wish to ground the need for questions in the acting agent’s predictive uncertainty. In this work, we investigate if ambiguous linguistic instructions can be aligned with uncertainty in neural models. We train an agent using the T5 encoder-decoder architecture to solve the Minecraft Collaborative Building Task and identify uncertainty metrics that achieve better distributional separation between clear and ambiguous instructions. We further show that well-calibrated prediction probabilities benefit the detection of ambiguous instructions. Lastly, we provide a novel empirical analysis on the relationship between uncertainty and dialog history length and highlight an important property that poses a difficulty for detection

    The Effect of the Combination of Tera Gymnastics and Square Stepping Exercises on the Level of the Elderly's Dynamic Balance

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    With increasing age, there is a decrease in the degenerative body, such as a decrease in musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and cardiovascular functions, as well as a reduced ability to perform daily activities. One of the declines in musculoskeletal function is a decrease in muscle function, which causes muscle fibres to shrink, causing a decrease in strength, muscle mass, and bone mass. This causes dynamic balance disorders in the elderly. To improve and maintain dynamic balance, a combination of Tera Gymnastics and Square Stepping exercises are given to the elderly. This study aimed to determine whether there is an effect of the combination of Tera Gymnastics and Square Stepping Exercises on the level of the dynamic balance of the elderly in Sasana Malang. The research design was pre-experimental, namely the One Group Pre-Test and Post-Test Design. The study was focused on 35 elderly people for four weeks. The research instrument used was the Timed Up and Go Test. Shapiro Wilk Test data was normal, Pre-Test was 14.2317, and Post-Test was 11.9480. Paired Sample T Test significance was 0.000, H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. It was discovered that a combination of Tera Gymnastics and Square Stepping exercises for 4 weeks increases the dynamic balance of the elderly in Sasana Malang. Keywords: tera, square stepping exercise, dynamic balanc

    The Combination of Tera Gymnastics and Square Stepping Exercises on the Dynamic Balance of the Elderly

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    With increasing age, there is a decrease in the functions of the degenerative body, including a decrease in the functions of the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and cardiovascular areas, as well as a reduced ability to perform daily activities. One of the declines in musculoskeletal function is a decrease in muscle function which causes muscle fibers to shrink, causing a decrease in strength, muscle mass, and bone mass. This causes dynamic balance disorders in the elderly. To improve and maintain dynamic balance, a combination of tera and Square Stepping exercises is recommended for the elderly. This study aimed to determine whether there is an effect of the combination of tera and Square Stepping exercises on the level of the dynamic balance of the elderly in the elderly community at the Sasana Malang. This study followed a pre-experimental, namely One Group Pre-Test and Post-Test, design. 35 elderly people in the elderly community at Sasana Malang for 4 weeks were studied in this research. Timed Up and Go Test instruments were used. The results discovered that the Shapiro Wilk Test data was normal, Pre-Test was 14.2317 and Post-Test was 11.9480. Paired Sample T Test significance was 0.000, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. A combination of tera and Square Stepping exercises for 4 weeks increases the dynamic balance of the elderly in the elderly community at the Sasana Malang. Keywords: Tera, Square Stepping Exercise, dynamic balanc

    Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Dalam Penjualan Batu Bata Merah Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Masyarakat di Desa Lenek Ramban Biak

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    Batu bata adalah bahan bangunan yang telah lama dikenal dan umum digunakan olehmasyarakat seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah dan laju perkembangan penduduk. Batu batamerupakan material yang terbuat dari tanah liat dengan atau tanpa campuran tambahan (additive) yang melalui beberapa proses dan tahapan.Sistem penjualan atau pemasaran pembuatan batu bata di desa Lenek Ramban Biak masih dilakukan dengan cara yang sederhana yaitu penjualan langsung di lokasi pembuatan, kondisi ini menyebabkan pemasaran batu bata jadi terhambat tidak sebanding dengan jumlah produksi masyarakat. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut perlu dilakukan upaya pemasaran yang lebih efektif dan efisien sehingga produk lebih dikenal masyarakat salah satunya melalui media social. Langkah awal yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian masyarakat adalah sosialisasi kepada masyarakat terkait pemanfaatan media social sebagai wadah untuk pemasaran produk. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan media social untuk promosi dan pemasaran produk, diharapkan semakin dikenalnya produk masyarakat sehingga nilai produk batu bata yang dipasarkan bisa lebih meningkat

    Fasilitas pelatihan dan pembinaan pemain muda persebaya di Surabaya

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    Fasilitas pelatihan dan pembinaan pemain muda Persebaya ini merupakan sebuah fasilitas pelatihan sepakbola yang menggabungkan antara pendidikan olahraga sepakbola dengan pendidikan sekolah. Fasilitas yang direncanakan meliputi lapangan sepakbola outdoor, fasilitas penginapan, fasilitas pendidikan, dan juga fasilitas penunjang seperti ruang serbaguna, kantor pengelola dan servis. Konsep bentukan desain bangunan berangkat dari sejarah Persebaya .Bangunan ini menerapkan konsep penghawaan alami yang dilatar belakangi oleh fungsi bangunan sebagai bangunan non komersil

    Penerapan Rekayasa Nilai pada Proyek Pembangunan Rumah Tipe 39 di Perumahan Sapphire Park Regency Surabaya

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    Surabaya merupakan kota terbesar kedua setelah Jakarta sekaligus pusat bisnis properti. Salah satu pengembang properti adalah PT. Ladang Rizki Jaya Sentosa yang sedang merencanakan pembangunan proyek Perumahan Sapphire Park Regency di kawasan Surabaya Barat. Studi kasus yang digunakan adalah unit rumah tipe 39 pada Perumahan Sapphire Park Regency, Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari 4 tahap rencana kerja rekayasa nilai, yaitu tahap informasi, tahap kreatif, tahap analisa dan tahap rekomendasi. Ada tiga item pekerjaan yang memiliki biaya tidak diperlukan paling besar yaitu pekerjaan lantai utama, pekerjaan atap, dan pekerjaan dinding. Untuk pekerjaan lantai utama diperoleh penghematan LCC sebesar Rp. 330.281 atau 6,8%. Untuk pekerjaan atap diperoleh penghematan LCC sebesar Rp. 568.727 atau 12%. Untuk pekerjaan dinding diperoleh penghematan LCC sebesar Rp. 2.507.753 atau 5,4 %


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    Good technology of seed storage will give advantage for farmer and merchant because it can increase the economic value and seed viability. The research aims were 1) to determine the effect of seed storage and nursery methods to the growth and yield of Japanese bunching onion and 2) to determine the optimal seed storage and nursery methods to increase the productivity of Japanese bunching onion. The research was composed in two activities. First, the laboratory research was designed in completely randomized design (CRD) single factor with three treatments, namely the seed storage methods with fumigation, silica gel, and aluminum foil. Second, the field research was designed in randomized complete block design (RCBD) factorial with three blocks as replication. The first factors were the nursery methods, namely bed and polybag nursery methods. The second factors were the seed storage methods, namely the seed storage methods with fumigation, silica gel, and aluminum foil. The observations were on several variables of seed germination, growth and yield of onion leaf. Data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 5% level, and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed methods of fumigation, silica gel and aluminum foil methods could be used in the storage of Japanese bunching onion seed. Japanese bunching onion seed nursery using polybag nursery method produced higher seedling vigor at the time of transplanting and provided higher yield when compared to bed nursery method

    Case Report : Dicephalic parapagus conjoined twins

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    Dicephalic twins account for around 11% of all conjoined twins. Dicephalic parapagus is an uncommon form of lateral partial twinning characterized by two heads on one trunk. A 25-year-old primigravida was referred to our clinic with a conjoined twin diagnosis, which was made for the first time at 29 weeks of gestation. The fetus had two heads, two separate necks, two vertebrae, a fused heart with two apexes, four ventricles, three atriums, two gastrics, a fused liver, four kidneys (one of which had hydronephrosis and the other concurrent hydroureteric), two bladders, one male gender, two arms, and two legs, according to an ultrasound. A second case is a pair of conjoined twins that were discovered at 20 weeks of gestation and are 29 years old. The results of an ultrasonographic test showed that the fetus has two vertebrae, one heart, one hepar, one umbilical insertion, and one foot with a congenitally equinovarous talus and a rocker bottom. Both pregnancies ended due to family requests for termination and after a conjoined twin committee meeting in our hospital was approved and the unseparable conjoined twin fetus diagnosis was made. The size of two heads necessitated a Caesarean operation.&nbsp

    Case report : Dicephalic parapagus conjoined twins

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    ABSTRACT Dicephalic twins account for around 11% of all conjoined twins. Dicephalic parapagus is an uncommon form of lateral partial twinning characterized by two heads on one trunk. A 25-year-old primigravida was referred to our clinic with a conjoined twin diagnosis, which was made for the first time at 29 weeks of gestation. The fetus had two heads, two separate necks, two vertebrae, a fused heart with two apexes, four ventricles, three atriums, two gastrics, a fused liver, four kidneys (one of which had hydronephrosis and the other concurrent hydroureteric), two bladders, one male gender, two arms, and two legs, according to an ultrasound. A second case is a pair of conjoined twins that were discovered at 20 weeks of gestation and are 29 years old. The results of an ultrasonographic test showed that the fetus has two vertebrae, one heart, one hepar, one umbilical insertion, and one foot with a congenitally equinovarous talus and a rocker bottom. Both pregnancies ended due to family requests for termination and after a conjoined twin committee meeting in our hospital was approved and the unseparable conjoined twin fetus diagnosis was made. The size of two heads necessitated a Caesarean operation